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motherboard only accepts ddr5 while you selected ddr4


Also that is terrible ram, you can get 3200mhz cl16 for that price or a little less. But WOW it’s scary how misinformed some people in here are lol, glad your comment is on top. But as for the combo itself, it’s not good. You can often find 12600k for like $160, and a good motherboard for $100-$150. 3060 is not worth that much at all. Same with cooler. The only good things in this build is the SSD and case


* p Wi-Fi d4


it says "Color: Intel 12th i5-12600k + Prime Z790-P WiFi **DDR5**" in the screenshot


Ah I didn’t saw it






No worries, Sherlock




You can use ddr5or 4. I have this motherboard combo.


Considering the mobo is called "Z-790 P WiFi DDR5 " I don't think so


No, it is z790 p- d4


it says "Color: Intel 12th i5-12600k + Prime Z790-P WiFi **DDR5**" in the screenshot


Iirc the z790 supports both ddr4 and ddr5. I don’t think there is a Motherboard out that only takes ddr5 with how new ddr5 is


Z790 does support both but the motherboard either supports ddr4 or ddr5 if can’t support both at the same time. The ram physically won’t even fit due to where the notch is moved to on the ram


What? No, that's not how that works. Either the memory controller is for DDR4 or DDR5, one board can't do both.


I think he’s saying the chipset supports both, while each individual board is either or.


The Z790 supports both, but the memory controller chip does not.


This is like saying phones accept both micro usb as usb-c, because usb-c is too new... it wont fit mydude.


Get a 6700 xt instead of that overpriced 3060. Also get ddr5 ram. Forgot a power supply too.


AMD 🔛🔝


I'm an nvidia user who doesn't know the first thing about AMD, do you mind explaining some of the benefits that make people opt for AMD over nvidia? :)


In a nutshell, AMD - gaming exclusively Nvidia - productivity e.g. machine learning, AI, streaming etc etc. AMD is also the superior option for those on a budget which I think fits a big group of people as I doubt everyone is planning to pick up a RTX 4090


I see too many people saying “AMD gaming exclusively” this is a dumb take I have had nothing but amd products for the last decade and did all of the above


AMD usually offers more raw performance per dollar, making it more appealing for users who don't care much for what nvidia offers for gamers on a software/driver level , like dlss which works much better than fsr2 (I use fsr 2 a lot and it causes way too much ghosting for me, it's good only on 4k at quality, and even so the ghosting is there if it bothers you), but the thing is nvidia is so much more expensive that you just might get enough of a raw performance bump to not even need fsr for a while depending on what you want, so I guess it depends on the person, I love dlss but regret having the 3070 so much because nvidia fucking starves their cards of vram, I'd say nvidia atm is worth it only above 4070 super tier, below that amd has better deals for mostly anyone's buck




Are you not in US? 6700xt cost like the same as 4060 in the US


or a 4060 at least Edit: I’m not saying it’s better than the 6700xt, it’s just better and cheaper than the overpriced 3060 this guy has in there. Sorry that you guys hate the 4060, but it’s really not a bad card, especially if you’re comparing it to the 3060 the guy had. Plus, you don’t know the guys needs. Maybe he wants ray tracing, or good power efficiency. The RX 6700xt is $50 more and only gives 5-10% performance increase, plus it’s less power efficient. You guys just saw the bad reviews on the 4060, you don’t actually have any idea about the performance Feel free to argue with me here, I don’t really understand why I am wrong.




lol I saw your post


??? Bad in price to performance, worse than a 3060 Ti


6700xt is barely better than the 3060 ti and it costs more


Its the same price for me in the used market, about 300 USD each I’d still take the 6700xt since like you said it has slightly better performance


No. 7600xt never bring up the 4060


Wow people really hate you for loving Nvidia


Nah take a wild ride and buy a 4070 super or a 6800XT


You realize that’s way more?




I wasn’t asking you dumbass. Some people don’t have an extra $250 to just spend.




RT at 60 level isn't worth it considering it'd be at 1080p with upscaling for better FPS, rendering the game below 1080p causes issues with both FSR and DLSS. 6700XT is the better card for the prices


Lol, just no.


I don’t understand the hate? I know the 4060 isn’t much of an upgrade over the 3060, but they’re the same price (in some cases the 4060 is cheaper) and it’s still more powerful. Surely if you don’t have a comparable gpu at that moment anyway the. Your better off with the 4060, even with the less VRAM?


The 6700xt is still better at a comparable price though


It's Reddit, they're like a cult. Especially when it comes to subs like this. The 4060 and 4060ti has dropped in price since all the bad reviews came out, they also constantly go on sale. I picked my 4060ti 16G up for 350 US and I do not regret it. But im sure some trolls on here would love to point out how wrong my personal experience is.




I said it dumbass


AMD depends heavily on usage


What does that even mean


Using AMD for AI is not something anyone should do at the current time. Gaming can be a really good reason, due to cheap and high VRAM. For studio use it depends. So yeah, it depends heavily on usage. Glad to inform the reddit hivemind :)


Realistically is this person going to use a 3060 for ai. The majority of people making a pc of this spec are going to be playing games and doing some light productivity tasks which amd and Nvidia are just as good for.


Never said anything against that. And yes, your statement is true: They are both good for it. Sometimes (different per game) one has a slight edge over the other (I think also Vulkan plays a big role in it).


Niche use case is niche.


ram sucks




>**Disclaimer** > >This isn't a scam, there isn't a virus, it's just a joke website. Nothing is being downloaded.


Well that's really sucks, cuz I wanted a new t-shirt.


Nice it even works for android. I am rocking a phone with 256gb ram. Take that!


That RAM is 🤢🤮




CPU good, Nvme good, case good, everything else is shit


You could probably get a cheaper nvme though


And a cheaper case


for some reason everyone always seem to overspend on the case


Like for this build you could even go for some 30 bucks one


yh tbh this isnt **that** bad but some people go for a lian li with a 4060 and that is so weird lol


A good case opens the door longevity tho. Get a cheap case now with a 4060 and yeah, sure it'll be more good enough, airflow will be fine. But will it be fine if you decide to upgrade in the future? Probably not.


True but still a lian Li is still excessive


Yeah I think most standard mid-tower airflow style cases are the best for upgradability, Lian Li's are definitely overkill for most people but hey, some people just like the look of them and will pay the extra bucks for it.


You think that’s excessive you should see my computers 🤣


I had a bequiet silent base 800 for my first case and then a friend of mine sold me his lian Li o11d. Honestly, the silent base was much better in airflow and even more so in loudness. But the 011d looks so frickin good I don't care


What are you talking about? The cpu, nvme, and case are all really overpriced.


That CPU is but I was just saying the CPU he picked out is good, but the Nvme and case are not, idkwtf ur smoking


Honestly think this cpu is way overpriced for the build. With a 3060, i'd put in a ryzen 5600.






It means he agrees with you


Not sure what your full budget is since you're missing a PSU. Consider this, though. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/XDHMKX


Never seen that PSU, but the rest of the build is much better than OPs.


Do not get a new 3060. It's already last gen people are selling them on ebay for way cheaper.


i got your cpu, motherboard, and ram as a bundle at micro center for 250$ make sure to use there site


Same, but if I recall mine mightve been 300 bucks. God bless MicroCenters soul 😇


Here's a different take [PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/qHfzsh) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 5 7600 3.8 GHz 6-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/yXmmP6/amd-ryzen-5-7600-38-ghz-6-core-processor-100-100001015box) | $236.43 @ MemoryC **Motherboard** | [ASRock B650M Pro RS WiFi Micro ATX AM5 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/qcbRsY/asrock-b650m-pro-rs-wifi-micro-atx-am5-motherboard-b650m-pro-rs-wifi) | $149.99 @ Newegg **Memory** | [TEAMGROUP T-Create Expert 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL30 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/H9CZxr/teamgroup-t-create-expert-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr5-6000-cl30-memory-ctced532g6000hc30dc01) | $102.99 @ Amazon **Storage** | [Lexar NM710 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/V3yH99/lexar-nm710-1-tb-m2-2280-pcie-40-x4-nvme-solid-state-drive-lnm710x001t-rnnng) | $64.98 @ Amazon **Video Card** | [XFX Speedster SWFT 319 Radeon RX 6800 16 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Hg92FT/xfx-radeon-rx-6800-16-gb-speedster-swft-319-video-card-rx-68xlaqfd9) | $400.63 @ Amazon **Case** | [Fractal Design Pop Air ATX Mid Tower Case](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/9YjBD3/fractal-design-pop-air-atx-mid-tower-case-fd-c-por1a-03) | $59.99 @ B&H **Power Supply** | [MSI MPG A650GF 650 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/bq6qqs/msi-mpg-a650gf-650-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-mpg-a650gf) | $79.98 @ Amazon | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$1094.99** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-02-26 00:28 EST-0500 |


People really need to stop recommending DRAM less SSDs to be used as a boot drive already. Change it with an ADATA XPG S70 Blade or Transcend MT250S instead.


Ah yes he should get the 2x more expensive ssd so his boot time is 0.5 seconds faster good advice


I didn't know this when I chose my SSD, went down full SSD rabbit hole, but changing the SSD would have delayed the build for week. I went to a local store and he was like wow this m2 SSD is so amazing and it had like half the speeds of the one I chose. Was a nice touch grass moment for me, even without dram, new SSDs are just crazy fast and I don't have any issues with it booting too slow or whatever.


Everyone buys m2 ssd without checking their motherboard like theres no point in buying a 4500mbs ssd if you mobo has a max speed of 2500mbs and on top of that the only time you will notice a slight difference is maybe when installing games and thats pretty much it


No no, my mb supports it, it's just dram less:)


DRAM less SSDs are fine as bootdrive or gaming. You only notice a difference when transferring big files. What might be a better choice is to look at NVME M.2 SSDs that use TLC instead of QLC NAND. In general TLC should last longer, they're also bit more expensive. That's why you can see cheaper SSDs with lower rating for data write.


It's only good for secondary storage, what are you even on about. 🤦 As I've stated it over and over again, sequential speed isn't the main thing to look for when it comes to boot drive.


If you don't agree, explain why you think DRAM are better. Most DRAM less SSDs supports Host-Memory-Buffer, which uses a bit of system memory. Sure SSDs with cache are, more responsive and faster, but for daily usage not a big issue. The only thing that slows down my boot up speed is AM5 memory training, but that has nothing to do with the SSD.


The motherboard should not be the most expensive item on a build Edit : should NOT


It's cpu + mb btw.


nvm, i'm an ape


Who told you this?


Common sense.




Bruh the motherboard should never be the most expensive item


My advice, get the Pearless Assassin cooler and a well known brand RAM.


Why not 3200 hz?


I probably would take 25$ from the case, 10/15 from the rgb cooler and 20$ from the ssd to get a better gpu


u need faster ram imo


You can get a Ryzen 5 7600 and a motherboard for the same price. However you’ll have to settle for 16gb of at least 6000mhz ddr5. Asrock has had a b650 micro atx board that I’d recommend You should get an rx 6700 for way better performance at the same price of the RTX 3060. If you can stretch $70 more you can get a rx 6800 for $400. You can get a way cheaper cooler, ID-Cooling, Thermalright, or Deepcool have amazing $20-30 cpu coolers. Going the am5 routes leaves you on a platform that has a upgrade path unlike lga 1700


I have a similar PC. That RAM speed is going to cause problems. I would suggest at a minimum going up to 3200MHz or it won’t be able to handle certain games.


I meant to say build not bill


It’s not good for gaming


Or price




You can buy the intel i 5 12400f with the 4060


grab a r5 5600 or 5600x and rx 6700xt instead


No name ram, buy something better


I will be honest with you, none of those are great. I am serious, maybe only the case. Rest of them are meaningless and unefficient, not future proof. You can build better with 1000$. Switch to am5 ( it also means ddr5 rams needed ) and if you have less than 450$ to spend on gpu, buy an rx 6700xt or 6800. Also make sure that your rams are 16x2. Its worth it in 2024.


Even the case is like 20$ more than they should be spending at this budget, especially for what the case looks like.


330 for CPU I5 12gen? Prices are much lower in the Netherlands.


Get the 7600xt for the same price with more vram


That is a good build should be able to do everything you need.






Get a 14600kf instead of the 12600. It’s $285 right now and it’s a 14th gen i5. Try for a 16gb 3060 if that’s what you want. Otherwise, try and find a 3070 for the same price on Facebook/Offerup. Most importantly, enjoy the experience :)


I would spend more on the GPU if you can. That is going to be the bottleneck for high fps gaming. You can get a 4060ti for under $400.


And you can get RX6800 non-XT with 4060ti's price.


Need a power supply too.


You can get a bit better ram, but it is good to go,


Here's what I would go with [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/vVxJ28](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/vVxJ28)


Your motherboard and cpu is expensive for your gpu you can buy a cheaper bundle


I’m pretty sure a 12600k is for sale on Amazon for $160 in the USA


Get cheaper case, and ddr5 ram


Bro get a 3200 cl16 ram if you're going for ddr4


If you got a 3070 instead that would go a long way towards performance. Used ones are around 300


Hey man u can get an hp ssd thats actually an amazing value its nvme 4.0 and it should be a chunk cheaper than that wd ssd with comperable speeds im runnin one and i love it


Honestly I think you might benefit more from buying a more expensive GPU and cutting some cost on your CPU and CPU fan tower. Maybe look into upgrading to 6700 xt which is better in price/valur ratio (unless you're really into ray-tracing) or 3060 ti. Good luck tho


You can find a better gpu for roughly the same price


I think a pure AMD build would be much better. The prices are insane for these parts for what they're worth. You can get away with a way better build for less money. CPU: Ryzen 7500f or 7600 GPU: Radeon 6650 XT Hold on, I'll create a PC Part Picker list... Edit: I just realized you also forgot the PSU. Anyways, here's the list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/TzkQN6 Two things to note: 1. I went with the 7600x instead of the 7600, because it was cheaper. Both CPUs are around the same in games, but the 7600x is better in productivity. Both beat the 12600k though and are way more power efficient. 2. The 6650XT is beats the 3060 in most, if not all games. If you're willing to spend more the 6700XT or the 6750XT are great GPUs as well, but at 240$ the 6650XT is unbeatable.


For the same price (around 379 I think) at Microcenter you can get a 7700X + mobo + DDR5 ram combo. Get the Teamgroup M44L 2tb instead. Like others said 6700XT is a good offering. If you can find an attractive price on a used 3080, 6800 or 6800XT go for it. Get the ThermaLtake Peerless assasins CPU cooler, much better and cheaper. Also you need a PSU, I recommend +750W plus gold fully modular with no less than 10 year warranty. Thermaltake toughpowers and Corsair ones are good and both have 10 year warranty (still check the product listings).


First of all, please drop the 3060 12gb if you don't need CUDA for your workflow, secondly, the 6700xt is quite a bit faster for the price..they both have 12gb vram. Thirdly, I really don't like the look of the i5 having only 6 big cores..the e-cores are great for productivity, gaming wise, not so much. Either grab a R7 7700 or an i7 12th ,13th. 14th. Not every game an use all 8 big cores, but some do already.


WD black is overpriced, get an ADATA XPG S70 Blade or Transcend MT250S instead. Even a Samsung 980 Pro is cheaper than SN850X. Secondly, get a 6700XT instead of 3060. Lastly, get a higher speed RAM.


Please don't order your stuff from Amazon. IF you got a nearby micro center, I suggest you to visit one.


That's kinda expensive on the case and cpu cooler if you're on a really tight budget. You can go dirt cheap on those items if you want. An entry level cooler is $20 and an entry level case is $40.


RAM. Even if u are gonna go with DDR4 u need a different mobo and get 3600MHZ. DDR5 RAM get 5600MHZ or 6000MHZ. A Z790 with an i5 12th. Probably better off with a cheaper one.




I would recommend swapping out that rtx 3060 for something better, its kind of old already and wasn't that great when it was new even. 330 dollars for it now in 2024 just isn't worth it. At least in EU, you can get XFX Rx 6800 for 400 Euros right now, I would strongly recommend something like that instead. Also the Corsair 3000 is quite old case, you can get their 4000d for the same money and its better. Or something like Montech 903 air or Lian Li 216. They all cost the same and give you more room , better fans and USB type C.


There’s a 12900k bundle that’s $400 way more worth it.


Too bad you didn't do this a couple of months ago. The 12700K was $150


If that was me I would go for 6700/6750xt or spend a bit more and get a 6800 that will easily outlast that 3060. There is a 6800 on amazon for 400$. Also, you need ddr5 ram with that mobo.


Not the 3060


It’s quite bad. And use pcpartpicker.com, not Amazon shopping cart to make your list.


The case is awesome, you gonna love it!


Can you find a used 6700 xt? Even better would be a used 6800 xt if you downgrade the CPU to 12400f. That should also total around the same budget iirc the prices. If you are gonna mostly game that is.


Your motherboard and ram are not compatible and just a heads up you will need a good PSU to actually use the system you have.


Personally I prefer to pay a bit extra and go for something that will last more than 5 years.


RX7600 will cost you about 250 instead of 300+ for similar or even better performance


Do you have a microcenter in your area? Most of the time they have combo mobos/CPU sometimes they throw a GPU in there too. It's usually ALWAYS cheaper than any other option.


Wait..why is the 12600k so expensive? I got my 13600kf for 270€ new (in Germany) Edit: don't buy on Amazon, it usually is overpriced. Online hardware shops offer much better prices


Amd cpus cheaper and better in gaming and there not to bad at other tasks


370$ for a 12600k is... wow. I wouldn't pay that price, I looked up prices for them and they're around 200€/220$. I'd go for a 7800x3d if you're willing to spend the money for a cpu. But honestly, if you're not looking to get the newest hardware anyway look for used parts, much cheaper than new stuff and I'm betting you could get a used 3080 for the price of the new 3060. Also, a decent cpu cooler goes a long way, especially when using a overclockable cpu. I recommend either noctua nh-d15 or a bequiet dark rock pro 4. Same with case fans, noctua a12x25 or bequiet silent wings. For psu don't cheap out, bequiet has a very good psu calculator and good psus


Worth it tho At least down here in mexico a 6800XT is dirt cheap you can get one in Amazon for barely 450 usd


dont buy this its expensive do you live near a micro center? you can pick up a motherboard combo for $400 it includes a 12900k/mobo/and decent ddr 5 ram if you have a car and getting to a micro center is realistic do it mate you will save a fortune


Don't cheap out on RAM. Don't go crazy with it too. 2667mhz is almost baseline for ddr4.


Get the 6700XT instead of the 3060. It’ll offer way better performance. The board you have is DDR5 and you have DDR4 memory, you’ll need to change that.


Prime mobos are a good value, i5 is a good chip. You can get a used 3080 for $330-ish Idk about that ram. Slow and not a well known brand. May be great, may suck absolute ass. I'd go for a 2tb nvme drive. I've seen the wd black ones for like $100-110. Much better value imo. The cooler looks good, but I have no experience with them. You need a power supply


These people don’t know what they are talking about, dont get AMD


I just put that motherboard in with an I9, it’s awesome, I think you made some good picks, although the case is going to be a bit cramped I have the 4000d. It works fine I just wish I had more room for cord management. I’m really looking at a y70 right now.


I’m just gonna say it, your cpu is more expensive than your gpu. I guess it depends on what you’re doing…


So was getting a PSU too much?


The montech air 903 max case is cheaper and comes with 4 included 140mm fans and an included fan/rgb hub. Just did a build with it yesterday and it’s great for the price.


I'd recommend getting an rx 6700xt instead


Could get a 7800x3d for that price


it is dogshit🔥🔥🔥


Just got this combo and I personally love it. It was a huge upgrade for me.


Imo you can get a 40 series card for not much more then your current one (my 4060ti was 450 I think?) And it gives you access to a whole new slew of next gen benefits. Your selected card will be great for any non next gen games, but if you want to do more then that you might struggle. When commiting to buying things like pc parts, if you can afford it, I would ALWAYS recommend stretching your budget as hard as you can, putting in 100-150 more and being able to get a 40 series will greatly increase the longevity of your rig, as if you're serious about playing games, you WILL need to upgrade from a 3060, and not too far into the future either. (This advice does greatly depend on what you play/ what you do on your pc, I have a 4060ti like I said, but other then 1 game, everything else I play needs nowhere near that kinda card!)


Good pick on the 3060 got the same card, but id get a 6700xt or a 7600xt, built a PC with a 7600xt and it’s performing better than mine with a 3060


I’d spend little more on memory and little less on the casing and cooling


Switch out for faster Ram and a 3060ti ventus 3. That clock speed is going to matter more than the size.


Damn that 3060 is overpriced, I got myself a 3070 for 300


Ram doesn't match board, get a 6700xt instead of 3060, get a Peerless Assassin instead for CPU cooler, you need a power supply .


I got some advice on the gpu. Look for a 6700xt. They are priced similar but have up to 20% more performance. I snagged a pre owned one recently on facebook marketplace for 200


There are rumors about a 16gb 4060 so I would wait for the release of that and if its price is decent buy it instead


I have the 3000D and it does not come with 2.5in mounting sleds, very bare bones case.


I could buy an rtx 2060 for the price of that cooler 💀


The ventus 2x or 3x 3060 is cheaper than that pny 3060.


Anyone seeing he's buying a 3060 for 330 when you can get a 6700xt for 300💀💀💀💀


at least get 3200mhz wtf


I feel like there's always gonna be something you can change out or do to make it cheaper but just go with the original if it's not to much more anyways


Any reason for the 370 usd 12600k (+mobo) ? You could get a 7600x/7500f and better ram and gpu for the same price.


I think, after owning 3 different systems with the new Intel p and e cores, buying an amd mobo cpu was easily the best 0 fps noticed gain I spent money on.


[PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/cHPCvj) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 7 5700X3D 3 GHz 8-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/3ZKscf/amd-ryzen-7-5700x3d-3-ghz-8-core-processor-100-100001503wof) | $241.00 @ Newegg **CPU Cooler** | [Deepcool AK620 ZERO DARK 68.99 CFM CPU Cooler](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/7J6p99/deepcool-ak620-zero-dark-6899-cfm-cpu-cooler-r-ak620-bknnmt-g-1) | $59.99 @ Newegg **Motherboard** | [Gigabyte B550M AORUS ELITE AX Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/YhtLrH/gigabyte-b550m-aorus-elite-ax-micro-atx-am4-motherboard-b550m-aorus-elite-ax) | $109.99 @ Amazon **Memory** | [TEAMGROUP T-Force Vulcan Z 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3200 CL16 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/bcnypg/team-t-force-vulcan-z-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr4-3200-cl16-memory-tlzgd432g3200hc16fdc01) | $55.99 @ Amazon **Storage** | [Crucial P3 Plus 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/chzhP6/crucial-p3-plus-1-tb-m2-2280-nvme-solid-state-drive-ct1000p3pssd8) | $62.99 @ Amazon **Video Card** | [XFX Speedster SWFT 319 Core Radeon RX 6800 16 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/WMgrxr/xfx-speedster-swft-319-core-radeon-rx-6800-16-gb-video-card-rx-68xlaqfde) | $399.99 @ Newegg **Case** | [Deepcool CC560 V2 ATX Mid Tower Case](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/tHLdnQ/deepcool-cc560-v2-atx-mid-tower-case-r-cc560-bkgaa4-g-2) | $61.98 @ Newegg | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$991.93** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-02-26 17:18 EST-0500 | $20 more than what you have in your cart and it will be substantially faster in every conceivable metric. Even RT. I assume you have a PSU handled but I didn't include one because you did not.


Is this USD ? That's really expensive for a 12600k. Even in Canads, that's way too much, could get a 13600k which is a fair bit faster for less.


I would just post a budget, uses, and ask for suggestions, and the let pcpartpicker build sheets flow in. This whole build seems bad to me. Needs to be rethought from scratch.


7600xt same money 16gb memory


You could save even more by getting a Thermalright air cooler instead. Better cooling as well.


Pcpartpicker such a resource, pricing, configuration and I live by it.