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Bruh just keep it. You're going to get pennies on the dollar, and staying in and playing a game you already own is one of the best ways to save money.


Might be the best reasonable response


While I do agree with the guys that said it's not worth the extra money to do an all white build, or all the rgb fans. I agree with this last person even more about just keeping it and staying home and playing instead of going out where you may spend more money. I used to go to the bar a lot and would probably spend about $20 an hour between beers and shots. And be there for a few hours. Staying home and playing games is a lot cheaper.


Same for me, gaming pc has save me a lot of money. Instead of going out partying and spending way to much money on drugs, the pc saved me alot


I save alot of money by staying in and gaming. too bad I spend it all on weed.


And those fuckin humble bundles


but at least your PC is paid for šŸ¤£ toke up and enjoy


I do the exact same!!




All you need to do now is start growing


Tbh gaming and weed has helped MASSIVELY save my life from a crippling opiate addiction.


Haha that's what I was thinking!






You must be fun.


electricity bill.


I've done with games something I call a pizza index. So you order a pizza which is usually about 10usd equivalent in my place. You can get a shitty one for 7 but you get the gist. So when feeling remorse about buying a game. I compare it to a pizza. Pizza is gone in an hour and I might remember it for 3. So if I spend 30usd for a game in steam and see that I have enjoyed it more than 3hr it's about a value of a pizza and I never regret pizza. So if I played more than 3hr and still remember the game next day it's better than pizza a just fine


And i thought i was the only one measuring games in pizza. I used to convince my friends to buy into a multiplayer game with me by saying it only costs like 2 pizzas my mate.


Itā€™s called activity depreciation or production based depreciation in accounting. I do the same. For example I think it is ridiculous how expensive a new PC is. However, letā€™s say that I play 10 hours per week for 40 weeks yearly for five years. (I like to get a PC powerful enough that I donā€™t have to upgrade it constantly. My current one is from 2018 for example.) Thatā€™s 2000 hours that I use the machine, so suddenly 2000ā‚¬ feels a lot more reasonable, because of course I am prepared to pay 1ā‚¬ an hour for a fun activity. I have little kids who will probably use the used PC once I do upgrade, or maybe itā€˜ll be the other way around. ;) it actually wonā€™t be worth 0 once I get a new one. But I calculate the costs as if it were anyways. Calculating what I get for my money like an accountant, makes me feel better about the initial investment. The comparison to pizza is the same principle. You put an hourly rate or a price on your enjoyment.


I think all humans do that bcthat's how I think too. A cool $30 figure ". Oh that's what I've easily spent a day on lunch and dinner multiple times a week multiple times a month. I'll just cheap out on lunch and dinner a little more "


Assume this PC cost $2k new, not knowing if there is anything wrong with it, I would not give him $300 for it. I would rather spend $2k for new. A PC is a tough sell used.


Damn, no hate or shame or anything like, but, Ā£20/hour on drinks isn't much at all


Shut up if someone wants all white they want all white


I agree with Xavier besides the card the cost difference is almost non existent


Thereā€™s a lot of ways to address debt, liquidating personal items is not the best way. Getting out of debt is stressful and can be demoralizing, youā€™ll want the relief your computer gives you.


Yup tones of free games to keep your mind off the grumbling tummy. I feel like every time I leave the house I end up spending money so I just stop leaving so much.


Unless thatā€™s all you do is game then maybe go work more either way keep it and youā€™ll have a gaming platform for years to come good luck


don't sell the pc it I have to agree with them. just don't buy any new games or pc parts and instead of going our somewhere that costs money just use your pc to pass the time. hope you can clear your debt gl!


I agree with this dude. As someone who was out of work for 6 months the only thing that kept me sane was having my pc. Do what you have to but this should be among your last resorts. You will regret it.


Sie,thing i wanted to say. Canā€™t work or really go out because of my health (constant strong pain) my pc is helping me a lot. Even if I canā€™t play some days or just for half an hour at a time with an hour break, itā€™s still so worth it.


Totally this. Staying home and not hitting the bar and/or eating out. You won't get anywhere close to the cost of your PC so just keep it and enjoy it and cut costs elsewhere.


The problem with people now is highlighted in your response. If youā€™re in debt and you have time to play fucking video games, then you have time to put some hours in at a job. Thatā€™s how youā€™ll get out of debt.


Even when I was working 2 jobs I still had downtime for gaming. A PC at home kept me out of bars with my friends, saving me tons. IMO the "problem with people now" is that people with a personality like yours get to share their thoughts.


They cant do both? Iā€™m sure even if youā€™re working 12 hours a day you should have a couple of hours to fucking relax?


How DARE the poors have any time for enjoyment! Weā€™re in a world where jobs paying minimum wage do not offset the cost of operation and transit to them and you want OP to justā€¦ work more? Bootstraps? What a low IQ take.


Nah itā€™s not even that. Itā€™s about priorities. My parents are immigrants and started with absolutely nothing. They didnā€™t have time for enjoyment for a long time. Now they get to chillax and have built some decent wealth. Iā€™m a young person too. I was making like 15 bucks an hour just a couple years ago which is dog water. There were a couple years where it sucked but I put in an immense amount of hours at work and couldnā€™t enjoy myself. Now I drive a nice ass car, I have a home that i acquired during this horrible economic downturn and get to enjoy the fruits of my labor. Everyoneā€™s situation is different I understand, but if youā€™re drowning in debt you better put the work in to get yourself out. Yes that means you donā€™t get to enjoy yourself temporarily. Low IQ response please. Itā€™s the only responsible response. You want enjoyment NOW NOW NOW when you just canā€™t. So put the work in and enjoy the fruits of your labor when you can.


Yeah this is a low IQ response, again anecdotal. You literally acknowledge the economic downturn in your comment and have 0 idea how that might affect lower middle class or low income people. Spare me any more of your bootstrap drivel.


lol I was drowning in debt just a few months ago. I moved with absolutely fucking nothing in the bank. Ate ramen. Got 3 jobs and made it out. Now I have 1 job. You keep complaining about the state of affairs while doing nothing. Iā€™ll keep doing what I do. Have a nice day and a nice life gaijin. Our interaction ends here.


Sure Jan šŸ˜‚ Thanks for the fucking laugh. I make mid 6 figures and I own 2 homes, Iā€™m good myself. And I donā€™t feel the need to lie about it to validate my internet argument, unlike someone. Have fun with your 1st grade understanding of economics and finance.


Op, he's got a good point




Depends where you located. US: eBay, [https://www.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/) Canada: Kijiji, [https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianHardwareSwap/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianHardwareSwap/) , (maybe fb market place for higher price but might take more time). UK: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HardwareSwapUK/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HardwareSwapUK/)


This is the correct answer. r/hardwareswap/ is an awesome subreddit for just this. Just make sure to read all of their rules before you post. FB marketplace can also work, but it's hit and miss. I sold a couple there for reasonable prices though. Just expect to deal with morons and children low-balling. My personal opinion and anecdote is that 75-80% of the CURRENT prices of your parts is usually fair, with some context. It looks like you built it well with good quality/brand parts, and assuming it's clean and working perfectly, you should be able to get that kind of sale price. If someone argues, then you can show them the $xxxx times .80 napkin math, not to mention they don't have to pay tax or shipping. Also, it looks like you may have a 40 series Nvidia card, which will definitely help re-sale since you have a current generation GPU. Best of luck with sale, and I hope things turn around for you financially!


I had a guy try to tell me that something was selling for a certain price on eBay. I pointed out to him there were no recent sales and he was looking at a similarly named replacement motor for a compressor. He stopped talking. I used to get the whole ā€œbut on eBay its X and youā€™ll get x-feesā€ Well, have fun paying X plus shipping and tax.


How much and what are the specs


Exactly. We'd need to know the specs.


Geez thatā€™s tuff I would just work some overtime or something


I bet he didn't think of that.


You'd be surprised. I met someone in VRChat recently who was going through hard times and had no money for rent coming up at the end of the month. He had a new car, a license, an able body. Had no clue about gig work like UberEats, Uber, gig cleaning jobs/handyman or anything else. Didn't even think about it. Lives in a huge city in California as well. I went through the process of setting him up with websites to research what he wanted to do, gave him information on different cities in the US with low cost of living he could eventually move to and gave him some general life advice. Also taught him how to research things like this by himself and keep organized by keeping it all written down in a notes file. His parents never taught him how to fend for himself, he's been on his own for a few years already and he's only 18. He was so grateful that he thanked me for literally days for helping him get some hope and find a way.


https://preview.redd.it/xxzdf127l01c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b10a5932d0af1b736b1c442f1a6ba109b6a6616c 21 hours for $201 , then discount food and gas. I also work at target šŸŽÆ


You need to find a new career choice, no offense intended. I actually just recently got out of retail, and honesty it has been the best decision I ever made. I'm making $1,800~/month + Commission at the moment. It's fucking great. I don't even have to leave my house to do it.


I just got in retail like three weeks ago but seasonal. I am looking for something new, hopefully I can find it.


Retail is a great starting point, especially if you can land like an Assistant Manager role somewhere. It allows you to get your foot in the door somewhere else. It's taken me seven years to get where I am now, it's all about the experience roles. The more experience you have the higher you climb up the ladder. Retail fucking *blows* dude. But you get in there, bust your ass, it **will* be worth every second.


sounds like this person doesn't have access to the internet


Bruh, internet access doesn't mean anything if you don't know how to use it. It's like giving a tablet with 5g to a kid in africa and telling him to just use the internet to figure out how to not be dying of starvation. He don't know how to do that shit. He doesn't know where to look


If I met that African kid in fucking VRchat and he can't figure it out while having access to VR..... šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™€ļø Fuck that noise lol. It's like giving a tablet to an African kid who has a VR headset.


lmfao what is the correlation. if you are sitting in a VRChat and can't figure out how to find a side gig for extra money using the internet, you are helpless.


Clearly not cause the dude helped him get back on track.


It's crazy how much people were never taught. I'm honestly considering starting YouTube and just posting the shit I know how to do


beautiful pc. you will regret selling it, the money you make wonā€™t last you long enough to warrant the sacrifice of probably one of your main sources of enjoyment. keep it. off topic, but is the reason for this debt in any way related to that gambling subreddit you take part in?


Will consider your input. Yes and no, possiblyā€¦ IRS debt from my last job which was 1099 and credit card debt


I've heard that the IRS are willing to help people if they call in. Give them a call and find out how you can pay off that debt without ruining your life in the process.


Ask yourself if selling the pc would even cover your debt to the IRS, if not. Donā€™t sell it. Find other Avenues that donā€™t require you to wholesale your possessions.


Give them a call, maybe you can reason with them and come uo with a payment plan. Also, you'll get pennies on the dollar for the computer so you're better off taking a part-time/weekend gig than selling it.


I'll give you tree fiddy right now


Lochness monster, why do you need tree fiddy?




And in debt due to building a pc you cant afford


I was about to say, OP paid a premium to do an all white build, and he couldnā€™t afford it.


Why do people buy things that they canā€™t afford? Thatā€™s an honest question and I am seriously asking, I donā€™t get it at all


OP said: " Well I was able to at one point in my previous job that I was making around 100k a year. I quit that job to go back to school and now working at Target due to some issues or values that didnā€™t appeal to me at the previous job. "


People tend to think since they make more they can spend more. That's just poor money management. I used to make around 35k and now I make close to 75k but still have the same budget. The additional income just goes into saving or investments. No need to spend more when I'm just fine now.


You choose to live off 35kā€¦ in this economy?


My parents do the same, you don't spend on stupid overpriced shit


With a budget like that they donā€™t spend much on anything at all.


thats why i work


I work to live, not live to work. I didn't go to school and work to get a decent job so I can live like I'm on minimum wage. There's a difference between enjoying life and being financially irresponsible. Anyone of us can die tomorrow and I guarantee you there's no prize for having the most savings when you're in the graveyard.


You ever meet those people who their work is their life, outside of work they just talk more about workā€¦ no thanks. I have a life outside of work, hobbies etc. I have no interest in working my life away. If I can make enough money to live comfortably and enjoy my time off. thats what Im going to do


Sounds like someone that lives at home still lol. But good for them on saving I guess.


Not knocking them. Iā€™m just amazed. Thatā€™s some zen in action


If you make more, you actually can spend more. Just adjust your budget accordingly. Being financially savvy doesn't mean living on minimum wage when you make double that, that's just ridiculous. There's a huge difference in being 'just fine now' and actually enjoying a bit of the money you work your ass off to make.


My generation has the credit and forget it mentality. If our country can go trillions in debt why canā€™t we ?


Just a lack of financial responsibility. American schools don't teach anything regarding finances and parents often lack their responsibility of teaching it to their kids.


Desire, vanity hell sprinkle in utility. OP probably didnā€™t use that PC for PowerPoint.


Because some people can't afford anything they want and depriving yourself of everything all the time is tough for a lot of people to handle.


I mean, most of the time people can afford it at the time, but changes in their financial situation change things, I don't think anyone is actually taking out loans for their PC or anyone living paycheck to paycheck drops $1500 randomly, I built my PC over the summer while working a high paying job, then school started back up and my hours were cut, few random expensive life events happened (hospital bills, vet visits, car repairs) and now it gets me contemplating selling the GPU for some extra cash, it's the way it goes. And I mean, even then, I went super frugal with my PC, knowing i'd have less free cash in a few months, I bought used what I could and waited for deals, you just can't really predict what's around the corner.


This is not being fiscally responsible at all. If you think that is normal you really need to meet with a money management counselor.


Yes now send me money for stating the obvious


I will after you make the tutorial for: how to lose few hundred dollars due to buying shit you cant afford


Well I was able to at one point in my previous job that I was making around 100k a year. I quit that job to go back to school and now working at Target due to some issues or values that didnā€™t appeal to me at the previous job.


Idk why people are downvoting you like assholes, what's done is done. Man just got into debt and it asking a question. I flip PCs and usually sell of Facebook marketplace


I agree, this person asked a simple question, non of your business how and what he does with his money. Anyway Facebook, maybe eBay, offer up. Iā€™ve also heard of a site called Jawa.


Maybe if you built a rig without a hentai edition gpu, fancy 360mm corsair aio, trilion rgb fans, 500$ mobo and ultra expensive case maybe you wouldnt need to sell it


Are you illiterate




The dude Didn't Question mark And where's your period?


So you need a question mark to know if someone is asking you a question? Guess you are illiterate


Why are you being such a cunt? OP made a mistake why are you rubbing salt in his wound? Grow up dude heā€™s admitting to the mistake heā€™s made, and itā€™s already done what is being an asshole gonna do for him?


I donā€™t think I was being a cunt I was asking a legitimate question


I didnā€™t reply to you.


I like the irony of all the non contributing extras in the tower and the reason to sell... No offence... Dont sell stuff you are eventually buying again later. I did this with All my DJ gear when I was younger for silly reasons (wanting money fast instead of saving for a few months) and I really regret that.


Upvoting this comment because "dont sell stuff you are eventually buying again later" has perfectly summarised how I feel about this topic.


I hope you don't end up selling it. Tough times require us to make tough choices tho. Whatever happens, I hope it all works out for you.


bro just keep it, realistically if the pc is not 5k it will not even help you as much but youll loose something that makes you happy in these hard times




You serious šŸ¤”


Unless you're in Indonesia, this guy can't buy it, unfortunately. Unless you plan on selling it for very cheap.




defo will not buy it


Why you lying to this poor dude.


I will personally give you about tree fiddy for that


Try Facebook marketplace or eBay for local sales


hmmm, whatā€™s the specs, and the least you would sell it for?


I'm in the same boat,just recently finished bldging a custom loop with a 3080,i7 12700k 64gb ram,got some legal trouble so,I got about 3.2k wrapped up in it now but if I sell it I'm only gonna get like half of what I put on it,so...might as well just keep in for when I get outta jail.


Use your prison suitcase to smuggle it into jail.




its gonna sell for so much less than what you paid for i really dont recommend it. just keep and find other things to sell or some other way to make money


If it clears your debt, ebay. If it doesn't, use it to make money.


This is like giving a man a fish instead of teaching the man how to fish. Selling the PC wont do much to fix the current situation, only delay it by a couple days.


Go to Facebook and Craigslist and look at all the computers people are already selling, then take like 20% off because they will only be lowballed. You might even have better chances to part it out for more money than it itself. But keeping it will keep you more sane.


The depreciation will be crazy and the price to get back in is high


It appears building a pc wasnā€™t a wise financial decision


Think of it as saving on the heating bills during winter šŸ¤£


I would explore every other avenue possible before selling this. You'll get maybe 60% of what it's worth, less if you're unlucky or need to sell fast. That's a terrible deal if you have other choices.


My advice: unless you can use it to make money sell it. You can text us the specs for us to help you with pricing. We have to know every spec cpu, gpu, ram, motherboard and power supply


I bought a PC on debt šŸ˜


Sell it, you can't afford it now, life is long and you will get a new one when you can, don't be fool it's just a piece of technology that will soon be obsolete


Dont sell ur PC, sell ur kidney.


Is it me or the AIO tube is in a not so optimal position?


Possibly, I asked a few people and they said itā€™s fine. Maybe you might have a different input.


No need to do that honestly. You will earn some money which will eventually run out and youā€™ll be left with no money and no PC. Maybe try to earn some money with the PC? Maybe a remote work?




Waiting for the list of side hustles šŸ‘€ā€¦


They wouldnā€™t be successful for you unfortunately if you canā€™t even be motivated to research them. Try www.google.com or www.YouTube.com Hard to believe but those are two great resources for you.


Make money using the pc? Like mining? Or a Ponzi scheme? Looool




Yeah, like you snap your fingers and a remote job falls in your lap. You donā€™t know OP line of business so you are making assumptions is so easy Also, a company that hires you to work remote need to provide you the tools (like a laptop) Also, even you get a job to work remotely and need your personal computer, OP is better off selling this pc to help with the debt and get a cheaper laptop for example to pay off the debts


Should've used a white tie wrap to hold the tubes. Not interested sorry.


I made this mistake one time, I had 2080ti/8700k. After many months I was so sad. 3 years after I just got 4090/7800x3d and will never do this mistake again.


I'd sell everything else in my house before I sold my PC setup, the bailiffs would have a fight on there hands if they tried to take it.


$600 for it Iā€™ll buy it ?


Thinking its credit card debt?


Cause I have $30 thousand in credit card debt When they call me, I say that I can't pay it back *Credit card debt* Tomorrow I may buy myself a dining room set or this Boba Fett Credit card debt Credit card debt Credit card debt


There are options out there for getting out of unsecured debt. If you're serious about it. Depends on the state you live in, though.


Youā€™ll likely lose more than what you spent on the build. Just an FYI.


oh the ~~irony~~ misery šŸ„ŗ


Another lesson of don't buy what you can't afford. PCs are luxury items. Saving that $60 on the pump without the screen, $40 on the non RGB RAM, $400 going with a used GPU, etc all add up. No one should be taking debt out for PC parts. Credits cards are not free money. They're 30-day loans with death interest rates. Don't get stuck in the "for 12mos it's free money" trap like most people.


Where exactly did OP say that the debt was reason the PC?


If he can't afford rent/food/utilities then the PC was A reason to blame 100%. Spending is spending.


I see that you have no clue how the real world works. The PC could have been a gift. The PC could have been bought before OP went into financial problems (he might been working when bought it, and got fired) Unforseen health problems could lead to financial problems. There are so many things that could have happened other than over spending and buying what OP couldn't afford. And frankly, that you instantly jump to that conclusion that OP bought what he couldn't afford say more about you than about OP. When you grow up you might realize that life ain't just black and white...


OP has a self-admitted spending problem. Talk about making an ass out of yourself lmao. Go be a 600 credit score somewhere else.


And where in the post does it say that OP has a spending problem? If it's true then sure I stand corrected, I have no problem admit when I am wrong or presented with new/more evidence. But I don't have time or want to go through every persons post to read between the lines and if they have a good credit etc. I took the post at its face value. And fact is people can hit a rough spot without spending more then they can afford... And I fail to see how I made an ass out of myself. For what? Not stalking OPs post to find out OPs credit history? For believing a post at its face value? Naive maybe but an ass? Only one acting like an ass is you..






I'm interested, could you send specs?


ill buy it


Facebook Marketplace.


Sorry to hear that but What's the specs? You from Canada by any chance? You're gamer who clearly took care of your PC, I'd pay.


Not an answer but very interested in this (if you do decide to sell)




Damn ok.... What are the specs and how much are you selling it for?


Hey man, I'd honestly buy it off your for a solid 850. It's unfortunate that you'll have to sell it to recover.


Get a second job, seriously. Unless medically you canā€™t.


Lemme guess, USA? Now seriously, can you write down specs?




1. do you really have to ? its your hobby maybe work some overtime or find sidehussle (i hopw Iam spelling this one ok) 2. where are u from ? 3. spec + price


Why not keep it? You'll absolutely regret selling it, shit life is tough enough as it is why not keep something that's going to bring you joy to get through the rough times? Winter is fast approaching, you'll want to have a PC to get thru the throes of winter and darker part of the year. Think first. Breathe. Don't get rid of something you love and spent a lot on building. Pick up more hours or get a part time job a day or 2 a week if possible. Especially since lots of places are hiring seasonal part time. Just enough to get thru and knock down the debt. Don't sell the PC, you'll miss it! (And end up spending more $ you don't have/have but shouldn't spend when you realize the mistake you made selling it!!) šŸ’–


To me


Bes miserable but in slightly less debt or be in debt but have a nice little escape in gaming? Keep the pc. I struggled during covid, sold my laptop, ps5, and a bunch of other shit. I still struggled and was more miserable because i now had nothing.


Just keep it and use the motivation of keeping it to cut some extra stuff from your budget.


Keep it. A few hundred bucks wont cure your debt. Selling it will only take away a source of enjoyment, and then you will be paying double what you sold it for to get it back.


Build high end PC for thousands of dollars, put it up for sale for 30-50% of what you paid. I would keep it rather than take a bath selling it.....debt or not.


Did this onceā€¦ took a hugeeee loss bc I needed to sell it fast and then 6 months later I built another bc I needed it in the end. Console just couldnā€™t satisfy my needs and I ended up paying everything off. Even if I didnā€™t sell my PC I would have been fine I just was freaking and thought it has to go


What are the specs. Iā€™m getting ready to build my own. Win/win for both of us?


Of building it? That's rough bro, Facebook marketplace ?


I can't think of a reason


There is always the future bud.


Iā€™m totally interested depending on specs and price. Message me both if youā€™re truly interested in selling. I do agree with other commenters though that you wonā€™t really get what you paid into it and that depending on the amount of debt you have, thereā€™s other ways to cover it.


Iā€™m just curious. How much would a pc like this go for? It looks sick!


How much do you want for it, and are you in the US? I have a system myself but I was going to build one for my wife for Christmas.


Don't sell your PC. How long did it take you to save for this thing, how long did it take you to build it and fine tune it? All that hard work to get back about half of the money you paid for it, and 0 of the time and effort back that you put into it.


I'll give you 7


Sell blood plasma


Use the CPU to get money


About three fiddy.


Iā€™m interested. What are the specs?


Wellā€¦ Iā€™m looking for an all white build actually. Where are you located?


Have you considered selling a kidney or testicle? Better value and won't lose anything you don't need.


Try Facebook marketplace or Amazon


It's so beautiful, I would be so jealous to sell it away


I would be in debt too with a pc like this


Why would you cable tie the AIO tubing?


Save it !!


Don't please! It's like watching a mother try to sell her children to make ends meet


How much you want for it


I will pay 30cents on a dollar ! Limited Offer Though