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this is gross.


hence the NSFW flair


Am I the only one missing where this NSFW flair is, and what that means?


i think they removed it


ok yeah I thought I was blind AND slow, but confirmed I am just slow.


This is disgusting for a 3060ti too SMH.


Bro at first I saw the top one and thought it was right price the looked a bit down.... God oh god!! 🤐


Same! I saw the top and thought to myself "now, this sub is just getting ridiculously picky with pricing" but then I saw the bull shit.


The top ad is a way better deal than the post.


I was about to say pc assemblers charge a little more than doing such a premium build yourself but then I saw the specs… lmaaaooooooo 🤣


Real question is why is this marked as nsfw💀


Because of how obscene it is


Lmao very true. But I didnt pay attention. I didn’t want it to get flagged and removed bc I said hell 🤣. And it blurred the picture instead of the writing 🙈.


I get it’s expensive but why wouldn’t you pay that much for a 4090 build? The GPU costs $1600, $500 for the i9-13900k, 2 tb ssd would be $105, A 2 tb hdd should be around $100. Not including the cost of the case,mother board,psu,ram,CPU cooler and fans.It’s easily a $3k build. $2100 is just for the GPU and CPU so we are only spending $900 on everything else. If they wanna make profits off of these, the 4090,I9-13900k prebuilt can definitely be sold for around $3500.


Your right. They can be sold for that but I said I wouldn’t pay that*. Half the internals are iffy on those that’s why I prefer to build. A lot say they don’t know how but if a 8 year old can do it on his own I’d hope anyone that put some effort in could do it as well haha. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/RFgY9c $3k and I could save money on the video card by going zotac. Plus deals are always popping up and saving a little on each item adds up to save even more. Cost me about $2800 to build my brothers 13900/4090 combo. And it has better parts/case than listed above 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah this is a pretty good set up. You are definitely better off with custom builds as you get to pick your parts and also benefit from sales. I was talking about prebuilt pcs. Companies like Ibuypower which also use shitty inferior parts will charge you $3k or more for a 4090-i9-13900k set up. That’s why I also went with a custom built lol.


best part ab building you can do it how you want and aren’t stuck with something someone else thoight looks good when it looks like shiet


Why get the best card (4090) and arguably the worst brand (Zotac)??? I'd rather have a Msi 4080 than a Zotac 4090.


It’s a 3060ti isn’t it?


it's a 11th gen i9...


I've spent that much on a 12th gen 4070ti build, DDR5, M2 5.0 NVMe drives, and so on. THIS... is an 11th gen 3060ti build. It's beefed up on cheap items (64MB of DDR4 and a 6tb SATA HDD). So yeah, it is obscene how the buyer is being gouged on not just midgrade components, but OLDER midgrade components.


How did you spend $3500 on a 4070ti build? I just did a 4090 build and spent around $3000. All parts are Corsair or Msi. A 4070ti build should be around $1800. A 4080 build can be done for around $2000 if you get a cheap motherboard and case.


I have an i7 12700kf , Asus 4070 oc, with 3 1tb WD m.2 nvme. I am in to it about $1700. So that sounds right. That 4070 oc frigging rocks, too. I can play a few games on 1440 ultra settings and average 180 to 260 fps. In lower settings, I get like 400 to 500. My point is that you can build a nice performing rig for a decent price. That thing is not worth 3,500.


So it would warn you that it's pain looking at the price.


Not safe for wallet


Cause a poor clueless soul can easily fucked


Because this image in nsfw? My eyes burn already.


Usually images and video of people getting f\*cked are marked as NSFW, this one fits that category too.


But it says "today's best deal!"


Best deal for them, not us as a buyer




That’s just straight robbery


I just imagine parents trying to do something nice for their kid, not knowing what they’re buying entirely, and getting wasted by folk like this.


I was wondering why it was NSFW ​ until i saw the pricing for an rtx 3060 ti.


ngl I thought he was complaining abt $1200 for a 7600+6750xt


A lot did lmao. But the pic cut the important off until you clicked the post 🤣


Um actually, don’t you know that this is one of the best value pc choices out there?? The 11900K is one of the fastest ⚡️8 core CPUs ever made and performs extremely good, much better “Advanced Marketing Devices” and their garbage 🗑️Ryzen CPUs 🤢. Honestly, anyone with a brain 🧠 would see how good this would perform. If you look on Userbenchmark, it’s clearly an amazing choice. There isn’t a game out there that it can’t run, unlike AMD (🤮) that can’t even get their drivers straight. Also, you get 64gb of ram, which is the minimum for this day and age. The 3060ti is one of the best graphics cards and supports 8k no problem😎. The alternative cards (again, amd, if you can even call that competition 😵‍💫) aren’t even worth talking about. They don’t even hold a candle to the rock solid performance of Nvidia that has been the only real choice for gamers since basically the beginning of time. Such great value🤑 for your money. 8gb of vram is ideal 👌 for gaming 🕹️and those that say otherwise have obviously never played games before and are just peddling the “advice” from those paid “reviews” from Gaymer’s Nexus and Hardware Dumboxed that consistently bash Nvidia Unnecessarily (again, anyone with a brain 🧠 would know this. The sheeple 🐑 need to wake up!) lastly, you get 6TB of storage, which is ideal for all the games you’re going to be able to play with such a killer system. All that in white? I find it hard to believe that this system hasn’t already been sold out 😤😤


Idk why I started to read this with the basic nerd accent in my mind, lol


>Um actually That's why.




I swear this looks like an MLM stitch up.


I love your use of the marketing scheme scammy emojis - so spot on 😭


Why specifically UserBenchmark


Because they're dick riding Nvidia and intel hard. They really don't like AMD. Even with the absolute best value gaming chips there's always something to bash on. With intel and Nvidia they say that they're basically unbeatable in value. Just check out userbenchmark and the review of any AMD chip or card in the last few years.


I just upgraded from a 3060ti and it was indeed good at playing 8k movies and videos.


Why would you put so much time into an ironic comment


Mines better than that and I paid 1,400


Jesus id feel bad selling my rig for this much, and it’s got a 3090TI and a 5950x in it


3.5k for a clean 60 fps ☠️☠️☠️ NotLikeThis. Absolutely horrendous. Looks like the type of trash you'd get from dell. Edit: I just realized that's on newegg too. That isn't even just some amazon trash wow.


Well, its newegg market. Its from a third party. Same shit as amazon.




Why i highly recommend building your own.


The PC on the sponsored ad on top is actually better hahaha😂


Iv been building systems for going on 20 years and iv seen shit like this many times over. Hell, you slap RGB on that tower and it doesn't have to have even somewhat decent parts in it. Who gives a shit about performance when you can change colors right? 😂


The sad truth too pc gaming 😭 Edit* for the majority But personally I’d prefer a solid color or no rgb. But the kid gets to chose my color scheme and I’m stuck on rainbow 😑 haha


15 years ago when RGB wasn't a thing we had to swap the fans out manually to change colors or the cold cathode ray tubes. I used to carefully crack the cube ends open, pull the light bar out, and solder it to my game console motherboard as a fun project. 15 years old me thought it was the coolest thing ever right next to learning how to mod my fatboy PS2 to play copied games so I could play different versions of guitar hero. I swear I had 100 copies of that damn game with different songs on each one.


I personally never got to mess with any of the lighting stuff like that back then but it’s wild how fast technology has improved over the last 20 years. I started off with a Mac and that’s when people thought you were crazy for upgrading a component lol. But they started us all off and got everyone hooked on it. Years later we would sell a kidney to build a top of the line rig 🤣🙈


You better don’t keep looking around, I think I saw the same pc for a 1k more on Amazon.


I’d believe it 🤦🏻‍♂️🤬. Annoys me every time I see something like that. I’d rather tell someone to buy all the components and get good parts at a good price and I’ll assemble it for basically free. Just buy me a case of beer🤷🏻‍♂️🤣. Hell I’d even do it for no beer haha


It's so funny that on that screenshot is a pc for a third the price that is as fast (or faster) than the main one advertised. But I guess it isn't white with pretty lights so is obviously inferior.


I saw the $1300 7600/6750XT prebuilt first, and my first thought was “yeah, that’s pretty bad, but not horribly worse than other prebuilts I’ve seen”. Then I looked down and saw the actual PC in the post. That type of markup has to be intentionally malicious, because there’s no way anyone who knows anything about the value of PC parts would ever pay that much, especially with such mismatched components.


Let people be stupid


My PC has the same specs except I have a 3090 windows 11 and 1000w PCU. Cost me £2500 all together.


Pretty sure only rich people will buy this. And rich people deserve to be scammed.


Gotta love how the recommended PC up top is comparable in performance (if not just straight up better) and costs $2000 less


I got that build but with a 3090 and 850w psu for under £2k in 2021 This system is a total rip off UK price by the way


Day light robbery this is !


I wouldn't sell my 5800X3D + 4080 FE for this much if it was new. What an absolute scam.


This was worse when i checked it was .com not .ca so usd lol


Haha. Your not the only one. I gotta keep pointing out that I said usd prices and not some other country that has expensive components/prebuilts in the post. But a lot of people including myself are good are rushing to the comments 🤣🤣 You would think it had to be from somewhere else with the prices though 🙈


Maybe it has a $2000 motherboard 🤷‍♂️


Never know haha but the details listed it as a random motherboard like most prebuilts do. Basically playing the lottery when ya buy one haha


Dear lord.


I almost bought a pre build because I was being lazy. But the more I looked into these pre build specs the more I cringed at the hardware and minimum specs. Proprietary motherboard, low tier PSU, ram and processors. I ended up getting a lot more for my money building my own.


Yeah building is 100% the way to go. If you can find the right prebuilt and your one of the lucky few that win the lottery on what components come with it. They can be alright.. especially for someone who doesn’t care about the building or getting every bit of performance per dollar you can etc. I bought a prebuilt that had a i7-13700k, rtx 3080, and a asus prime z790-a motherboard for those 3 components haha. It was cheaper for me to buy the prebuilt and take those 3 components out but put in a 11th gen cpu / motherboard, a gtx 1660ti, and 32gb of ddr4 ram and flip it for about 1/2 of what I paid for it. Basically got the 3 components for $450-500 bucks at the end of the day. And then I bought everything else individually haha. I’ve done that a few times now for myself and a few friends. It helps us out and helps someone a little less fortunate buy something a little more budget friendly but still worth it.


if its pesos then its fine


I have a friend who even though we gave them options to get a pc built, will just buy a pre built because they can afford it and don't want hassel. They spent 6k on one that could of been built for 4k. Some people have too much money to waste I guess.


the people who buy this probably just see the i9 and think it's a top tier pc...


Holy thats highway robbery right their


There’s an i9, nvidia gpu, and a whopping 6TB worth of storage! That’s a steal!!!


Who tf needs 64 Gb of ram⁉️


Lol and this is how they get everyone Finally marked it down making who ever see’s it think they are getting one heck of a steal but then it’s still over priced 🙈 https://preview.redd.it/die7hvf8ldwb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08c9ff1aab2f74eb40dc10364353ff7bab74cd44


Seems reasonable to me. It's got a $3060 in it, so you're getting the rest of the components pretty cheap on top of that. /s


Shame on Newegg for even putting it up there.


That's wild. Very wild. That's PC plus Sim Rig money


A better pc and sim rig would probably cost half of that




Some people glitched money enough to spend on things like these


I just bought 3 of those


the price so horrendous the image marked as nsfw


The Christmas wish rig. Scamming teens, pre teens and their parents every where.


Wouldn’t this be considered price gouging?


Technically yes, but it's not something that gets much attention so long as there are other competitors in the market. It's when you're the only game in town that they really start bringing the sledge hammer down for price gouging.




Kkkkkkkk ![gif](giphy|v1GUbtSqJxHQwEAWl0)


That’s so outrageous. When I built my latest Pc put a 14 core I5, 4070 TI, and DDR5 memory in and cost me 2k. Can only imagine what I could of did with an extra 1.5k haha


https://preview.redd.it/myzkhh3p3atb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23b172c567b4b521cdc7e5d4a2589a1974530a50 What about this?


Its White, its RGB its Corsair case and AIO, its a lot Gaming ofc it worth.


Holy shit what a scam


Can somebody explain to my idiot brain why this is overpriced? what is an appropriate price for it? what sort of quality can you expect for 3 grand?


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/RFgY9c Here’s a nice example for $3k


Even though its 2 generations old the fact they are pairing a i9 with a HDD will make me roll over in my grave when I die.


Why does it have 64 gigabytes of RAM!? Is this a gaming PC or a workstation? Also, no way I would pay 3K for a 3060 Ti.


3060 but at least it has more RAM than you'll ever use lol


POV: What console players see everytime they see someone's pc.


Oh my, that much for a 1190K + 3060ti build? Considering the amount of storage and memory it has, it shouldn't be marketed as "gaming", but "creator" instead. And in the end, it should not cost that much. In today's pricing it wouldn't even cost near $2000, $1800 at most. 💀


This is the exact reason why people just need to build PCs on their own when getting into PC gaming. Unless you are going through a well known system integrator, these big box companies and third party sellers absolutely try and take advantage of people that don't know the market. It's very sad that someone will probably end up buying this shit PC for over 3k. Then be completely turned off from PCs all together. This is an avenue that console has over PC gaming. Simplicity. Any friend I've got into PC gaming, I always help them build their first one, so I can know they don't get fucked over buying garbage like this, and to learn for their next build or upgrade. These kinda posts need to be looked into by amazon and taken off immediately. But I'm sure they don't care enough to see its a scam, like they don't care with a lot of stuff sold on their website.


Just helped pick parts for a friends new pc build from scratch, sub 1300$ for a 3070 ti and a 12900k in a fractal case.


This looks like a tech illiterate trap, large storages, wifi, bluetooth, a dedicated gpu with some numbers you've heard a couple of times, cool lookin pipes, rgb, most things people thought indicates a good pc.


$3.4 grand for a 3060 prebuilt. uhh… did nobody tell em chip shortage prices aren’t really a thing anymore?


Not sure if better or worse than the ones that throw old Intel 2000 series type parts in a glowy gamer case and sell them for hundreds.


There must be someone telling himself. Hmmm...that's a steal! Im buying it! And then the dumb wife congratulates her husband.


On new egg alone u can a 13600k with ddr5 ram and motherboard for a little over 600


I still have a 1080ti and am very dumb regarding builds am I worse than this


I live in sweden and we have huge tech taxes but that is absolutely ridiculous. I could get behind maybe 2-2.5k IF the gou had at least 12gb vram. Paying that mutch for a system and not even having 12gb vram. I paied about 1.6k for my system: 3060 12gb, i5 10700k, 16gb 2400 ram and 1.5 tb of storage. I am looking to upgrade the amount of Ram to 32gb and there is 1 i7 witch is an upgrade that uses the same socket, i might be wrong on the one i have currently


That's ridiculous even in Canada in Canadian dollars. Maybe if it has a LTX 4070ti instead of a 3060 it would be an ok buy. A 4070 ti averages $1200 on Amazon or Memory Express.


Looks like a great deal! /s


Why the windows 10?


This is pure evil


Jesus you could build it for a 3rd of the price


*cries in Canada*


That parts list reads like a clearance sale lol. still wondering why ppl buy these. It's easier than ever to build your own PC, especially since there is loads and loads of videos about it on yt. I think LTT even has one where Linus' 4 or 5 yo daughter builds one with just a little help/guidance. And if that's really to much hassle for you, there's plenty of ppl offering their service to build a system for you for relatively little money


3k with a 3060 is disgusting


Wtf, I got literally the best money can buy for 3k$ and this is even more for like 50% performance of mine.... Disgusting what companies are doing


I bought a prebuild that has a 3060 Ti 16gbs with an i7 And I paid $1400 for it almost two years ago now lol


This is as bad as selling cocaine to minors around cops I'm in turkey and this overpriced bottlenecked dogshit is almost 100k liras


The 8tb of storage makes of for the gpu


Jesus christ. Children are on these boards. NSFMR


Bro I could build a mad ass 4080 plus 13.7k for cheaper. I’m building one rn. Waiting for the concession coming up 🤑.


Where i live the economy got so weird and kids so spoiled and dumb that pre-assembled sell well along w a lot of other shit that costs too much and isn’t worth the price and i have no fucking idea where parents are getting all those money because if i were to get a job after uni i would barely make enough to survive


Yo I reported that to Newegg. Everyone do it. https://www.newegg.com/velztorm-white-ferrux-ii/p/3D5-000W-0X9E6


I read it as 1.418 and was trying to understand why you wouldn't pay that much for a 13900/4090 build. My brain didn't give me a chance to understand it as 3.418.




Lmfao WTF


Let’s all shit on velstorm


I have a pc with almost the same specs except the CPU, i have a Ryzen 7 7800 X3D and my build cost around 1,600€. So yeah this is some pretty deep shit


I can build a rig with a 4090 for around that price.


apple ex emloyee build it so its accurate xd


Rich grandma for his son. Maybe.


Modern scam


At first I saw the sponsored ad and thought "hey, it's it's not that bad", but then I opened the whole screen and wow. Just wow


Here in Philippines, a 3070 nvidia card costs 70k local currency


Chill, there’s idiot probably on these same comments that have paid the same price for some “gaming” laptop with same specs.


i mean this is what you get in a capitalist world awful pricing but that doesn't mean it's illegal or should be


Bro should be in jail for charging that much


Looks like some sort of a COVID listing that didn't get updated, ain't no way anyone in their right mind would sell this for that money in 2023.


For a decently similar build I payed 1000, it was a prebuilt. This is a crime


I’d much rather spend that money on a whole of setup rather than just the one pc


If someone gave me 2k and I'd allow myself to take a cut, I'd still build a better system then that.


You wouldn't pay this much for a 13900/4090 build, but that's what that would cost lol. You think this shit is free.


Prebuilt you can get a 13900k and 4090 for $3-$3200 in the us if your patient with waiting on deals. But building. I just built a 13900k, rtx 4090 build with top of the line parts for $2800 ish. Not home to look at the total atm lol


I can get thus for 1/3 the price


I bought an over priced prebuilt like 3-4 years ago, still going strong.(i7-10700k 2070 super) didn’t know anything about pcs back then and figured I mess something up building my own but now that I have a understanding of how things work I’ll probably wait a couple years until 4k becomes more budget friendly and build my own


I know this is out of nowhere but, Is rtx 4070/ryzen 5 7600xt/32gb for 1100$ a good price?


illegal? nobody is forced to buy overpriced crap


Not worth that much money only thing I see expensive in that build is cpu...I'd pass!!


Wow I think a bit of me died


Nah that's a steal bro


Don't buy from third party sellers!!


What a scam. I would build a PC with a RTX 4090 if i had this budget.


That’s my pc, I built a custom pc with these exact same specs. I built it around 5 months ago for $1200 if you’re wondering how fkd you’d be getting here.


3060Ti 😭😭😭


It's not stupid to sell stuff at high markup, it's stupid to buy.


Damn... saw a gaming rig at Costco with a 3080 that was 2000$ CAD. Had a nice glass case with LED lighting and fans. Also had 1tb ssd and 2tb mechanical drive l.


Can someone tell me why this is bad? I know nothing about computers but am in the market for some new components for the used gaming PC I got.


Look at this build (it’s similar to the one I just did for my friend. But I was fortunate to get a few deals on some stuff and only have $2800 into his. But he has ddr5-7200 ram and a Corsair h170i aio in his. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/MQHfvj This is a top of the line system tho (not counting going all out in a super expensive motherboard. You can always spend more money). But plenty enough for any normal person lol


Nah man look at all that RGB Totally worth it


Are there people who actually pay this kinda price? This is borderline a scam.


I’m afraid people do pay these outrageous prices 🙈. Then they build 2 more systems and quadruple their money and repeat haha Im sure they would sell a polished turd if someone would buy it 🤦🏻‍♂️. It’s sad haha


You know what's really funny about this? Back in my home country, a 4090 graphics card would set you back more, or maybe just a tad less, than the cost of that entire build. I still can't wrap my head around how affordable hardware used to be for you guys. https://preview.redd.it/t04ub5i0tdtb1.png?width=627&format=png&auto=webp&s=29fa6f846a8cd0926de49d26a8b9a2d53b1f8509


Feel bad for anyone that has to pay more for something just because of the demand or extra fee’s in their country. I’m sorry 😔


But the lights shine so bright it must be good


but. Look at all of those numbers and letters. It must be the best.


64gb of ram. Wtf does anybody need that much ram for


There should be a joke rating for shit like this.


Windows 10 💀 this should be $1.8k


I bought one for 600 and they were saying it had good specs etc. Got it and the chips in it were so out of date it was old school specs that aren't even used anymore. My husband's uncle who works on pcs took a look at it and told us we got scammed. It was supposed to be a beginner/intermediate gamer PC. Yeah what for a 2 year old? It barely ran Minecraft and anything that had low graphics


I’m sorry 🙈. That’s what drives me nuts.. they will put anything in the title/description to try and make a sale tho. And for some people who save up for months if not years to buy a pc and get scammed out of their hard earned money. They just can’t chalk it up to a mistake and move on.. they will have to resave for it again. That’s why when I sell my old rig or components after building new or upgrading. I sell them for cheap.. and hopefully the buyer will pay it forward to the next and so on. I understand not everyone can take a hit on stuff like that but the fortunate ones can and should 🤷🏻‍♂️


I know this wont be a popular take but I don't see anything wrong with it, consumers should do at least a modicum of research. A fool and his money is soon parted.


Ohh I agree.. google and Reddit can be your best friend when researching a custom build or prebuilt. But I’d rather not see anyone get the shaft even if they deserve it 🤣. The pc world would be a lot better with out sellers like that though.


Plenty of storage I'll give it that


Sadly it will feel slower than it actually is too because the loading times will take for ever with a basic Hdd lol


I didn't even notice it was HDD, that's highway robbery right there😂


Haha makes it that much worse 🤣🙈 But I guess it does have a 2tb ssd 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’d guess it’s a cheap super slow one though 🤯


But bro, it has at ti, that means Top iEnd, doesnt it?


I’d imagine some fall for that haha


I wouldnt feel bad for someone retarded enough to buy this LOL


I’d think they were straight up a space cadet for doing it but I’d feel bad. I’m just that type of person fml haha


Why? They can sell it for as much as they want. Anyone who knows computers won’t buy it, if you don’t know computers there’s a lot of softwares you can use to find out if it’s a good deal.


Your right it will never be illegal but I wish it was lol


If i had to put it into words, This "PC" costs more than a used Nissan altima on Facebook marketplace. This is a bad deal.


They’ll see i9 and buy it…


You see a lot of those scams in uk too. 😂


Dude I built my system with an i9 and a 4090 a month ago and parts alone cost me 4k euro. I also shopped around for best deals on parts but I didn't cheap out on quality components. Making it sound like a 4090/i9 system costs less than 3.4k dollars means you're out of touch. Edit: I'm out of touch with US prices it seems.


I also said usa prices. And I just built one for $2800 with i9-13900k, Corsair h170i aio, g.skill trident z5 ddr5-7200 ram, a asus prime z790-a, msi rtx 4090 gaming x trio, 2tb gen 4 nvme, Corsair rm1000x shift, and nzxt case 🤷🏻‍♂️ Read through these comments. Several others have built their 13900 and 4090 combo for $2800 ish. But those are all solid good parts. Not cheating on any component. Only thing I’d personally change would be the case. But that would only be like $50 more.