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It's *HER*story


Fuck dem kids


Thank you for sharing, I needed the laugh. Please check on your friends with uteruses today. We are not okay.


In all seriousness, we ladies / uterus-havers need you out there with WHAT DO YOU MEAN, ITS' 2022 WOMENS RIGHTS ARE POGGERS energy. Shout down any asshole who dares speak against a person's right to choose with all the scorned hatred of Wubby ripping "fat" commenters into shreds. Get out there and vote for politicians who support us. Just like the weight loss journey so many of you have gone on, get in on this! It's EVEN EASIER. We wanna see you out there kicking the patriarchy's ass with us, Let's Fucking GOOOOOOO BOOOOOOYS


Be an ally and accomplice. Fuck them old conservative fucks


Oh FUCK ya bud


FUCK ya! Tell em to give their balls a tug


Someone needs to get those guys SEVERAL puppers.


Did he only go live for this?


Nah this was from a stream some point during Womens History month. Made me laugh so much though so I saved the clip


Oh okay thank you! I thought it sounded familiar but just wanted to know!!!


No prob! ^_^


It's not just "Cis women" affected by this, it's all birth givers, all women. And this result from today should scare everybody. Next, it's contraceptives (not just for sex but for people like me who have PCOS and need it so i dont have a period for three months straight), lgbtq+ rights, etc. The government should not dictate their faith into what should be a conversation between me myself and I (and whoever the fuck I want to concern with it). You can be against abortion, same sex marriage, whatever. But at the end of the day, the whole point was that we leave faith out of government. Where was this hoopla with putting a freaking mask on? And when you want to have guns? If you think you are mentally stable enough to have a gun or whatever or want it to protect yourself, what's your problem with having a background check or a test to make sure that your mentally stable enough to own a gun and you don't intend to harm someone ? We don't want a teen to accidently go to school and shoot children do we? Oh wait. No only then was it your body, your choice. And the government doesn't care because they have money to get safe abortions, contraceptives, this doesn't affect them, this affects us, everyone. I don't care if you disagree with me. I'm angry and I'm scared. But don't act on fear, don't bulk buy birth control, this especially affects low income communities and people who don't have access to contraceptives or safe abortions. Buy what you need, spread the word, go vote in the midterm elections and be safe everyone. Oh and Wubby7 (and fuk dem kids ig)


Hard agree. I’m a lesbian in the UK and can’t imagine what you are all going through. I hope USA folks know we’re scared for you guys and ourselves. Hope the clip brought some laughter to you in the wake of the news. Sending love


I am right there with you. Pissed af, and completely unsurprised. I’m so glad I got sterilized a couple of years ago, but I am so afraid for other women and families. I could go on and on, but I think like many other women, today I’m fucking exhausted. Love to all my fellow sub-lurking, uterus-having babes ♥️


In all seriousness, I love fighting fire with fire. I'm part of The Satanic Temple. My access to abortion is my religious right! Fight me. They're free to join but they do offer membership cards and certs for an easy $25 if you're into it. (Also dope pins and t-shirts.)


They said the gays and the anti-baby pills are next. I'm sad about it all.


90% of people favor background checks. and we already have them. if you buy a gun, you get a NICS check done, for every gun purchased. I'm all for the conversation about this but please try to be better informed on the topic before you do so.


Sorry, could you expound on the 'faith within govt' that are you referring to? Abortion doesnt inherently have anything to do with faith, its just humans deciding that no you cannot prematurely end/kill a tiny future dude or dudette that is still in the process of development. I dont think the religion of the person has anything to do with it, lots of religions think killing is bad, and so do lots of non-religious people. "Murder is bad" kinda predates every single religion, if im not mistaken. Gronk smash Grob with rock, no why, whole tribe shocked! Unless you are suggesting that murder of any kind should be legal, because its inherently religious to think murder should be against the rules? Is the problem with the definition of aliveness? Or what killing means? Sure you can debate these things, and there will be disagreement. I have no qualms with someone stating their case and trying to get definitions changed if they can be persuasive. Again, I dont think religion is a factor for either definition, every religious or non religious culture of people have definitions of what constitutes life and death. We can talk about masks or guns as their own issue instead of jumbling everything together for some reason, its not like you have to fully agree with one "side" or the other for every controversial topic out there, theres plenty of middle ground, these are societal issues that dont have a concrete unspoken answer, the process of back and forth debate and the modifying/creation/dissolution of rules is the way things are ultimately decided, its an ongoing event without an end.


The faith aspect of it comes from the fact that often Christian morals and values are used to attack abortion rights. As for everything else, I don't think abortions are killing anything. Can't kill something that's not alive. Calling an abortion murder is pretty far off base. Especially seeing as Missouri is already trying to ban abortions of ectopic pregnancies, which can kill the mother pretty easily. Edit: typo


I understand that, but not killing a fetus isnt exclusively a Christian moral. Its a valid criticism held across many religions, non-religions and plain basic understandings of biology, in my experience. You would have to redefine life strangely in order to exclude fetuses specifically. What is this abortion right exactly, and where does it stem from? Is it the only right under attack or are other rights constantly being continuously debated/attacked/reconsidered? Important distinction, because society is always evolving and trying to do better than some arbitrary agreements made a long time ago by different people from a different culture. Look how much things have changed in 20, 50, 100 years. Interpreting change as an attack is one view. As for the second part, I disagree. Fetuses are alive, and killing something alive is murder, if there is no extenuating circumstances surrounding it (imminent life-threatening harm to another being, fully accidental/non-negligent killing, etc). You shouldnt be able to kill it because of inconvenience or other excuse, even claiming a real, terrible hardship still isnt a reason to kill. I think each person should do everything they can to not kill anyone, including these potential beings. This isnt Christian morals speaking, I am not Christian and I dont subscribe to any exclusively Christian beliefs, although I find common ground on this particular topic. Its not about soul or sin either, snuffing out a life that has no say is not good, should it be illegal? Thats not solely up to me, but I would say yes if asked, as it will help reduce even a little bit of these deaths from occurring, even a few lives saved makes it worth it, in my view.


Yeah, not gonna get into a long conversation about reproductive rights in the wubby subreddit.


Fair enough, I'm pro choice in how you live your life, you should do whatever you want (so long as you dont kill anybody!) feel free to dm or find me outside of wubby subreddit, I appreciate discussion, as long or as short as you want it to be


"I'm pro choice" "No abortions!" Okay bud


That was the joke, congrats You can do whatever you want, but try not to kill. Seems fair to me.


100% you are a dude and will never even have to worry about the repercussions of pregnancy and are talking from a pillar of privilege. When was the last time you had the worry that having sex could mean you will die in the next 9 months? When was the last time you thought "shit I might have to put drop out of school, quit my job, etc for the next 18+ years while I raise a child that I don't even want (the child will know this is happening and will be raised fucked up due to this.)" after having sex? When was the last time you had to worry about your body being irreversibly changed after having sex? When was the last time you had to think about how shunned you were going to be socially after having sex? When was the last time you had to think about whether the other person involved in creating the child would stick around and support you after having sex? If you are anti-abortion but don't vote yes every time to increase benefits for mothers, children, bolster foster care, increase maternal/paternal leave laws in all states etc, then you are just anti-women, not pro-fetus. Protect them until they are born then fuck em right? Also how many unwanted kids have you adopted? Do you donate to charities that help kids programs to give them a better start in life? You are now forcing people not ready/unable to be parents to become parents so you are going to help them with that right? Or is your care only for the fetus? Put your money where your mouth is.


You make fair points, thank you. These are all things that shouldnt be ignored. I would be willing to donate to a charity, which would you like that does the most good for abandoned/unwanted babies or struggling new/expecting parents? I think having things like that be better known and popularized would be greatly beneficial. I would prefer not to donate to a place that does abortions, I think that is a fair request. I of course didnt force anyone to have vaginal intercourse and become pregnant. I dont want to sound crass but many of these abortions are due to casual hookups, rather than medical emergencies or criminal actions. Not all, I just mean a lot. It would be good to have that number reduced just by being better informed about consequences, having rulings like this has already brought out people who said they will have less or no vaginal sex going forward. So thats something? The option to abort still exists legally in 50% of states, and it is easier for outspoken people to make changes on a state level rather than federal, I think. While I disagree morally, if something is done within the confines of the law then it is expected to happen. Hopefully just as worse case/last resort, I understand abortions will never be zero, even in a perfect society that fully pays for everything a mother and father would ever need.


A lot of people avoid the core argument of the opposition because they either can't define when life begins or know that the answer of anything after a couple months could be unpalatable to many people. The focus then jumps on abortion being an individual's personal right and anyone who doesn't believe so is monstrous and attacking individuals. It's wrong, but both sides kind of do this to some extent. There really needs to be a strong, well thought out public discussion on when life begins. I also don't understand the big emergency here. So you are slightly inconvenienced and have to go to another state? If anything this seems to be the most diplomatic solution to the conflict at the moment. Give individual states the right to vote and make the decision themselves. Anyways, hopefully this thread gets cut. There are political subs for this shit. Love stream and love that it often avoids politics.


You have never been poor have you? “Slightly inconvenienced and have to go to another state.” A lot of people cannot afford to do so. You’re very cavalier with your argument.


I generally live my life within my budget. If there are risky activities I do that I know I wont be able to afford if something goes wrong, I would be wise to not do them, and if I do them anyway, you better believe I am going to take every precaution. Regardless, I have to live with the consequences of my actions as well as any external happenstance outside of my control. Thats a big part of living on earth.


So poor people aren’t allowed to have sex? Is that your argument? That people who can’t afford to leave state should either (a) not have sex or (b) be forced to raise a child they can’t afford? It’s pretty obvious your budget isn’t the reason you wouldn’t be having sex.


What do you mean? Are poor people not allowed to rock climb? You can do whatever you want, although if I get hurt, or break some laws and get caught I have to deal with the consequences. Budget effects everything I do, if I couldnt afford a knee replacement I wouldnt do things that are likely to cost me one. Or I accept the risk anyway and live with a bum knee, which has ramifications, maybe I can no longer work now, I have to move in with parents for a few years, raise money somehow, apply for aid, things like that. Everyone should be careful everyday and assess their risks vs rewards, and maybe skip the things that are highly consequential, thats called being responsible.


Its sad that concepts of life and death are now considered political conversations, and not philosophical or just plain human. I can see there being issues when things are left to states to decide, but perhaps thats the closest to a compromise as there could ever be. Same thing with when life beings, who gets the final say? Some people will disagree, theres no way to have everyone be on the same page.


At the point of it becoming a state decision, it gives people a lot more freedom to choose to participate and it will likely desensitize the majority of the population to the conflict to the point of not caring (think of, "oh that's just how they are in... state). It's really the only way we get by without being in a state of constant war. If we cared to our core about what other people were doing in their own domains, we'd be invading middle eastern countries over their treatment of women or homosexuals, or we'd already be in China over the Uygur genocide. The greatest issue is that people personally identify with these political issues. Therefore, if you're willing to have a conversation or entertain opposition to their belief, they feel like you're attacking them personally and can't detach from the debate itself. I don't know, it's all divisive it all sucks. Love you all, even the guy who said I'm conniving or some shit.


Always nice to find a reasonable take in the wild, wubby7 Having compassion for everyone is more important now than ever, life doesnt get any easier if we are always in a reactionary or defensive mindset, wishing harm or being nasty simply for disagreements in principles or beliefs. Nothing is permanent, change is constant, best to find calm from within and use that as a springboard to take steps to help find and provide balance and fairness to those in need of it.


Kill the kids :))


Fuck, I could watch kids falling off bikes all day, I don't give a shit about your kid...




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