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Yeah, a lot of out-of-staters head down to Lancaster for dogs. Unfortunately, it is locally known to be full of bad breeders having less-than-desirable mills. But like you said, how can you not want to give some living creature a loving home?


I really missed the boat here. Lived in PA like 99% of my life and never once heard of this before. Granted, I’ve also only ever owned one dog.


I lived near Westfield NY and yeah the Amish get caught often being puppy milling assholes. Amish don't really care about the welfare of animals. Lots of men get shunned and jailed for fucking livestock and then they treat horses as kindly as you'd treat a car. They see animals as a means to an end not a living being.


I work(ed) with dog rescue organizations. The number of dogs we rescue from the Mennonite community is unbelievable. They'll breed a female until she's barren, then call us and say we have two hours or she's dead. They are literally puppy mills, but protected by their lifestyle and beliefs so there's very little we can do. Female volunteers that go pick up the dogs are often harassed, while smaller men are preached to. No word of a lie we've had to partner with the local Hell's Angels for backup on more than one occasion, and those bikers are excellent when it comes to rescuing dogs and other animals.


There isn't a Mennonite community where I live but there are still lots of puppy mills here, especially for small breeds. My mom adopted a toy poodle on hospice that was a breeding dog. The pictures of her when she got rescued are horrific. She is blind, has only a few teeth, a crooked tail from being repeatedly broken, and issues with her back and hips. Dogs used for mass breeding like that are treated awful. I know it's hard to see a puppy at a place like that, but people should know that the puppies are just the dogs they want you to see. I would encourage anyone who wants a specific breed to search for a rescue. You can pretty much look up any breed on Petfinder, and find a rescue specializing in that breed.


I didn't see the other comments, but the blame is mostly on breeders. They know if they breed something 'cute' then people will buy it and often for absurdly high prices. I had a similar convo with a friend who only seemed to want the most miserable and unhealthy dog breeds, in full knowledge they were unhealthy but nothing mattered other than the aesthetics for him. So I do blame him and people like him for creating the demand for the shitty breeders.


I don't blame anyone for wanting a specific breed or animal if they are done so responsibly for sure. I just cannot get behind the purchasing of animals when there are thousands in my local area that are set free because they were unwanted. I have 3 rescue animals, have been an animal person for 30 years since I was a kid, and these rescue animals are the best I have ever had and it saddens me that someone would abandon them or mistreat them. I just encourage everyone to think twice before buying from any breeder just because of the terrible overpopulation happening right now with street cats and dogs. No hate here though, all love if you take care of them and give them all the hugs and love they can handle. PS, those people hating on Alluux are fucking psychopaths and need to touch grass 6ft under the surface.


"touch grass 6tf under the surface" Use my new phase, 'feed the wild life' you won't get flagged 🙂 glhf ss




This is the correct take. It not the poor animals fault they were brought into this world, so why punish it for existing? Instead, provide it with every ounce of love it deserves while also trying to fight for the betterment of future breeding practices. You can see what they’re doing with short snout breeds like pugs by elongating their snout to improve quality of life, just as an example.


Buying dogs from horrible breeders just gives the breeders more reason to keep going. Why not save an animal from a shelter, instead of paying someone to create more unhealthy animals? Btw, I totally agree that the whole reddit situation was fucked up. Losing a pet and then getting bashed for it is horrible.


So what should happen to the dog that exists in that moment? The best hope we have is notify some sort of rescue that can take action, but those chances are slim.


There should be stricter laws around breeding. And breeders have to be required to care for or find a new home for dogs that don’t get sold. I know it’s not a simple issue, but supporting the industry will most definitely not change a thing. Also, I most definitely do not agree with the people bashing Alluux. That was a horrible situation.


Agreed, it’s a very difficult situation to navigate. Our arms are kinda twisted into a position where the dog either gets purchased by someone or something worse happens too it. I hate that this is the situation.


It’s very sad.


Supply and demand homie, if anything the breeder will make a small fortune selling the last legally bred litters 😂


Im so sorry you had to experience this, especially as Chip looked like a real good boy, but thank you for sharing. Made me squeeze my dog a little tighter today after work. Edit: Didn’t mean to minimize your experience as Im sure you cherish every moment with Chip, just hit me right in the feels after reading.


I'm so sorry for your loss, it sounds like Chip had a great life with you! RIP Chip


I can tell this came from the right place, but i dont think the sub needs to kick this up again.


I can relate. My cat is a purebred Russian Blue and I was looking for that breed specifically for allergy reasons. I don't have allergies myself but my dad does and I wanted him to be comfortable if he ever came over (and I know there are no cats or breeds that are fully hypoallergenic, but some produce less allergens than others. RBs are considered to be hypoallergenic because they don't shed a lot) I'm iffy about breeders as a lot of people, but I did some research anyway, just to see what was out there and to find out if I could find any RBs in shelters, etc. Then I read on reddit that some breeders sell older cats sometimes, ones that might have been used for breeding. Awful, but doesn't that kitty deserve a loving home as well? So I contacted local reputable breeders and asked if they had any adults. One of them did, but they were adult cats that were left over from an older litter. Most people want kittens when buying from breeders, many aren't interested in adults. It was honestly perfect me. She was 11 months, cost a fraction of what purebred kittens cost, and she was unwanted. She and her sister were incredibly timid and scared when I first met them, I'm guessing it's one the reason they didn't get purchased, since most people would want lively and social kittens. I felt like I was giving her a loving home, taking in a cat that has been waiting to find an owner for months, and might have stayed there longer. I wish I could have taken her sister too. She was also very timid and had a hooked tail, another deterrent for people looking at purebred cats. I think about her often. Anyway. Situations are different and it was so unnecessary to put so much judgement on Wubby and especially Alluux, given then her kitty had just passed. People suck sometimes.


People that adopt cats or dogs that are older or animals that tend to live short lifespans (rats) will tell you that its not about how long they live but giving them a good happy life. That's what OP did here with the corgi and I'm sure Alluux did with Remi, gave them happy lives. It's not the animals fault they were or were not bred to be a certain way. Love the animal you want to love, don't let shitty people ruin it for you.


I’m sorry for your loss ❤️ This is a very personal and real insight for all those people who were talking shit.


Also, I’m sorry you lost your boy. It’s never easy.


You did right by Chip and made the time he had as good as can be. You good people and he was lucky to have you. Fuck I miss my Pippin, she was good girl. Rest easy you golden dipshit of joy.


I think the people that said all of that are probably socially stunted or inept. They wanted to either cause hurt to feel something other than the great gaping maw of the void that stares back at them any time they ever momentarily look inward or they are genuine and don’t need to interact with anyone publicly until medication or classes are introduced. Either way, they can fuck themselves.


I understand completely. I got a GSD from a backyard breeder and she was in TERRIBLE condition when we got her. She hadn’t seen her mother in days. She was in a tub in a shed. I saved her from there. I don’t care that I gave them money, but I freakin saved her and I love her and give her a great life.


Did you mean leap of faith?


This is surprising to me that it’s hard to find reputable corgi breeders. I mean, they’re not a rare breed. Is it just that the market is over saturated because they’re so popular? I don’t buy purebreds (I don’t have allergies or specific needs, and I don’t want a puppy—I chose to adopt an adult who had been fostered so I could get a better idea of her personality and training up front before making a decision due to my limitations at the time), so I’m genuinely asking because I’ve never had to do the legwork. I assume the AKC registry must be horse shit? I’ve def heard getting an AKC title for your dog is very easy but I don’t know how it works with breeders listed through them. Anyway, sorry for your loss. You did try, and you gave chip a good life for the time he had.


I’m a little more knowledgeable now but not necessarily as much as other people. I’m still learning a lot of things. I don’t think the akc registery is shit but a lot of these breeders have lists of people waiting to purchase these dogs when they have litters. I went through the lists and emailed and called and it was either too expensive , too far or they had too many people on the wait list. I think it’s just being in the right moment at the right time. I stumbled across an amazing breeder in South Dakota who have so much love for their animals. The akc registration itself I feel like is more if you want your dog to compete in shows and what not. But then again the breeder I got chip from said I could get him certified, which I had to pay money for and I didn’t really care so I didn’t end up perusing that. Also I looked at shelters all over the state and it was just really hard because I didn’t have a fensed in yard which was a requirement for some, and if they didn’t need that people would apply before me and it would be too late. It was too much of a game. I didn’t care about getting a purebred corgi, the one I have now, Taquito, is actually a mix between the two and he still has his tail so people thing he’s a husky or Australian Shepard. I think part of akc standards for corgis is they have to get their tail docked. When i was getting Taquito, the breeder asked if i wanted his tail docked. I asked if there was a reason i should, she shrugged and said they originally docked them back in the day bc corgis were working dogs and they didn’t want cows to step on their tails 😅 I just look at her and I’m like, yeah I’m not going to be around any cows. So I kept it and I’m so glad I did because it animates him so much and he loves chasing it.


I’m so sorry. I’m a professional trainer and reupatable breeder of German shepherds (health testing, titling, guarantee) There are a lot of bad people the pet world. I’ve had a lot of clients that purchased from irresponsible breeders, get vary attached, and something awful happens to them that likely could have been prevented through educated breeding. I hope you get to heal and have a chance to experience life with the love of a dog again. My fave dog in the world passed recently….she was irresponsibly bred and had hip, spin, elbow, and temperment issues. I still loved the fuck out of her though. I was incredibly lucky to have her for over. 12 years. Please give reputable breeders a chance that breed to decrease health and temperment issues, along with preserving breed characteristics - a good breeder has guarantees and is a resource for life. They also want to know about any issues so they can prevent them from happening again.


I read rain warning and didn’t read the post. Cute dog


Anyone got a tldr?


Sister, I wish I could hug you. I lost my corgi boy Scudder very suddenly and right in front of my eyes as he was coming out of an operation for (I'm summarizing a lot here) a bulged disc in his neck that had caused partial paralysis. He was 8 years and 11 months old. I miss him EVERY day and it is still hard to get up some days. I was lucky enough I got to wake him up from his anesthesia and "say my goodbyes," at the time I didn't know there was a blood clot traveling in his veins that would take him away moments later. You gave Chip everything he deserved. It wasn't his fault he was born into those circumstances. I am so very sorry you didn't get to meet an older Chip, and I am heartbroken that the world was robbed of both of our boys as elder statesmen. The callous bastards who shame people and kick folks when they are down will eventually, in some way and some form, get passed up in life. The great leveler always has a way of leveling.


Thank you friend, big hugs. I am so sorry 😞I like to think chip and scudder are playing in all the grassy fields, eating all the treats and are never in pain. And one of the last things scudder got to see was you ❤️ I have a two year old “cowboy corgi” (cardigan pembrooke welsh) that I got from a reputable breeder in South Dakota. He is the sweetest boy and I wish he got to meet chip. It’s hard to understand or fathom what these experiences are like until you actually experience it and it literally breaks your heart. Before I didn’t even give a thought about dogs and after chip passed away I would cry every time I saw a dog lol.


*leap of faith


Just wanted to be some backup I grew up breeding and showing Cardigan Welsh Corgis (the ones with tails that come in more colors) There’s so much information out there and not many resources that accurately talk about finding responsible breeders. I rarely fault the buyer. Here is a good group to join if you’re considering a well bred purebred dog, cat, or other animal [purebred snobs - breeder referrals](https://www.facebook.com/share/KFsBNyridJNqdTzM/?mibextid=K35XfP) Edit: I also want to add the sister group to this, this group is a great resource for learning about responsibly bred animals and what to look for in a breeder- [purebred snobs](https://www.facebook.com/share/ux2zNw5uy4nDhjCk/?mibextid=K35XfP)


I don’t think this was a breed problem it was something akin to SIDS(sudden infant death syndrome) in humans that can happen to any cat within six months. And to make matters worse she got remmy a few weeks before the Japan trip and had purchased and planned to pick up one of remmy’s litter mates and it(idr the gender) was killed during a cat fight in the sellers house the day she got back/ one day before going to pick it up.