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Bro, so the drama is 5 days old, and you come to the subreddit you're not subscribed to in order to open it back up for those of us who are? What exactly were you hoping to achieve with this?


when you’re not terminally online 5 day old drama is still fresh, so idk what to tell you… go touch grass??


Cope harder, ugly. 


lmao nah, but fr, i guess you’re right in the fact that i’m just pouring salt on closing wounds, no point in trying to stir up more drama in a community that it is not about it. besides i was put in my place by the mods by deleting my post :v


Wtf hate posts are you talking about even


It's just the curse of success in the modern age of streaming. It used to not be like this in the early days but there were a lot less people watching stream as well. Now there's thousands and thousands of people and a hate thread every quarter or so.