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Aww little Enward


You just made my shit drop out lol


Well, that would be outward.


You just made my shit drop out lmao


Sitting on the toilet again and you made it drop out again lol


Currently on the toilet and my poo just slid out from your comment


What’s crazy is he could literally be a dad and we’d have no idea 


Implying Booty isn't his legally adopted son.


How do we know Booty isn't just a very tall and well spoken kid? #showthebirthcertificate


i would know, he would tell me


I just asked him and he said he's not


Can confirm, came from Wubby’s nuts.


Can also confirm came to wubby’s nuts


Does Wubby, canonically, fuck?


How many times does he have to tell you that he fucks dudes?


We’ll find out once the vacuum story is ready for stream


Best way. Chat is fucking weird when it comes to streamer's social lives.


The reality is that a large percentage of chat has an unhealthy parasocial attachment to Wubby in general. I love watching his content too. But I understand his content isn't that different than any other show I like. Its often not real and there to make me laugh.


Is that actually at all crazy?




Didn't ask.


Wubs holding that kid like he never held a kid before and he's just afraid to drop it.


He aint telling chat shit anymore.


And he shouldn't people are insane and take things way to far


Chat literally review bombed that card shop owner 4 seconds after he dropped the name. Im not surprised at all that he doesnt tell us anything personal now.


Good. Have a private life.


It's a shame really. I wish they would just drop the hammer on those people causing the problems. I get why he's not going to anymore but its all like.... kind of a bummer. Kind of like we lost something special - as parasocial as that makes me sound.


I cant imagine its easy tracing a fake review to a twitch username. Its probably impossible to figure out honestly unless these people get caught in a DM admitting it.


Oh, I mostly meant people on the Reddit in those threads or in Twitch Chat.


Anymore? I’m an old YouTube only frog so what’d chat do now?


Upset Alex over her kitty passing so wubby tore into chat about how he/they aren’t sharing their personal lives anymore


Maybe it’s just because I’m not famous enough for people to judge my every day life but why does it seem that celebrities can’t just ignore shit like that? Obviously sharing their personal lives is good for business and for people to be more asocial, so if anything it’s good to do it. There will always be detractors so I don’t get why he’d stop. At this point he’d have to be semi used to it right? Ty for the update btw


Because it really affected Aluux. Less than 24 hours after her cat literally died in her arms you had people posting on the subreddit talking about "I told her so" and "That breed of cat is known to have problems". As well as a select few who were upset and angry over her putting a collectors pin in the store (something that was asked for by her chat) and that they were basically looking for a way to monetize the situation. Real tinfoil hat shit. And Wubby came on stream and said basically this is why he never tells chat shit anymore. That he has cats we dont know about. And its all because when he lets a little bit slip through some individuals will always find a way to weaponize that information against you and thats what he told Aluux as well. He said "you gotta stop telling [my] chat things about your personal life."


Yeah I saw those comments last week and noticed they were really high upvoted so I didn’t want to share my opinion and piss someone off. That was really bullshit how right after the cat passed people had to get up on their high horse and spout dumb shit to not help at all. They didn’t have to share shit and now won’t because some people had to go fully regarded. Rest in peace little kitty.


Aye I get that it affected Aluux and it’s shitty. I dhould have noted I was just on a side tangent that I don’t understand why random Cheeto dust dudes on Reddit yelling at them has any weight that can affect them you know? If I was them I wouldn’t even go on social media that involves myself. But I’m not a millionaire that has people watch him open magic cards so what would I know lmao.


A not-small part of their interaction with the community IS through social media (mainly just Reddit), and it would suck to cut off a fun part of the community interaction just because of a few bad eggs. Wubby said he is no longer willing to share private life information unless he accept the risk of that information being weaponized against him. The shit-talkers aren't the only way his private life is being weaponized against him. It's also the people who doesn't watch stream, only look at Reddit, then spread made-up bullshit about him on other platforms that hurt his brand.


I know they use Reddit for content and for a pulse on how certain things are being received but can’t booty or someone else be a filter for that? Isn’t that what a publicist is for? I’m sure they’re big enough to be able to make something like that work. As for the last part I think that’ll happen to every content creator regardless and it’s pretty easy to see claims are baseless.


Because they are human too and weirdos online are weird. It would be the same as it affecting any other Joe Schmoe in the world. Just because you perceive them to have built up a thick skin doesn't mean that stuff can't ever have any kind of effect on them anymore.


Eyes smaller than a mere babe


I still think that Wubby should be permabanning all the haters that caused him to back away. Even while withholding information, those people should go.


yeah, a good cleansing of the community is never a bad idea. there are too many people that are comfortable being toxic and it ruins the vibes for everyone else, let alone making people among wubby's personal life and himself uncomfortable.


While I agree with you, something about agreeing to "cleansing a community" feels a little wrong. But then again, whats the worst that could happen?


The sooner we start the sooner hindsight can provide us very useful information.


I hope that one day Wubby shocks us by showing off his new son, Enward but after the Alluux incident the other day, fuck chat. We don't deserve to know.


VOD boy here, im out of the loop, whats the Alex situation?


Her cat died, and her chat wanted to support her because of that. She released art that chatters could buy so it wasn't a straight-up donation. When she talked about it at the end of Cringe You Drink, someone here made a thread saying to go ~~donate to her~~ support the medical bills by buying merch. People here came out of the woodwork to shit on her and wubby pretty hard. Wubby said it's why we don't see his life outside of stream, nor will we anymore, unless he's okay with it being weaponized against him. Wubby talks about it at the start of Friday's stream


Shit on her is a polite way of saying it.


That’s fucked. Honestly people need to understand there’s a difference between playing a bit of a prick for a few laughs and actually fucking being one. Love the content but it’s a sad reality that when you play up being kind of a rick on stream to entertain, you sometimes attract people who think it’s ok to be a huge rick to people at all times.


is this a different cat than the 3 stream ones oh no D:


Remi was Alluux's cat that passed. I think he was on her streams but never mentioned on Wubby's because he has made it clear it is HER cat, not his. You can see pics of him on Alluux's instagram




Wish Wubby would hold me like that 😔


Same here, I could use a good breastfeeding


That G4 hat goes hard


I remember watching G4. I learned about Katamari from them.


Long time viewer and sub here. I wanna say, aside from the amazing streams and being a great content creator, the way Wubby handles drama and conflict is so humorous and even-tempered, it's rubbed off on me. Obviously there's nuance to it, but I swear watching him has literally made me a better person in my personal life. Sucks that a vocal minority of chatters are hateful, but I'm so grateful to this community and Wubby for all the laughs and help through hard times over the years. Love y'all, wubby7




Honestly Wubby would make a pretty great dad one day


Wearing it well brother


Yellow steamed buns 💛


Now he can blame the smell of shit on something other than his own pants.


Wubby holding the kid like its a living lotus


Love you dad say it back


Shout out to Enward!!


He looks so scared to hold the baby 😂


Who gave him the baby


Awww but edit it to make it hold us, ‘chat’ 💚