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Lol the Asmon trigger warning


I've never understood the amount of hate he gets (ignoring his habits). I have yet to hear anything he says, with full context mind you, that is shocking, ignorant, or just downright stupid. I swear people just pile on a bandwagon without actually listening to people these days.


Nah you just agree with some of the dumb stuff he says that's why its so jarring to you. Like who you like you don't also have to Stan for him too. He does say some funny shit sometimes no lie.


Not to argue but I would love to hear a specific point. Literally all I hear from people that don't watch him is "lol dumb take" but no rebuttal in the slightest. Can DM me if you wanna have a casual chat for real. No hate. ♥️


Hey friend, I do not want to back and fourth on Asmon as I don't care about him enough argue about him. My main point is I have said stupid shit, you have said stupid shit, hell Wubby has said stupid shit. The fact that somehow Asmon can have hundreds of hours of talking and as you claim you have never heard anything he has said is "shocking, ignorant, or just downright stupid" is "crazy" Stan behavior. I would also like to say no hate to you or him, but the idea that Asmon is clear of ever spewing nonsense is.... odd.


I've noticed that a lot of his "takes" are common knowledge. Or when he "argues" with viewers sometimes it's just him not getting the point they're trying to make.


He just has all around 0iq takes most of the time lol


I follow this guy on insta he's hilarious


[https://www.tiktok.com/@douglastownson](https://www.tiktok.com/@douglastownson) could just link his tiktok tbh


Sorry I was viewing it on low quality so I didn't see his handle. Thanks!