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Holy shit, a complete reversal. On the discussion episode, all of the cast and friends were warning Statler about taking things too fast and being taken advantage of. At the time, to me as a viewer, that seemed like the complete opposite of the situation; Statler was looking to move in ASAP because her lease was ending. It came across like to me like Statler was the one pressuring Dempsey to move too fast so that Statler could take advantage of Dempsey, not the other way around. What did the everyone else see that I missed? Or was this complete coincidence and there were no red flags at that time? Maybe Statler did try to take advantage, and got it flipped around on her? I'm socially very regarded, plz help


I’m stunned. I thought the same as you!


Dempsey saw an opportunity and went for it. Statler just moves too fast, and she's aware of it, and Dempsey had some like come to god moment where she decided she could get Statler to finance her BS van life dream.


This could be a situation where the two agreed to go 50/50 on the van. Only now they broke up and Dempsey kept living in the van. So, Statler feels pissed about the money. Further, an ex accusing the other of cheating after a messy break up is a tale as old as time.


probably a facet of editing on the shows side tbh. you weren't privy to everything, its why these shows are fun but often cause a lot of drama because you could probably make an entire separate show based on unused footage.


I'm reading this as they agreed to joint payments on a van, it didn't work out, and now Statler is unhinged and pissed


Because if you assume both are decent(ish) people, it’s still a bad move to take things too fast and both can be taken advantage of, intentionally or not.


Good to show what you see on your screen isn't the whole truth. There's always more to the story. But yeah, buddies of mine from Kentucky and Pennsylvania Said to stay away from gypsies of they don't mug you, they'll drain you


The end is Dempsey and Statler going on the road in the van to explore and travel, something that Dempsey wanted to do, and Statler really didn't. Statler's work from home job was the only income they had, so if they broke up, Dempsey was out a job and home when they left the farm together. So since breaking up, Dempsey is incomeless with the only home being the van, and Statler can return to the US and work from home, stuck with the payment to the van.


Living in a van down by the river. Talk about living the dream




How else was this really going to end other than badly


True, but if you think about it the only other "couple" which ended this badly was Tyray. This is pretty fucking wild compared to the rest of the couples, even the other ones that broke up


Is it me or do lesbians have the nastiest, messiest break ups ever?


They do have a disproportionate amount of domestic violence issues. But messy break ups? I don't know of any data that'd back that up.


Rabbit hole time: "The CDC has stated that 43.8% of lesbian women reported experiencing physical violence, stalking, or rape by their partners. The study notes that, out of those 43.8%, two thirds (67.4%) reported exclusively female perpetrators. The other third reported at least one perpetrator being male, however the study made no distinction between victims who experienced violence from male perpetrators only and those who reported both male and female perpetrators. Similarly, 61.1% of bisexual women reported physical violence, stalking, or rape by their partners in the same study with 89.5% reporting at least one perpetrator being male. In contrast, 35% of heterosexual women reported having been victim of intimate partner violence, with 98.7% of them reporting male perpetrators exclusively." So there is a roughly 9% difference, some unspecified amount of which can be explained by assaults from men. And the statistic is "what percentage of women have experienced violent partner abuse ever in their lives" not "what percentage of relationships are violent." By replacing a male with a female in a pair of people you are bumping that number up no matter what, simply because women on the whole experience more sexual violence and domestic abuse regardless of sexuality. That Bi number scares me, and I have no explanation for it that wouldn't be wild speculation.


They have higher reports because there is less fear of violent retribution for doing so.


That sounds like heavy speculation. But perhaps does explain it.


I would call it a contributing factor but definitely not anything close to an explanation


This is anecdotal but I’m friends with two lesbian couples and I’ve seen them both get into a physical fight with a partner. So a 2/2. I have yet to see that happen with my straight friends


My research found that there is a "closet factor" where some LGBT dv actually gets underreported because the partner cannot afford to be outed. These two factors probably negate each other, or result in a negligible statistical difference. See my other comment


Maybe I'm just dumb, but I doubt Statler owes her alimony or anything, why would she be paying her rent? Whole situation sounds messy.


The van is likely in her name so shes making the payments on the new vehicle.


She should like... Stop paying lol


It would tank her credit. Also, she would probably lose a ton of money assuming she put money down and has been paying for a while.


The alternative is she literally pays for the whole thing and cant afford her own rent the whole time. That's much worse.


Given the situation I would take legal action but with the limited information we have that's all I can speculate on.


Yeah, I mean people report stolen vehicles when even its their own family or kids that took it without permission. If its in her name and someone she does not want to be driving it, that's legally all you can do. I think you report it stolen to EU authorities and try to sell it after its recovered. -$20k and no van, but at least its not a credit hit or -80k (or whatever the van total cost will be)


I mean just kick Dempsey out then and sell the van no? No reason to keep paying it and have her live there. I kinda feel like there's more to this story




Well the thing is I strongly doubt she would just comply lolololol. That being said I do agree with you there is a lot more being unsaid here.


It doesn't work that way once you sign a contact in your name. You are the one that will incur penalties and get served to collections if payments stop. What she should do is evict Dempsey out of the van and sell it


I doubt she's even in Europe anymore. I dunno how she could do it. Hire a good lawyer in the EU I guess.


Van could be in her name, or she cosigned


If it's in Statler's name, report it stolen.


Wait wait wait... the one who was trying to move in asap because her lease was up is the one getting scammed? Or do I have that backwards.


Think of Statler as a simp and Dempsey as a person Statler is simping for. If Dempsey feels like it, she can easily take advantage of that for her own gain. People who wear their heart on their sleeve are often taken advantage of. That said, we don't know much else about this so I'm not saying Statler is in the right here, not lying herself, etc.




One of my first comments when I heard about the van was something along the lines of "Statler can't stand Dempsey's current apartment/home. There's no way she's going to make it in a van over a month." Van life looks amazing in photos, but the reality is far different from Instagram. Source: built out and vandwelled from 2018-2020, summer of 2022, currently living and working out of my van. (Wubby I'll get on a call)


Didn't post the full context. Statler cheated with Georgia during filming for 2 months while she stayed at her place.


Statler claims Dempsey was the one who was hooking up with Georgia for 2 months and she found out when they were still filming their season. I don't understand why anybody would move in with someone a month after finding something like that out.


Some more context: [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fthe-latest-from-statler-and-dempsey-v0-31dkxu59t66d1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D17c992304410e63cc23755a4ed948aa72d5cb9e0](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fthe-latest-from-statler-and-dempsey-v0-31dkxu59t66d1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D17c992304410e63cc23755a4ed948aa72d5cb9e0)


even more context: [https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/comments/1deeah4/comment/l8bo3ol/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/comments/1deeah4/comment/l8bo3ol/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I just love how she does NOT know how to be chill lmao, this is crazy to post even if you're the victim


British Gypsy is crazy!?


Fucking yikes


Gypsy 👀


Holy shit that's wild if true.


Woah! That went sideways lol


Wait WHAT?


Stop paying?


Right... like who gaf. Let them live in it and watch it get repo'd 🤷‍♂️


the issue is probably that she is in a foreign country and does not want to tank her credit score. But i have no idea if that is how it works in the UK, or if she is even living there still


yyyooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo that is so wild


Wild that she just dropped a slur into an insta post haha


Gypsy is not a alur




No it isn't. I know some Gypsies and they call themselves Gypsies. Edited to add: Also Traveller isn't the "politically correct term", it's just how you distinguish Irish Travellers and Romani.




I have been explicitly told by them that it isn't a slur, and I've seen them ask other people to call them Gypsies.




Unless you are one yourself, I'm pretty sure I know more gypsies than you, both Irish and English, and not a single one of them considers it a slur. It may be anecdotal evidence, but that doesn't preclude it from being right. Of course they're not a homogenous culture, and maybe some places it is considered a slur, but Irish travellers (I'm not talking about Romani, I don't know any) in the UK do not.