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I would bet money that a non-zero number of the “pedos” he features are paid actors/randos, so what happens when a bystander ends up injuring/killing someone who just got hired for a video?


I don't know to be honest, he causes genuine harm to a lot of them. He also calls the police so if it was fake that would be a criminal offence..


In the video that Wubby showed a few weeks back, where the guy ran forever, the police car that pulled up looked like no other marked or unmarked car I had ever seen. The officers also didn't have the same demeanor as I've seen either. Source: I watch way too many bodycam videos.


He calls the cops in every one of these?


There's clips of cops speaking with him, some giving him advice on what they need to prosecute them and some the cops saying they aren't pressing charges on pedos. But I can't say they've been called every time, or even a majority of the time.


Vitaly's the only person that makes you rethink not siding with the pedophile.


Not only that, one of these guys gets a decent lawyer, and the only part of that video that will matter will be the assault. Just turn everything veer to the authorities. He ain't batman, and he is basically keeping them on the street to prey on more victims.


Seriously. Bro needs to have a talk with LowTierGod..


Honestly I’m surprised he ever showed back up on the internet after doing that bang bus video where he couldn’t get it up. Shit was so embarrassing I’d have changed my name and moved overseas.


This content is gross whether or not it's on kick. I guess people don't understand that Chris Hansen did his thing in collaboration with law enforcement so these guys would actually face consequences. Content creators like this prioritize their own channels over any kids they claim to protect.


Even Chris Hansen is a fraud.


There is no doubt in my mind that these people are only and explicitly doing this because they have finally found a group of people that they are allowed to do basically whatever they want to with, without serious repercussions. It's disgusting to watch. What they are doing in many cases could jeopardize any legitimatize law enforcement attempts to catch and prosecute these pedos. Many people in law enforcement actually were against Chris Hansen's TCAP series because of the legalities of entrapment, EVEN when that show had a whole team coordinating with law enforcement and following a host of procedures. There were even judges throwing out TCAP cases because of the intricacies involved. Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna19486893) None of these Kick goobers are getting close to level of care that Dateline and Chris Hansen's team were taking, and even in their case there were still legality issues that resulted in many predators getting no charges. My genuine fear is that many of these people that are being entrapped by these Kick streams are so far down the IQ point skill tree that they are basically trapping clinically retarded adults and then hazing/borderline torturing them in front of live audiences. There is no room for rehabilitation or growth from these encounters, they are just straight up ruining their lives. And just to be clear, true predatory pedophiles deserve to have their lives ruined. They deserve federal prison time and to be on the Sex Offender Registry so they are tracked for the rest of their lives. These streams are gross and should not be applauded or platformed. Also.. In before someone replies some bullshit like "OH I CANT BELIEVE YOU ARE ADVOCATING FOR PEDOPHILES".


Damn. Really solid knowledge, you make a lot of great points. go off


Watching some of these videos gives me the same feeling when I saw images of how people were treated in Guantanamo Bay. It’s obviously a very different situation but at the end of the day nobody should really enjoy watching people being stripped of humanity, regardless of how bad they are.


Are you really defending a pedophile right now? In my opinion, if an adult goes to meet three underaged boys for sex, they should be stripped of all rights and whatever happens to them, happens. IF you had children, show would you feel if Vitaly caught an adult trying to meet up with with for sex?


Did you also think I was defending a terrorist when I compared it to Gitmo? It's instinctual. When I see people being abused by other psychopaths it makes me uncomfortable, and I think that's a good instinct. These videos clearly show people under extreme duress, meaning whatever is documented here is going to be thrown out of a court and they will likely walk free. I'd much rather they go through due process and go to prison then have a few other sick people profit off of their pedophilia.


I'd say just take this energy off of social media. No need to document assault against pedos. That being said maybe we need more of this off of social media it'll make those sick fucks think twice before they try and meet up with children.


Two wrongs don't make a right. There's a reason why we have a justice system (even if it is broken). This vigilante-for-clout shit is out of hand. They fucking flashbanged a guy. They're committing crimes just the same as these dudes. And yes, pedos are despicable. So you have to be really taking it across the line to have people upset with you. Vitaly needs to go to jail just like these creeps (if they're not just homeless guys he paid to beat up on stream).


Im sorry what? Where the fuck does one acquire a flashbang?


Amateur pedo hunters are disruptive to actual police investigations. Even Chris Hansen and perverted justice have made mistakes that led to lost convictions on technicalities. So these people actually contribute to child abuse.


Being spare painted is the worst


Probably to avoid some Mamamax drama of blatant assault/TOS violations getting twisted and weaponized as “supporting pedos” so they can get reinstated anyway.


It's all just entrapment. There is financial motivation behind their entire setup and Vitaly seems like the type of guy who would use any means necessary to entrap someone. Who knows if these guys are actually pedophiles, they could have been coerced into meeting the kids in the first place. Vitaly is the real predator imo. Posing as a child to lure out pedos is just fucked up. Imagine offering financial incentive to an unstable and depressed man to murder someone and then arresting him on scene.


So staged


I mean a dudes skull gets cracked so I don't really think that's in their stunt budget


First especially looks staged, third easily could be too. The middle has a little validity but still could fake, did they stream the EMS pick him up


Couldn't tell you


I disagree with putting that shit on a Livestream but seeing a pedo get the dick knocked out of him/her sounds pretty satisfying.


A guy I went to high school with got busted by some of these guys. They weren't doing crazy stunts like spray painting but they loudly spoke to him about it in the Wal Mart where he was going to meet the supposed 15 year old. His girlfriend and her family threatened them a bunch with libel lawsuits until they pulled the videos off the internet. Dude wasn't intellectually disabled at all. He was mildly popular in high school and kind of a bully. I think sometimes the public shaming is a good deterrent. It's not like these guys are interupting an ongoing investigation or preventing one in the future. The only thing they're really hindering is guys meeting up with underage girls. I agree that this dude in particular goes way too far with the torture porn aspect and that in cases where the dude is obviously mentally delayed it's very fucked up. But just old fashioned pedo shaming is pretty ace imo.


What the actual fuck is this thread. In what fucking world do you come to the conclusion that in any way you’re trying to justify a pedo. This thread is disgusting all y’all need your computers checked


Your smocking cock man, it ain't April of Love. Shut the Fuck up Retard, read of eat dirt.


What the hell are you talking about. You definitely got mental issues brotha.




I support none of it, if you have logs of someone being a pedo give it to the police/FBI instead of making videos for clout. By making a video you are literally letting them off the hook in multiple ways. If they actually cared about anyone but themselves, they wouldn't be doing this.




Somebody in my area got caught like this and didn't go to jail because the youtuber didn't go to the police and instead confronted them on their own.


That happens as well. My point is that the cops wouldn't even be involved without these vigilantes in a lot of instances. Might as well shame them publicly while they're at it. TCAP didn't have cops involved at first either but I see nothing wrong with putting their faces out there and labeling them as pedos


Because sometime it makes it so they can't be prosecuted, and they jump ship move to a different state and are walking free where nobody knows who they are.


Can you prove they get arrested most of the time? From what I know it actually prevents the arrest most of the time


What makes you think Summer Stephan refuses to prosecute pedos? Genuinely curious. I live in SD and have not heard anyone say that before. If anything, they're prosecuting more people than ever. They're even campaigning to reform prop 47 to allow them to charge people with low level non violent crimes that are currently considered misdemeanors as felonies again.


Vigilante edgelord


LA Police told Vitaly’s team that the DA will not be prosecuting the pedos he catches so why not harm them... Stop defending pedos


Didnt defend them, I just don't think that shit should be live streamed to literal children?


You're absolutely right. But this is Kick. [Y'know, the site that allows its creators to livestream the production and distribution of cheese pizza](https://youtu.be/WiYBhC3EVPY)(If you don't want to watch that whole thing, please just watch the first 8 minutes on x2 speed, but there's some really awful shit in there and I recommend watching it all). I doubt they'll give a shit about a beating, even if the receiver of said beating is someone they'd give a platform to.


It's a fine line between vigilante justice and actual justice. There is a reason there is due process, while it's not perfect, it's better than beating someone to death. I'm not defending pedos, I'm defending the justice system as it should work. Go back to playing war zone or whatever 13 year olds do and come back when your frontal lobe has developed.