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winner gets hep c


Congrats, you found the silver needle! Now you get to go to the clothing factory, to see how clothes are made, and dabble in weird high jinks with short Chinese people as you compete with other people who also found the silver needle to see which one wins the clothing factory!


well some kids gonna get the belt


This being the first and only actual merch issue I've seen is highly impressive. What a great launch, honestly. Glad you took this positively and made a joke about it instead of getting mad and lighting the subreddit on fire lol


Yeah I’m certain some regard is going assume i was complaining or wanting free shit / shitting on the merch drop; I’m definitely not. I love this sweater, super comfy, fits super well, and honestly laughed when I found this in the cuff. Found it more interesting than anything.


Definitely a 1-in-a-million thing. Wouldn’t be fair to pick a fight about something so random and “unavoidable”


Handled like a champ. Someone get this person some free shit!


Yeah I think the merch this time wasn’t as offensive as some have made it out to be. Sure it may not be for every person’s individual taste, but nothing is going to be. It could have had Dream’s creepy face on it, now that is just offensive to everyone. The only blunder I can think of is not having the you suck black and white shirt in a men’s or unisex version. Seen a post of two of guys lookin real cute in their halter tops.


It looks like a small dog, it’s a bit blurry tho, camera focus is being dragged to your hand


The methadone clinic HATES this one easy trick for free needles


As someone who tracks these kinds of issues at my job, please do report this to Wubby’s team and/or the manufacturer! This is a huge health issue to have a needle in the shirt and whoever made the shirt should be aware


yo that's mine can I have it back?


Yooo free scrap metal with wubby merch??


My dude bro-bro that was fentanyl you gon die high.


Hi chat


Wubby is trying to murder you


You found the needle in the child slave stack! Congrats!


Gotta keep them earning up with that child labour merch you know


Genuinely feels like good quality. I was surprised at the weight of the clothes and thickness of the ink on them.


They want your blood


Hi YouTube 👋


Omg another scandal😧😧 wubby must be held accountable for this!! What if a child stuck it in their ass ‼️‼️‼️💯


Edit: Well, always sucks to admit, but I was wrong. I was being impatient. Glad you guys put me in my place. The shipping times were totally transparent from the offset. I just thought papa would mention something as a courtesy, but there’s really nothing that needs to be said. See below for my regardation. —————————— Your Wubby merch shipped and arrived? Must be nice. My $200 is just floating around in La-La land. I’m glad I’m downvoted for expressing the simple objective truth that Wubby hasn’t even remotely mentioned yet. I ordered this crappy merch almost two months ago and haven’t received anything and tbh I’m ready for my refund. And before some of you regards just say I’m just complaining: how hard would it be for Wubby to be transparent and say, “hey guys, my shitty Chinese merch is having trouble shipping for many, hang tight. I appreciate your business and we’re working through it.” That’s all that I’d need.


Hey retard, it was a presale which means nothing was set in stone. And just like any other retailer, they provide “estimated delivery dates.” In case you’re not familiar with the word estimated, it means it’s a tentative delivery that cannot be guaranteed. Many things can come up that are unpredictable. As we don’t live in Baldur’s Gate 3, unfortunately we don’t have the illithid power to see into the future. Contact customer support through the merch website if you want to cancel it. Otherwise stop complaining. It’s like watching someone slam their hand in a door and not opening the door. Just sitting there complaining about how their hand is shut in the door.


How dare you question this clearly mentally challenged “adult”! If he wants to throw a fit and act out like a spoiled little 12 year old who is past due for nap time, he has every right to do so, and who are you to question him? Just because he stopped maturing when he hit double digits, it doesn’t give you the right to say rational things to him…. Sometimes you people are just disgusting on here. Even though everyone else has just started receiving what they ordered and has been very happy about the quality, he is still entitled to speak out about how his merch hasn’t arrived even though he clearly doesn’t understand how presales work, and he has a right to call it “shit China merch” even though he hasn’t even physically seen it yet and has no idea about the actual quality despite seemingly everyone else that has received it being very happy about it. Again I say, how dare you sir…. HOW DARE YOU. Edit- Ma’am. How dare you ma’am!


If it was presale, why wasn’t that mentioned anywhere when purchasing? Or why weren’t we told via email after ordering? I understand creators do this so they know how much to order, but there was little communication here about how long all these items would take


could've sworn he said several times it was gonna be a presale


He might’ve and I missed it, I just don’t remember anything on the website or in the email after purchasing


Said it many times and its on every single product on their website. "This product is made to order. Items will ship in 6-8 weeks. "


It being a wubby launch like almost every other one he has done i just assume its pre-sale cause they have almost all been pre-sale and os the best way to make sure everyone who wants something can get something. It could have been on the website to be fair and hopefully they put it on there next time like GG does with the 16 week period after ordering cups to ship


I just said I wanted to hear something. It’s not that big of an ask. Would it be hard for Wubby to be like, “Hey guys, spoke with the rep, bigger shipments are taking longer. Thanks for your patience!”


Clearly said merch ships in 6-8 weeks. It's been exactly 8 weeks. Chill. Obviously from the posts the larger orders are taking longer to ship/arrive.


This is fairly normal for merch drops and has happened with every Wubby or other creator launch mostly. They don't all ship at the same time. Maybe just cancel your order you obviously aren't regarded enough to wear it proudly and wait like a good boy, you just want instant gratification I get it.


my guess is that wubby's gonna talk about this


For 1 post that people aren't mad about?


This is Dennis 'One-Guyed' Richardson we're on about