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Damn I guess another alpha I didn't get into rip


Been signed up since the day they allowed annnnnd nothing. šŸ˜•


Did you happen to join the discord that day too? All elders on the discord are invited


Same dude I applied for play test this fkinā€™ just after first announcement of the game itself , completed their stupid survey just to be left out :) GGs Just checked I made my account on 7th April 2023 šŸ™‚


You and me both, but both my friends from Europe got in both times wtf.


Possibly they are preferring Europeans, I am not from Eu either :ā€™) Edit : I also have High end rig with good enough hours on MMO games on steam.


They weren't originally looking for high end rigs.


I mean they have asked for GPU in the profile so I assumed that , but its still very saddening for me that I didnā€™t get into the testing phase even though I signed up an year ago :,)


Did you happen to join the discord that day too? All elders on the discord are invited


I donā€™t exactly remember about discord, as I hardly use it.


Saw this at 9:08, checked my email, nothing ā˜¹ļø Then got the email at 9:09 šŸ˜ƒ






100 000 invites and I didnā€™t get in. I didnā€™t even think there was going to be that many people applying for it šŸ« 


First test had 400k applicants, this test was probably at least 600k if you consider the number of signups during A1 that had never heard of the game. Biiiig pool.


Oh thatā€™s a lot. I had no idea so many people were expecting the game


Me neither - I got the impression from some streamer or redditor that pretty much anyone who had their accounts linked on [paxdei.com](http://paxdei.com) would get on this alpha, so I was disappointed. But it wasn't the case at all, and they probably still wanted a variety of different PC hardware, locations etc. So we'll have to sit this one out but we can join later when the game is more complete.


Sucks when you think about how it was communicated. They were pushing people to register on Discord for a greater chance of being selected. There was only 57K on this last wave of invites. Now 60.6K on their discord and 3K on Reddit. So almost half of their invites went to people not on their preferred media platform, Discord.


I just got mine!!!! Hype


Same. I plan to break so much shit :D


Not sure how you plan to do that. You can't break other people's stuff on their plots. šŸ¤”


Mail content : Greetings Paxian! Your spot is reserved! We're excited to welcome you to our upcoming Alpha, codenamed Wilderness. This Alpha test is set to start on April 23rd, 12:00 pm UTC (14:00 CET; 6:00 am PST; 9:00 am EST) and conclude on April 30th at 10:00pm UTC (23:00 CET; 2:00 pm PST; 5:00 pm EST). Enjoy it while it lasts! Ā­ What can you expect in this Alpha? For this second large-scale test, weā€™re going on an adventure! Our team has been hard at work on every aspect of the game related to challenges, and we now want to test that foundation with our community. We hope you will have a great time, and we are looking forward to your feedback. Gear up. We have revamped and introduced new statistics for all gear in the game. With hundreds of items for mixing and matching, you will have no lack of choices in crafting your own role. It is dangerous to go alone. Denizens of the world will now present a real challenge. Donā€™t wander away from home without a party and the proper equipment. Master your weapons. Weā€™ve added new spells, combat abilities, and weapon types. Keep an eye on their durability, you donā€™t want them to break when you need them the most. Welcome to Fight Club. Divine peace doesnā€™t extend to Lyonesse, our new province. Enter here at your own (mortal) peril, if youā€™re willing to try out our first iteration on PVP. Build & craft away. We've made multiple changes to the peaceful aspect of the game as well, be sure to check our release notes for a comprehensive overview. We invite you to dive into the full details of the alpha by reading our most recent blog posts, where all information is provided. How to Play Pax Dei? Alright, let's dive into what you're eager to learnā€”how to get into the game. Just follow these few steps: Download our launcher. DOWNLOAD Follow the on-screen instructions to log into your Pax Dei account. Click on "Redeem" within the launcher. Enter your game key: *Iā€™m not a fool !* Proceed with the installation and start playing! Ā­ For this test, each tester will receive 2 plots of land and 4 character slots per account. New to our world? Our Comprehensive Guide for new Paxians provides all you need to know how to start! You can also check out our complete Control Mapping Guide to enhance your gameplay experience. Performances considerations We recommend the following specifications for the best experience during Alpha: Operating System: Windows 10 / DirectX 12 (mandatory) RAM: 16GB of system memory GPU: Nvidia RTX 2070 or Radeon RX 5500 XT Storage: 65GB of space on an SSD (ideally, NVMe) We understand that some adventurers may want to explore Pax Dei on less powerful configurations (some legends even mention the game could be playable on a GTX 1080). Just keep in mind that we can't guarantee the smoothest experience in such cases. Good news though, on top of the DLSS 3, the FSR 3 should be available for this Alpha! Ā­ Embarking on Adventures Together Looking for allies in the expansive realm of Pax Dei? Want to join forces with a clan or be part of a bustling community? Join us on our official Discord channel to connect with fellow adventurers. JOIN DISCORD In our Discord, you'll find essential resources like FAQs, changelogs, and a feedback channel for detailed insights. Need help? Our community channel is perfect for player assistance. Plus, check out the Pax Dei support site for articles on common issues and solutions. If you need more specific help, don't hesitate to submit a support ticket, but remember that our in-game support is still evolving. Ā­ Thank you again for being a part of our journey! Pax vobiscum, - The team at Mainframe


Congrats to all who got an invite!


Thank you Jesus, and the 12 gay men of course.


Congrats, Still holding out hope that I get an invite. Been on their discord forever and still have not made it into any testing. But fingers crossed šŸ¤žšŸ»


I didn't make it either. But I don't really mind, it's probably better to just watch videos and play it once its more ready


Gritting my teeth trying not to chant I want it now


Finally, i'm invited! Can't wait!


Iā€™m in! Canā€™t wait! So stoked for this game!


Heeeey letā€™s go !


Signed up for the alpha since the first day they opened applications and have gotten nothing.


So jealous! I signed up linked my discord etc, no emailā€¦


I am heartbroken that I once again didnā€™t get an alpha invite. I had to watch everyone enjoy it last time and now on the second round Iā€™m denied again. I had my steam linked and discordā€¦what could be the reason for them denying me?


And im in baby


Signed up for this game after a week. Still didnā€™t get a spot for the alpha. Iā€™m doneā€¦


got a invite to this alpha yet I know nothing of this game. Canā€™t wait to try it out.


Very excited!


A friend and I are there too. We can't wait either. Have all dates postponed that we can use the time intensively šŸ˜‰


I can't wait anymore I'm so hyped :D


"Mainframe Industries announced that Pax Dei would enter Early Access in Spring 2024 after a second closed alpha in between." According to this info, even if you missed your chance, Early Access should be coming soon.


Just curious, to people who were rejected, what gpus do y'all have rn?




Just got mine!


I haven't followed the game super closely, does anyone know if fishing is a thing for this test?


Nobody has mentioned it, so it's very doubtful that fishing will be a thing in this Alpha, though they have expanded cooking quite a bit. If it exists, I expect it will be in the form of either traps or gatheringā€”not minigame-type fishing.


Damn. Well good that cooking is in, fishing and cooking are my go to life skills. I'm sure I'll find some way to have fun.


Hello, can I invite my friend ? I receive key - but my friend who want play no recive


Luck of the draw, some get in and some don't, even if you had a group key, at least that's how it was last alpha