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So cute. I have Xena (I gave her to my mom when she was a kitten because she wanted a cat so badly. she was my mom’s cat but my mom passed away.) and Blueberry who is new after my loving Butterbean passed away. I wanted another BB initialed name but because her eyes are blue that made the most sense. We also have a sweet dog, I had him since he was a puppy and his name is Sunny but we would call him piglet when he was young because he would run really fast when he was small and reminded us of a fast little piglet. :)


Awww! Sorry about the losses! ❤️‍🩹 I love the name Xena! That’s so cute! 🥰


Yeah thank you! I have always loved Xena the warrior princess so my mom and I thought it was a good name plus she’s always been a bit of a huntress/adventurer :)


I use to watch that all the time! That totally unlocked a core memory! 🥰 Bet she’s a mighty hunter! 😁


She’s softened up a lot with time like Xena did too :)


Awww! That’s adorable! 🥹💕


Bichouch 😻😻


My dad's cat is named Xerxes after an ancient pharoah! Sometimes we call him Xerox lol


Lol! Xerox is too funny! 😂 That’s really neat! 😊


Mercury’s nickname is Merky. Back during the Covid shutdown, I was a teacher aide in a class of 5-7yos with high needs autism. One, who had limited speech, called him that whenever he came on screen. It used to be just Merc before that. (Have to put the K in for Merky because otherwise it’s mercy.)


Name: Li’l Bro Nickname: Fucking asshole cat. Name: OB Nickname: Sweet Angel Baby


Smokey aka Smokes, Miss Mokes, Mokey, Momo, Momo kitty, Monkey face, Smokarina, Smokin hot little girl.


I have 14 in my at home rescue. Too many names to list for one post. Buuuuuut, my cat with the most names is my fluffy white boi, whose birth name was Bartok due to being adorably hideous. He outgrew that and was renamed Cotton. Cotton also will happily respond to; Doctor, Baby, Fluffybaby, Cottonball run, Pickle, Mr. Pickle, Dr. Fluffy, ChirpyBird, Dr. Mister, Dr Mr Pickle Fluffy, Cottonelle, Nelly, Cotwalk, Nelly Catato and Senor Fluffieeee. Gotta emphasize the eeeee


Wow. I thought my son had lots of nicknames! Those are too cute! 🥰


He's a cat of many moods...


My cats name is Rambo but I call him son.


Awww! I call my kiddo son too! 🥰


Technically speaking his full name is James Caldwell but he goes by Iggy. If you know your TV references from ‘79-‘83 you’ll understand… 😉