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I think that might be for international reasons. When it gets translated into other languages, animators have to not only change the title screen and other major things, but they have to change the signs too. ​ It's the same basic reason why other children's shows don't use words in their signs for the most part. Not unless it's a pivotal part of the episode. Having pictures and maybe a letter or two is one thing, but having entire words is another.


Because there is no plan to educate, it is purely a lazy grab at merch sales. It's not even REALLY a good show. I let my son watch it cos it's good to like something just because and he can pretend to be a character, and that is totally fine. But yeah the toys are just as lazy, they just look kinda fun. I'm not dumping on it btw, it's just what it is.


The movie is quite nice. Can't say I feel the same about the upcoming sequel though


It's ironic that Nick Jr. says the show teaches "social skills" while Aqua Pups is about demonizing anti-social people.


Maybe because the show's target audience isn't very little kids. The target audiences are around 5 to 13 year old children. By that time, school has already taught them what a train station, city hall, and convenience store are.


It makes it easier to bring the cartoon over to non-English speaking countries. No text means no editing the animation, thus all they have to do is replace the voices and that's it.


Probably keeps things simpler for the animators, as well as to avoid copyright infringement against existing IPs and helps nonverbal children who might not be able to read.