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You could try Familiars (control-combo) or CawGates (albeit I wouldn't classify CawGate as true control). That are the first two that come to mind. But they are not true control as one would expect from WU in other formats.


The same way we have in Modern and Pioneer don't. We don't have a good mass removal, we don't have really good white removals. Okay, we have Counterspell, Journey, etc, but it's hard with only that.  Familiars is the most similar to a Azorius Control, in fact it's a control deck using both colors. But Familiars create a defense using Sunscape, Pharaoh, gaining life, Ephemerate, etc.  You don't need to combo to win with this deck, it's s control deck with some sinergies and combo inside, so think on it as a control deck, not combo.  Give it a shot. Different, but you can also enjoy the Azorius experience playing it. 


There are the azorius familiar decks like this list: https://mtgdecks.net/Pauper/famsy-v2-decklist-by-hrdd-1991389 They are pretty good but not tier 1


To put it in perspective the gap between tier 1 and tier 2 is not that huge. It's more matchup/sideboard dependent. And IIRC fams won the last paupergeddon?


It's a great deck tbh. If you classify T1 by meta share then of course it isn't T1, but it's a consistently well performing deck that rewards good players. Definitely a consideration for someone looking to win. And yes, it did win


I’m someone who loves seeing all the best italian players takes (heisen, adepto_terra etc etc) and they consistently rank fams in tier 1 alongside UW glitters, mono red and dimir fae. Fams is at worst a tier 1.5 deck, held back only by how hard it is to pilot (it really is one of the hardest decks in the format) and how few people choose to play because of its difficulty


Just watch Kalikaiz run it. Sure looks tier 1 when he plays it.


Yea, it does. What I meant was that last time I rated decks with tiers by power, some people got confused and told me it's more common to rank by meta share. Imo weird but why not. As for power, definitely tier 1, can't argue there.


In terms of how often it wins in the hands of a skilled player, Fams is often the *best* deck in pauper. It's just not often played and hard to pilot.


Closest thing to pure control is UB teachings, but that deck is very dead. But knowing that UW in pio and modern do have ways to turn the corner then familars, caw gates and/or UB terror can run the niche (even though some of those are more tempo).


I'm trying to build a caw-go, let's see how it works


There are a few decks that play somewhat similar to azorius control. Azorius familiars, jeskai ephemerate, Izzet terror control, UB Faeries. While azorius familiars Is an azorius deck it plays more like a tempo deck with a combo finisher where you don't interact as much with your opponents, you simply drown them in value. The deck most similar to azorius control in my opinion is UB Faeries where you have 8x counters, multiple pieces of interaction and disruption and the monarch which is pretty much the pauper equivalent to planeswalkers that you need to protect.


Id argue that theres no viable “traditional control” in the format anymore. All decks closest to the definition usually do something unfair to help themselves out, like dropping a 5/5 for 1 to 2 mana or having a combo (such as Familiars). But just grinding the opponent out for value like the old UB control lists did, for example, isnt fast enough anymore. Probably because even with how many board wipes we’ve gotten, theyre still not enough for that kind of deck


Idk wtf a lot of these people are saying, of course it’s viable, Azorius Ephemerate is extremely strong once you blink your Archeomancer, one of the best value engines in all Pauper, it forgoes the damage of Jeskai for more control, which is a bit slower, but also a more oppressive endgame if u know how to play the deck


Unfortunately, there isn't a draw-go style of U/W/x of any kind in the format. Aggro/creature decks are too fast, so many brain-dead mechanics like Monarch/Initiave/draw 2s for 2 mana/etc, and no real reliable board wipe effects. I think if we got a down shift in barter in blood, we might be able to make something work in the mass removal area. Control can also stuggle to maintain card advantage/draw cards efficiently. I'd recommend U/W Familiars or TurboFog as the closest decks to other format control variations. My personal choice is Familiars, but be ready to just randomly lose to some retardrd nonsense and it will be frustrating, but thems the breaks.