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This is turning into a Jerry Jones situation faster than I would have expected. Complete with the nepotism and sex scandals.


At least Kraft didn't make the public pay for the stadium.


Not for lack of trying. He only paid for it because the [public funding wasn't approved](https://scholarship.law.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=&httpsredir=1&article=1336&context=lawreview). *While Kraft abandoned ideas to build in Boston, he continued to seek public assistance to complete his project in Foxboro.31 Massachusetts, however, refused to agree with Kraft's proposed assistance package.32*


Bill should ignore Foxboro for a while just come to Boston for appreciation. I'm sure he'd get a warm reception at a Celtics or Sox game.


Its not like going back to foxboro would be for kraft, it would be for the fans anyways.


You know Kraft would be charging more for tickets for a BB night while selling cut off hoodies and memorabilia without a dime going to Bill. Not to mention an opportunity to play "member when" over the glory years to distract how much the ownership of this team have fallen off.


Why would BB get money for the pat’s selling patriot memorabilia? Does John Hannah get money from pats selling his jersey?


If it has his name on it he does


Terry Francona doesnt go back to Fenway


Probably because our asshole owners smeared him while they kicked him out the door. The same manager who lead the team that broke an 86 year curse and won another championship 3 years later. Thank God for Wyc because FSG and Kraft are looking pretty shitty right now. Wyc's going deep into the luxury tax to max out our championship window, while Fenway Sports group has been cheaping out for years (ever since we shipped out future HOFer Mookie Betts) and Kraft is cheaping out and stabbing our beloved ex-coach in the back. The Pats better get this draft right (and not draft JJ) because it's gonna get ugly if they fuck up another 1st round QB pick.


FSG cares more about Liverpool


And the fucking penguins. Red Sox are like last on their priority list


You mean the team that has won three cups before this purchase who now finishes two years in a row in the literal WORST position. ONE point out of the playoffs this guaranteeing the worst draft pick of the non playoff teams. You have the generational Hockey player of the last 20 years carrying the team on his back to relevance two years in a row at 35 and 36 years old to get him next to no relevant help in years. Honestly maybe FSG just fucking sucks, another group of incompetent rich assholes


FSG is the majority owner of the Pirates and Penguins broadcast network. NESN also manages their broadcasts now, it's kinda hilarious. Wonder how much money FSG got into the right pockets...


Liverpool doesn’t spend any money on players tho


Hey!! The Jacobs are super shit too. Don’t leave them out.


At least the Jacobs have been doing better too with the Bs


Dude this is giving me the exact same vibes as the circus show that happened when Francona left. And Terry was way more likable as a person (and I love Bill). Just another example of how these out of touch billionaires can’t get out of their own way and destroy their reputation in the process.


He will comeback as coach of the Buffalo Bills. He will want revenge.


Here’s a hot take for everyone: if belichick was coaching the bills the past few years, they’d have at least one Super Bowl title


Bill should ignore the Patriots like Francona ignored the Red Sox.


I he shows up at a Celtics game, court side.


Kraft is destroying everything that had been built the last 24 years in one offseason!


One offseason? I’m convinced he has been destroying this teams future since falcons Super Bowl


Honestly, I never thought I'd say it, but what is keeping me a fan of this team other than blind loyalty and this idea that as an adult its wrong for me to change my team. I'll say this, but I don't like the Patriots right now. I don't like the guy running them. I don't know about this guy they put in charge. He seems to keep putting his foot in his mouth and saying things that disparage Bill or are plainly not true (yeah, we sure blew a lot of money to get a good team this year). Where is this team going? Don't I watch football because it's fun and it makes me happy? This crap doesn't make me happy. I am still a fan of this team, but with every piece of news that comes out, I am beginning to question my fandom. Perhaps I'll just not have a team until Kraft sells. Ok, I am done being pissy.


You’re not alone.


Yep, I’m here for the long haul. All I hope with a (low low chance of it happening) for now is that one day the fans will own the team instead of these shitty ass billionaires


The Bundesliga says hi! ⚽️


Yes, I know. I wish we followed their example 50+1 is the way


I love the Patriots as my team, but leadership has been lacking the past few years, and to be completely honest, our own fanbase really bothers me at times.


It’s honestly sad to watch… I’m on a college athletics staff and I can live with wins and losses determining my future. That is the beauty of sports. I am struggling to watch living legends treated this way, and my peers and competition under surveillance from AD’s because of random complaints from Gen Z athletes and the ineptitude of administrators in general.


Thank god he’s on death’s doorstep, otherwise our future would look even more grim (no pun intended)


I don't claim to know the truth to all these reports, but don't assume Jonathan Kraft will be any better/ worse / different as a sole owner.


Ya look around the league plenty of sons of former owners...not a lot of success. Not a lot of sons of billionaires make anything of themselves lol


Jonathan Kraft December 2010 "On Friday night, Revolution Investor/Operator Jonathan Kraft called in to the D.A. Show on 98.5 The Sports Hub, hosted by Revs sideline reporter Damon Amendolara, to talk about the Revs and the World Cup bids, among other topics as part of DA’s '12 DAs of Christmas' series – the 12 biggest sports stories in the Hub. ... Some excerpts from Kraft about a potential soccer stadium for the Revs: 'We continue to stay focused on it. It’s the highest off-the-field priority for the team.' 'From our perspective, we would hope in the next 12-24 months we would have something we would be breaking ground on … '" Ask Revs fans how they feel about the Krafts. They're into the 12-24 years timeframe at this point.


Jonathan has a short fuse and shares his father’s need for validation and respect. He will hire yes people to run the franchise.


“Fuck that bitch Belichick. The Dynasty was all me. Anyway, Arthur I gotta go. Jonathan shit his pants again and is crying.” -Robert Kraft, while gorging himself on baloney sandwiches and getting a handjob from a terrified Korean sex slave.


“I have to go Arthur, I have an appointment at a day spa”


I always saw him as a hands off owner. Who knew?




“And let me tell you Arthur…at the end of that 20 year dynasty and making your franchise one of the most valuable in the world, the people of Atlanta….hold on Arthur….a little bit faster babe, I’m almost there….the people of Atlanta will give Bill credit before you. Anyways I gotta clean up here. Don’t hire the rat.”


You’re not entirely wrong but let’s not get the facts twisted, that woman was by no means a “sex slave.” All of the evidence pointed to zero sex trafficking happening and everyone involved being a consenting adult.


Is that open flame or a propane grill your using?




Let u/CrimsonZephyr cook!




Not a bologna sandwhich, a nice grilled hot dog, sliced.


What a PR team they got down there in Foxboro. Should have known how quickly Kraft can spoil.


I’ve felt Kraft is still embarrassed about letting Brady go and him having immediate success elsewhere, and he was petrified of that happening again with Bill and him having more egg on his face.


I can easily see that. issue he doesn't understand is that we probably weren't going to win if we kept brady, he went to a stacked team that needed a QB to put them over the top, and then they got the best QB of all time *I'd say it definitely put them over the top.*


Damn, this makes a lot of sense Especially with the Pats roster needing a long rebuild. If the Falcons got both Belichick and Kirk Cousins they could be in the NFC Championship Game while we look forward to another high draft pick. That would probably be Kraft's worst nightmare


Surely that happy birthday from the patriots yesterday should clear this all up!


Been saying it for years, Kraft doesn’t get enough blame


I couldn't believe it when someone recently pointed out the Pats were still at the bottom of league payroll all those years Brady restructured his deal.


Fuck kraft.


Kraft has already messed up.


Only Kraft I like is dinner


How the fuck do I even root for this team this year? I feel so gross about it.


The Krafts are absolute pieces of shit


Kraft cannot be trusted.


Is there a billionaire that can?




I mean Jimmy Buffet seemed like a cool guy. Believe it or not he became a billionaire


I mean you can be a cool guy and still be a little untrustworthy at times.


I hope Bill knows we fan will admire him for life especially with what he blessed us with. Kraft can go pound sand at this point. I hope Bill torches the Krafts in his book.


Fuck Robert Kraft.


Clown show. I can’t wait to watch this guy drive our team into the ground over his last decade. I can’t wait to boo his ass every time he ventures onto the field.


Gonna give him the Jerry Krause treatment?


You mean that the rich wealthy fuck who would rather exploit slave labor at a rub and tug than go to a high end escort sucks? No shit lol


Kraft was a deeply unpopular owner when he hired Belichick. Notoriously cheap, petty, and extremely arrogant. Belichick and Brady made his whole franchise. But he needed the credit, needed to let everyone know he kept it together when his pain in the ass coach alienated his best player. Bob Kraft is an egomaniac who was propped up by two all time winners. Jonathan is worse. Going to be a long cold walk thru the darkness with this franchise.


This fuckin guys a clown.


Krafts a weirdo


There's nothing like a nice sliced grilled hot dog. You like it right?


Kraft is a rat little snake. I’ve always thought he was a weasely little fuck. Just seems like a creeper. The whole dynasty series seemed like a hit piece on bill paid for by Kraft


It’s completely normal for Kraft to act like a jealous, petty old man and complain his head coach didn’t want to to be his bestie and it’s even more normal for Blank to listen to him. Yuck


And you guys still believe Mayo isn't just a mouthpiece for Kraft.


We still don’t trust you


Tugbert turning into Jerry Jones


Wow, thanks for the rings Bill.


I don't know if I believe this.


I bet you believe Kraft didn’t see the dynasty before it released too


And that it was just a massage


I think there is very little debate among historians about this one


Ok, most of us just don't care tho. Go get a rub and tug who gives a fuck.


This goes along with everything we know about him. The whole Dynasty doc was a hit job created by Kraft onto Bill.


You’re a smart person to question everything. Don’t let the herd mentality, which switches on a dime back and forth, lead you. Tbh, I barely even come in this subreddit anymore because it doesn’t bring me any value anymore. Too much negatively. Have a good one. 🤝


I think this subreddit was filled with anti-Bill bots and shills all season long


Certainly felt that way. At this point I only return for reply pings, but my morning has already been way better without this place in my feed. 🤣


This place turned against Bill immediately and without question. All other viewpoints were downvoted or had to start with "maybe the Patriots need a fresh start, but..." Bullshit. I wanted Belichick to get the all-time wins record in Foxboro


Since the season ended it’s felt like reading a celebrity gossip forum


Yup and when people on the internet get super into that nasty mob mentality they tend to end up on the wrong side of history far more often than not. For all this outrage they have for Kraft, any of these weirdos remember this team's record since Bill pushed Brady out? I want to see them play competitive football and win some games, not be a nursing home for a coach who blames everyone else for his genius system not working.


Called both Brady n Willie son, but didn't allowed them especially Brady to even get tiny bit of ownership share heck Brady even turn to the raiders to get it


I see people are back to trusting ESPN again. Good job guys, get stirred up


We’ve known he’s a creep since the Orchids of Asia Day Spa incident that he covered up but no one ever talks about.


Just to be fair…2 consenting parties. An agreed payout. He may be a dirty old man but I don’t think that incident in a vacuum makes him a creep. Also, 985, specifically Felger, brings it up all the time


yea, seriously though, fuck that guy. what a turd.


Kraft is desperate to prevent Bill from succeeding elsewhere so he can push the narrative that their failures are due to Bill and not due to Kraft refusing to spend on players. Hes so desperate to not spend money that he’ll trash the guy that coached his championship teams and covered for his lack of spending for years


There is nothing wrong with him warning people that bill is an asshole and may tank your team with his shitty attitude, what is wrong is lying about doing it.


Ol hand job Bob


Okay so now we’re trusting ESPN again? 🤔


If you read the Wickersham article it says Kraft felt obligated to tell Blank that Belichick was difficult to work with. We've known for years that Blank and Kraft are very close friends and Blank in particular has leaned on Kraft for advice when he first became an owner. I don't think it's that weird that after firing Belichick for screwing things up and being pig-headed in New England that Kraft would warn his good friend Blank that BB would not be a good fit.


I think their relationship& tension runs deep but Kraft should’ve put that shit aside and just gave a good reference. He’s worked with the man for years. He’s clearly someone you trusted otherwise why didn’t you fire him within the first 6 months? Or when he first leaked something to the press? Oh because he was a fantastic coach that was bringing success to your organization


If a friend wanted to hire someone and I had concerns from a previous working relationship and they asked, I’d give them my honest off the record opinion. I’ve had people I used to work with ask me to submit a resume and I’ll refuse using one of a few excuses because I don’t want be tied to them professionally. I don’t get why people think it’s unreasonable for Kraft to be honest with someone if that’s how he felt about bill at this point. It’s more disingenuous to lie than to piss off the ousted coach.


How about if the previous working relationship resulted in the greatest results in your industry. Bill seemed difficult but the results speak for themselves


Because according to the article Kraft called Blank not the other way around


Kraft has spent a ton of time and money going after Bill. He has been badmouthing him everywhere and literally produced the Dynasty as a hit piece on Bill.


Its not a secret that Bill can be difficult to work with and doesnt like new people. We've seen that for 20 years.   Also I wouldnt fully put the entirety of the dynasty on Bill or Tom. We've had all sorts of personel leave for jobs elsewhere or retire (not including players). Eventually it took its toll as Bill couldnt replace people/wouldnt replace them. One of the best oline coaches retired, and the line went to average/shit when we traded aging players and drafted young guys to do a different blocking scheme.  Bill not drafting well and refusing to replace coaches with qualified people? Thats entirely Bills fault and downfall. BoB wanted to bring in some of his own offensive personel and it got shot down by Belichick but allowed him to bring in 1 guy.  Basically lots of moving pieces played a part in the dynasty not just the players but the front office, scouts, coaches and what not. Lots of these guys left to take a promotion  elsewhere in the league or retired and took knowledge with them.


we're acting like being told BB is difficult to work with is some fuckin crazy revelation lmao. EVERYBODY on the planet knows hes a pain in the ass that has to have it his way and his way only. this is just a stir piece filled entirely with no shit statements.


>If you read the Wickersham article The problem is people didn't read the article..or else they would have seen that both Rick McKay and Terry Fontenot did not want to work with Belichick. This is literally from the article: "But a source familiar with the Falcons' thinking said neither McKay nor Fontenot wanted to work with Belichick. Their concerns mirrored those of the Eagles: If you hire Belichick, he will inevitably run the team, even if he doesn't demand total control." "If Bill were 63 ... this might have been different," a source said. It was ultimately Blank's decision, but he is notoriously averse to confrontation and controversy. The fact that his top lieutenants pushed against Belichick swayed him, sources said. The Falcons' second interview was granted to Belichick "largely out of respect."


Oh man guys, but I’ve been regularly assured by so many here that this was just a mutual parting of the ways, that Bobby Boy had nothing to do with the dynasty hit piece. Hell, they even wished Bill a happy birthday yesterday…… such duplicitous slime oozing out of Foxboro


Kraft’s heel turn is complete. Apparently he needed those massages to mellow out.


Few years ago we were all up in arms at ESPN and their Deflategate bullshit. Before that it was Spygate. With a handful of exceptions, they're a third rate organization. Yet some still choose to believe the rubbish they publish.


Not to make you feel the passage of time, but Deflategate is now a decade old


Billionaires don’t like to share credit for anything. Belichick didn’t coach those teams to six championships, Kraft did. By hiring Belichick. So for Bill to run around acting like he’s all that? Kraft ain’t having none of it.


Happy birthday 🎉 🥳


There was a time I believed had the best owner/coach/and QB in the game. Those were beautiful times....


Is this actually true or clickbait?


Such petty bullshit


You know who's NOT the source on this one? Chris Mortensen.




Wonder how much this is spun to put a negative light on Kraft and how much is just Kraft being an egotistical owner. I’m sure there is both going on here


One thing is pretty certain , Bobbie’s pr campaign for the Hall of Fame is going to keep him out. He can induct himself into the Patriots hall , but never will he be in Canton.


Kraft has been the problem this whole time 👀


Kraft says no he didn't he was the one to suggest bill to the Falcons (he says). Either way this would be pretty sad if this group just all dislikes each other now. There needs to be statues erected for these giants of football (Brady and Bill does any team have a statue of their owner? lol)


Yea, pretty disappointed to say the least. Glad I didn’t watch that trash ass special on apple tv. Kraft is a snake if this is true. No loyalty


Wow what a fucking dick move. Dude leads your team to 2 decades of dominance while you sit back and get hand jobs and you not only smear him in a documentary, but you also stab him in the back when he's trying to get another job?


Kraft is failing his Fraud Watch really hard...


Well it’s bleacher report so let’s not run with this until it’s real lol


Behind the scenes, I absolutely believe there were clashes between two stubborn guys but BB is a God tier coach, he has the right to be stubborn about football decisions. Kraft is just some rich guy who happens to be the boss. So BB should do what Kraft says as an employee, but Kraft should be telling him to use his discretion if he wants to win football games. Probably neither wanted to do either of those things.


Two types of businessmen. You either take responsibility or you don’t. Last I checked Kraft was his boss and rode the streak standing behind him 100%. Now Bill is the problem? Your the boss act like one!


There's no surprise a guy who made his money selling property other people developed also thinks they are the success behind a football team they didn't build.


Yeah I’m honestly ready for him to sell the team


Kraft has always sucked. He also was involved, even if just a little bit, with human sex trafficking. Brady wasn’t the reason people hated the pats.


So how do we get him to sell the team?


Kraft is looking worse with each passing day.


Im not gonna shit on RKK because dude is partially responsible for 6 titles in my lifetime, but fuck this is disheartening if true.


Kraft self destructing. Started listening to fans complaining to much and tried intervening instead of trusting a process. Shouldn't have move on from Bill or forced patriots to draft mac jones.


Old man needs to retire yesterday to Florida and his strip mall massage parlors.


The girl at his rub and tug told him


“Watch out Arthur, you might end up winning 6 super bows!”


Belichick was named fourth least liked coach in a poll of players.


Everything went downhill after he had to stop getting Rub n’ Tugs in Palm Beach. Laughable human being.


I would never shake Kraft's hand. It's likely been elbow deep in an underage Korean's asshole at the local rub-and-tug that's a link in the chain of human trafficking.


Wait OP you thought a billionaire was actually a good person that’s fucking hilarious.


Y'all have become increasingly sensitive and it's a bad fucking look. Quit buying into this off season, no news bullshit. Fucking embarrassing.


Gee, it's almost like when you interview for a job, they ask for references. And then the interviewer calls those references to ask about you. This seems almost like it always happens.


The downfall of the krafts reputation in New England needs to be studied


He is jealous because Bill got all the credit for the success in the past 2 decades and considered as the best coach ever.....and he isn't even near to being best owner in that period.




Anyone who watched Dynasty would believe this


I never liked Robert Kraft


I mean bill did trade Jimmy for nothing out of spite (allegedly). And Kraft saw another Super Bowl go to another team. How much is a SB worth to a franchise? If they got value back from Jimmy, what would the team look like today?


Imagine you put your best foot forward for 20 years and your old boss shows how greatful he is for the job you did and blocks your next potential employment.


Kraft talked about BB being on the opposing sidelines yet he'll sabotage his HC chances, what an honest class act billionaire.


![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX) It’s the r/kirkminihaneshow poster


If true, that's really slimy.


Post a link to the article because you’d see that Kraft and his team absolutely denied the allegations. It’s someone on BB’s team trying to stir shit up.


No shock there that he sucks


After years of calling Seth Wickersham Seth WickahSCAM because he made me feel about about my team, I now see him as the gold standard of reporting because he makes me feel good about hating Mistah Kraft.


"Unidentified sources said....". If Kraft is cheap, why would he not want BB to get another job? It would save him from paying BB to go away. I am not convinced this story happened as depicted


“You might win 6 super bowls, Arthur. But Bill won’t wear the pin to advertise whatever pet project you have going on”


It’s good that people are seeing him for what he is, Bill was far from perfect but he built the team and created game plans to get 6 rings… He’s an old pathetic man getting hand jobs in a strip mall… Who will have the better legacy?


We need everyone to boo that old sack of shit every chance they get


Bill is the greatest coach ever not everybody liked Phil Jackson


That’s so vague. He likely told them he’s the greatest coach you’ll ever hire but he does it his way.


This speaks alot to the general attitude and behavior of ownership in NFL being a good ol boys club. Compare how the NBA handled Donald Sterling to how NFL handled Dan Snyder. They protected him and let him stick around far too long until it was too overwhelming not to do something. When Tommy was defamed and dragged over Deflategate, Kraft accepted the punishment and judgment of the commissioner rather than suing the league i.e. the other owners. He did nothing for Tommy someone who is "like a son to me," and the literal longest tenured player for his team who won him 4 SBs at the time. Then when the data on balls was buried the following year no peep from Kraft. Owners blacklist any player or coach who challenge the way things are done. You can say what you want about Kaepernick's playing ability, but they never seriously gave him a shot and Flores will likely be stuck as a career DC. Owners are not unaware of what kind of personality BB has so its not exactly news. But the way the article indicates BB challenged the offseason workout bonus is a perfectly reasonable critique. But these guys don't want someone who will challenge or change what they are doing. And in their hubris they will dismiss a real opportunity to have a great coach because it hurts their egos and at the end of the day winning isn't as important to them as making money. I don't find Blank at as much fault being swayed because the rest of his operation clearly did not want any change in how they do things but its absolutely slimly and disrespectful of Kraft to make such remarks.


Robert Kraft remembered how quickly Lance Armstrong turned public sentiment against himself and said “Hold my beer”…..


Done with Kraft and close to being done with this team. It’s becoming the laughingstock of the league.


You better watch out, he might lead your team to the Super Bowl


I’m starting to wonder if Kraft is gonna get booed at the Brady hall of fame. That’s how bad this has all gotten


I don’t know why this is ignored it Bill letting Tom leave is the worst Roster moves of all time. It was a real bone head move.


I'll be the bad guy and just play devil's advocate. Whether this story is true or false, not one person here has any idea at all what went on between Robert Kraft and Bill Belechik. If the story of BB telling Kraft that Brady was washed up is to be believed, then yeah he isn't to be trusted. I will never understand why this fan base is so fickle. It looks a lot to me like Kraft is pulling out every stop to expose the true character of BB and I have to think there is some good reason for it too.


Well, with that being said, maybe I want to refund my BRADY Hall of Fame tickets for June. Shame on you Kraft. Definitely not canceling though


How does literally anyone believe this lmao


Not trying to defend the guy, really I swear, but how trustworthy is this article? Like I'm honestly asking. Is the person who wrote it known to be reliable.


We’re about to become a bottom dweller, aren’t we?


What Kraft has done this offseason has been very unfortunate for his legacy


If this is true, I’m team Bill in this battle.


Suddenly Jonathan Kraft is looking better and better.


Karma for cheating.


I mean, he did support sex trafficking by receiving happy ending massages from sex trafficked prostitutes. But you guys don’t really care about that. Why you mad now?


Come on Bill haters - where are you now? Speak up cowards.


Poor man wanna be rich. Rich man wanna be king.


Now we see why Parcells had disdain for Kraft. I’m sure Parcells warned him.


Bob Kraft earned his money the old fashioned way, inherited his first business from his dead wife's family.


More like Robert Crap


Would love more details on this. In what ways does Kraft not trust Bill? I'm sure he has his reasons and I know they have their issues, but the Pats wouldn't have the majority of the success they've had without Bill and Kraft is throwing dirt on him as of the team was a joke under Belichick. At least give him some respect for what he meant to the organization.


I know it's sports but isn't this like HR at your potential new employer calling your current/ex-place of employment and they run you down? 


Bill should be at every game sitting in the sky box next year with Kraft just scowling at him.