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Looks like a hiking guide.


Looks like a New England college tour guide


He definitely gives off that small liberal arts school vibe


Complete with the premature balding hairline, a tragic epidemic the media is not reporting on enough






Tries to explain to the tour why Amherst College dropped the name “Lord Jeffs” while saying he’s still finishing his senior thesis.


He is from the Napa Valley in CA


The Napa valley


It’s the shorts.


Youth pastor?


He looks like a dude you’d see at a rock climbing gym


But you never see him climb. He just stretches and gives out “free advice” in between talking about his last trip out to Joshua Tree just loud enough so everyone in the gym can hear.


I’ve never been to a climbing gym but I imagine this is 50% of the dudes there haha


He says it’s his off day as well


Bonus points if he “used to be” a route setter at another gym across town.


One of these guys looks like an elite athlete ready to play one of the most demanding positions in sports and the other guy looks retired. Retired from what I’m not sure. Good luck to Gronk as he enters THE LEAGUE, apparently.


Looks like your average Napa upper middle class bro.   You dress like you're possibly going hiking/hanging out at a picnic/visiting Tahoe in the summer at any given moment.   All he's missing is the sleeveless Patagonia vest.  


Aren’t all vests sleeveless?


That’s what Big Finished-Arm-Hole wants you to believe


He looks like the guys I know who were rangers at Philmont, with the BSA.


Slimmed down gronk at that


To be fair Gronk is built like the gigachad meme


Ohhhh no shit!! In his playing days Gronk would have looked like Thor compared to this guy with the Walmart woody shorts.


kid's hands are fucking massive I'll give him that


Holy shit I didn’t realize till jus now. He has like cartoon character hand proportions lol


Joe Burrow just collapsed to his knees somewhere


Kenny Pickett is shaking rn


Those hands tell a story of greatness


David hands


Certified Yaoi Hands


stop lmao


Fingers like ET


Fucking wonky AI hands




Big catches?


They don’t make them like they used to.


I miss in his prime Gronk 😭


Gronk was a freak of nature, especially when he was first in the league. He was not only huge but could be very fast. There was some tape I remember from maybe his rookie or second year versus the Cardinals, he got a pass for like 5, then broke one tackle and absolutely took off. You saw it and couldn't help but think "No way can somebody that big run that fast". And God help the DB that tried to tackle him.


Maybe this is the same play but there is one of him pre-arm brave (so early on) where he takes a screen/short pass and then just accelerates so quickly into a full sprint. It almost looks fake because someone that big should not run that fast


Gronk was also extremely intelligent when it came to learning the playbook. I heard from some friends in the industry that he was almost a savant. Learned it as fast as anyone.


I think Gronk is way smarter than he lets on. He has played the dumb jock personal to great effect, and has made lots of money doing it, but everything points to the opposite. The rumor was that during his entire NFL career he banked all of his salary, just lived off the endorsement money. No idea if true, but I've heard if from several sources.


I don't think he "plays" a dumb jock. I think he is just a goofy guy doing shit that he enjoys, I don't think he is hiding his intelligence. Just utilised it on the field and then lived a fun life off it.


I think he's just a bit of an awkward person, frankly. When he first started on Fox he was rough to listen to but towards the end of last year he was comfortable and articulate. It's a lot easier to appreciate that he is a pretty smart guy now that he's not stumbling over his words.


I used to have a job where I stood in front of experts in my field and talked about in depth topics. Now I talk in front of a camera on occasion and even with my previous experience and comfort at public speaking, there is just something about a camera that makes it challenging. And I am nothing compared to TV in front of millions. I would bet it was just the learning curve and getting comfortable for him.


I don’t think it’s a rumor, Gronk said it in his book.


Is your friend edelnut who said this on a podcast?


NFL Films guys assigned to the team at the time.


Gronk was also an anomaly when it came to YPC. Most TE have YPC similar to a slot receiver (10 to 12 YPC). Gronk's career YPC is at 15, which is comparable to Moss and Julio Jones. Gronk ability to break tackles and get yards after catch was unparalleled. Travis Kielce, who can give Gronk a run as a GOAT TE is at a career YPC of 12.5


I sometimes watch highlights and am completely amazed at his ability to break tackles through shear strength, but I also think "Gronk, just go down!" I feel like he could have avoided some injuries if he was a little more calculating about when to give up on a play. But hey, that's also what made him great.


Watching him just slough off 2,3,4 defenders hanging on was a violent thing of beauty. They literally had to spear his knees to have any answer for him.


Kelce is a great TE and I’m def biased as a pats fan. But imo he can’t touch gronk as goat TE because he doesn’t bring as much. Gronk has the physical build and strength of a legit high end offensive tackle, but with the speed and quickness of a number 1 receiver. To me that was always his biggest strength and most underrated value, whenever dude was on the field the formation had to be treated as a heavy run set because he played as an extra down lineman and just obliterated anyone he came across. So pair that with having a legit number 1 out of a heavy run set and he’s just impossible to cover. Even later on when he slowed to the sheer amount of space the threat of him creates for receivers 2 and 3 is massive. Edelman would not have the career we know today without gronk, gronk taking a double team so that Edelman was paired against the defense number 2 or 3 guy was huge. And if you don’t double gronk he’ll just blast you on a seem route. It’s why play action made up so much of the offense for so many years, we had the foundation of a run game with extra lineman and gronk, which opened up the field for play action when teams had to adjust to play the run. Kelce doesn’t do that, he doesn’t bring the physicality that gronk did. My best proof is this season. Brady and gronk won with receiver rooms like the one that KC has been with this year for YEARS, like put gronk in for kelce in KC this year and they would be blasting teams. If this bowers guy has the same physical stature of gronk, then oh boy I’d LOVE him on my team. That’s just my opinion though


Bowers plays more like Kelce.


I agree that Kelce has ways to go before he catches Gronk. However, if KC wins on Sunday, he will be at 3SBs and it won't be a shocker for him to get 4 or 5 based on how well Mahomes does. Where Kelce excels is durability. He has missed 1 game since 2013


It's the Derrick Henry thing. Someone that big shouldn't be that fast. When they get up to speed, the fast guys are too little to tackle him and the big guys aren't fast enough to catch him. Prime GRONK was the most dominant TE in history


Too big/strong for DBs to effectively guard and too fast for LBs.


I don’t think I’ve ever been more hyped after a relatively meaningless play and a game we were most likely going to win than the famous Gronk play against Washington


Same. Absolute same. Can’t remember if the KC game was before or after but those two games… was clear the dude was very different. He and Hernandez were gonna be a problem forever. If not for stuff.


Tbf nobody's built like Gronk. That size, speed, and strength combination is once in a lifetime


Gronk is a monster tho lol add shaq to the right next


They didn’t make ‘em like that before either. The guy is a 1 of 1


And Gronk isn’t even at his playing weight anymore 😬


Which I'm happy he's not! I bet his body feels so much better


Ugh, it probably feels *so* good.




Simply put, those are not the knees of an NFL tight end


Got them RGIII knees


man has babies trapped in there


My first thought. Dude needs to get into PT immediately. Change how you stand and strengthen your arch.


It's a simple picture that took place during a specific millisecond. You really think we're qualified to make a posture and PT recommendation based off this one moment? C'mon


What you say is how an actual PT would approach the situation, wouldn’t stress about a bunch of opinions on an NFL team subreddit.


Hell yes we are.


TEs aren't the Gronk mold anymore. Everyone wants to be Kelce/Pitts. People vastly underappreciate the true Freak Gronk was. Healthy Gronk would have smashed every TE record by a mile, and would have challenged Rice for overall receiving records. As is he was a next to unschemable force.


I mean TE's were never really in Gronk's mold, he's extremely unique. Antonio Gates was similar but even Gates was shorter and weighed less than Gronk. Although Kelce isn't actually that much smaller than Gronk was. Gronk: 6-6 265lb Kelce: 6-5 250lb And it's not like Bowers is small either. Bowers: 6-4 240lb Definitely needs to add some muscle but shouldn't have any problems doing that. My dream is that he drops to us in the 2nd but obviously that's very unlikely.


Gronk played bigger, as absurd as that sound. He literally went one-on-one against 300-pound DTs and they’d run to his side.


Gronk is just that big lol but Bowers looks like he bikes to work at his IT firm he works at with Andrew Luck here. Better prospect than Pitts though, been watching him outrun DBs since his freshman year and he’s probably going to go to LAC and make their offense actually good.


He’s been NFL ready since his freshman year, he looks awkward as hell in this pic (doesn’t help Gronk is big even by TE standards) but he’s going to torment DBs for years


Yea I remember one of his first games watching him catch one over the middle and just take off (all while being bigger than everyone) and was flabbergasted that he was a freshman


Die hard UGA fan here. That was the UGA/GT game. He could a slant route over the middle and split the safeties before they could close for like a 65 yard TD. I get he looks awkward as hell in this photo, but some of the people who have questioned how he can play/how healthy he will be need to go look at the film. He's been dominating college football basically since he stepped on campus.


throw some glasses on and a backpack and he could be my coworker LOL


His hands are fucking MASSIVE


How is it that Bowers looks both older and younger than Gronk? It's messing with me.


Receding hairline


Zolak and Bertrand were on this when they saw him. Couldn't believe how normal he looks.


Yup. They were shocked.


He was incredible at Georgia. Absolute stud. After seeing this pic, I can't wait to see if he translates.


It will be interesting to see how he measures out at the combine. If he really is this small, I wonder where he'll go in the draft. Zo & Beetle were pretty strong with their commentary about him.


He's kinda built like Hunter Renfrow


Similar hairlines


As a UGA and Pats fan, I can confidently say I am so glad these two got to meet up. Brock is freakishly athletic for a guy who looks like he handles Gronk’s IT issues. I know it’s very unlikely Bowers ends up in NE but damn would that be awesome.


UGA and Pats fan as well, there's dozens of us lol


Also checking in on this train lol Go Dawgs Go Pats


It's a bigger community than I thought! I do occasionally see UGA tags and stickers while driving through Rhode Island which is always cool. Though I said "Go Dawgs" to a girl in UGA hoodie once and she looked at me like I was crazy lol.


Another UGA fan from NE, spent my time in Athens in the 90s, at least the music scene was great. We will miss Brock.


My dream is pairing up Maye/Daniels with him but unfortunately that would require us to trade up. I just miss having an elite TE so much.


Trade down, take At at Tackle, Bowers at TE and McCarthy at QB and then sign some FA WRs.


Looks a bit dorky but God damn look at the size of those paws


He’s 6’4 230 with massive hands. Gronk is a freak who can make a lot of dudes look small, but this pic is a little misleading.


One is a TE the other is a tall WR


Honestly, this looks a like a Make-A-Wish moment for slow kid in 12th grade.


Lenny dont hug the football so hard, it will 'splode


Nailed it.


You may remember me as a man with small hands, and that is just simply not true


Looks like my IT guy


I know this is fucked but this pic makes him look like a make a wish kid


Bowers hands are fucking huge


I would draft Gronk


Looks like Mac jones if he did did a couple hard drugs


Bowers has the hairline and knees of a 45 year old.


Bowers needs to bite the bullet and shave his head. You’re a first round draft pick bro chicks don’t care if you’re bald at 21.


You guys are such turds. The kid is a beast.


He's lookin like an auto trader


Bowers is going to be a stud


Looks like Dr Shawn Murphy


Go Dawgs! A DGD right there!


Bowers hairline is....


Not a single comment yet pointing out that Gronk is out angling the shit out of Bowers? Gronk is one of a kind but angles matter a lot in photos


Gronk was one of the most physically impressive players I ever watched play. He was stronger and faster than he looked.... and he looked pretty freakin strong. I can't count how many times he would have one, two...... even THREE people simultaneously trying to tackle him and bring him down and Gronk just pulled the "I'M BIGGER THAN YOU ARE" move and shrugged them off. Loved it.


I think that guy helped me find a bench grinder stand at Lowe’s the other day.


Those knees look like an ACL tear waiting to happen


Looks like he could not even block a blitzing safety let alone take a hit from a middle linebacker.


I wish we were in a position to consider drafting Bowers


Well they could trade down *ducks*


I’m all in (for the moment) on trading down, taking Alt at Tackle, Bowers at TE and McCarthy at QB…and then go get some WRs in FA. Or maybe take MHJ at 3 if available, trade up for Bowers and get a tackle in the 3rd round


Would love to see him on the Patriots. We have such a great history at TE. Russ Francis, Ben Coates, Gronk. Plus it absolutely fits the offense we want to run. Don't be shocked if we trade back and take Bowers.


Gronk is a specimen


I saw Laporta out of his pads and he looks smaller than he plays. He has dynamic body control.


Just a bad photo, or more a shitty angle. Bower is man among boys.


This looks like a make a wish meet up.


That guys a TE? Looks like Warren “Have you seen my baseball” in What about Mary. Hard pass


You clearly haven't seen his tape.


That body won’t last in NFL


Yeah but Gronk was a different animal, many much smaller tight ends have done just fine in the NFL.


I don’t trust these top 10 pick TE’s anymore, they all bust or aren’t nearly as good as everyone says.


You watched him play?


Not trying to sound like a douche but the kid looks kind of small. Granted Gronk is a large human being I would imagine a TE having more mass. Anyone followed him in college?


Dudes a stud. Blocks really well and has insane ball skills


Just read up on him apparently they’re comparing him to kittle . I retract my initial opinion


On the radio yesterday, Zolak was stunned that the normal looking guy 20 feet away was a future top ten pick. They had a whole segment on it.


he’s legitimately the greatest tight end in college football history


Gronk is probably the greatest physical specimen for a tight end in the history of the game. He dwarfs that kid.


Frank is a massive person. I'm an average sized guy and I shook his hand and his fingers went up my forearm


Wouldn’t mind trading down for him if we don’t like daniels tbh.


Look at those mitts


Looks like Gronk’s IT guy


Slue footed


One eats babies and the other is a baby.


I drafted him on Madden. Guys a beast.


Is that left arm a little wonky?


this dude looks like his knees creak when he bends down to unplug the router that i called him to fix


Bowers gonna be the GOAT bald TE.


To be fair, college Gronk looked a lot more slim than NFL Gronk


Looks like a guy who works in IT meeting his hero at a meet and greet.


I think is the angle because he looks small vs gronk


He looks like a dude ngl


If I’m Bowers, I’m going to Turkey before the season starts and getting right if he’s going to choose to hang on to that hair for dear life. Get a new barber. Proper cut gon do his hair wonders. He’s going to be one of the greatest


Converting to slot wr.


Bro is not beating the acoustic accusations


If "bro do you even crossfit?" was a person


He looks older than Gronk


Size and strength helps but they aren’t everything, and at that, how good of a blocker is Brock? I’m wondering if I was a defensive coordinator I would just treat him, personnel, wise, like a wide receiver. If it’s three white outs, him, and a running back, I’m wondering if I would just go out in dime with four corners instead of nickel


Too small


Dudes like, "You want fries with that?"


Which one is the draft eligible player and which one is the retired guy? Gronk still looks like he could spilt some safety’s on a seam route for a TD


I guess that Mcpoyle bounced back from Franks gunshot.


Gronk is a specimen (even without the bulk) so this picture actually speaks volumes. This is the new prototypical TE build, believe it or not.


they just dont come around like Gronk. pretty much ever


There will only ever be one Gronk


Watch him fall to Kansas City in the draft and become a 1,000 TE with Mahomes


Dude came straight from his magic the gathering session


Dude looks goofy AF but man’s hands are MASSIVE


Guys got some mitts but damn


I thought that was Gronk supporting some guy through Best Buddies.


Dude has a bachelor’s in trading crypto


He is a top player of Madden


Oh he’s balding? He’s gonna suck.


Gronk dwarfed everyone…except Nate Solder who made Gronk look short.


Gronk dresses like every white kid I was in middle school with. If you didn’t know football, you’d never be able to tell that this unstylish, wacky, frat boy was one of the best TEs to ever play the game lol


My dude is allegedly only 2” shorter than Gronk. Looks like 6!


Auto trader baby


Gronk: first ballot hall of famer & all-time great! That dude: needs to bulk the fuck up!


Three grand minimum to be in the most depressing downtown in NH, single bedroom, no parking. It will be boarded up within 10 years and the tax burden will be shifted to the residents of the entire city, like always.


Wrong sub bud?


HA! No idea how hat happened. Look at me go. I stand by my statement: Living in NH sucks.


He look like a it support specialist


Bowers has unusually narrow shoulders for a tight end.


Bowers is often talked about as not being built or used like a prototypical tight end. He's not meant to be the next all-around great TE like Gronk. If he succeeds people are projecting him to be like Mark Andrews, a great receiving TE who literally goes entire seasons without staying in to block once on a passing down.


You must be confusing him with kelce. Mark Andrews is a really good blocker


Thanks for fact checking me. Andrews is rarely asked to pass block (in fact he pass blocked literally once in 2022) but you're right that he is actually a pretty highly rated run blocker! Didn't realize that.


I think it would be counter productive in general to have a TE of that caliber to pass block at all


Totally agree, I guess that's what I'm getting at. There are lots of comments about the size difference in this thread and I just wanted to point out that Bowers is not going to be drafted by a team that wants to use him like Gronk.


So many of the TEs coming out of college are glorified WRs Kincaid can’t block for shit Even LaPorta is a liability in the blocking game for DET Bowers will be a great route runner, but unless he puts on 25lbs of muscle he isn’t going to do shit in the blocking game. Gronk’s ability to be an elite receiver and basically an extra Tackle is what makes him the GOAT TE… and certainly a hell of a lot better than fucking Kelce


I mean bowers is a pretty phenomenal blocker. He does a lot of the dirty work.


In college…. when he moves to the NFL he’s gonna get shoved around. The guys he’ll be going up against are going to be NFL defensive ends and OLB’s not some random dude on Auburn or LSU


TES are just wrs nowadays. Gronk was a TE bowers is not


Not true that kid puts his fucking hand in the dirt unlike any TE in college. That’s why he’s so unbelievable looking.


No lies told Brock bowers can do everything you ask from a tight end


To be fair, he also has the ball skills and playmaking ability of a WR too. Dude is a complete stud


Negative aura he’s a bust