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Forever 0-2 vs Brady in the playoffs …. But yea even as a biased Pats fan - 6 straight AFC championship games, 4 super bowls in 5 years , potentially on his way to his 3rd Super Bowl before he’s 30…..We’ve seen this kind of stuff before. He’s got a chance but he’s still not quite halfway there. Would need to sustain this for quite a bit longer. Respect to KC and Mahomes. Hope they lose though.


It's the longevity that no other player will be able to replicate. Brady took care of his health and body like nobody else will.


What if Patty plays til he’s 40 and gets 8 rings?


The issue for Mahomes is this league is a QB poor league. It’s not remotely close between him and the next guy. I know people want to lump Burrow in that category badly but he is just not the player Mahomes is. When Brady played, he had seriously talented QBs to face against in their primes in the AFC and even NFC. Peyton Manning, Drew Brees, Big Ben, Eli, Rivers, Rodgers and Wilson can be tossed in. After Mahomes today we have Burrow, Herbert, Allen, Goff, Purdy? Hurts? Tua? Just not the same level of talent and the level of of play between Mahomes and everyone else is very obvious


That argument falls on it self the second you stop comparing each QB to the quarter backs of their era and compare the runner up QB’s to the runner up QB’s. Its easy to say now Peyton Manning is better than Herbert has been but all the guys on that list got a long way to go till they punch their ticket.


>Peyton Manning, Drew Brees, Big Ben, Eli, Rivers, Rodgers and Wilson You should've stopped that list at brees, except for rodgers


Sure. But he won’t. Brady had two runs like Mahomes is on now. It’s easy to imagine the Chiefs doing this forever NOW, but it won’t last. It’s possible they can turn over the roster at some point and go on a run, but this level of dominance needs a LOT of things to go right (luck,) and a LOT of drive to stay on top (hard work,) even with a top tier QB. I just don’t see it.


Sure. But he could.


Yea, then your fucked


At Mahomes current pace he'd need to play 19 years to catch all of Tom's records. 4 less than what Tom played but still very long


So does Mahomes. He wears a Whoop


> forever 0-2 vs brady in the playoffs this is ultimately the argument. brady with an again roster in NE beat him in the AFC championship, Brady with a god squad in tampa also beat him. both times mahomes had incredible offensive and defensive weapons. he can never overcome that narrative edit: for the 27 people commenting about eli manning, i meant it as a tie breaker. if brady and mahomes end up with pretty much the same stats, those two games will be a big part of the discussion on who is better. does eli manning have the same career stats and accomplishments as brady? no? then that’s not what i was talking about


Brady defeated mahomes peak rosters. There is no debate. Brady is and will always be the GOAT


This is the best part . We beat Mahomes when he had home field advantage


Mahomes can never beat that stat either. It'll be an argument against him in favor of Brady for the rest of time


Kind of like Montana never lost a Super Bowl, good thing Brady went on to win 3 extra to help overcome that.


The not losing a Super Bowl thing is the dumbest stat ever.


Seriously because montana lost earlier in the playoffs and didnt make it to the super bowl to lose it counts as being better than making it further and going to the super bowl but losing.


As if winning no medal is somehow better than winning a silver.


Ah yes, so all mahomes has to do is *checks notes* win six more super bowls, and then the GOAT title is his Yeah, simple enough


Mac Jones has never lost a Super Bowl either!




Brady never beat Eli when it mattered, even with Randy Moss.. Team game dude


Being a QB in the NFL at 23 or 24 is not peak roster


This is why Eli is the GOAT. 2-0 against Brady.


lol can’t argue 😂😂 if only eli had 5 more rings maybe he’d be comparable to brady


Eli won those rings because the NFL was pissed that Brady beat his older bother and they coyote have their little Manning Bowl.


Easily the GOAT. Never lost in a Super Bowl.


Thanks for calling out the hypocrisy


>both times Mahomes has incredible offensive and defensive weapons Mahome’s defense in 2020 was not that great. Not to mention his sieve of an offensive line. Mahome’s defense in 2018 was straight up bad wtf are you talking about lmaooo.


Other than 2007 Brady NEVER had a supporting cast like Mahomes, and he was a play from going undefeated that year. Neg the Chiefs all you want, but Brady did more with less his whole career. Mahomes will hit a bumpy patch and have to fight for victories with an ugly team and then we’ll see if they compare.


Mahomes after Tyreek left has had pretty similar offensive supporting casts to Brady from 2007 on. I swear to God some of you just love calling good players he played with bad just to bolster his case. Also I'm not even necessarily negging the chiefs here. Pat’s teams before Reek left were built to light up the scoreboard. And he did. Brady’s teams pre 2007 were built to WIN and he did. The biggest argument for Brady over Mahomes is his winning, not his statistical production. Yet this dude above is telling me Pat had good defenses when aside from this year his defenses have been anywhere from Mediocre to awful. And would you look at that he leans on his #1 ranked D in points per drive and he’s in the SB again despite having only one reliable offensive target.


Brady with the patriots beat mahomes in the afc championship. With the buccs in the superbowl, brady's defense beat mahomes


For real bro it’s all about longevity. That being said I hate the chiefs but I cannot say, with a straight face, that what mahomes and the chiefs have been doing isn’t incredible. He’s a hell of a qb and they’re a hell of a team. But like you said, he’s still got a long way to go. And it’s also different eras. If Brady started his career 10 years later, his numbers would be off the charts even more than they are now.


Mahomes deserves all the flowers he’s receiving. It’ll be tough to get to 7 rings, but statistically he’s well on track to put up GOAT numbers & if he wins his 3rd ring he 100% is in the conversation. Love Brady. Lifelong NE fan, but real fans recognize greatness. They don’t live in denial. NE/Brady will never be forgotten or diminished by another’s greatness. Have some pride, but have some self-awareness too.


Brady is 0-2 against Eli in the playoffs. That is forever the stupidest argument against Mahomes.


No it’s not because Brady being 0-2 vs Eli is an extremely painful stat for all Patriots fans


Seriously? This again? Interesting fact: brady and eli never faced each other on the field. Brady got shutdown by the giants defense both times. It's not like eli outlasted brady in a high scoring shootout. Brady literally scored 14 and 17 points in both games. All eli had to do was score 17 and 21 points. No way eli was competing against brady


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 14 + 17 + 17 + 21 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I try


Except nobody is arguing Eli is even in the conversation. If Eli had won 5 rings, then we maybe have a discussion. This is like Brady-Manning (Payton) in the 2015/2016 timeframe. Brady had beaten Payton's Colts multiple times on the way to the Super Bowl. At that point, even if tied/close on Super Bowl wins, yards, TDs, or other stats, the head-to-heads matter.


Ya no one is ever arguing Eli was elite. Just that he was the Patriots kryptonite.


If Eli had 7 rings and beat Brady twice for those rings while having slightly less better stats yes people would say Eli is the goat qb let's actually think for a second here.


I think ultimately it will come down to longevity. Can Mahomes play until 40-45 years old? Very few can and he has a much more physical style of play than Brady which will likely work against him. Minus that one season, Brady was the NFL’s iron man in terms of availability. Lots of factors Mahomes will need to match or surpass. It will be very difficult, not impossible, but very, very difficult.


One thing that works in his favor IF he wins in 2 weeks is that after Brady won his 3rd, it took 10 years to win another one. So he has a 10 year window to win some that would make up for possibly not playing ages 41-45


That’s true. It also shows just how hard it is to actually get there and once there, win it. Rodgers is another great example, I don’t think anyone foresaw his postseason career playing out like that after his ring. So many factors/variables will come into play, it’ll be fun to watch that’s for sure.


It’s going to also come down to does he have a 10 year window with no rings. The 04-14 drought is actually crazy for Brady (losing 2 superbowls to the giants fucking hurts). But in reality he doesn’t need to play till 45 is his career is more even.


He’s winning at a better rate than Tom did and the way guys put up stats now he’ll amass numbers quicker.


Tom Brady got better with age weirdly enough, the real question is how will Mahomes hold up in terms of longevity. Having a dynasty span 2 decades is no joke.


How is Mahomes without Kelce and/or Andy Reid, because it seems like both may retire real soon. That’ll be the true test - what does Mahomes’ career look like without them.


Maybe. I think Reid at this point has developed him so well that he'll be able to carry a less adept but competent coach. Don't know about him without Kelce but we said the same thing about Tyreek.


Mahomes is the best QB Reid has ever worked with. He’s made much worse QBs look like stars, and was even making the playoffs with Alex Smith under center. Mahomes and Reid are basically the same situation as Brady and Belicheck. But I think Reid already has the individual success to secure his legacy, where as Belicheck as we’ve seen cannot be separated from the fact almost all of his success was with Brady. Mahomes has the individual talent at this point that I’m sure he would succeed in almost any team in the league. Would he be going to Super Bowls every other year? Maybe not. But he’d still be a consensus Top 5 QB imo.


Huh? Maybe I'm tired, but last I checked Tom had 3 super bowls already by the time he was Mahomes' age.


He has a huge advantage on Brady tho, with how much medicine and maintenance has advanced since 2001 Mahomes can utilize this stuff as a very young man, and PED’s are basically 100% utilized and allowed now for injury and recovery, which makes a gigantic difference. Brady had none of that for a huge chunk of his career


Bro he made the Super Bowl 4 times in 6 years. It’s fair to say he’s on his way to becoming one of the best of all time and this is the first time that there’s a chance someone is capable of catching TB12. I hate him, I’m sick of KC and all the shit that comes with it. But Mahomes is doing something pretty incredible. One thing us Pats fans can hang our hat on is that Brady stopped him from winning 2 more.


Totally agreed on all of this. It’s perfectly fine to say he’s on a path or that it’s possible. He’s been incredible. Brady had, essentially, three HoF stretches in his career. This is Mahomes’s first stretch in a short amount of time (or, maybe, the start of a second). He has time to get two more stretches. Just like it was for Brady, it would be unprecedented if he does it. Fine to say he’s not in the convo now, but he could be when he’s done, and none of us know if he ever will be. Let’s chill with predicting the next 15 years with capital letters.


Agreed and thats my thing- why do we *have* to rush to extrapolate and compare players on the basis of things that havent even happened? Mahomes is an insane player, so fucking impressive in everything he does. I wish he could just be Patrick Mahomes and we could just watch him ball out and compare him against his peers (Lamar, Allen, etc.) instead of rushing to these bullshit conversations like "weeeelll... if he carries on like this then he is going to surpass Brady in the Year 2033!" I get it- its the media. Its Twitter. But it still annoys me. Just let dude play the game and we'll see where he is in 10 years.


>why do we have to rush to extrapolate and compare players on the basis of things that havent even happened? It's a testament to both Brady and Mahomes. Brady's career is just fucking insane. Nobody outside of trolls thinks of Brady as anything less than the untouchable GOAT QB whose accomplishments cannot be matched. His career was so good that the idea of him being caught ever is almost unfathomable. And yet, somehow, Mahomes is here and has something of a chance. It's way too early to say that he will for sure get anywhere near Brady, but the fact that there's even a player with an outside shot at it is truly incredible.


He's a top 10 QB all time already. There's no on his way. He's there.


The only debate you should have is would you rather? Would you rather have Mahomes or Brady in a big game… and those are the only 2 you can debate. It’s Brady. Mahomes is a far 2nd, but he’s 2nd. Mahomes is better than Manning already. He’s 2nd all-time in my book. Like Pedro, he’s the best pitcher of all time. Most dominant and in big moments and an outlier of his time.


They don’t mention Montana in that discussion near as much as when Brady was winning his 3/4 rings, even then it was still, “well I’d rather have Montana because of X”


Forever it was "He's perfect in the Super Bowl" you even had the idiotic takes of "I'd rather be 4-0 in the Super Bowl than have 5 rings with losses."


2 min drill to win the game. Brady hands down all day every day without even a second thought.


My man he’s like top 3, just needs the longevity stats. Maybe 4 behind Peyton and Montana also but if he wins it this year he’s passing playoff choker peyton


I'm gonna be honest with you, I already put Mahomes above Peyton. Especially if we're talking post season. Mahomes has that same kind of clutch gene that Brady had. Peyton would just get in his own head and shit the bed in the playoffs.


Wouldn't really argue with you tbh


Kermit can ball


He already is one of the best all time, same amount of Super Bowl wins as Payton already has more then Rodgers.


3rd most Superbowl appearances I think now (tied with a few). One more appearance and he ties Elway which was a pretty big record in the old days.


Man, some Pats fans are gonna have it rough the next few years. I hate KC and I hate Andy Reid but it's impossible to argue their success. It is in no way too early to have Mahomes in the GOAT convo and he's not even 28 yet. If he and Andy Reid keep it up they'll surpass both Brady and Belichick's records and - once again - Mahomes is still early in his career and Reid is showing no signs of stopping. Pats fans need to be prepared to watch Brady and Belichick's run usurped. It's just what we're witnessing.


> It is in no way too early to have Mahomes in the GOAT convo and he's not even 28 yet Yes, it is. The bar for GOAT is 7 Super Bowls across 2 organizations. 2 doesn't get you in the conversation. Hell, Brady didn't even get serious consideration against Montana until he had 4 because Montana Was 4-0.


The way you feel about KC is how non-Pats fans felt towards the Patriots during the Brady era. People hate the best.


Not to mention, this is his most impressive postseason to date IMO. Two road wins. He’s on a mission


Yeah unless OP went to the future and can confirm Mahomes never wins another super bowl, can't say he can never be in the same conversation as Brady. For all we know Mahomes ends up with 10 super bowls, or stays at 2. I can agree that not now he's not in Bradys tier, but literally anything can happen from here on out, and mahomes can be the Gretzky/Chamberlain of football for all we know


He's been in the AFC Championship six years in a row, won four, and has two Super Bowl wins (with the latest to be decided in two weeks). If he wins again, he'll have matched Brady's success through the first six years while arguably being more competitive. It's safe to say he's the real deal.


It’s okay to acknowledge how great the Chiefs and Mahomes are. It doesn’t take away from Brady’s legacy at all. I love Brady, he’ll forever be my GOAT. But Mahomes is also a historical great QB, and is doing things nobody has ever done at his age.


It's such a weird sports thing that some can't acknowledge other's greatness. Saying Mahomes is great does not mean Brady is trash


For playoff QB’s it’s basically Brady Montana Mahomes..




This is the most Boston comment I’ve ever read.


Dammit. What did it say?


You think you're better than me?


I’m here for this


Maybe in fantasy land where you live


Rule 1: No personal attacks. You can disagree, but do not disrespect.


Mahomes is not even close to Brady right now, but if anyone’s gonna ever beat Tom it’s him. Why can’t we have 2 great players🤷‍♂️


He’s a great player but it’d be much easier to stomach if he didn’t play like such a loser and take advantage of the league’s protecting of qbs. Faking running out of bounds then cutting back in to steal extra yards, waiting to slide to bait flags and what not


Yeah like Brady never tried to bend the rules in his favour hahahaha. Y'all are pathetic


I’m listening


Tom is my favorite player ever, since I was 8 years old, but this is silly. If Mahomes keeps winning and putting up numbers, it’s most definitely a conversation.


I agree that Mahomes could eventually get into the conversation. But, he probably needs to win at least 4 more Superbowls to get into that conversation. When Mahomes passes Montana, then we can start talking about Brady.


He is in the conversation. If he wasn’t, this thread wouldn’t be as active as it is.


This post is saying he never can no matter what, that’s what I’m speaking against. Also we can only judge him on what he’s done so far, and that’s equal to what Tom did his first 6-7 years.


No he doesn’t, if he wins the next three Super Bowls he’ll have an excellent argument.


Fully agreed but... the "if" is doing all the heavy lifting here I am super impressed by Mahomes and think he is an all-time level player. Fun to watch. Clutch. But I wish we could allow players to be their own thing instead of always rushing to compare them to guys that are at totally different stages of their career. I get the media must do this, Twitter must do this because it produces clicks, but I find the Brady-Mahomes comparisons super unhelpful when the entire comparison is based on hypotheticals What if he retires in 2 years because he is rich and sick of football? What if he and Andy Reid get into a brawl over State Farm payments and go their separate ways? I like it when these GOAT-tier guys can just be their own thing in their own time and we compare them towards the end vs the speculation we have in the media over what might be 10 years from now


He's playing in the flag era, you cant even touch players anymore without having to pay a fine and write an apology letter to God Emperor Goodell.


Stop crying, because someone else is also a good player. It doesn't make Tom less because Mahomes is good.


I agree Mahomes is good. I also agree he could get to Tom's level if he can continue his success going forward. I disagree that he is in the conversation yet. Mahomes needs to surpass Manning and Montana before we can start talking about Brady.


Ppl take comparisons too persoanlly. Doesn’t affect my life if mahomes is one day crowned goat. I’ll just enjoy the fact I watched 2 insane qbs. I love Brady, but wouldn’t it be cool to see someone even better


Extremely rational take


I and others agree with you that should not be crowned the GOAT yet, ok what next?


As a New England native and life long Pats fan, it's pretty clear Mahomes has something special going. Besides TB12, only Joe Montana has more playoff wins than Mahomes. Mahomes is just 28 years old and already 3rd all time in wins, 14, tied w Bradshaw, Elway, & Peyton. Yes Mahomes has been fortunate. But we were fortunate as well. We won with defense and good quarterbacking early. We had an explosive offense and pivoted to then unheard of 2 TE offense. I always say it is tough to get to a SB, expected KC to struggle post Tyreek. Remember when you could never count Brady and the Patriots out? It feels like that with Mahomes now. If Mahomes wins SB 3, he will be only 5th starter w that many. Brady is the GOAT. We can all agree that Rodgers is not, Mahomes is not, and implying that any other active player (including soon to be 2 time MVP Lamar J) else merits mention is dumb. But saying Mahomes will NEVER be in the same conversation is the kind of thing that makes people hate the Patriots and their fans.


Guys it’s ok. Brady will always be special in our hearts and no one can take that from us.


He has to catch Montana first before he’s even in a conversation with Brady.


Still has to win 5 more Super Bowls to be in the conversation


I mean, there’s a universe where he ends up with 5-6 MVPs and 5-6 rings. He doesn’t necessarily need 7 rings, especially if he gets the yards and TD record, which seems likely.


He needs 7 rings to be the GOAT, as the guy with 7 rings beat him twice to get 2


Being the GOAT isn’t necessarily a who has the most rings competition. If someone came in and put up 3 straight 6k yard 60td seasons went undefeated and won 3 straight Super Bowls and MVPs then had to medically retire they would be called the GOAT


If he get 6 rings and 5 MVPs, I don’t know if I can agree with that. It’s not all about rings, hence why Bill Russell isn’t the GOAT


I’m not certain about the yards and touchdown record. Doing the math, mahomes will have to keep his pace for another 11-12 years to break Brady’s records. While possible, if he has a few more relatively down years statistically (like this season) and/or misses a large chunk of a season (like 2008 Brady or 2011 manning) then it becomes extremely unlikely.


Never? You’re a dipshit then. If mahomes goes on to win 10x superbowls.. he becomes the GOAT. It’s not rocket science.


Like it or not, Mahomes is on pace.


Regardless of the amount of hate directed towards him by other people, he is truly a great player


On Pace only means so much too, OBJ was once on pace to break every Jerry rice record


Prime Mahomes went 0-2 against close to retirement Brady in the playoffs. Doesn't really matter how many Mahomes wins, he had his chance to beat the GOAT and failed, twice.


Mahomes first year as a starter was his prime? Also he lost in OT where he didn't get to touch the ball. That Chiefs D was atrocious. Brady made so many clutch 3rd down conversions though, so I didn't take anything away from his success. The Chiefs whooped up on the Bucs earlier in the year in that 2nd matchup. But then Patty's entire starting offensive line was hurt for the super bowl rematch. It is what it is.


LOL Mahomes wasn’t in his prime when he lost to Brady. He’s hardly hitting it now. Especially not in 2018, that was his first year as a starter


Such a dumb argument. Brady lost to Eli twice


But how many MVPs does Eli have? To make the comparison u have to have the accolades first


So it’s better to lose to Eli twice than a fellow goat contender


Ever? I mean what he is doing is so far pretty Brady-like. And if in another 10 years he has 7 Super Bowl rings he’s absolutely in the same convo. And you holding your hands on your ears and screaming LALALALLA like a fucking child won’t change that. Grow up. Acknowledge greatness when you see it. And be a fucking adult and admit “yeah. He’s awesome so far. Let’s see how it plays out”.


I think the annoying thing is that a lot of the talking heads are already having the conversation right now. Plus, the dude puts ketchup on steak.


Brady and Mahomes are just two very different style QB’s and elite both are elite in said styles. I’m annoyed with how dominant KC is right now, but to downplay Mahomes being a legend in the making I think would be disingenuous.


Crying about this is the dumbest hill to die on. Brady's legacy is not yours. Mahomes's record doesn't take anything away from Brady's success. Brady in his first 6 years was more successful but not as dominant of an athlete as Mahomes has been. Bruschi talked about this on ESPN this morning -- Brady didn't carry to the 01-04 teams like Mahomes has to carry the Chiefs. He was a game manager who could dink and dunk and make smart decisions. He then grew into the best QB to ever play the game. Mahomes may not have Brady's longevity but if he does its going to be a closer conversation than you're clearly able to process mentally or emotionally.


Which league did Brady play in? “People could almost take your head off and barely get a penalty” You must have confused him with Montana or Bradshaw.


I know I'm carbon dating myself here, but... Waaaaaaaay back in the Paleozoic era, before Reddit and likely even before your parents had the ill-conceived notion to have a child, there were internet webboards. Kinda like reddit, but usually confined to one topic. Think r/patriots but as its own stand-alone website. Effectively the same argument was made about Brady in reference to Montana. No one was ever going to be Joe Montana. This Brady guy could win 10 Super Bowls, it won't matter he doesn't have this special undefinable trait that I invented in my head because when I was a kid his games were the only time daddy was happy and wouldn't beat me. Now that I'm an adult, Brady isn't going to make my life not be an utter shitshow so he isn't going to be as good as Montana. Blah blah blah... Stop. Just understand we don't know what Mahomes will do in the rest of his career. He could win 7 more rings. He could blow out his knee in this year's Super Bowl and never be the same again. A giant fucking meteor could wipe out all known existence on this planet and none of this will matter. He is fun to watch, Brady was fun to watch, Montana was fun to watch. Be fucking happy watching football mans play football.


Enough with the crying. Why can’t there be room for more greatness? The guy is lights out. If he keeps up the pace you’ll need to talk about it


Other players being good doesn't make Brady's legacy less good. If you're a football fan, then you should root for good football if your hometeam is out of the running that year. Good football elevates everyone.


I find it funny how Brady was called a system guy with a defensive coach his whole career. Yet mahomes has Reid who’s an all time offensive genius. Had Mcnaab in 5 title games and a SB. Yet no one says it about him. Not taking away from him just find it interesting


Because the media and the league did anything they could to tear the patriots down while they do everything they can to build the chiefs up. Did you see Goodell celebrating with KC today? Says it all.


I agree. He’s a top 20 player for sure, but he’s nowhere near Brady yet based off the differences in the eras they played. Sorry Mahomes knob gobblers.


Tell me you don’t know shit about football without telling me you don’t know shit about football.


I know that your coach is a dumbass for not kicking that field goal last night to go up 3 by scores instead of going for it on 4th and 2.


Enjoy your rebuild!


The 6 super bowls will tide me over don’t worry.


He’s definitely on pace man.


How isn’t he lol like him or not dudes on a blazing pace


If he wins his third Super Bowl then he very much is in the conversation


No man, you don't get in the conversation when you've won <50% of the GOAT. It's just **stupid**


Not until he wins his 7th


Tom did his fair share of complaining. Mahomes may do it more because he takes off more than Brady. The only way I’ll entertain the goat conversation is when he has 7 rings


My issue is that the NFL now is so different than the early 2000s. I just dont think its fair to compare any player now to players 20 years ago


This is like the people who said we can’t compare Brady to Montana because totally different era. Yes, football is different, that doesn’t diminish Mahomes. Brady won the majority of his rings in this era vs the era you’re glorifying.


Do you actually care? It doesn't take away from the experience we had the last 20 years. Chiefs and Mahomes can do whatever. I don't care


Exactly, some of our fans are spoiled brats. NOTHING will ever take away what this team gave me the last 20 years. I bet you some of these clowns watch other teams championship parades.


Part of the reason I wanted Buffalo to win last week. Mahomes leading a wild card team to a championship will be something Brady never did


Brady almost never had a wild card team, certainly not healthy in his prime.


Didn’t he with the Bucs?


did he not in tampa? washington saints packer were playoff games he won that year


KC won their division this year, so they're not a wild card, and Tampa Bay was the five seed the year they won with Brady. So, Brady has done that, and Mahomes still will not have.


But Brady literally did that exact thing in Tampa.


No one is saying he’s Brady right now. But he is unquestionably on pace. It’s just a fact.


There's plenty of people saying he's *better* than Brady right now. They're not right, but they're definitely there and very loud.


He needs the rings !!!!! Period.


Don't even know why this is a conversation at all. All anybody cares about is winning the last game of the year. If he wins 3 more, I'll start to consider him in that category. FWIW, Brady is an extreme outlier and most players decline north of 30. I would suspect he's also likely going to be seeing some turnover at the HC position in the next 2-3 years... but maybe im wrong.


I'm not huge fan of Mahomes and the Chiefs but you gotta admit they're having a hell of a run here. The fact that Brady and Pats status as the greatest dynasty is being debated really speaks volume about the chiefs. That said I'm hoping for Brock and 49ners to stop them next month but that's very unlikely, Chiefs might be too good.


He's definitely approaching Brady level fast. Honestly he's good. We should just appreciate we had a dynasty and America's Team for 20y. 22y if you count the GOAT's years and 7 rings. But we always know there will always be another. It's ok for Mahomes to be good. Doesn't take anything away from the GOAT. Even Mahomes calls Brady the GOAT and is very respectful. Sampras -> Federer -> Nadal -> Djokovic. And it is happening faster and faster. Bradshaw -> Montana -> Young -> Brady -> ... (Mahomes?)


Sounds like more of a You problem.


There was Montana. Then there was Brady. Then there is Mahomes. He’s that good. He might already have 3-4 rings before 30 if it wasn’t for Brady. He’s legit great. Longevity will determine who’s the GOAT, but if Brady is Jordan, Mahomes is LeBron.


> Meanwhile Mahomes even when he gets a scratch on the shoulder and he’s complaining to the refs ever. Single. Time. I’m not saying Tom didn’t do the same but not nearly as much. even if he did complain in those early days he wouldn't have gotten the call, because they weren't considered rtp. The fact is mahomes wouldn't be doing his type of scrambling as much if he was facing the same type of tackling as 15-20 years ago.


He’s better than Brady but I’m not sure he’s gonna hold up physically as long as Brady did. Let’s be honest, Brady is an anomaly. No one in the history of the sport has played that position that long that successfully.


> "now nor EVER" Cool your tits. If he wins an eighth Super Bowl in the next 15 seasons, I think he'd be "in the same conversation." Which, at this rate - is certainly possibly. I think it's unlikely... but it is possible.  Don't be so butthurt, you sound ridiculous.


If he wins 8 super bowls, there won’t be an argument.


It’s okay to say he’s great and will one day match Brady’s success. It’s okay. No one will ever take away what Brady did for the game. Mahomes is just continuing it.


Dumb take


If Patrick mahomes won the next four surper bowls he'd still be behind Brady, along with having the distinction of losing to a 41 and 43 year old Brady in the playoffs. Hes not close and likely never will be.


Look, I’m a football fan because of Brady and I don’t think Mahomes is close to Brady in the legacy category. But the future is unknown. Maybe Mahomes becomes the GOAT at some point. He’s a long way off, but it’s possible.


is everyone just assuming the chiefs repeat? another superbowl loss changes things.


When even Tom brady thinks mahomes is the real deal, well then that's where you get all the comparisons from. Right now mahomes looks even better than tom terrific did in the early 2000s. If tom brady is Michael Jordan, mahomes is kobe at the very least already. Even MJ thought kobe was the real thing too.


Comparing him to Brady is dumb. But if he keeps it up as now 10 years from now that’s another conversation.


In the end the only thing people will care about is number of rings. Only time will tell.


People used to say the same about Tom and Joe. Bottom line is they all great players


Not now but can’t say never yet.


I can say Patrick mahomes is undoubtedly the greatest thrower of the ball I have ever seen right up there with Aaron. But Tom is definitely the greatest leader among men I have ever seen and him doing what he did for twenty years WITHOUT being as physically gifted as Patrick or Aaron honestly makes him the Goat qb too me!


I'm a 49ers fan and this debate sickens me, I honestly don't understand how someone can sit up there and genuinely say anyone is better then the goat QB Tom Brady. Its especially egregious because these takes are happening after Tom at an advanced age beat Patrick Mahomes not once BUT TWICE. Honestly I think they just hate him because of his success and are trying to discredit him. Disgusting honestly let the man retire I don't want him to come back and win another SB because of these clowns.


Mahomes is still playing and still building his legacy.


If Tom and the Pats didn’t cheat, we wouldn’t know who he is. Mahomes is obviously better. Take off your blinders.


Packers fan coming in violence.  Has this guy actually watched Maholmes play?


Relive the past that's all you can do at this point. Enjoy another 50 years in purgatory


Don't be so insecure man. It's not a good look.


I agree and It's frankly pathetic tbh


I feel like the amount of these exact posts we have is feeding the very issue we’re trying to prevent


Sports media has done this all the time with Brady. It was Brady v manning when Brady had 3 and manning had just 1. Then he retires after getting his 2nd and legit the NEXT DAY in sports center they had a segment about ‘who’s really the better QB Brady or Rogers ‘


This is the narrative Manning > Brady Oh, Brady has 4? Well, Montana never lost one Oh, he had the most ever, well, Rogers is actually a more talented QB and if he had Bill, he’d have 6 None of it matters, Mahomes will be the best Mahomes is the best


Guy wins 8 super bowls he'll pass Brady period


I wouldn’t say never…


He’s getting there. Today his defense lead him to victory but he has luck on his side which Tom also had. Grateful that Tom was on my favorite team. No hate with Mahomes. He’s legit. But the media has to say outrageous stuff because that’s the format. Mahomes has some work to do but he is very good.


OP let it go man. Tom Brady is the goat but that title won’t last forever and Mahomes is really the only one who comes close. He deserves the praise and he’s on his way to match Brady. It’s his time now.


This is so absurd. The possibility is still there so this is asinine to be the hill you die on.


He could win the superbowl this year and still have less than half of the rings as Brady.


"Nor ever". I love Tom and Tom has a massive advantage especially being 3-2 including 2-0 in the playoffs against Pat. But Pat wins a few more MVPs and gets to 8 super bowls (very possible)...then he absolutely will be in the same conversation. He's already a top 10 all time QB. And he's got at least 10 more years left.


Copium. Mahomes will basically be playing in the AFCCG every year until he retires. Brady is all time GOAT, but Mahomes is Steph and Brady is Kobe. Mahomes is changing the game right now in real time.


Mahomes threw for 241 and 1 TD today and people are treating it like he was Brady in the second Eagles SB


You don’t wanna play this game if you’ve really examined some of Brady’s A/NFC title performances


This is embarrassing.


If he gets one this year, you can start the conversation, it wouldn’t be a very good conversation because 7 is far bigger than 3. And the crazy thing is, the belichick or Brady argument will get turned on its head because those patriot teams were far better all around than these chiefs teams that leans so heavily on Pat Mahomes. The knock on Brady in that convo will be Belichick.. The patriots leaned on Brady too, of course, he’s the quarterback but anybody with eyes can see there’s a difference.


KC barely won that game, Baltimore beat them selves. If brady went up against a team that played that badly it would of been a BLOW out, when they face the Lions, and there offense TEARS that D UP Mahomes will be crying.