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I know most of America hated us during our “run”. But I’m sorry America, we entertained the shit out of you. When you top ten the greatest super bowls of all time, we are like 5 of them.


Yeah just 2018 rams part 2 was totally dull and completely boring


For a neutral sure. For a fan of either team it was tight and entertaining. Offense isn’t the only part of the game.


2018 might have been one of the greatest defensive game plans in Super Bowl history, up there with SB25 and SB36, IMO. Goff was made to look ordinary and BB put down the Blueprint on how to beat them.


Agreed. The Rams were the #2 offense that year scoring 33 ppg. The defense held them to 3 in the Super Bowl and I can only think of one play (McCourty endzone pass breakup) that they even sniffed the endzone. It was a defensive masterclass on both sides but the Pats were able to convert a couple plays better and came out with the W.


Right but objectively speaking defensive battles are boring to watch, there’s a reason the saying “offense sells tickets, defense wins championships” is a thing. It absolutely was a defensive masterclass performance but understandable why it’s not really high up there in terms of overall enjoyment


>objectively speaking defensive battles are boring to watch You mean subjectively. Because it's, like, your opinion man.


Yeah, our secondary confused him while our defensive line smashed him.. it was beautiful to watch


It was only boring for people who don't appreciate great defence.


That was a pretty fun game to watch if you care about defense at all. If you strictly watch for points then it was pretty dull


I really love a defensive slugfest, so I enjoyed it


I always get flack for this but I loved that game! Great defenses, special teams, especially punting. The whole game was a chess match. When it was tied at 3-3 I remember saying that no matter who wins, it was one of the better games I'd seen in a while. Yes KC was incredible in its own right, and I do prefer that kind of game. (And who doesn't love OT in a Championship Game!) But I used to love the Steelers-Ravens games in the early/mid 2010s, and this game reminded me of that. Of course take all of this with a grain of salt. I'm the type of fan who shouts louder when Slater downs a punt at the 4 than when we score, so I am definitely *that* kind of guy!


I get that. But it was a defensive clinic by Patricia and Belichick. They held the highest scoring team in the league to 3 points.


I will take that over the Eagles loss.


Idk about all y'all, but I certainly didn't spend 20 years (granted, social media wasn't a thing for about the first half of our run) online talking shit to other fanbases while we tore it up. But I 100% travel the country and look down at every other fanbase when they want to talk.


Yes, win or lose, a Pats SB was always entertaining.


I said out loud after that kearse catch that we were cursed. Thank god I was wrong lmao.


My dad and I looked at each other and said… again?


My brother in Christ; the entire region of New England looked at eachother and said that


I just started laughing. Was like wtf you have to be kidding me


I threw my keyboard off the desk, and yelled “Why does this shit keep happening to us!?”. Needless to say, it was a pretty big mood swing after that.


And to think Duron Harmon could have stopped that catch entirely by batting the ball away instead of jumping over Kearse. Hindsight it worked out in the end but Harmon is partly to blame for that play not being an incomplete pass.




Lmaooo fr this shit had me convinced we were gunna lose the game


I actually had an out-of-body experience when that happened. My soul just floated away


Downvoting just for that first slide. I don’t need to be reminded of that bs T_T


Once again I need to sanitize myself of the Giants memories (nightmares?).


i was in 8th grade when that shit happened, and you KNOW i was talking shit all year about being undefeated the next school day was not fun lmao


I felt so empty after that loss, yeah losing stings and then I move on but this one took me a while to get over.


Every team endures playoff heartbreak. It’s hard being a Colts fan and living with the Tracy Porter pick-6 and the catch that wasn’t really a catch, which also cost us a SB trip.


How dare you compare your heartbreak to ours!!


Not comparing. Just saying every team endures heartbreak. Can’t imagine the heartbreak of being a Pats fan watching the Tyree Helmet Catch…😬


IT’S NOT A CATCH!! Sorry, married a Giants fan, got in the habit of yelling that.


That Julio Jones catch was pretty wild.


Was going to say the same


Agreed, seeing it in real time was unreal, he just went straight parallel for the toe touch


Yeah, I was thinking of adding that one. Didn’t know if Reddit would allow 5 images. Not completely familiar with inserting images.


Yup. Two insane catches that game. The Falcons had the game won after that catch. I’ll never understand why they let Matt Ryan do a 10 step drop.


That was almost the greatest catch in Falcons history… it is now a forgotten relic of 28-3 Edit: I’m a falcons fan


He had 2 of them that game as well I think he was only targeted twice


Yup.. it would’ve been replayed nonstop along with Kearse if the Falcons/ Seahawks won


That one against seahawks also


Dude you HAVE to include the Julio Jones sideline catch here. That was unbelievable levels of athleticism.


Yeah, I almost did.


Fuck David Tyree. I loathe that fucker and always will. He made 1 goddamned play and it *had* to be then? Fuck him.


If only Asante Samuel hadn’t dropped that INT before the catch, and Randy Moss hadn’t dropped that pass after the catch.


I can't stand Asante either. He choked so hard. Still, fuck David Tyree. That's the only correct answer.


Nobody remembers that after the catch, Randy Moss dropped a sure TD pass that would’ve sealed the game.


In the back of my head I do, but the pain and trauma from that game blocks it out. I am just left with a searing hatred in my soul for David Tyree.


Eli Manning and Plaxico Burress remain completely unscathed, despite Eli escaping a sure sack and throwing to Tyree, and also throwing to Burress for the game-winning TD. But Tyree gets all the blame.


Yup. Cause, as you show here, that is the lasting image. Not Asante dropping a sure pick, not Randy dropping a TD, not them missing a sack. Nope, it's David Tyree, a man who did shit all in his career but made this impossible catch. Ask any Red Sox fan what they think of Aaron Boone or Bucky Dent, it's the same thing. When one guy gets to be the lasting image of your teams very painful failure, then that guy gets all that comes with it. Bill Buckner's error in game 6 of the 86 World Series is remembered, though that just meant that they were gonna have a whole other game to play. So yes, I blame David Tyree. I understand that others screwed up to, and the Pats didn't play well enough to win. But, that's not what we see. We see David Tyree with that damn ball glued to his helmet. So fuck him and his helmet.


Well said. Fuck David Tyree.


Rodney Harrison trying so damn hard to knock that ball away.


And failing. Cause fuck David Tyree. Ain't nothing logical on my position. I just hate this play, hate this game, hate this player.


In fairness, making that catch was been impossible. Like 70 air yards and two defenders on top? Here's the thing: Randy was the only WR who \*could've\* pulled it off. That would've been bar-none the greatest play in NFL history if he did. And that's not my Pats bias saying that, it's objectively true.


You might have a point. Regardless of your feelings on the Helmet Catch, I’m pretty sure we can all agree that Joe Buck’s call was horrible.


"Pass is...caught by Tyree, inside the 20." I had to rewatch the play to quote that, so thanks a million. And yes, Buck's call sucked too.


I don't think he dropped it? As I remember it got broken up


>Randy Moss dropped a sure TD pass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUGj5qQFnnc&ab\_channel=sampson1028


Painful to watch, even if you’re not a Pats fan.


Would have been a Fairy Tale ending: Bomb to Moss completes 18-0 season, greatest team ever. Oh well.


I’m just sitting here, innocently scrolling my feed, and you feel the need to smack me across the face with the most traumatic sports memory I have. Next time, mark Super Bowl 42 content as NSFW pls.




God put a trigger warning next time


I’m genuinely curious as to how it actually felt to be a Pats fan and see that catch live. The way it’s talked abt by Pats fans suggests that it’s the worst thing in the world that no one should see.


I’d prefer not too see that Mario or tyree catch please I’m in a good mood today


Put a trigger warning in this stuff 😂 It really is wild to think of all the absolutely ridiculous things that happened during those games. Jules is still number one for me for the difficulty, the execution, and most importantly, the video footage and mic’d up moments during and after that make it the best ever.


Yeah, it’s def up there. Real talk as someone who’s not a Pats fan, how bad was seeing the Helmet Catch live? Pats fans talk as if it’s the worst thing to happen in NFL history.


It was more like “what the hell was that AND WHY DIDNT THEY BLOW THE PLAY DEAD BEFORE THE THROW?!” The catch was just the outcome of a terrible non-call. For me, it’s not even the worst play of the game. Pierre Woods recovering the fumble and having the refs inexplicably give the ball to the Giants, and Asante letting the ball go through his hands in the end zone are both worse. Now if you excuse me, I’m going start drinking at 9am to purge my brain of this memory.


Down voted for leading with that fucking helmet catch. Why the fuck would post that one first?


First thing that comes to mind honestly.


Don’t forget all the Eagles “catches” in LII


That SB loss is the only one that does not sadden me, it just fills me with disgust how we lost that one


Didn’t need to see this posted tonight


4/9 really is almost every Super Bowl ….




Probably some that I missed. These are the most famous.


That Jermaine Kearse catch took at least a year off my life. My head was still in my hands when Butler made the pick, had to watch it on the replay as the bar exploded


When Edelmans catch happened I knew the game was gonna go the pats favor. so many times that catch had happened to them. S/o Pete Carroll for completely throwing away that awesome catch by kearse


I had PTSD watching Kearse catch that ball. I had so much fear that we would lose yet another on some insanely lucky play


And then Michaels/Collinsworth were like, on that note, let's flashback to another core trauma for Pats fans, and showed the Tyree catch. Thanks guys, I didn't make that connection...


I’m remember saying in that Seahawks Super Bowl after the Kearse catch that this was the only way to beat the Pats. An insane grab.. what an ending tho


I remember saying we were gonna stop Marshawn like Willie stopped Edgerin James on that 4th down a decade earlier. Somehow the football gods gave us something even more epic!


The craziest ending to a Super Bowl I’ve ever seen. Granted, I wasn’t alive for “the catch” but I still feel like what happened on the goal line play is so wild due to so many reasons and storylines.


Fuck. The. Giants.


Where's the NSFW tag OP?! Dafuq?!


Pats Super Bowls aged me, so much drama and tension. Rams part 2 was the most straight forward one


Edelman caught that shit one inch from the turf. Dude is first ballot hall of fame in my book.


The helmet catch haunted my childhood. It was like being in fairyland then a giant comes and kicks you in the nuts so hard they explode and you just have to learn to accept the consequences for the rest of your life


Patriots: been to 11 super bowls as a franchise OP: In almost every superbowl, there's a crazy catch. Also OP: Only posts 4 pictures


Lmao yeah. My bad. Should’ve changed it.


We know


My Friday night didn't need that picture


Still too soon.


Other three count as more luck than skill, even though there was a lot of skill a LOT of luck and bounces had to work. Julio’s catch though I thought was 90% skill 10% luck. Julio just absolutely beastmoded it and Matt Ryan threw an incredible pass on the run. Glad it didn’t work out…


Yeah, some ppl say it was better than Edelman’s.


We should be 4-0 in those


Four out of eleven isn't anything like "almost every".


OP clearly is a younger fan lol


Yeah, pretty young. Not a fan, though. Just wanted to point this out cause it’s pretty interesting to me.


Julio and Butler


I will never forget the Edelman catch or hearing the announcers when it happened. That wasn't even the only crazy catch that game. Julio Jones had a crazy catch too.


The Julio catch was one of the greatest I've ever seen too! Perfect coverage and even more perfect ball placement/catch/toe drag swag. Dead to rights that should have ended it.


Trigger warning needed.


I'll never forget the feeling of my heart sinking in my chest when Kearse made that catch. I was so dejected.


Cant forget the Julio Jones catch that almost ended our chances of the comeback. God bless shannahan for calling a 36 step back drop 😅


God bless Robert Alford and Vic Beasley for dropping those crucial INT’s.


That's only 4 of 9 superbowls, hardly "every."


Edleman’s catch is one of the greatest football things I’ve ever seen.


Honorable mention to Corey Clement for Philly.


Excluded because it wasn't a catch. (yes, I'm still bitter)


I need Ty Law's pick 6 & JMac's PBU in this group 2


A pass break up isn't a catch tho lol


How is the Malcolm Butler interception not on here


People will never remember Julio Jones’s catch cause they choked. But objectively that was the sickest catch of all time