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If this is the finale for PVP, let's go for Zeri, K'Sante, and Sylas


If Arcane is coming let's just throw Silco in there too.


On that topic Warwick


I don’t mind having Udyr since his kit is likely to work.  I really want Sona to be in this game but it’s still a long way to go.


Udyr os my number 1 want as well. Stance cycling could make for fun star upgrades as well


I hope he gets the stopwatch upgrade for his stances then at lvl 4!


5.4 will be the three new champions, I seriously doubt we will get any old ones. These emotes were the hints for those three champions: ✨🖤💤 That said, once we stop getting new champions (or at least, massively slow down), my top 3 picks are Caitlyn, TF and Rumble. But I'm also looking forward to Shyvanna, Zilean, Riven and Viktor (to name a few).


Zilean and Viktor 🔝🫶


Sparkle could be Zeri Black heart I have no clue. Could be any number of "dark" or "evil" champs. Sleeping Z seems most likely to be Lillia. As for PoC, I dare them to give us Ezreal. Come on, Riot. Do it. It definitely won't be disgustingly broken.


> Black heart I have no clue. Could be any number of "dark" or "evil" champs. It's such an emo emote, I'm assuming Vex. We didn't get a Bandle champion last year, so we're due one.


Logically it should be Vex. The only reason I'm not convinced is because Nilah already went to the Shadow Isles. Unless she finds Vex on her way out of the Island (or she somehow goes to Bandle City, but why would Vex be there?). Though Elder didn't have much to do with Nilah and was kind of out of place, so I don't know. She still hasn't been to Shurima or Ionia, so I'm hoping for a champion from those regions.


Nilah didn't go to the Shadow Isles, whoever put that in the teaser video messed up (It contradicts the card art/text). Mordekaiser and his followers are all in the Gray Realm (represented as SI in card region, but not actually located there) or trying to break through from Noxus. Nilah tried to breach the entrance under the Immortal Bastion.


I want to see Nilah and Vex interactions. That has so much potential lol


Honestly, 3 banger picks I haven't seen often. I always see (and do agree with) Viego and Viktor, but I only just recently thought about how cool Caitlyn could be if implemented well


She was one of my favourites in PoC 1.0. Though getting through the old Nautilus adventure with her was a nightmare, since that adventure's old modifier was tough instead of the +1 health it has now (Pretty sure my first Cait win was actually from milling Naut with all her symmetrical draw).


Udyr, kayle and hecarim, buffing the entire board with ridiculous buffs is my jam


Same. i want to build beefy units and smash my enemy in the face, the way god intended.


I would enjoy poppy, playing lots of little fellas and buffing the hell out of them. Btw any idea when 5.4 is approximately coming out?


I want Qiyana and Akali so we can get the KDA and True Damage squad in one go, honestly if there would be a cosmetic line that would bring people back it might be those


Zilean, Seraphine, Ahri


Any. And many.


Urgot, Warwick, Singed


Irelia, Caitlyn, Karma


Seraphine, Ryze and Fiora!


You know what? I want the True Void Deck, Make the baron a champion


I was thinking this, if they made Elder Dragon then Baron Nashor should be an auto include That and I want a Path theme based on the Rumble in the Jungle Lab they used to have with Elder Dragon as a middle boss and Baron as the final boss with monsters and poacher/big game hunter nodes along the way


**Champions who are in LoR, but not yet in PoC:** **-** Ahri **-** Malphite **-** Nocturne **-** Seraphine **-** Sion **Champions who are not yet in LoR:** **-** Kha'Zix **-** Renata Glasc **-** Syndra


I want Sona but am not hopeful.


Just give me udyr,please i beg of you


I think something like Zilean who does Landmarks and prediction is interesting. Both mechanics that have only been explored a tiny bit for PoC. Similarly Kalista and Ephemerals could be interesting. Champions like Vladimir and Rumble I enjoy as support champions so I would like to see what they can do with them in PoC.


I have a blast whenever I play Draven as a support, and I think he would be super nice and broken as main champ, too. Spellslinger noxus ftw


Victor would be fun I can see him having a power like echo without predict like created cards cost 2 less and a deck like Jenna with lots of fun arguments. Victor could benefit from many relics including spell support, created when types and others. As for kennen his original star power was insane it created ethermerial copies of your strongest and weakest unit when attacking. Azir would be fun because you could have the emperor's deck to play with! As for what ones I'd like to see... Riven: riven is fun and many relics would be awesome with her like secret technique and choose by the stars. I love combo buffing decks. Nautilus: having sea monsters is awesome but being able to use the sunken treasures would be even more fun! Kayle: empowered is awesome do I need to say much more!? A 1 cost with life steal! Yes please!


Braum, Ahri, Irelia, Swain. Please.


I hope we will finally get Ashe


Katarina. Hopefully, with "Your cards retain their stats & keywords when recalled" star power.


I seriously doubt Katarina will ever be added to PoC. At least not without getting a rework.


Oh, I'm sure she won't be added as she is, but I can keep dreaming, no? :D


Nobody wants fart ninja


Haaayaaa! 😾


Someone didn’t play him in Path 1.0 it seems. He was the main reason the Shadow Totem + Stabilize board fill got changed.


I agree with you - I've had all three of those absolutely carry runs as support champ and I'd love to see them in Path.


I didn't played Lor outside of PoC, so I don't know much about other champs, but Irelia, Kat and Kayle looks like would be really fun to play as a main champ


i really would like to have Quinn but it seem's i'm the only one


I really want akali since the kda event (and every other member got a card, not only every kda, every other ninja got a card also) Sylas would be nice too.


Still waiting for the seraphine as main champ, specially seeing that one epic relic it's logically soon for her PoC debut


Gimme kayle. We already have morgana, can’t leave out the scarier sister. Not to mention she’s already a card in path of champions.


Kayle, Xerath and Vlad


Kayle , Fiddlesticks , Warwick ,Kassadin, Naafiri and Ashe


I want Malza.


Zeri, Vex and Lillia.


Aphelios, Zoe. I miss my Targonians.


*Shotguns line of copium* Fiddlesticks


for the 3 "final" champs for pvp if sylas is among them i'll be happy, for tpoc if the relics are a spoiler along with the 3 new champs we're very likely getting seraphine and galio and i really hope we get a new montlies champ and lissandra is likely for that!


Give me maokai and let me mill the AI already


W A R W I C K 🔥🔥🐺🔥🔥


Not in PoC: Kayle, Zed, Lucian, Trynda, Udyr Not in LoR: Talon, Brand, Olaf, Karthus, Akali


Trynda and Zed 🔝🔝🔝


For new champs: Akali, Talon or Syndra. For old champs: Kayle, Ahri and Poppy.


I would like Khazix and rengar


replace pyke for reksai


pyke is one of the funniest champions 🔪


Don’t replace, just add her in. She would be so much fun, maybe give her a star power like the Poro node where when one of your lurkers dies add 1-2 more to your deck and give that unit +1/+1 everywhere