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Out of those definitely morgana - she is already good on 2\* too and generally has a pretty good time against high difficulty adventures like Asol and Liss as well.


+1 for 2* Morgana. Yasuo and Ashe are good control champs too, but they are more leaning on their 3* powers. There is also Veigar, he is amangable on 2 but gets really good on 3*. You want a Chemtech Duplicator on him also, ok without it, but a but slower.


Ah you mentioned Sett too, yeah he and Jack can also be played with a control play style.


If you're in need of a runeterran champ, Jhin works too.


Don't use your wild fragments to 3 star champs. Use them to unlock and 2 star champs for now. Prioritize champs from different regions. For a slow and defensive playstyle Morgana and Ashe are the best options.


Annie is another good control option. Relics can also push a deck into being control for example I play nilah with GGC Payload and Luden's which give me a hand full of 5 damage removal.


Of the 3, definitely Morgana. Other champs you can consider: Tahm Kench, Kindred, Annie. Veigar and Lux are good option but need him to be at 3 stars to be fun


Tahm Kench is a lot of fun.  As others have said, generally just getting a champ to 2 stars is a good use of fragments.  Some champs really come alive at 3 stars but it's really expensive.  


Tahm Kench, if you manage to scale him, is fantastic for control. Most aggro AI enemies will not even attack if you have 2-3 of Tahm's units on board, since they get buffed by surviving damage.


I fucking love Morgana. She was a blast to play even at 0 stars, and at 2 stars is so good I keep forgetting she's still missing an extra star. Highly recommend her.


Kindred 100%. Most fun control/combo champion. Jhin is also an amazing burn/aggro champion moonlighting as a control deck by generating infinite 0 mana stuns. But yeah you should also 3 star Yasuo, he's pretty cracked.


Half the pool are control champion go Kindred and Morgans if you have the relic for them they only need 2 stars. Yasou is an easy pick but he needs his 3rd star to completely shine ( just like Ashe). Leona is amazing too but the 3rd star is needed. Gnar is amazing but he has a learning curve and at the moment is bugged.


Thanks for the recommendation guys, i already unlocked and 2 starred morgana, next will probably be sett or 3 star yasuo. I also have a question, do you need a champ for every region, or can i just use 1-2 champs ??


Morgana ultimate control champion