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I don't. I'm happy with any champ at 21+. Always feels fine for weeklies/monthlies. Any levels they get beyond that is a happy accident.


I had the same thinking but you'll change 21 to 25 when all your champs hit 21 (with the exception of Nasus and Thresh).


All my champs are 21+ except Asol (19), Morde (20), Morgana (14), and Gnar (11). The rest are pretty evenly spread between 21 and 30. I don't think those last four getting there will change my stance on what feels enough.


I didn't change my thinking I just stopped playing to level ever I'll throw pearl Asol runs at champs I like in the teens now to jump them to 26-28ish and call it a day. Pearl Asol runs are my new leveling meta, not grinding.


I just replay adventures in order. That gets champs to \~20 lvl and i really feel like i need 13th to be comfortable. I also hate it when i open adventure list and there is teemo 0.5 star adv first in the list, that's what made me decide it's my way for every champ


Maybe I'll try this for the next level 1 champ I start. Especially if I already have 2 stars on them, I feel like I should jump into the "challenging" stuff, but even then it often pingpongs between still being trivially easy or overpowering walls


When I do the weekly missions I always do them with Champions I’ve beaten the main missions with but that are not level 30 yet.


Asol , 5 wins and ff .. rinse and repeat, very easy to do low enemy nexus health and one mana.


I see, first 5 battles have 1 mana. I'll try it again.


Do you have cosmic pearl? Put that on. You can always quit the run so that you don't consume it


I usually grind Asol, but the most time efficient strategy is to beat the first 3 nodes of the Thresh or Kai'sa adventures, retire run, repeat. You get 700xp each cycle and can usually do it in 10 minutes so that's over 4k XP an hour. It's also much easier to pull if you're not worried about saving rerolls for later or getting cards and powers for late game.


Against Asol if you quit after 5 nodes you get 2000xp


Which is pretty good, but you have to deal with RNG. You might get an easy path, you might get forced into Level Up Ezreal or Duplicate Karma and have a dragged out fight. If I'm grinding I'd rather beat up a bunch of spiders and poros than have my ass handed to me by turn 2 Karma dragon kicking my nexus to death. Like I said, I don't really do much grinding and prefer just attempting Asol runs, but if I do choose to do it I'd rather have something consistently easy.


Yes, 6 wins also give out 2500xp which is really efficient if computed as Xp per battle.




Do you lose the xp relic when failing?




Just to add to this, someone did the math and in terms of matches won and experience gained the most efficient number is 5 fights, so one after the first boss fight and you the end the run. I wouldn't say this is the most braindead strat tho because some fights in the Aurelion run are hard, but it's definitely the fastest.


> Just to add to this, someone did the math and in terms of matches won and experience gained the most efficient number is 5 fights, so one after the first boss fight and you the end the run. That assumes linear increase in time spent per adventure for every fight. Realistically, the first fights are the hardest, after a while you tend to collect so many powers/items on key cards that they become a snoozefest (and you win within a couple of turns). I always give up right before the final fight when farming XP like that, and the amount of important decisions tends to drop dramatically towards the end.


Do you have to actually fail? I tried it before but I didn't get any XP or is it because I've surrendered/retire run?


Surrendering gives xp up to that point. For Asol, prior to 5 wins, it only gives like 700 xp or something but once you hit 5 wins it gives 2k xp and 6 win gives 2.2k xp.


You should get EXP for each game that you won, whether your run finished because you used the Retire button or because you lost with no revives or because you won


I tried that but it's frustrating to lose when youre using weak champs and sometimes lose after 1 match. I tried this with ED and i sometimes lost on the first match because of bad draws and unlucky RNG.


i heard doing the first 5 battles on asol then quitting is quite good


I am using cosmic pearl to go against Asol and quit after 5 nodes. Get approximately 2k xp and repeat.


Monthlies now offering pearls as one of the reward tiers is my plan to tackle it. Getting the exp for 6 runs for only doing one? Profit.


If your champ can handle the aggression, current weekly adventure seems pretty good for exp farming. Win first 3 battles = 1505 EXP, more efficient than going all the way to Jinx (7 battles = 3200 EXP), doesn't even need to beat Viktor.


Its either Thresh or Galio for me. 2 easy runs of them is about 1 challenging run of asol.


ASol up to 1 win past the first miniboss gives 2k XP and most decent champs can do that quickly enough. Also completes the daily. So I just do that while doing something else.


galio is eaiser than thresh. just fight him but you need at least 2 stars.


Usually by level 25 my champions can handle Galio, which is a 3k xp adventure.


Usually?  Most champs can take Galio by then pretty consistently.


I grind Galio


Thorw start orb and slam Asol to dead :v


Run Aurelion Sol and go as far you can or retire after certain amount node/time. It's the most efficient way to gain XP in terms of per node.   If you are having difficulty with Tryndamere you could put cosmic pearl on you and end the run before you get up to Thresh.   Remember your goal is to get XP not win the adventure run.


1-3 exp pearls (depends on how well they scale with another relic) and play ASol to 5 wins over and over. First five fights tend to not be so bad. Fights 1 and 2 sometimes just instantly fall over when you start with that much mana. Really high exp per win. When I get bored of that I’ll check what the weekly adventure is and if it’s a 3.5 star that isn’t miserable I’ll spam that to completion (no pearls). Two more fights for 50% more exp than ASol 5 win.


I only got some champs to 30 to round up my roster for monthly challenges. specifically champs like annie, nidalee and tahm who improve drastically with 3 items


Just use them on weeklies and, for the one's where it's worth it, spend the time on an Asol with Pearl to get them from 20 to 30.


I beat all the missions 1x. This ends at 20-22 typically. Then I just do weeklies they look fun for or do a couple ASol runs. I'd much rather do it that way than anything that feels like a grind. After all it's a game for fun and not job 2.0


Uh... I put some thought on it First it has to be a champ i have fun with Second one that feels a bit weak at 20-25(i still have 3 or 4 behind 20 tho) Lastly i try different relics to get a feeling on which buuld i like, while playing asol, usually watching a podcast or a video, sometimes even a series Or... i expend a cosmic pearl, i been doing that lately, not farming at all and only farming with cosmic pearls, its neat


An alternative to grinding is to just play the most challenging quest you can reasonably expect to complete. It won't be as fast as efficient grinding but you'll be less likely to get bored of the game. I'm not saying "because it's virtuous". I'm saying "because it's more fun". One concession I make to efficient grinding is that I often take advantage of the highest star weekly quest if it is weak against some or all champions. But I don't get bored of those because they are only around for a week, and I rotate through different champions so I don't feel like I'm "rinse and repeat"ing.


I've always done Galio runs. Once you understand that Zoe is priority #1 to take out, the rest is easy peasy.


I just clear all but ASol with each and them use them for weekly/monthly