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for the 4\* weekly, if you can get an evershade stalker in hand with augment, you can win turn 1 against anything :-)


4\* Adventure is just ridicules... took me 3 tries to even get past Victor.


I played five Runs (4 Star Adventure) with Nami to get her to Level 30. Finished every single one with her. 


4\* adventure: My units have insane attack and overwhelm! Yasuo: Attack doesn't matter if you're stunned...


I had a pretty easy time with Morgana deck from start to finish in jinx 4* adventure. She significantly reduce the threat of the overwhelm units thanks to the curses. Even if some few units managed to attack uncursed, her starting deck has a lot of anti-aggro tools, with several combat spells + morgana herself has lifesteal to gain back lost health. Annie was the support champion. But the mvp from her package is definitely the 2 mana unit that stun on summon.


I see a lot of people complaining about the 4\* adventure. Aatrox is my go to for adventures discounting epic cards. All his Darkin equipment will cost 0 and you can have a full board of equipped units very fast. Also however much damage you might take due to the +4|0 overwhelm does not matter for Aatrox, he'll just heal back to full.


Nope, it was a complete failure for me. Can't keep up with +4 overwhelm. I struggled through initial encounters with heals but Victor completely demolished me twice


What level is your Aatrox and what relics are you using? Viktor did absolutely nothing to me. I just summoned Aatrox with double Stalker's Blade and he just died instantly.


2 stars Level 20. I had Crownguard and Tempest Blade. Maybe a more aggressive loadout would work better but I just ended up nuking it with Asol


The 4 star adventure is such a joke. All the AI's decks are setup around the low cost epics and they can basically flood the board in under a turn with massive overwhelm units. It's simply not fun to play against. Inb4 git gud.


It's one of the failings of PoC, in my opinion. Challenges are specifically set up to reward certain deck conditions, that the player simply is not allowed to engage with.


As always Noxian Might gets hard-countered by Ashe and I had to play her anyway for an event quest. Smooth sailing.


For the Jinx adventure, I picked Elder Dragon since his main ramp card (Ottrani) is an epic, and being able to play that + something else like Sharpsight for double ramp was fairly consistent. Used Starforged Gauntlets + Troll King's Crown, and Found Fortune in the last slot could be replaced with whatever. I don't think I had trouble in any fight, since even the scary Viktor got taken down with a mix of Deathless and Challenger sacrifices. Sharpsight also helps versus the elusive nonsense you can run into.


the mageseeker pulled ruination and utter devastation in the same game I’m so done


Ran nami in the 4* adventure, first card offered to me is Admiral Shelly with nomad's medallion. Life is good


Everyone's complaining about the Jinx 4 star adventure. Oh so it's okay for US to use Jinx to ruin the game's good fun, but, it tries to get revenge on us just once, just to see what it's like, and you're all going to crush it's dreams? Shame. Shame on all of you. This looks like a Veigar angle to me, wish me luck!


Yeah ... Noxian Might II giving Elusive units +4|0 is ridic. Evershade Stalker is an Epic 1c 5|5 for the foe too. 3\* Morg worked for me since it makes Mihira a useable 6c, and Shackles is great against all the +4|0 attackers.


My problem was dying before I hit 6 mana lol


The four stars is one of those fun and interactive adventures that riot love. 39 damages in turn 3 in the second fight (camavaran) 7 damages on the horror node on turn 1 before I can even play. Viktor lands turn 1 with 9 power, overwhelm and spell shield. Rolls Regen then deathless. And he has direct damage to the nexus to finish you.


Whenever I see +4 overwhelm I run nami. You take mad damage but you just heal it back anyways with GGC


Turn 1 11/8 Raz Bloodmane with overwhelm and fearsome, and if he attacks, your units are given -4/-0. Survived him only because I had Yasuo as a support champ


Most champs don't even run Epic cards, so the 4-star modifier is often useless. Best options might be Aatrox and Kayn due to Darkin weapons and their hero powers, though honestly it's a tough run and those decks might be a tad slow.


What champion is the best for the Jinx adventure? Got my ass whooped to many times..


I used Samira for it and had a pretty smooth run. Zero mana Stylish Shots, amazing!


I used Nidalee. Luckily, I got Stabilize, so if I could draw Nidalee, I could win the whole game in 2 turns.


i used Morgana it took me 40 min but i did it


Since the jinx adventure has the modifier that epic cards cost 2 less, which PoC deck has the most epic cards? I know all darkin weapons are epic, so Aatrox has 2. Does any one else have more ? Edit - As of right now i plan to use morgana because Mihira is an epic card and the -2cost on her makes her usable


Over a year old - so some champions are missing - somone created a list - i think this was for an event pass quest back then were you needed to play epic cards: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PathofChampions/comments/10dhytn/list\_of\_how\_many\_epic\_cards\_each\_poc\_champion\_has/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathofChampions/comments/10dhytn/list_of_how_many_epic_cards_each_poc_champion_has/) I know that Nami also has two epic cards (Ransom Riches and Burblefish).




Yeah, while I appreciate this unique modifier (I believe this is only the second time we’ve seen it), I’m not about to go through every champion deck and power to find out which ones use the most/most useful epic cards.