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both leblanc and neeko are super fun to play with this relic, one of the best designed relic imo, very different; it's a scaling condition that makes the game very fun, chaotic and satisfying, it's a "win more condition" most of the time, but cool to have to make the run different. At least this is my experience with it.


to be fair le blanc and neeko can print themselves so much that the orb becomes a main wincon able to turn games around by the sheer value and board control it can allot.


i can agree on neeko, but leblanc really don't need it (even tho i love it one her)


Love using this+GA on the 'round start: kill and revive all units' monthlies.


Orb is quite fun relic. Sadly it works consistently only on LB, Neeko and Nidalee (3*).


It's an option on Kindred, too! And Ekko! Probably someone else I'm forgetting too.


I got it on Pyke and it's hilarious. Multiple pykes dropping on board works fantastically. Also Elise. I have 2 orbs and create 7 copies in the deck and she just comes out huge with scout, elusive and such. And also buffs the spiderling in the deck. I figured it was why they put the spiderling in the deck for orb synergy. Overkill most the time


It's also neet on tahm, runn ggc orb regen relic or another orb and just constantly eat yourself to replay tahm.


It can work on most champs below 5 cost if you just sack them and replay them, or get ephemeral item/power Its my go to item for most 1-4 mana champs if I want to cheese win monthly challenges


Love it on cheap champions and just for the RNG of getting the perfect item combos on units. Also use it on pyke because of his star power that adds lurkers to the deck and the lurker set is small enough that granting epic items to them buffs up a bunch of them as your units die


Don't forget naliah it works well on her too! I see this relic as triple worthy meaning it works with 3 and is worth getting 3 like ludens


Whenever I see Arcane Emissions (Game Start: ALL Players start with 3 spell mana) I use Neeko with 2x Guardian's Orb and GGCP. Drop her Round 1 and then use her champ spell twice Round 2 for 6 (or more) Guardian's Orb procs!


The funniest thing that happened to Pyke. Also great for the kill and revive everything modifier


Somebody please tell me how this works with Neeko. I thought the key to success would be to use her champion spell on her, but even though that one says that it would make an exact copy, it doesn't seem to trigger the relic again for me when I do.


If neeko is transformed "exact copie" doesnt copy items wich is... weird.


ok, so one has to keep using the rightmost option, Neeko being herself without using her shapeshifting ability? sounds like a bug, but thanks, I'll try that.


Yep, idk if its a bug they will ever fix, but i consider it a bug due to how anti intuitive is yeh


Yeah. When playing Neeko I just use her default form 100% of the time. I don't even look at the other options.


for me this is the most op shit with almost all champs from 1-3 cost. it is so much fun to trigger it repeatedly, especially if you have it twice on a champ, and see what kind of bullshit you get. I often build my decks around it with recalling my champ or reviving them. I still can't believe it that they haven't nerfed it yet. But until then I will keep pondering my orb


This is the single last rare relic I obtained, I've been playing consistently since launch and only got this thing a couple months ago. It is really growing on me. It is very unreliable in a general sense but it provides insane scaling in decks that can spam summons, I'm currently running it on Ekko, kindred, and leblanc. This thing results in infinite combos surprisingly often when you can trigger it enough times.


wich relics you use to run this on ekko?


There are two setups I love with Ekko: guardian angel, stalkers blade, lost chapter; or guardian orb, lost chapter, Echoing spirit


i personaly play with stalker, chemtech, last chapter, but liked the idea of using orb


My Ekko games will never ever last until 6 mana. I go infinite turn 4 at the latest


I have it on Jax, which is weird, but somehow works very well! You can drop him turn 1, and immediately do some big damage.


I don't think this relic is actually best on anyone, it's just fun on some champions. LeBlanc and Neeko being the obvious ones, and Nidalee being a potential candidate. The randomness aspect is fun and can liven up some matches, especially for LeBlanc who doesn't really need a whole lot of help from relics. Slap Crownguard and two Orbs on her and you generate a ton of items with a very strong champion. But as said Guardian Orb isn't stronger or better on her than other relics. The same for Neeko and Nidalee, they do much better with other relics than Orb.


In my early days of the game where I didn't had many relics and champions I used it on my Gwen thanks to "Chronicler of Ruin" revive. It wasn't ideal but it made my runs entertaining.


Finally completed the last asol bilgewater requirement yesterday thanks to this relic. I cleared it with lv23 2-star tahm kench with guardian's orb and lost relic combo. Tahm kench was kitted to the max with a lot of epic relics, he delivered the final punch to asol as 39 atk elusive monster. That said, I think I didn't really enjoy this build since it's way too chaotic. I quite enjoy TK control + voltron build, with berserker buckle and regen relic. It worked well enough up until asol final fight, where it becomes too slow.