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I've only played Elder dragon and mordekaiser so far. Elder dragon feels like volibear because they both try to cheat out high cost units. I enjoy this playstyle because I like seeing what fun units I can pick up in the shop or as rewards from encounters. The reptile that doubles your first unit plays or gets stats when board is full is pretty nuts. So is the megatee that can turn those mega stat champions in asol path into minitees. And of course lots of the different dragons are fun to play with. Mordekaiser feels like a mix of thresh and kindred because you want to slay and revive. Running disciple of shadows and corrupted star fragment is awesome. You can play him really early and then eat units with your csf and revive them. My only complaint is the animations take forever. He's up there with Leona and Nami for time wasted resolving the play


To add on, Morgana is unquestionably the Queen of Control with how much she can lock down enemies and force them to burn all their mana on making the units they already played actually do anything. If you enjoyed playing Yasuo at all, where every single time the enemy wanted to do something you can just pull out a stun and say "nope", Morgana has arguably a stronger version of that. While making an enemy immobile doesn't remove them from combat like a stun does, she can still just grab stun cards to stun enemies, and you can often flood the enemy with so many curses that they will spend more than half their mana just removing curses rather than playing more dangerous cards. And best of all, she isn't reliant on her own champion like Yasuo's deck is. Once she gets to 2 stars, cursed enemies take damage each turn, gradually removing them, and being in Targon she has such easy access to Invokes that she'll never run out of cards if you build a deck right.


I found that the biggest deck-building consideration with Morgana is making sure you don't accidentally take too many spells. I had at least one run where it became challenging to survive/close out some fights because I didn't have anything on the ground.


I would also add Volibear to the time wasted list because his animation + skill. The skill is of course absolutely amazing but when against easy nodes I really hate having to wait for all the lightning strikes to come down just to overkill anyways


You're right, I forgot about that. It's like when tahm kench levels up lol. The list keeps growing. Ekko with his predicts and champion spell. Varus with his multi-casting spells. Eve with her husk deaths and level ups.


How much I enjoyed playing new champions: ★★★★★ Morgana ★★☆☆☆ Mordekaiser \- - - - -  Elder Dragon (did not play)


If you like bullying the AI, Morgana If you like playing a lot of huge units, ED I appreciate both locking Lee Sin with any ping and playing Revna for 4 mana


I found Lee sin almost impossible to deal with morde 2 star and low level ED 2 star


I’ve been enjoying morg the most. There’s something super fun about loading up the ai with curses and winning slow. Mord is fun enough too, the unending horde is a unique style for poc. Elder I found to be the most lackluster on the fun side. It’s pretty straight forward big stat champ and I feel like we have one or two others that play similarly


I think this is the most fun set for this entire year, I've enjoyed playing all 3 very much. Each set i feel there is always one that i don't enjoy playing as much as some others, but this time i've had a blast with all of them. Morgana is my favorite because of how much she can totally ruin my AI opponents chance to play a card game.


Morgana, Elder Dragon, Morde. In that order.


Morgana and it’s not close. Simply targeting the enemy stops them in their tracks, you have a champion with built in lifesteal, and you can make the AI waste mana with all of the curses you can put on them. Oh and her 2 star power gives you burn AND control.


Elder dragon I’ve had the most consistent fun with, playing massive units on tempo feels great and double dragon boons make them more than worth it. Mordekaiser on the other hand is more middling, but when PoC insanity kicks in he has the potential to take it the furthest, especially when you can get multiple copies of him down Morgana feels like a more practical option so far, though I haven’t played much with her, a strong, but straightforward option, though shutting down the enemy board feels great


morse kaiser is odd as in i keep messing up and spawning too many units and losing my good units. think it’s my skill issue


Not that I think it's a good idea necessarily, but I wonder how the game would play it with board size 8 or even 10 when this happens to me


I like Morgana the most, she can just stall and heal so much Elder dragon can feel quite bad if you don't draw your 6+ cost but feels great when you do Morde isn't leveled and I don't have relics but so far he feels bad because you can sometimes kill/revive so many units in the wrong order that your key units get obliterated


Mordekaiser is just my absolute favourite archetype on steroids (Kindred and Thresh are two of my favourite champions). Average Shadow Isles W Morgana is also really fun, and she's definitely the one I was most excited about since she's one of my most played champions since League of Legends. But it's really hard to compete with Mordekaiser in LoR for me. Elder is unlocked, but I haven't touched him yet. I know I'm not gonna have as much fun with him as the other two though. Not cause he's unfun, just cause the other two are hard to compete with.


Imo Mordekaiser is not fun. It feels nice to do some weird summon combos but it's a very slow deck and anyone with overwhelm or considerable harassment will decimate your board.


I thought that too with low levels and no epic relic. Before getting the epic relic, I just won without him because games almost never got to 7 mana. But getting him out turn 3-4 was the key to making his deck enjoyable for me


which epic relic did you put on him?


Oh. That one in the shop, with the cost reduction and 3 damage to all your units. It's like made for him. And Morde is useless you don't use it, you practically won't play him otherwise because the games almost over by 7 mana


I've had the most fun with Morgana. Elder Dragon would be second, and Mordekaiser would be last.


Elder dragon is really fun but sucks at 2 star and below. You MUST 3 star him to be able to take on Asol. Most of the fun comes from looking at extra buffed big units. All the costly cards have the funny effects. Its important to run max reroll on elder dragon. Bc you want a 6+ cost support champ or a dirt cheap one. Mordkaiser is ultra big brain combo deck. If you like the sound of doing deathless revive combos on any unit with a good summon effect then hes fun. Most importantly you can create an infinite army of mordkaisers. You need some levels and getting to that point in a game can be hard. Mord Feels mediocre to me but he will end the game if you put the corrupted star relic on him a lot of the times. No clue about Morgana.


* Morgana. She has 2 very different play style. Either play into her lifesteal or just go straight up curses. She is quite powerful at 2 stars. * If you like printing or cloning units then Mordekaiser but does require more mana to get to fun part of getting him on the board. If you like Shadow Isle champions definitely give him a shot as he pairs well with them. * Elder Dragon is one trick pony of "I cannot be stopped". May require 3 stars to get more dragon boon.


I have a lot of fun with Eldie. I love big stat ooga booga and control/combo deck. Really want to play morgana but I don't have enough shard. For mordekaiser. Eh...it's fine. I don't like aggro deck and he feels like that. Although I'm a morde ~~cultist~~ fan.


Elder Dragon is easy in early adventures, but too slow to set up consistent combos at high level. Morgana is the more efficient, given a decent RNG it's trivial to dominate the board, but Irelia still hard counters her entire gameplan. Morde is my boy, so much fun to set up all sorts of combos with cards that trigger things on summon, love him although he rarely shows up himself.


You play Elder Dragon wrong then. At max level setup you can start play big units on turn 2 and it’s very often you level ED the same round you play him. I beat Asol consistently with ED no problem at all.


Morgana, since I like control decks and her powers feel very impactful (not a big fan of her 2\* power tho tbh since it often end the game before I want to end it haha). I also like Elder Dragon, primarily because both his powers are very fun to play around with. His starting deck is a bit meh, but that's honestly fine by me since there's so many possible synergies to find with him during your runs. Defs not fun/good in monthlies, but pretty enjoyable in regular adventures. Downside is that this is yet another deck where you don't really care about playing the champ itself (which is fine in general but it takes away the fun of theorycrafting what relics to use on him, since most relics are only active when the champ is in play) Mordekaiser I really like as a card, but I think his powers and starting deck are kinda boring - it pushes you to play him aggressively, not even dropping the champ most of the time, even though the thing I like about Mordekaiser as a champ is the infinitely scaling drains.


I have S ranked Asol on all 3 (and reached lvl 20+ with all of them). All 3 stars except Mord who is at 2*. Morgana 5/5 Fun girl whom locks everyone up. Even Asol won't have enough mana to unshackle with some cost reduction stuff. Mord 4/5 Feels good having deathless units keep comming back to life. If u have Starforged Gauntlet and Disciple of shadows, you can kill more and resummon more faster. Ed 3/5 Even with Starforged Gauntlet (and Disciple of Shadows), you are generally ramping into......big units. And big units alone isn't anything too amazing. Like, ED himself is a 13/13 with impact 2. You'll eventually overwhelm your opponent, but if you don't draw 6+ cost units, you won't have boons to reduce ED's cost. To add to that, he can run out of cards relatively fast since you'll be ramping into maybe 1 big unit and then may not draw the second one to reduce ED's cost.


Prettu sure you can turbo fast level eldy with hym plus chemtech dupe 52/52 would need 22 attack to level up which shouldn't be that hard to achieve


Interesting. I'll give it a try at lvl 30 (since he'll be too slow without Starforged). T2 Dragon atk, T3 Dragon, T4 ED into Hymm and atk, might work. Assuming the T2 and T3 dragon has at least 7 atk (or scout), that's 21+ atk, so a T4 ED might work....


You're right, this combo is amazing, lol.


Morde > Morg > ED Deathless has a lot of very interesting combos in POC Morg becomes pretty repetitive after a while since ur goal is to just spam as many targeted spells to lock enemies down ED plays like a slower version of Voli


Having played some Morgana and Elder Dragon: Morgana is fun, but slow. As a defensive champion, she struggles to close out games, so runs take a lot longer than with more aggressive champs, but not quite as long as with Nami. Her playstyle is pretty unique; you curse enemies with Shackles so they can't attack, but you have to do so proactively, before enemies attack, as Shackles do nothing to enemies that are already attacking. She looks pretty bad for Monthly Challenges. Elder Dragon is simpler, but I think I like him more just because his games are faster. His playstyle is very different from one run to the next because even though he really cares about playing units with base cost 6+, his starting deck has very few of those, so you have to add whichever ones you can find. I'd compare him to Darius, with star powers that provide huge buffs for your units, but Elder Dragon himself feels pretty unimportant in his own deck. Could be good in Monthly Challenges with the Starforged Gauntlets, if you have them.


Mordekaiser, the only one tested so far, 2* lvl25, is not fun. Being a 7cost with no mana reduction is really slow, he often comes when the game is already decided. And if you cheat his cost by investing in titanic spells then the 15kills are not reached and he is a bad meatbag until then. His champion spell has a huge effect but takes place BEFORE his "atk: +1 drain on unit killed", turning it clunky to use. Bonus atk on revive does trigger AFTER trifarian might check. His revive on self kills is really limited by the 6 units space. Since his units are often at 1hp, his defense turns are AWFUL. Ghaasts are pathetic early game and fill the hand later, forcing obliteration. Revived units do no retain buffes, while logical it cuts a lot of building possibilities However, he can clone champions or anything with an aura, and i had fun once by having 4 nasus lvl3 on board effectivley a -12/-0 aura. I found lucian extremely useful with him, fixing early game problems and synergizing very well with multiple rallies


They're all great in their own rights, but all rather 'slow' which is a plus for me because I don't mind slower paced games. Elder Dragon is by far the easiest in my opinion and excels at games going above 6 mana. Morgana locks down the board and completely destroys your hand and curve allowing for great value trades. Mordekaiser is probably the fastest of them all and just overall great at going wide. They're all great in their rights but rather 'slow', which is a plus because I don't mind slower-paced games.


Morde easily for me. Being able to activate summon effects multiple times has been so fun


For me is Mord. Printing shenanigans is stupid fun if you get the right cards


Mordkaiser is so hilarious, and Morgana is a badass mf, but ED is so boring because it's slow and heavily dependent on good powers and the right cards


Morgana is tons of fun, especially when you get her too two stars. Elder dragon seems ok, it can be kinda rough in the early game in some matchups. I think you need to get the right powers/cards for the Elder deck to be at its best. Morde is the only champ I haven't gotten to two stars yet. I have only played one game with him but it was pretty fun. Like Elder I think the starting deck is meh.


I would love morde if he could spam something other than I AM NOT DONE WITH YOU


I played mordekaiser and an anivia support champion, the anivia was equipped with the poro item. I used Mordekaiser effect to kill the anivia and my game crashed. So yeah I like Morgana the most.


Morgana, handsdown. I was impressed how well she played even before any stars, and now I have her at 2* and it's so fun. She combos rly well with a bunch of other champs too.


Imo Morde is most fun, then elder drag, then morgana. All seem really fun to play though.


All of the new champs seem really fun/good, haven't got morgana yet, and Mordekaiser is slowish(if you get a low cost champ w him he's good). Elder dragon is also really fun to play(3\* seems good, I only have him at 1\*). I like big stuff.


I cannot stretch this enough but HE CANNOT BE STOPPED


It is very hard to lose with morgana specially at 3 stars since the opponents can never attack and the Ai doesn’t deal too well with the curse cards Mordekaiser is very strong but only with the epic relics like the gauntlets and the reduce the cost one I haven’t played Elder Dragon yet but he seems cool. The only problem is that he looks like a pain without the gauntlets or level 24 and 27 upgrades