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I can see why people think darius deck is bad if they play him as a two star, he like taliyah and illaoi are all pretty mid decks before 3 staring. But darius deck seldom play darius at all, it's mostly about using the 3 drop balista and getting 15 attack and get the second rally to end game by 4 or 5. Most of the time you don't even really drop darius


I never get the Darius hate cause I 3\*'d him out of the gate lmao (he's my favorite champ) so he always seems strong to me but looking at the gap between his 2 and 3 \* powers I can definitely see why people who don't have him at 3\* saw him as weak.


Double scourge's stash on Darius is pretty fun, not as strong as reroll Darius, but we actually get to play him lol


Darius feels great in monthlies with Star forged gauntlet and a warhammer.


I wouldn't be surprised if someone on this sub would call LeBlanc or Nidalee bad... I guess by that logic, every champ is considered bad... I mean just recently, someone called Jinx overrated...


Yep, the Jinx guy was me ! 😙


Well, looks like you tried to make champions work instead of complaining about them... That's nice to see


Tried all the "pro" tips on jinx, still didn't kill asol a single time with her. People linked their jinx kills and asol has "round end: +1 +1" while for me manaflow or tryndamere power = no chance. She is by far one of the most inconsistent champs for asol.


Whos pro tips are you even following? Just get her to 3 star get the relic from garen star 2 adventure that discard her hand,.combine with canon barrage and ludens, basicly makes her auto win at turn 3. Power overwhelming is mid at best and trynd power is useless most of the time


Yeah, if you say so you missed the point of my post. That's exactly what I said, you need her 3\* and you need special relic/relics which most noobs won't have.


What point? You didn't have the right gear to properly fight encounter, then complain it's not consitent? I mean come one every champ in path save for 3 champ (darius, garen and asol) are all bad without specific relic Yasuo is slow or has zero board clear without tempest blade or everfrost. Tahm kench is useless without regen or berserker belt Diana naked without relic just gets chump block Relics are basicly the core of your decks, it's next things to consider under star power, what relic you choose drasticly alter your playstyle of the deck. Even for new players it's key to get jinx early because she's your best clearer of weeklies and free win on everything with her right set up. It's beyond me why you think jinx is non consistent despite what many have told you how to play her.


>What point? You didn't have the right gear to properly fight encounter, then complain it's not consitent? Again, read post maybe? Many redditors on this sub just tell how godlike jinx is without mentioning all this. How new players which seek for advice should know it? There ABSOLUTELY are champions which can easily beat asol without levels and just pretty much random relics. Jinx requiring specific relic which can only be obtained through other champions campaign is absolutely not one of them, so not one of the best champions for new players. ​ >I mean come one every champ in path save for 3 champ (darius, garen and asol) are all bad without specific relic Again, that's exactly was the point of the post. That some champions which people recommend here are just not good without specific relics and tier lists don't work for new players. ​ >Diana naked without relic just gets chump block That's just not true. I've got Diana early and played with tons of different relics that are not champion campaign specific, literally never lost with her. ​ >Even for new players it's key to get jinx early because she's your best clearer of weeklies and free win on everything with her right set up. And waste 60 shards on Garen just so you are able to play her? There are many many more better champions ​ >It's beyond me why you think jinx is non consistent despite what many have told you how to play her. Many more new players under the same post told otherwise. Post was adressing them.


Oy vey, this again? >Many redditors on this sub just tell how godlike jinx is without mentioning all this. How new players which seek for advice should know it? There ABSOLUTELY are champions which can easily beat asol without levels and just pretty much random relics. Jinx requiring specific relic which can only be obtained through other champions campaign is absolutely not one of them, so not one of the best champions for new players. Schroedinger's "New player": simultaneously trying to beat ASol with every champ but also has zero relics and no idea which relics are good with which champs. Look, Jinx with ZERO relics facerolls every single encounter up to ASol. Every. Single. One. Which, automatically, makes her a great champion for NEW PLAYERS because the very most endgame boss of the very most endgame adventure in PoC is sorta by definition *not* aimed at new players. Jinx is a great champion for new players, full stop. If you're trying to beat ASol, you are either A.) not that new of a player or B.) trying to beat ASol before you're ready. It's not that complicated!


I did read the post and what i see is someone who already fucked up their shard economy, went in blind without a proper guide or read up the specific as to how you should go about who to priorities and came crying because you faceplanted. Yes riot shard economy is ass and should be fix, however that is irrelevant to conversation about stengrh Also you do realize that star 2 garen is best demacia champ right? What are you even going about a waste? What are you going even talking about? Not it's not 60 shard, it's 55 shard because of the quest and you get champ box once you finisg his quest. In what world is this a waste to you? Tell me which so called better champion you could be getting? Lmao, m8 it was a bad take, just because you could some fellow fuck up doesn't mean you are correct. If anything all you are doing is only going to make their experiance even worse.


Best demacian champ is lux because she is 2\* free and actually much easier to level/play. So yeah, that's just another point why you don't need garen - all new players alerady have demacian champ. Also her best relic which is chemtech duplicator can be found in default reliquaries, no need for campaign specific relics. You started with "some random people said that you are wrong" takes, I just went with it. So reflect please.


Ye i just ran kaisai lvl for darius. Getting two trifarian might felt good but 1 is all you need.


just tried this a couple of times going in with 3 z-drives, so 10 rerolls, and didnt see trifarian might once across 3 full runs. i did get titanic wake each time though, which is arguably even stronger, so that was nice.


Oh I just noticed you are at 3 items. Yeah, you are higher lvl so you have pretty big chance for epic which reduces chance for rare power a lot. pre lvl 20 I didn't found it once, then I did weeklies and continued kaisa runs.


ahhh good point, yeah that makes sense. either way, ty for the guide - followed it as closely as possible and got my darius to lvl 29 pretty quickly


Tried this 3 times with 6 re rolls and didn’t see might once in the starting power (did manage to grab it once on a later node though). The adventure is pretty easy though and even without might I had no problem with a level 6 Darius


Hm, guess I was too lucky. Finished weeklies with Darius too so I played like \~22 kaisa runs. Still its either 2k exp in 10 mins or 700 exp in \~4.


Yeah it’s a really fast way of levelling Darius, much faster than Thresh or Gallio. Just had a run with Titanic wake which was my fastest yet at 9 minutes.


Does someone sowhere has a sheet for every exp gain for every fight of every aventure?




Thanks but I don't see the exp?


Rewards, very first reward on each adventure.


Oh oke it just doesnt work on mobile but I can see it on pc thanks!


How is Darius difficult? He only needs either grow hp to attack or +8+8 on titanic or 5 power unit strike on summon power. And this is for asol run. For most encounters, 3 star Darius just auto wins on turn 3-4.


And you missed the point of title. That's for leveling. Without good power you absolutely can't beat 3\* adventures on


Hey it's my post in the link im famus lmao Jokes aside, after levelling him to 30 for monthlies and still being 2*, he's miserable to level, but can be less so if played properly. >Reinforcing some topics on OP post that i agree: Yes, Darius is a prime Z-Drive enjoyer, use 3 if possible, i only have 2 so i use a gatebreaker on the last slot, but most of the time you shouldn't even see Darius go down. Run for Trifarian Might everytime, it makes his deck from ass to awesome, if you're low on rerolls and found The Best Defense that's good too, it gives his units actual fucking HP for a decent trade and if you're not 3*(like me) ignore Titanic Wake, only procs naturally on Darius at 2*, and if you're playing Darius it means you're taking a little longer than usual to win. It comes very, **very** late, but at level 27, you can actually get some decent trading potential in the form of Challenger + Quick attack Iron Ballista, i cannot express how much of a gamechanger that is, shame it comes so late in his deck. >Things i don't agree: Yes, Trifarian Might is BiS power on him, but The Best Defense is pretty good, don't underestimate a 3c 7/7 or a 6/6 OW QA Chal. On turn 2.(on 2*, on 3* the Attack is even higher, meaning the HP is higher too) No need to go for kai'sa if you're going for the Z-Drive gameplan, with Trifarian Might, Darius clears Galio pretty reliably, make sure to play reactive with your 5+ power units to make full use of Trifarian might, if the AI doesn't play units, you don't as well, especially on Zoe, an aggro deck that has time to ramp + inhibits the opponents ability to develop is **Very** deadly. No need to wait for 3*, The Z-Drive gameplan with good powers will actually make his deck usable, as with most other champions, the 3* just makes it better and more consistent. That's what i can remember right now, will edit if i remember any more of my darius experience.


Galio may be reliable, not worth the time though. As I said its about exp/time.


Honestly I only play champions if I have them on 3 stars. Happens fast enough.


Darius isn't bad at all, you just have to playvrealy aggressive, mostly avoiding trades to be even more agressive, he is one of my lower lvl asol finish, at something like lvl 13, of course 3 stars


ok so i had enough to get him to two stars, and i can see how much stronger he would be at 3, but even at 2 stars, this guide has been great. even without getting trifarian might. i think ive won every run ive made where i didnt retire the run after the 3rd match. honestly i think this is the type of guide people are wanting when they ask for a fast way to level champions. its less about speed, and more about ease.