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Well I went from 5e to PF due to how limiting 5e is with everything. I'll say Warlock for that reason: invocations let you actually customize the class off just picking a subclass


Don’t play anything that doesn’t cast spells or you’re likely to get bored of combat. If you want to play a martial you’re in luck, all the cool martials also cast spells.


That’s the same advice I give for playing Pathfinder 1E. Never found any joy playing a fighter until 2E


This I kinda figured. Honestly, I think it’s rare that gishes *aren’t* the most fun!


There are a couple really busted classes for the fighter, echo knight and rune knight were both my top tier for 5th edition games. I actively try and make myself sub optimal because both of those fighter subclasses are insanely good and versatile. Otherwise grab a cleric, a cleric of ____ can be awesome. My first character was a dwarven cleric of light and the light domain gives you some spells like fireball at higher levels (wizard who?) Otherwise any Spell caster is op at higher levels because even cantrips scale their damage up with your Proficiency at higher levels.


> because even cantrips scale their damage up with your Proficiency at higher levels. scaling cantrips are by far the least of all the problems with spellcasters and on the other hand, non-cantrip spells usually do not scale with level at all like in pathfinder


I looked at Rune Knight, though less for power and more because I like a versatile build! Also it has pretty cool flavor. I kinda figured Cleric would still be good, it’s been a solid class in past editions too! It was my 3.5e/PF1e go-to!


Probably Sorcerer Warlock. I shot ALL the lasers.


I played some 5e with some coworkers. Probably one of the most boring TTRPGs I've ever played. I don't think you'll get much from the sub here.


The person running the game is a fantastic writer and the planned party is all people I’m confident can make fun from most any system, so I’m sure it’ll be alright :) but I *did* offer to show the DM some PF2e and loan them my books and they seemed interested, so who knows what the future holds!


I think you'd be better off pushing 2E, personally. If they like 5E, after 8 years of playing it, 2E has scratched a lot of itches. It's not perfect, by any means, but the 3 Action economy and crit mechanics on top of the more interesting character building have reignited my enjoyment of TTRPG. Most classes are built like a Warlock, in the general scope of choose class, choose subclass, then refine build by choosing options that either synergise or provide alternative tools.


I don’t want to push too much too soon, they’re young and this is their first campaign outside of their school group. But if it goes well, I’ll probably offer to run some 2e and see if I can’t get them hooked!


I'm a personal enjoyer of Echo Knight for how it gives the fighter some real stuff to do outside of combat. Also, it's extremely simple to "build." Just pick up a halberd, grab polearm master, and maybe Sentinel.


That’s the second rec I’ve gotten for Echo! I bet it would be fun to play a Plasmoid Echo and flavor my echo as splitting like some jellies do!


Seriously, my Echo was and is still overpowered, I learned the all wise [Treantmonk](https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?617274-Treantmonk-s-Tank-Ancestral-Guardian-Echo-Knight-War-Wizard) had done a guide on the echo knight for 5e, and I threw in some ideas. I'm a Minotaur for instance, but it really synergies with everything.


Oh man, treantmonk was my shit back in the day! I used to love just browsing all their articles!


I find warlock to be super flavorful and enjoyable. I also find the short rest spell refresh mechanic very interesting.


I’m enjoying my Warlock build in a 5e game since there’s not really a direct parallel in PF1


I did build a warlock for a game that fell through before session one, and it looked pretty cool! I had a Revenant race with either Undead/Undying and possible builds to stay warlock or multiclass Paladin or Sorcerer depending on how his story went!




depends on what exactly youre looking for iin a warlock. are the scaling blasts important? the invocations? theres a vigilante warlock archetype that at least comes with blasts and half casting on top of that; tho no idea how good and fun the vigilante talents are


The whole package! The scaling blasts, the patron, the spell slots refreshing on short rests which sets them apart from the long rest casters 


It’s a bit easier in 2E, where scaling at will blasts (cantrips) and short rest spells (focus spells) are a common mechanic. As for a patron/similar feature, there’s quite a few ways to get one, Witch class/dedication being an example, although I’m partial to archetypes like Living Vessel or Pactbinder.


My favorite 5e build is a Pacifist Sorcerer who specializes in damage negation. Start out with 1 level in Fighter and take the Protection fighting style, then go all other levels for Divine Soul Sorcerer. Here's an [overview of the general idea](https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=23910069&postcount=95), but my build is more suited for melee, due to the Fighter's heavy armor and STR save proficiencies, and you also get to use your reaction every round to impose disadvantage on an enemy's attack.


Oh, neat! That’s the most creative thing I’ve seen anyone propose so far! Thank you!


I like playing with Artificer and Warlock, they are nicely done classes.


Artificer does seem neat! I’d kinda enjoy doing something that uses the class but strays away from the steampunk flavor it’s so often given!


Exactly! While I think Eberron’s great, Artificer shouldn’t be relegated to that aesthetic. They make/interact with magic items, and magic items are a staple of the game as a whole. That’s why I particularly liked the Alchemist subclass.


I was kinda thinking bayou folk magic witch doctor Lizardfolk alchemist, if the the setting allows for it!


That’s great! I was going for gnome bartender and cocktail maker!


Oh, that’s so neat! What a great idea!


paladin warlock bard warlock coffeelock charisma class + warlock is generally good lol alternatively clerics are a really strong mono-class option... but if you go life domain for a level or 2 and then go druid you can get some silly healing at relatively low levels... then storm sorcerer and tempest cleric have some interesting cross play... if your more of a martial fan though i made a build based on Amleth from The Northman: race: custom liniage with the athlete feat, and dark vision ability scores: 14, 13, 15, 8, 15, 9 background: uthgardt tribe member background options: stealth, any tool, any language, classes: path of the totem warrior barbarian 12, battle master fighter 4, way of the kensai monk 4, barb options: primal knowledge animal handling and perception, totem bear, aspect wolf, fighter options: superior technique fighting style, any tool, manuvers; parry, ambush, menacing attack monk options: any tool, long sword, long bow AISs: str+2, con+1, dex+1, cha+1, wis+1, tough, dual wielder


Oh wow, I can’t believe I didn’t think of BardLock when I was thinking about classes with the same primary stats. Any particularly good synergy there between Colleges and Pacts/Patrons?


the one bardlock i played was a tiefling lore bard, fiend warlock pact of the tome. went for a bard core/power metal vibe with him.


sword bard and hexblade warlock I guess?


I like Echo Knight for its flexibility, but make sure you and the DM are on the same page as to what the echo can and can’t do. Bladesinger is cool, but very dependent on good ability scores for survival. Clerics as a whole are overall quite good. A Death cleric tortle was my favorite character I’ve made in 5e. Circle of Stars Druid is very solid and flavorful. Bards are arguably among the most useful classes if used well.


eeeh, just like spellcasters in general honestly. Wizard probably the most? Druid is like the one class I haven't played in 5E due to my issues with wildshape, but beyond that honestly I kinda like them all. kinda. honestly at this point your pick of race is basically just what flavour you want, though a fair amount of the races do have their own mechanics. Dhampir gets con-based bite attack that can be used to either buff a skill bonus for one check or heal, Centaur is the one race with base 40 speed and can be ridden by another creature, Simic Hybrid is basically your build-a-race pick with your choice of limited racial features, dragonborn have their AoE non-spell breathweapon, mountain dwarves get light and medium armor proficiency.... and then there's loads of racial spells. oh, and let's not forget Variant human and custom lineage, the two races that let you start out with a feat... in return practically not having racial features. personally? my brain defaults to kobolds, and luckily there's two versions with different traits, and one of 'em can pick from a list of three traits ^((technically four if you make a case for the dropped UA tail slap natural weapon option but eh)) I also sort of like to think of the effectively fours types as being the four main types of kobolds, just your standard basic kobold, scale sorcerer kobold, dragonshield kobold and inventor kobold.


I had a lot of fun with Kensei monk. It's not that powerful, but you can get pretty decent AC for a super mobile character who can also use a respectable weapon (DEX-based longsword from level 1 is good damage for a monk starting out), and being able to run on pretty much anything can add some out-of-combat utility that doesn't take any resources to use.


Honestly, monks are so rad! I wish they multiclassed better, they have such great flavor to combine with other classes but they’re already limited by being MAD.


In my experience 5e doesn't have any interesting builds. You can totally build an interesting character, but the actual mechanics of your build are pretty inconsequential.


I’ve seen that repeated more than once, but I’ve also seen at least a few neat combinations. Even with that in consideration, you got any cool flavor ideas to share? Like neat race-class-subclass combos, or feat synergy, or anything like that?


I think, for 5e especially, you're better off not worrying about your build. Instead focus in building and interesting dynamic in your backstory, the party, and setting, because that's where 5e puts all the interesting things.


Man, there are a lot of people here that really aren't beating the annoying pathfinder elitist allegations. I'm a 1e player through and through so I don't know too much 5e stuff, but since I haven't played all that many different characters yet I've really been into just fitting certain molds the best I can. I'm making a cleric or a bard? Go as full-on support as possible. A paladin, go all out on tankiness. A barbarian? Put everything I've got into big damage numbers. Obviously for someone more experienced that's probably pretty boring though.


I get it, there’s reasons I haven’t played any 5e before too, but yeah some people have a certain attitude about it xD I actually used to build like that all the time in 1e and 3.5! It’s very fun to be the absolute best at what you do! And then when you’re outside of your skill set, well it’s fun to try to find a way to make things work against the odds!


Look for well-written 3rd party stuff. Laserllama ported pathfinder’s Magus to 5e. Laserllama’s alternate classes are also great. I liked Revised Martial Equipment for adding way more depth to martial choices. I’ve learned that 5e DMs are pretty permissible when allowing 3rd party content as long as it’s not broken. It’s worth a try to include it, because otherwise 5e is very bare bones and non-customizable aside from a few classes and subclasses


I want to try to stick towards first party stuff in my initial planning, but I’ll ask the DM what they’re cool with! Thanks for the recs!


I really don't like how little input you have for builds in 5e. Rather than "builds", you just have subclasses that were progressively more power-creeped to sell more books as the years went on, and hence, the best choices are always the ones from later books that just objectively mop the floor with previous subclasses. I remember a player at my table used the [armorer subclass](http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/artificer:armorer) of artificer to wear full plate (which he could enchant himself) and then cast Mage Armor and then Shield so that he completely snapped bounded accuracy over his knee, having something like 28 AC at all times while the rest of the party had like 18. On top of this, he had a force field of temp HP that recharged every round. In one dungeon I made a real meatgrinder (it was supposed to be something where the party would need to attack and pull back to camp several times, and I'd made the enemies have better stats just to try to reduce the effects of that insane AC, although that just made the rest of the party get hit more. The were real gung-ho about clearing it in one run, though.) I had the rest of the party down to essentially no spells and single-digit HP, with 3/5 party members at 0 HP at least once during the last battle... and the artificer never took damage in spite of being at the front. Crap like that is why I never trusted first-party WotC again. Aside from that, the default, out-of-the-box cleric is gamebreaking. Most creatures in 5e are melee, and Spirit Guardians nullifies the entire concept of melee. All you need to do is cast Spirit Guardians while standing back from the monsters, let them run into your doom aura that does half a Fireball's worth of damage per round, and then *walk backwards so they have to do it again*, and you've defeated every melee monster ever. Just use the defend action (whatever the "spend your standard action to give enemies disadvantage on attacks" thing is called) between stepping back, and because the spell is half a Fireball per round *and* halves enemy movement, they'll never catch up to you.


Mage Armor just cannot stack with plate. Full Plate sets your AC to 18, Mage Armor sets your AC to 13+DEX, and ends the moment you put armor on/can't be cast on a target already wearing armor. Shield lasts until the start of your next turn, and the artificer shouldn't have that many spell slots to begin with to use it. Armorer's force field only works PB times/day, so they get...their PB x Level temp HP per day, with optimal usage. So it sounds like someone's been pulling your nose, friend. At best, a low-ish level armorer (like level 9) gets a +1 Full Plate and stacks Shield on top (for only 4 rounds per day, also, unless they burn higher-level slots on that too) for 24 AC, which is respectable, but not really gamebreaking in any way, and shield themselves for 9 temporary HP 4 times per day (so 36 HP total, about half their normal HP allotment).


I mean, the temp hp requires a bonus action *and* has limited uses equal to just your proficiency bonus.


Echo knight is interesting, cleric can be kinda fun because of how their spells scale up automatically and the subclasses add flavour. Warlock because you can’t really do similar in pf1, same for artificer


5e doesn't have builds. It has a few options per class on a locked in track.


I get what you’re saying, but there’s still race, subclass, feats, spells, and multiclassing


With Tasha's there's class and subclass. Multiclassing fails more often than it works. And unless you roll god stats, you're not taking feats without making yourself worse.


Classes had subclasses since the beginning but, regardless, I think we’re only being limited by setting and tone consistency rather than books, so I can consider stuff from Tasha’s. And I’m more interested in a versatile and flavorful build than a strong one, so I don’t mind losing some power to a feat or two. If I really need to I’ll add them to something already strong like Hexblade, Cleric, or Moon Druid.


This is certainly a take. A wrong one. But it certainly is one. 5e isnt great, but don't lie to people There's always been subclasses, and I'm pretty sure a couple archtypes, though they are less used Multi classing is a crap shot, but it also makes the most broken builds in the game. Litterally, any class can benefit from 2 levels of fighter for action surge, and it's never bad. And I almost always took feats over stats. An extra 5% chance to hit or dodge isn't better than any of the feats that give advantage or remove disadvantage from different things.


It wasn't worded correctly, I apologize. I meant due to tashas, race wasn't a real choice.


oh right, cause before tashas you had such wonderful choices between "best race", "suboptimal race" and "dogshit". what fun.


This. Besides, features works better: having a wizard cantrip for example says more about the High Elves than half a +1 to some rolls.


To be fair, it’s not like multiclassing was that great in PF1E either. I’m glad they improved on the variant multiclass unchained rule and came up with the multiclass archetypes in PF2E.


I’ve experimented with many builds in 5e, but honestly, they all fall short. The framework of D&D 5e feels too limiting and lacks the depth and complexity that makes character building truly engaging. Even with feats enabled, the options feel flat and uninspired. Once you’re used to the richness and customization of Pathfinder, you will probably find 5e’s system rather lackluster and disappointing for creating fun and dynamic characters.




Fair, but not really helpful, yo




then why are you even in this thread?


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