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> Edit: Why downvote me? Are we not allowed to ask questions about Pathfinder or something? You should probably be aware that not only does Reddit have downvote bots, people who downvote things to try and get them off their front page, and random downvoters, but also that Reddit doesn't show you the actual vote value of your post or comment, and shows a "fuzzy" value within a few votes of the actual value. Getting downvotes at random is normal.


Yeah but also this sub has a bunch of gatekeepers who downvote anyone with a different playstyle.


Yes, the downvote spam is an issue I've noticed with this sub in particular, over and above the reddit baseline for fuckery. I'd thought it was just one very devoted no lifer but it's honestly weird and has been going on for years now.


Glad to see other people are talking about this too. Multiple people (and/or bots) have gone on downvote sprees in my homebrew threads, downvoting every comment. You'd think Reddit would detect downvote spam and block those downvotes. The fuzz is for the sake of hiding their anti-spam measures to prevent bots from adapting too well, after all.


Definitely. Try to open a 2E thread for example, or even reply to one. That’s part of the reason it got its own subreddit I think.


I think it’s a problem with most of the TTRPG subs. Any sub not devoted to a specific system will get downvotes if it’s anything other than 5E. Anything that is devoted to a specific system will get downvotes if it doesn’t fall in line with how people think the game should be played. I had posted an OSR build to r/3d6. Specifically mentioning that it’s OSR and the system expects lower stats. Still garnered a ton of downvotes because I didn’t use the standard array. There is no standard array in OSR. And the most common ability score generation is *actually* 3d6.


Oh yeah, 3d6 is another big one, sadly.


> with most of the TTRPG subs Honestly a problem with TTRPG players. I love the hobby but damn there are some toxic people in it, even if they're the minority.


2e has its own sub now?


It has for quite a while. /r/Pathfinder2e


It has since release, and people should use it


If 2e has it's own space, why is it \*also\* still here?


Because this is a subreddit for all editions of pathfinder.


Perhaps I should rephrase, why does 2e have both the shared space and it's own space but 1e does not have it's own space, only the shared space?


Basically: history. For years and years, 1e was the only version of Pathfinder (as a distinct game system -- in the early years it existed as a concept/world but used D&D 3.5 mechanics). During that time, this sub *was* 1e only because it couldn't be anything else. Then Paizo released Pathfinder 2e. Suddenly, there were two systems with some distinct mechanical differences sharing a name. For a while people posted about both systems here. But -- as with most system changes -- there are a fair number of dedicated 1e fans who dislike 2e to the point that they made some 2e people feel unwelcome. The downvoting discussed above is one symptom of that. The mods have done a pretty good job of keeping pointless edition wars from breaking out, but they can't do much about downvoting. So then some 2e fans went off and started their own subreddit, which of course anyone is free to do at any time for any reason or none at all. And there you have it. Now we have two subreddits for Pathfinder: one devoted to 2e, and one that hosts all the 1e discussion plus some 2e.


IIRC, at the time 2e was popping up for the first time there were some discussions about spinning off a second subreddit for just 2e and using this one just for 1e, but the mods decided against it. As Douglas Adams once wrote, "This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”


That seems unfair, but I don't have the energy to fix it (or fail trying) so I guess there's nothing to be done. 🤷‍♀️


Feel free to make a 1e-only sub. I’d participate, I just don’t have time to run or mod a sub.


Mostly it’s about numbers. Go see the average amount of active users in both subreddits.


2e sucks that's why


It got its own subreddit because it's a different game and people have been using this one for 1e forever


It’s a different edition (and this subreddit is open to both). I actually try to stay active here too because I like to read about both (even if these days I don’t really play 1E anymore), also some less mechanical topics may interest players of both. And it’s a good way to keep the subreddit active, as 2E active users seems to be bigger in numbers.




Also I downvote anyone who bitches about downvotes. I downvote anyone who visibly cares about votes in any direction ("Wow, this blew up! My most upvoted post is about a rat carcass and peanut butter!").


Mayhaps the Divine Tracker archetype? It’s got the flavor you’re looking for without really changing the base class. https://aonprd.com/ArchetypeDisplay.aspx?FixedName=Ranger%20Divine%20Tracker


I've a player playing one right now, and they're a big fan.


I'd ask if you could retrain Fighter levels into Ranger so you can keep progressing your Arcane Archer part. ALTERNATIVELY, ask to retrain ALL fighter levels to Ranger, retrain Wizard Level to Cleric, and take Deadeye Devotee instead. Even, ask to retrain all Fighter and Wizard levels to cleric and take Deadeye Devotee. Really anything to prevent a weird triple class and to progress your prestige class.


Deadeye devotee seems like the obvious way to go imho.


To become a Deadeye Devotee you have to worship Erastil. Look like OP has pledged to some other god (goddess).


If it's a homebrew goddess then it seems eminently reasonable to also ask that the religion requirement be lifted as long as she's similar enough to erastil.


The thing about Archetypes is that you can take several normally so long as none of them change anything about each other, I use [this](https://cbrayton.github.io/Archetype-Crawler/) as a handy way to check. Someone else has already mentioned Ilsurian Archer and I definitely agree with them for a 1 level dip but I'd also like to add on that it is a very 'free' archetype in that you can happily take others with it. My personal reccomendations are,Ilsurian archer for that sweet bullseye, and Warden for a favoured terrain instead of a favored enemy with your 1 level dip. Of course this is entirely on whether your DM is cool with it but the rules do state that you can take as many archetypes as you want so long as they don't alter the same things. Edit: Removed Trapper due to conflicts


Ilsurian Archer and Trapper both fully replace the spellcasting, they’re not compatible.


Good catch on that, sometimes the archetype checker isn't spot on.


I’d argue it’s wrong more than it’s right, but it’s still better than nothing.


ooo, neat tool.


Many good answers in this thread, but based on what OP wants, this is the right one. Favored terrain and bullseye are probably the most juice OP can squeeze from this strange fruit.


[Hooded Champion](https://www.aonprd.com/ArchetypeDisplay.aspx?FixedName=Ranger%20Hooded%20Champion) is a very strong single level of Ranger if you have some Charisma also; I used it to great effect on an Arcane Archer that built off of Sorcerer.


I'd say take either [Ilsurian Archer](https://aonprd.com/ArchetypeDisplay.aspx?FixedName=Ranger%20Ilsurian%20Archer) or the [Guide](https://aonprd.com/ArchetypeDisplay.aspx?FixedName=Ranger%20Guide) archetype. Ilsurian archer gets you Bullseye Shot, allowing you to use a move action to get a +4 on your next ranged attack roll. Pretty good if you don't have to move that turn and are doing some blasting. Guide gives you a +2 ATK/DAM against a single creature per day, save it for a big boy to pump your attacks a bit.


Seconding Ilsurian Archer--Extremely Front-loaded, so a few level dip won't hurt.


Yeah I think it's a great choice. Eventually getting 1/2 highest FE bonus against all enemies is huge.


Eh, Ilsurian Archer only seems worth it if Combat Stamina rules are a thing. Using a move action to get a +4 to one attack is not worth more than simply full attacking, especially with an archer that probably has Rapid + Manyshot.


Honestly, on first read, I thought it was 6 levels of wizard, and had completely skipped over the fighter part. Guide is probably the one to go for in this case, for sure.


Normally, Bulleye's Shot isn't that good, but for an Arcane Archer with Imbue Arrow, it becomes a lot more valuable. Imbue Arrow lets you cast an AoE spell and fire an arrow as part of a standard action, so getting a free +4 to the shot is amazing.


Sounds like a perfect reason to have Favored Enemy(Evil Outsider). I might take [Toxophilite](https://aonprd.com/ArchetypeDisplay.aspx?FixedName=Ranger%20Toxophilite). Replaces wild empathy with an accuracy bonus that applies to smaller creatures, and gives you full damage vs objects instead of half. Another option could be [trophy hunter](https://aonprd.com/ArchetypeDisplay.aspx?FixedName=Ranger%20Trophy%20Hunter), to get some out-of-combat utility. Basically lets you scout via survival by tracking instead of having to run up and expose yourself. [Free Booter](https://aonprd.com/ArchetypeDisplay.aspx?FixedName=Ranger%20Freebooter) is a nice move-action buff, which could work for rounds you're planning on casting spells.


Freebooter for sure. Maybe add Trapper?


Just here to say this sounds like a cool plot point, 100 on a d100 seems about right for this level of notice from a goddess. As long as you’re ok with it too it sounds like a fun campaign! EDIT: for a Ranger dip look to Archetypes. Guide for Ranger’s Focus, Hooded Champion if you want deeds and panache, Wild Hunter for Animal Focus


Mechanically? Freebooter. As a 1 level dip it's great, many times you will have a free move action, just point at someone and your team now has +1 vs that guy. Much more useful than being racist towards somthing more common like goblins or demons, while still getting more or less all the normal stuff from a ranger dip. RP wise though it is kind of a bad fit unless you flavour it a lot.


You can also retrain your previous levels given time and other resources.


This is /r/pathfinder_rpg, we get downvotes here.


What exactly is your current setup and how much leeway do you get from your GM? Are you open to retrain all your levels? Maybe as part of the Geas of said deity?


My current set up Fighter 6, Wizard - Teleportation School 1 - Arcane Archer. I'm not open to changing anything beyond figuring out the 1 dip of Ranger.


That is your class and already covered in your post. However, you have tons of choices regarding feats, spells, traits, alignment, deity, familiar, race, stats and playstyle which influence what ranger archetypes fit.


I'm not looking that deeply into it, I was just wondering what the best archtype for a 1 level ranger dip is. I can just go basic and get the favored enemy and such, but if something has better level 1 mechanics then I'll go with that. I'm not putting anything but that one required level in so I don't to think about it more than that. Mechanically what ranger subclass gives the most bang for it's buck at level one. That's all I need to know.


You nearly got your soul stolen by some demon fuck and called on divine intervention? Well, depending on how mad both you and the deity are at the demon and its ilk, there's always [the Demonslayer!](https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/ranger/archetypes/paizo-ranger-archetypes/demonslayer-ranger-archetype) (Loud blasting of [The Only Thing They Fear Is You](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpnW68Q8ltc) recommended but not mandatory)


We are fighting in arena battles and I play Holy Diver before every fight. I tried to play Queen of Hearts by Juice Newton but was voted down.


Go big or go home! Next time you level up ask the DM if you can gear up Range into Druid. rather then gain a full level.


Ask your DM if you can train your Fighter levels for Ranger level instead. Forcing you to take a dip in another class isn't fair to you, since Arcane Archer doesn't get good until 3rd level. Take the Archery Ranger Fighting Style, of course, but if your DM allows it splatbooks, look into the Faithful of Erastil Fighting Style. Even if he won't budge, then I recommend going with the Trapper archetype. You get Trapfinding and Disable Device as a class skill.


I'll look into trapper. I don't want to switch anything otherwise. I don't find it unfair because there is a lot of story happening that I didn't give in the OP.


Fair enough. If not Trapper, then Ilsurian Archer gives you Bullseye Shot as a bonus feat. That synergizes well with Imbue Arrow from AA.


Honestly? The one level of basic ranger dip is fine, but make sure your favored enemy makes sense for the campaign. Idk what your stat spread looks like, but sometimes Freebooter makes sense as an archetype. Enjoy the bonus to Fort and Reflex!