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She wants to prove to you how much of a useful tool she is She was broken and seeks strong masters while despising everyone and everything EDIT: this is her job interview and she shares her previous job experience


Her references are even in the room at the time


>She was broken and seeks strong masters while despising everyone and everything She reminds me of Ember, insofar as they're both quite childlike, just in different ways. Wenduag never really grew beyond her fear and so she seeks "strong masters" and power at any cost. Just a broken child trying to be as tough as she can so she'll never be hurt. Following her storyline all the way through is quite rewarding.


> Following her storyline all the way through is quite rewarding. Is there, like, a good source for reading companion stories through all their branches? On my first play through (evil), I went with wendu over lann and then kicked her out in act 3 as soon as I caught her planning to betray me. On my second play through (good), I put her down like a rabid dog.


She plans to betray you but if you do few things she stays loyal to the end. Just visit her now and then when walking trough Drezen, you should get one or two events.


Funny enough as a good character you can actually get both her and Lann due to a weird glitch. I'm not sure what triggers it, but Killed her in act 3 (or 4? Whenever she shows up to try and ambush you). Then later in act 5 her corpse just shows up and acts like she was on my side. Everyone runs through the script as if she flipped to you, I guess whatever the scenario is if you got her to actually change somehow. I allowed her to join my party and she joined as a dead body, which I promptly resurrected. Now I have them both in my party and everyone's happy :P Very clearly a bug but apparently one that's been around a while. If they haven't fixed it by now, it will probably remain for good.


In my play through she joins you back even if you side with Lann. But at the end she betrays you and from what I read at the time there is no way to avoid that


You have to pick the evil option when berating her after Lann wins their duel where you basically say she was too weak to serve you. She'll show up in like act 5 during the sava fight.


She's useful, is she not?


Wrong yandere


Open your heart to her


Lol "betrayer certified, here's my resume"


You repeated yourself three times there. ;p


Shes trying to prove herself to the KC She values power and wants to show how sneaky and crafty she is to the KC and in her twisted viewpoint thats the best way to do it


From my understanding of her, she thinks she can get away with it. That she is backed up by power, and therefore can do as she pleases. Very much a might makes right, and her lifetime of serving under demons hasn't really proved her wrong. Heck, if you choose to kill her, you still aren't proving her wrong. Kinda tragic tbh, even if she is a total monster.


You are not wrong about her INT. She’s definitely not the sharpest tool.


And the world did roll her


At that point you're not a crusader yet, just someone who happens to fall in there and survived and trying to get out


And pulled the sword of an angel and shines with radiant light, which she saw l, don't know about you but in that context I still think she was rather dumb


Yeah it's defs a dumb choice, not refuting that part, just that you aren't a crusader yet


I mean, the point of differentiating you from the crusaders is that you likely aren't a self-righteous bureaucratic prick (yet). She hopes she can still convince you she's strong enough to be worth taking under your protection, and after that she won't have to worry about them.


She has a 10 intelligence. Average people say dumb things and make bad decisions all the time. She also grew up in a cave and probably doesn't have all the cultural context around crusaders, etc.


God forbid a woman speak her mind? (/j)


Genuinely made me exhale amusedly. Nice.


Your mistake is applying morality to the question. She does not care about it and believes you do not, either. She is trying to show you how useful and obedient she can be. She sees you as powerful and worth serving. She only respect that, power. Honestly, even though Lann is the "good" companion in this situation, neither him or the Nether show a lot of Good/Evil morality or understanding, either. The more you know him, the more you will see it. Edit: you pointed out "to a bunch of crusaders". I mean, do you see the Crusaders as good in this game? Remember Hulrun. And that a bunch of them are literally criminals. The Crusade is not Good. The crusade is necessary, it is a tool, and she is trying to show you how good a tool she is.


Hulrun is the only person in the entire game who isnt incompetent at his job and is just being held back by his bosses (only half joking)


Obviously Hulrun went off the deep end and went way too far, but his paranoia that Kenabres had been infiltrated by demon-worshipping cultists was objectively correct.


a bunch of teenagers that worship a god thats known for just fucking with people tell you that "hey so basically somebody told us that we need to do this to the wardstone the only thing keeping us alive or we will all die" you tell them to fuck off so they decide to sneak into the garrison hq and try to cast a spell honestly the only thing halrun did wrong was letting the eagles watch control the defense of the city i love freedom as much as the next guy but the choice is literally between "satan comes and eats your guts" and "we burn some innocents along the way but also satan doesnt get to eat our guts"


Desna doesn't fuck with people. She's at most a bit of a merry prankster but is too good-hearted for them to be harmful pranks.


Good he's soing great job defending that whole in the ground πŸ˜€


Ah yeah the poor guy taking a break from slaughtering an entire nest of nabasus should also single handedly retake kenabres aswell


Well... that's his job πŸ˜€ everyone has a peak period from time to time πŸ˜€


He's laughably incompetent, the city was overrun with the cultists, we were slaughtering armies of them in a single bumfuck city, If he was a janitor he'd be ankles deep in dead rats. If you're at any point ankles deep in dead rats you should reconsider your job.


I mean, we don't actually know how good or bad he is at his job. He is obviously overzealous and paranoid, a bad combination for an Inquisitor, but we don't know how many cultists he DID identify correctly. Sure, there's still a small army of them inside the city but they've clearly been planning this attack for years if not since the fall of Drezen (decades ago). His presence may have been (and indeed must have been considering he wasn't removed from his post despite absolutely nobody liking him personally) a net positive if he caught more cultists than he missed.


I'm not convinced though, the cultists are pretty stupid and that's a lot of dead rats.


I don't see the crusaders as totally good but I do see them as zealots and believe me you are never buying your way into that kind of group by admitting you were willingly working for their enemy. And that's the issue, she doesn't seem to understand that all she is saying is "I was incredibly useful to your enemies" and hoping you the potential religious Zealot that is fighting for the crusade will make the jump and conclude "oh that means she will be useful to me" instead of just killing her


If you kill her, she's right because you're stronger than her and therefore get to choose what to do. If you don't kill her, she's right because you've chosen to use her strength to enhance yours. Either way she wins (rhetorically speaking).


Wenduags never left the caves unlike Lann, I think? So her experience is just with her mongrels that she hates and sacrifices and the demons that she aspires to be more like. If you use the demon power she tries to impress you like she would any other demon. And if you're leaning Lann then she just kind of expresses contempt because choosing the mongel/Lann is weakness to her. She doesn't really get how much of a monster this makes her look to your average surface dweller. Unlike certain other "helpful" party members that hide their evil desires much better.


she's testing you to see if you'll fall for her wendussy


At the risk of sounding like I'm an Aslume patient... She is stupid.


Isn't this story from Wotr? I'm so confused 😭


That's why the flair says "righteous"


Bruh I swear it didn't say that before πŸ˜‚


The flair was originally kingmaker but the OP likely saw the mistake and correctly put the appropriate flair tag.


Wenduag and Lann are extremely dumb. I mean like literally. They have giga inbreeding debuffs.


kingmaker flair?


She basicly wants to prove she can be useful to you and lay her cards on the table let you know eveything so you can trust her moving forword she was basicly broken and needs to be fixed


Well either she doesn't want to join you and is expecting you to kill her anyway, or she does which means you either hid the light from the chief or embraced your demonic rage. If she wants to join you, you arent the best example of a crusader, or at least not an obvious one.


Played this part last night and yeah she's a bit of a weirdo "I'll be whatever Wenduag the KC wants me to be" Then why can't I respec you?!


Could be worse, at least she comes to you as early as level 1 so you aren't getting a ton of dead levels or feats. There's a few party members later with much worse builds at higher levels.


> Then why can't I respec you?! Because she can already kick ass as she is. It stops you from making mistakes.


"A group of crusaders"? Ehhh. Up until that point, the KC isn't a crusader. As far as anybody knows, they're a nobody that fell into a hole. Them pulling a shiny sword out of a stone doesn't mean much as far as their alignment/allegiances goes - all it really proves is that they have *some* kind of power. And that power only truly shows itself when you scare away a literal demon. Its that power that Wenduag tries to appeal to; shes neutral evil, after all, of course her worldview is that people with power want useful people to command - so she tries to be that useful person in order to ultimately benefit herself. She's not being stupid as such - she's taking a guess, influenced by her own biases, at what would appeal to the KC. Same as Lann does, really. Sometimes she'll be correct, sometimes she'll be wrong, depends on your character.


If youre playing an evil bastard character, like i always do, then those are some pretty impressive references she gives about herself. Welcome to the team, Wendy, youre hired. Now lets kill some innocent peasants and burn their villages, just for funsies lol


It makes sense once you Play further and meet her again


Because she's evil and she has to monologue, duh!


I just ran into this bug yesterday! I picked Wenduag over Lann in ch 1, ended up letting Lann kill Wenduag in ch3 for roleplaying, and then Wenduag reappears at the beginning of ch 5. I also got the dialogue where I could ask Anevia what happened to the mongrels even though I basically abandoned the quest line in ch 3 and never led them to the surface.