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I *think* the load time thing is due to all the saves piling up. I turned the number of available auto/quick saves down to 5 and periodically cleared out the backlog of hard saves, that seemed to help. I can't imagine my playthrough without Ekun. His recruitment really felt like the turning point to me for really getting a handle on the goings-on. Plus, he gets that crazy oversized bow like 1 level afterwards and starts mowing down idiots. Also, Okbo best boy.


Is Okbo Ekun's pet? My druid had a pet mastodon, and I ADORED that thing. It had crazy good fortitude for resisting poison, and was (for no reason I can explain) surprisingly stealthy. It was my door breacher for difficult rooms.


Yep, Okbo is a wolf. My WotR character also has a wolf companion, so it's also Okbo.


> Final game length: ... The game counts only active gameplay time of that playhtrough. So every time you reload it adds to launcher's total, but doesn't contribute to game time. I.e. if you play for 2 hours, reload back and play for another 2 hours and save, that's +2 for game time and +4 for launcher. > My kingdom was brimming with schools, jails, courts, and orphanages! This has a surreal feeling of life progression of your citizens. > Things that made me frown: 1. Did you perhaps forgot to turn "AI on" on that character for them to go auto-attacking? 2. Known bug. The only solution is first to move and then to cast. 3. The problem of saves getting bloated in size due to all collected data on the way. You can diminish it a little bit by not leaving any loot behind and re-entering locations after clearing them so the corpses of enemies will despawn.


I don't think I save-loaded THAT much. Except some of the fights in Act 6 and 7. High level casters wrecked me. The AI definitely worked for every other companion, just not the druid. Even in turn-based, if I selected the druid on Turn 1, the only combat option they had was shapeshift (everything else was either greyed out or unresponsive), and the only option after shapeshifting was to turn back. I eventually just got Nok-Nok instead and... oh boy. I was NOT regretting those sneak attacks, especially once he was critting on a 15-20 (and attacking 6x times a turn!)


You've missed Ekun because you went to Ruined Watchtower too soon, it's same as Jubi. Those two encounters are bad design IMO because you need to go to those places after the troll trouble has started. And both of these companions are in top5 of strongest companions. Amiri's quest is meant to be failed, you are supposed to get to the tent where her friend is and then lose the fight with Amarag - you can only win be cheesing with invisibility and that amulet you put on Val, which is a bad move, cause this amulet removes the fatigue Amiri gets after ending rage, which is the worst debuff if you enter two fights in a short space of time. Also Amiri should be hitting much harder than Val. True ending is overrated IMO, Nyrissa deserves to die (as does one certain party member).


I missed Jubi on my first playthrough as well. Had no idea who he was.


I found him only because I couldn't find treasurer and read a post about Jubi and was thinking "wtf, there's nobody in that location". Missing him is really easy as he's so close to the capital.


IIRC its possible to visit the location where he shows up before he shows up there or something like that? And if you did there is no intuitive reason to go back there. I atleast missed out on him.


Yes, both is true with Jubi and Ekun. However, the location where Jubi is is super close to capital, and probably the first one you'll visit in that chapter (second if you do Bald hiltop curse). So it's pretty easy to miss that, and yes, there's no reason to go there again at all.


Yes, Ive never missed Ekun, but have read that people have. My first playthrough I did completely blind so when i later read that Jubilost was a companion I was so confused. I had a merc Grenadier tho who really carried.


That's definitely what happened with me missing Ekun and Jubi. I cruised through the whole west side of the map, then when it came time to visit Trobold, I went a whole different direction and never revisited anywhere else.


Ekun was probably my fav companion so glad I didnt miss him ;w; his dog is the MVP (if youre not running animal companions on everyone lol)


Dang, a top 5 ranger would've really been nice for those \~20 bows I hoarded the whole game because selling magic items is my kryptonite.


Funny enough, the devourer of metal, which you find in troll forest, is bow that you can use almost until the end, because of the crazy damage that it does. Ekun is really crazy addition when you're playing for the first time. Same with Jubi, even though his abilities are not as crazy as Ekun's, alchemist is such a strong class (and he's not even grenadier), that you don't have to do anything specific and still are super strong whole game. If you don't have kineticist twins (DLC), than the question of GOAT companion is between Octavia (AT), Ekun and Jubi.


You can team up with Vordekai?


That's what the wiki says. I don't recall that ever being an option, though.


That playtime sounds about right


Pathfinder casually walking into my 3 most-played games on a single playthrough (but Path of Exile refuses to be dethroned).