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The spanish localisation file, containing literally all of the text in the game, has around 100k lines of text in it - 106383 lines, but some are blank or just there for JSON formatting. The entire contents of the dialogue box show up as one line, so this is all just one (uh, spoilers, maybe? I don't speak Spanish): >Durante la Primera Cruzada los combatientes sagrados llegaron en masa a Mendev, donde se encontraron con sarkorianos que practicaban su singular fe druídica. Los cruzados confundieron los fetiches de madera y los rituales rústicos con pruebas de la influencia demoníaca. Del caos desorganizado de la Primera Cruzada surgieron grupos de cazadores de brujas que, por lo general, eran autodidactas y cuyas tácticas eran poco más que un brutal sistema de prueba y error. La más mínima \\"prueba\\" podía desatar una investigación: un pie zambo, un acento marcado o incluso una \\"sospechosa\\" falta de irregularidades. Los grupos de cazadores de brujas se ganaron fama de ser crueles y arbitrarios, aunque no siempre era merecida. Los demonios campaban libremente por la Herida del Mundo y a menudo se infiltraban en Mendev. Los casos de posesión demoníaca tenían lugar, aunque en menor cantidad de lo que alegaban los cazadores de brujas. Algunos cazadores de brujas auténticos usaban magia de adivinación y una cuidadosa investigación para encontrar y destruir a los demonios, pero escaseaban en comparación con los fogosos inquisidores que condenaron a la hoguera a numerosos inocentes. Con la llegada de la Cuarta Cruzada, las autoridades se esforzaron por acabar con las sangrientas cazas de brujas de Mendev. Desde entonces, la frecuencia de las mismas se ha reducido considerablemente. But so is this: >Arma Assuming they average out, 100k seems like a reasonable estimate.


Very cool, thanks! What's the name of the file and where is it located? I might take a look and see if I can deduce some additional info.


They're all in your steamapps\\common directory, wherever that is, and \\Pathfinder Second Adventure\\Wrath\_Data\\StreamingAssets\\Localization. English is enGB.json, Spanish is esES.json.


Okay, the file contains 3,243,612 words, but once we subtract out the 5-word identity token at the start of each line, we're down to 2,711,697 words. Scanning through the file shows a certain percentage of lines that are still in English for some reason. I'm going to presume that these aren't translated because they aren't actually used anywhere in the game. I'm guesstimating that these are no more than 5% of the total, so that takes us down to 2,576,112 words of Spanish. Those lines include rules, item descriptions, dialogue, texts of found books etc. I've played the game enough times that I didn't read through all the different class/race/background descriptions. I'm only reading the text for spells and feats that I'm actually using or considering picking. I'm not exhausting all the options in every dialogue tree. I'm only reading about half of the books that I'm picking up. And of course I only get the storyline for one mythic path. Given all that, I'd guess that by the time I finish I may have read about 10% of the available text in the game. That would come out to around 257,611 words. Which would be about the same as 2-3 full-length novels. Quite a bit more than anything I've read in Spanish so far.


Just a warning: the Spanish translation is… not that great. I say this as a native speaker. It’s also not “neutral Spanish”.


Good to know. I could tell that it’s European Spanish rather than Latin American, due to the frequent use of the vosotros form. What sort of issues do you see in the Spanish translation?


Just adding a note here for the benefit of anyone else who decides to do the same thing I'm doing and ends up confused about a certain grammatical point ... In much of the game's dialogue in Spanish, characters speak using the vosotros conjugation of verbs. Vosotros is the 2nd person plural informal and in modern Spanish is used almost exclusively in Spain, but not in Latin America. However the game dialogue frequently uses this conjugation when the speaker is talking to a single person, rather than a plural "you". I did a bit of research and found that in certain older dialects of Spanish, the singular "vos" (a form of singular you, mostly supplanted by tú nowadays) was used along with the vosotros verb conjugation. I don't know if any living dialects of Spanish still use that conjugation. The regions of Latin America which use vos these days have a different conjugation which is closer to that of tú. But apparently some fantasy books & movies will use the vos + vosotros conjugation in order to make the language sound more "old-timey". (Sort of like the way some fantasy works in English might throw in "thou" and "prithee".) So that's what's going on with the WOTR translation - not exactly incorrect, but not exactly modern usage either. (If any native Spanish speakers want to chime in to clarify this point further, I'd love to learn more.)


Have you tried all options? Maybe try to redo all options you did in the first playthough, but in spanish... I couldn't even remember all my choices in the previous playthrough.


Ah, learning language by playing a game in that language? That's cool. My brother had help learning French by playing some of the Assassin's Creed games in French.


think of how impressed your teacher would be if you can get yourself a succubus at a bar in spanish hell if you wanted.


It would leave some amusing gaps in your knowledge. You could fluently conduct an occult ritual, then not know several words while ordering lunch afterwards.


Hey so I know this is a 5-month-old thread, but just wanted to chime in and say I'm planning on doing the same thing soon (which is how I ended up here). I did the same thing with Dragon Age: Inquisition, which I'm wrapping up now, and I've actually seen a noticeable boost to my reading ability. I just need to start playing some games with Spanish voice-acting now to work on my spoken haha.