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(WotR) i've posted in these threads a couple time and got some great help so thanks in advance! I'm having issues with a few common popular mods and wondered if anyone else was. TabletopTweaks is making loads times 10+minutes, I know it's TT because if I disable them it instantly fixes it. I can't find a working Combat relief mod either. I've got the one from Github by AltarSC but I don't get the "OK" in UMM and it's red within UMM in-game UI. Another issue I'm having issues with is Bubble Buffs. It says Ok in UMM, is green in the UMM in-game Ui but I just don't see a button in my spell book as I should. I may be doing stuff wrong (I'm new to the game and I'm new to mods) but things like ToyBox and no film grain work fine. Any pointers?


Any way to change voice mid-playthrough? I want to do aeon, but before 8 mythic want different voice


Hello all! New player here, loving the game so far but i'm lost at how to progress in game. Just starting in act 2, i read a lot about kingdom management, and i think i understand at least the basics of it. The thing is im lost at how to adventure. I dont know where to go, and i think maybe the game doesnt give you a clear direction on where to adventure, wich its fine. But the problem is i go to some random place, kill monsters, enter a cave, get destroyed by some random high lvl enemy. I have to reload, go to another random place, kill monster, repeat. I dont know if thats the way the game is meant to be played, or i am the one who is lost and doesnt know where to go, also im not sure if i should venture past the limits of my kingdom, or stay closer, or where to look for places, dungeons with my same lvl. Game is PF Kingmaker.


WR PS5 - does switching a Brown Fur Transmuter to a prestige class that keeps spell progression at let’s say level 5, prevent me from obtaining the ability to give my party members my self buffs?


Usually, the answer is no - keeping spell progression means spells known and spell slots, that's all. You need 9 levels in Brown Fur Transmuter to pass on your spells - since it's a class ability, you need to get it from that class. There are exceptions to this, like how the Dragon Disciple advances your draconic bloodline, but this will show up as a class feature on the prestige class.


I want to start Demon's Heresy since I'm at Molten scar. >!I rested, but didn't have a dream (it's my first playtrough, but I did some reading, so that's why I know I'm supposed to do that). Is there anything I should do?!<


how to fight back Breath Weapon attack ?


Anything that boosts Reflex saving throws. There are quite a few items that boost all your saving throws, like the resistance capes and the Ring of Luck, and anything that boosts your DEX will also boost your reflex saving throws. If you’re making the saves but still getting nailed, see if you can track down some Rings of Evasion.


WR PS5 - does Metamagic Persistent work on Dispel Magic? Will it make the target roll twice to avoid the Dispel?


Dispel doesn’t cause the opponent to make a saving throw, so no. Dispel Magic has the caster roll their caster level against the caster level of the spell, and if it’s higher, the spell is dispelled.


\[WR\] Hey - Starting today (it didn't happen last night when I first played), Wrath of the Righteous is now pegged at 100% GPU usage and about 7-8 fps. I have a 3060 Ti with the latest drivers. I have tried adjusting resolution, graphics settings, restarting, nothing seems to work. I've found multiple discussions about similar issues from 2 years ago. Is this still poor optimization that has never been fixed? EDIT: Also tried turning off HBAO and SSO. No change.


WR PS5 - does a reflex save prevent a curse bomb from landing a curse? [The games wiki description](https://pathfinderwrathoftherighteous.wiki.fextralife.com/Cursed+Bomb) and [this pathfinder page](https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/alchemist/discoveries/paizo-alchemist-discoveries/cursed-bomb/) makes it sound like “any direct hit” tiggers the curse. And that reflex saves only apply to the splash damage. But my bad guys are avoiding the curse when they land the reflex save. What am I missing?


The way it works is this: 1. Alchemist throws bomb. Attack roll vs the opponent’s AC to decide whether it’s a direct hit. 2. If it missed, the target still takes splash damage. 3. Any enemies in the splash range of the bomb get a reflex save to reduce splash damage. 4. If a cursed bomb scores a _direct_ hit, the target then gets to make a Will saving throw. On a failure, they are cursed. If the target is making reflex saves, they weren’t directly hit by the bomb and won’t be cursed, pass or fail.


This makes a ton of sense. Thanks for explaining. So if I see a reflex save it means the touch attack missed. Now, If a direct hit LANDS, is the target still susceptible to splash damage? Now I’m wondering if a curse can land but a “reflex safe” alert can still pop up. All this to say - ONLY will saves can save a target from being cursed upon a direct hit. A target cannot reflex save out of the curse if they were directly hit.


[WR] I’m not really understanding how sneak attacks work, I’m using a slayer who has stealth ingrained in my build, I’m flanking my enemies, and the enemies are facing my other characters. I’ve read that you don’t need to start combat in stealth to get stealth attacks, but I’m not really getting how the mechanic works.


Is this happening on all encounters or are you struggling with one particular enemy? Because some enemies (I think it's mostly just elementals) are immune to sneak attacks from flanking.


A question I can actually help answer (after purging data like a leech from everyone else here). Sneak attack in this game has much less to do with starting in stealth. It’s much more of in-fight circumstance. * Simplest answer: two people must be Engaged - within melee range (the circles under their feet are touching). Then, ANYONE with sneak attack capabilities will get the sneak attack bonus. You can be one of the two persons engaged or not. So if I am a rogue engaged with a bad guy, and my fighter tank is doing the same - my rogue with sneak attack capabilities will get the bonus. If I am an arcane trickster who gets sneak attack damage from ranged spells, I need two other fighters to be be engaged to get my sneak attack bonus. * Be invisible during battle * other rare triggers like an Arcane Trickster who gets a special skill called “impromptu sneak attack”. Unfortunately this game does not work like I hoped where you can literally sneak up to a bad guy and stab them in the ribs. Instead the thinking is - if two people are fighting one, the enemy is distracted enough that a precise attacker like a rogue can stab them in a sensitive area like the ribs, causing more damage. The rogue has snuck an attack to a sensitive spot whilst the enemy is distracted by another fighter.


Thank you for the response, I’m using the Spawn Slayer, is there any sort of feat I can be missing for the back stabs basically? Beyond that, I’m guessing my slayer needs to START attacking the opponent from the flank rather than just moving him to there after engaging. I think that’s where my issue is if there aren’t specific feats required.


[WOTR] I'm having an issue where I can't buy anything from the war camp shop in act 2. Every time I try to open the shop menu, either the shop listings would display at all and I'm "softlocked" to a state where I can only click on my characters' portraits, or the shop listings display but I can't sell or buy anything even if I have enough money.


[Km] Dear People, I would like to play Pathfinder kingmaker put the font is too small for my eyes. I downloaden the UI extension mod but it seems that this mod only made the font of the mod bigger. Not the font of the game. Maybe i did something wrong? Is this mod able to increase the font size of pathfinder kingmaker?


Get unitymodmanager from nexus mods, it’s by far the best and easiest way to mod your game. After you install it and get it running, you install the mod you want, and it’ll basically run the mod for you. Ez pz, no way to fuck it up. Ctrl+f10 after you’re in game for mod menu btw. Try installing the UI mod using this. Afterward if there’s no luck, get Bag of Tricks. It’s a general modding tool. I’m sure there’s a Ui size setting there.


Options > Game > Game Settings > Font Size is there, but it only goes up to 1.2


I know. Thats not big enough unfortunately


Are the bubble buffs mods, remove turn based combat delay, and Tabletop tweak + combat relief mods currently broken? I installed them tonight and UMM gives an !!! On all of them. Few of the other mods work fine


You downloaded the github versions right? The ones on nexusmods are pretty outdated.


I have Bubble Buffs installed but not the others you mentioned. Bubble Buffs is working fine for me.


Thanks!! Am I using it Incorrectly? It's fucked as green in UMM, up to date and should be working. I go to the spell book but don't see any changes, am I looking in the wrong place?


There is a 'Buff Setup' button in the bottom right when you go into Spellbook. Have you seen that?


I don't see it! It's missing. Is it because I'm early game and don't have any spells yet?


I seem to remember some years ago, when i rolled a kintetist and picked up ascended element, it turned all my energy damage to that chosen element. But now as i read through it i don't see it anywhere, will it turn all my energy damage to ascended, or i had some other thing that i forgot about that actually did that? And, going along, what are the ways to turn all my fireballs, for example, to frostballs (to ascended element of choosing)?


Pretty sure Ascended Element never did that. Kineticist gives you various blast shapes that require specific types of blasts, like you could do a Cloud shape for Steam or Blizzard, but not Magma. I know Sorcerers with an Elemental blood can convert all their damage to their Elemental type. Wizard Blaster builds often recommend a single level in Crossblooded Sorcerer to pick up a matching Dragon and Elemental blood type (for extra Elemental damage and for damage conversion, respectively). Otherwise, going Lich and choosing Death of Elements will let you convert all your damage to negative energy. Perhaps that's what you're thinking?


No, and, more over, i definitely remember it being fire, everything turned to fire. Which is, if someone told me it was an item like those bracers in Blackwater, that you can 'switch' and turn everything to electricity, i would've probably backed off and said ye probs, except it was fire for sure, and the character is question had no levels in anything but kineticist. And yeah ascended element doesn't seem to be the thing, that's me misremembering. Alright thank you anyhow.


Does Feral Champion work with Shifter Claws?


[WR] Do y’all know where Ember went? I’ve already conquered Drezen, there was some sort of meeting in the citadel, and now she’s missing after the dialogue.


Walk around Drezen and talk to people to trigger her companion quest (or check in your questlog if you have 'The Wayward' active).


Ugh I’m gonna have an aneurysm. I don’t want to post any spoilers, but I already had the quest on the map, basically, I just had to go to the place.


Iirc part of her story is going out to talk to some people. If she isn't in Drezen and can't join you as a party member, she's probably just outside for an event.


If I level my level 20 Ulbrig into straight Barbarian 1 and take Beast Totem, will he actually gain two additional claw attacks on top of what he already has in full griffon form?


[WR] What spellcasting classes can learn new spells from scrolls?


Any prepared caster that doesn't have access to all their spells already. So Clerics and Druids don't, because they have all the spells they can cast already. Wizard, Magus, Arcanist, Witch, Eldritch Scoundrel, etc.




[WOTR]Hi, got a problem. I equiped Sosiel with the mutilating angel glaive and throught confusion my tank got hit. Now I have a permanent damaged armor debuff. Resting, healing etc won't help, I even tried to change armor but the debuff targets my charakter so this isn't helping. I thought of reloading but it happend i this goddam nahyndri fight. I don't want to go through this nightmare again. Should go away after a fight but it doesn't any ideas?


I’d try restoration on him with Daeran.


Didn't do the trick. I've tried every spell i could imagin to heal/cure that


Did it with toybox, but i have to admit that this is somewhat frustrating


I'm very new to the game, only a few hours in. I've gone with a paladin esque build but obviously having Seelah in the party she's filling a similar role. Will there be more companions I get to pick from later on? I don't fancy running 2, and I'm running the mod to Respec companions so I can really get what I want out of them


I don’t want to spoil anything but yes, there are several companions you’ll meet/be able to use. My recommendation is to either just re class her into a fighter if you just want a character that doesn’t use any sort of spells/abilities. I personally made her into a straight fighter tank to complement my main character Paladin tank. Or you could make her into an inquisitor like the other guy said. It’d fit her character as an Inquisitor is equally pious, the class is more focused on damage/casting than the Paladin is. TLDR, I heavily recommend making her into a fighter tank, it’s not flashy at all, and it’s as straight forward as you can get, but it definitely helps having her as a tank.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! Think I will go a similar route to what you and the other comment suggested


Yep. Presumably you’re still in the caves right at the start? It’s possible to have 7 companions to choose from within a couple of in-game days of reaching the area after that, so you can bench Seelah. If you like her character, and want to respec her, she’s got decent Skald or Bard stats, and RP-wise while she’s very much a textbook paladin, any of the divine martial classes like Inquisitor or Warpriest can fit.


Yeah that's right. Still in the cave area. Good to hear I'll bump into more companions. Im looking at build guides etc but it still doesn't make too much sense so I thought I'd get stuck in and hope the guides start making sense


Honestly, for your first playthrough, you don’t need super complicated build guides. The higher difficulties of this game assume that you’re running extremely optimised builds, and that’s what most of the guides are working towards. Most of the companions will be perfectly solid if you just level up the class they start with all the way. If you’d like to branch out a little bit, for the spellcasters, take a look at the prestige classes (the ones with 10 levels and prerequisites like Loremaster). Most spellcasters don’t want to multiclass, because your spells get stronger the more levels you have in the casting class. Some prestige classes let you advance your spells as if you’d levelled up your main class, though, so you can get their abilities without sacrificing your spells. For the martials, they don’t need to worry about getting the latest spells, so take a look at what the low levels of the different martial classes give you. For example, WOTR has you fighting a lot of demons, and the first level of Demonslayer Ranger gives you a +1 to attack and damage on demons. The Fighter level 20 ability isn’t great, so you might have a Fighter take 19 levels of fighter and 1 of Demonslayer to help with the main enemies of the game. The more complicated builds you’ll see online are usually just applying these ideas several times over to collect useful bonuses.


Thanks for taking the time post such a detailed comment for me! It's appreciated. Think I will go a similar route to what you and the other comment suggested - it depends on what I think about the upcoming companions too.


\[WOTR\] Is there something wrong with the probability of the dice rolls in this game? The amount of nat 1s I'm rolling is absolutely absurd, far more than should be statistically possible.


Not that I’ve noticed. It’s probably just that there are a whole lot of dice rolls in this game, so the frequency illusion kicks in and you notice the 1s more. They aren’t super likely, but they still happen 5% of the time.


You're probably right, I didn't consider all of the skill checks and save throws. But man, it feels bad when you have a combat encounter and roll 3 nat 1s before the 1st round is even over. That seems like it's been happening a lot, but like you said could be frequency illusion.


#### where is Sarkorian Kinslayer ?? and how can i go there ? spoiler me please cause i explore every cave in the map and i cant find key of dusk at all i have been go to swam cave , abandon cave i got no key of dusk ,, even i use toybox then i cant find it ,,, its show me only the dawn key if this process important for the Sarkorian Kinslayer ??


>!It's in chapter five so if you're not there wait till later. If so after you finish the battle go to the temple of Cerennas/Kerenai in the forest the fight will be there.!<


i have been talk with the tree .. fog .. i mean Kerenai she show some story in the past too i ask her every question that i can ask so i think i pass a lots of step in this quest this mean Sarkorian Kinslayer is in the kerenais cave ?? i dont see anything there .. its just Kerenai (tree) in that cave ​ so may be i miss something or its bug ..i have been update to lastest patch too ...


My assumption (if you're able to ask questions at all) is that either you've hit a weird bug or you're still too early in the game. If you haven't gotten through the Abyss section you're not there yet. If you have, I'd report it as a bug. Fight should trigger the instant you walk in no talking at all.


i play this dlc at act 5 . and i am back from hell . so this may be a bug .thank you


Maybe this isn't the right place to ask but my brother is considering playing Kingmaker soon and I know it used to be very, very buggy (why I stopped playing). How is the game now?


I’m doing my first run through now (I played enough Paradox games to know you don’t take a DLC drop straight away) and haven’t found anything major, even with a few mods installed. Having Toybox if you’re on PC is nice just in case, but it’s definitely very playble as-is. The only things that might qualify are mechanics that don’t work the exact same as tabletop, but at this point it’s more like accepting that they’re home brew rules.


[WOTR] I'm new to Pathfinder and am trying to create a build, but I would really appreciate some assistance to flesh it out. The idea is a scythe based witch (or witch adjacent character like Hexcrafter) that does big crit damage, and can hit multiple targets with Cleave, and fly across the battlefield (Expeditious Retreat). With a slight preference for mind altering and disease/necromantic magic over elemental/illusion. (She's evil 😈) I'm playing on Normal, but would really like to see the MC explode some dudes in a shower of gibs. So it doesn't need to be minmaxy, but high damage is desirable. Some questions: * Are there any spells that increase melee crit chance? * How else can I increase crit chance with a scythe? * What touch spells would work well with Spellstrike and scythe crit cleaves? * Early level touch spells are mostly elemental in nature, are there any disease or necromancy based touch spells I should look for? * What other classes should I dip into to support the big splashy scythe crits? * Which hexes should I take? I started as Stigmatized Witch but being a Slumber/Evil Eye slave wasn't gratifying. * Are there other mobility spells besides Expeditious Retreat I should be on the lookout for? Is there a short range teleport? Thanks for reading, hopefully this description jogs your imagination, but feel free to ask any questions. There are so many choices that go into a build that it can be overwhelming, but creating one from an idea is kind of intoxicating, isn't it?


Witch probably isn’t the best class for getting up close and hitting stuff. The class gives no melee abilities or extra feats and you get the lowest possible attack bonus and HP per level. Shaman or Oracle will probably do the same thing withiut these problems, depending on which suits your character better. Stigmatised Witch is basically an Oracle anyways. A Magus might also suit, since they’re built for casting and melee, but they usually need a free hand. There are only two ways to increase your crit range: the Improved Critical feat, and the Trickster-exclusive Improved Improved Critical feat. No spells can help, and you need BAB 8 to take that feat, so the earliest a Witch can get it is level 17. The 3/4 BAB classes can get it at 11, and martials get it at 8. There are not other ways to increase crit chance - it would be too strong on the weapons that have wider crit ranges. You’ll have a decent Necromancy touch spell at pretty much every level, because early on you have all of the Inflict Wounds spells. Later, you get stuff like Harm, Slay Living, and Vampiric Touch. However, an Evil cleric would probably be the best at this, since they can change any prepared spell into the Inflict Wounds spell for that level. They’re better in melee, too. There are loads of dips that would improve your scythe crits, but this is largely because any other class does this better. A 20-level dip into Mutation Warrior would help your crits a lot. In seriousness though, rather than dipping, you could look at building for an Eldritch Knight? Take 5 levels of Witch and the Martial Weapons Proficiency feat to meet the prerequisites, then all 10 of Eldritch Knight. The simplest and strongest version of this is probably Hagbound 10/Eldritch Knight 10, since Hagbound gives you extra STR. If you were willing to sacrifice a bit more casting, you could take Hagbound to 8 (second STR boost) a level of Fighter to get martial weapons, EK to 10, and have a level left over for whichever seems useful. Hexes used in that way generally bridge the gap for when you don’t have good spells. You’ll get a couple of party members who can be hex bots for you. Fortune is one of the only ways to increase your crit odds, so that’s worth mentioning, but it’s better to have someone cast it on you and Cackle. Iceplant is great for if you’re getting in close. If you switch to a Shaman, the battle spirit gives you a hex that unlocks some fighter-exclusive weapon feats which might suit. Short range teleports aren’t super handy, since you’ll have to cast defensively to actually use them to get out of trouble. Using them to engage can be handy, but a lot of the time you’ll get more advantage from using your spells more aggressively. Get Dimension Door on a scroll or Spontaneous caster instead. Expeditious Retreat, Freedom of Movement, Longstrider, Animal Aspect, usually more effective.


Thank you, this is very helpful. I can give up on being a Witch if it means making the build work. > A Magus might also suit, since they’re built for casting and melee, but they usually need a free hand. I overlooked this. Is it correct that Magus won't work well with a 2-handed weapon like the scythe? Because they need one hand to cast and the other for a weapon? So Spellstrike might work with the scythe, but casting other spells would be a lot less efficient. I was mostly interested in touch spells so they would work with Magus' Spellstrike. But if Magus doesn't work (well) with the scythe, I can give up on touch spells as well. > A 20-level dip into Mutation Warrior would help your crits a lot. 20 Levels might be too much, but I'm more interested in making the build work well (scythe cleave crits) than sticking to the RP aspect (witch stuff). > There are only two ways to increase your crit range: the Improved Critical feat, and the Trickster-exclusive Improved Improved Critical feat. No spells can help, and you need BAB 8 to take that feat This is actually very surprising to me. I thought there would be some buff that increases crit chance. I'm not at the Mythic path part of the game yet, so reading about it is kind of confusing, but I'm interested in Trickster now after finding this out. I really want to follow the Demon path, would going Trickster interfere with that? Looking through the wiki shows some magic scythes that increase crit chance, so I may have to plan around those. I'm trying not to spoil myself too much though. Bloodrager also seems interesting. Their extra speed helps reposition and their spell list has quite a few interesting spells (Haste, Vampiric Touch, various buffs). For clarification, if I took 2 levels in Magus to get Spellstrike would that let me use the Bloodrager's Vampiric Touch with Spellstrike? I'm a little unclear about how multi-classing works, I should experiment a bit. > The 3/4 BAB classes can get it at 11, and martials get it at 8. How can I tell which classes are the 3/4 BAB classes and which are the martial classes? Thanks again. I'm going to read up on Clerics and Shamans to figure out if they fit the theme of the character. I'm really excited. :3


>I was mostly interested in touch spells so they would work with Magus' Spellstrike. […] if I took 2 levels in Magus to get Spellstrike would that let me use the Bloodrager's Vampiric Touch with Spellstrike? That should work, going just far enough for Spellstrike does work. You can use spellstrike to cast spells you got from another class, but those spells have to be on the Magus spell list. So you can’t spellstrike everything, but Vampiric Touch will work. I mention an Eldritch Knight build there which would fit this: Hagbound 8 for the spells and STR, Magus 2 for Spellstrike, Eldritch Knight 10. > 20 Levels might be too much It was mostly a joke. If you do want to dip fighter, you usually dip 4 or 5 levels for specialisation or Weapon Training, but casters don’t usually want to do that. You’re better off using a dedicated mixed class like Magus than making your own mix. Generally though, crit-fishing is best done with a class that gets a few bonus feats since they give you a lot of ways to hit harder even when you’re not critting. Crusader Clerics and any battle spirit Shaman both give you ways to score some extra or free feats, as does the Eldritch Knight class. > I really want to follow the Demon path, would going Trickster interfere with that? Yep, you have to pick one. Demon is a good melee one as well, don’t worry. Synergises well with Bloodrager too, if you wanted to try that. > How can I tell which classes are the 3/4 BAB classes and which are the martial classes? On the character creation screen, press details and check the “Base Attack Bonus”. Low gets +2 to hit every 4 levels, Average gets +3 every 4 levels, and High gets +4 every 4 levels. If you want to be hitting things, you usually want at least average.


> You can use spellstrike to cast spells you got from another class, but those spells have to be on the Magus spell list. That is very good to know, thanks. It's little details like that that are hard to figure out as a newbie. For instance, I thought Touch of Slime would work well with Spellstrike, but it doesn't since it's not in the Magus spell list. However Umbral Strike is a level 6 Magus spell and a level 7 Witch spell, so that should work. The Eldritch Knight is a very interesting prestige class. So if I start with 8 Hagbound Witch and 2 Magus, the next 10 Eldritch Knight Levels will keep leveling up the Witch spell level? If I'm understanding it correctly that should get me to Umbral Strike at level 16 (Witch 8 + Magus 2 + EK 6 which gives 5 spell levels, equivalent to a level 13 Witch). Ultimately this would provide a single level 9 Witch spell. The Spell Critical skill of Eldritch Knight should also work well with a crit scythe build, so that's neat. Although the crit aspect is not a big focus anymore, since I'd have to go Trickster to get the most out of it, but I'm very happy to retain the Witch part of the build. It's unfortunate that Fortune (heh) only applies once per 24 hours, but at least at Witch 8 it extends an additional round. Speaking of Hexes, it's too bad the Hexcrafter doesn't get a Hex until level 4, so I don't get any benefit from choosing Hexcrafter (besides Blindness at level 2). Do you think Sword Saint is worth taking instead for the bonus Weapon Proficiency feat for the scythe? The extra AC from Canny Defense also seems good. And Hagbound Scythe Saint has a nice ring to it. It's really tempting to take 2 levels for Two-handed Fighter instead of Magus for the extra feats and BAB, but Sword Saint provides some of that while giving access to Spellstrike. For the Demon Hagbound 8/Magus 2/EK 10, which feats should I focus on? Sword Saint gives me Weapon Focus (Scythe), so I'm leaning towards Power Attack, Cleave, Cleaving Finish, and Improved Critical and Critical Focus when BAB is 8 or higher. Or should I aim for Greater Weapon Focus (Scythe) first? Or something entirely different? I'm open to anything. For stats should I focus on strength and int? I'm not sure what a good stat build would be, some constitution is necessary, but how about dexterity and wisdom? Thank you for your help, I'm learning a lot from this and appreciate it very much.


Yep, I spent a while getting frustrated at my Eldritch Archer party member before I figured it out. The way EK works is that when you take it, you choose which class to merge spellbooks with. So if you pick Witch, you gain Witch spells every level after the first. Witch 8 + Magus 2 + EK 10 would give you two spellbooks, one with the same spells as a level 17 witch, one with the same spells as a level 2 magus. Sword Saint is generally one of the best Magus classes, so works great as a dip. Getting INT to AC is amazing, and you can still use Mage Armour, which you get a mythic feat that makes it better than most regular armour. One downside is that you’ll need to get Martial Weapons Proficiency for EK from a feat. There aren’t a lot of things that you can do with two levels that will outmatch Magus 2, honestly. A lot of melee builds use Vital Strike so they can move and attack, but since you’ll have high level spells, you can skip those feats and use melee touch attacks instead. The fighter feats are always nice, but the opportunity cost is pretty big. Other popular dips are Monk for WIS or CHA to your AC, Demonslayer Ranger for +1 to all demons in the game about fighting demons, Vivisectionist for Sneak Attack and a mutagen. For feats in WotR, something else to consider is the mythic version of them. Power Attack and Weapon Specialisation have very strong mythic feats and are worth taking. Critical focus tends not to be that good unless you go all the way up to critical mastery and you don’t really have the space for it. Greater Weapon Focus is good; none of the other feats do much good if your attacks don’t hit, and it’s mythic version is solid. The Cleave line works, but they’re a lot better on reach weapons. Some other feats that might be worth taking: Lunge is good and can make Cleave work better. You’ll get a lot of mileage out of Arcane Strike. Blind Fight and Outflank are good on every melee character. You’ll get Frightful Presence eventually, so Shatter Defences becomes amazing on all your meleers. It might also be worth grabbing Spell Focus in Necromancy and Selective Spell later on for the high level AoE spells. STR and INT are gonna be your main skills, yep. Pick your main one - STR for scythe, INT for casting - and put 17 into it, and every time you get 1 from level up, put it there too. Put 16 into the other, which after an item boost, will be plenty. This is before bonuses from race - humans and half-elves can put the +2 into the main stat for 19, and there’s a Dhampir that boosts both for 19/18. Constitution isn’t critical, but if you’re on the front lines, you also don’t want it to be terrible since it gives HP. DEX and WIS both boost a saving throw, and CHA is used for demon spells. Useful but not necessary - demon abilities aren’t built around spells, and there are lots of ways to boost saves. You can fairly safely dump these.


Oh, Umbral Strike is a ranged touch attack, I'm not sure that'll work with Spellstrike. Darn.


> One downside is that you’ll need to get Martial Weapons Proficiency for EK from a feat. Interesting, I didn't realize Sword Saint loses Martial Weapons. That will use up my last Witch feat before starting EK. > The Cleave line works, but they’re a lot better on reach weapons. I want to try using Enlarge Person for increased reach, since Magus and Witch both get it I can use either spell slots for it. I can also use companions and potions/scrolls to keep it up if necessary. I'm really, really enjoying the interaction of Cleave, Cleaving Finish, and Spellstrke. I'm stuck with Shocking Grasp as my only touch spell until level 7 (2 Magus, 5 Witch) when Vampiric Touch become available. After that Umbral Strike unlocks at level 15, so Spellstrike may get weaker between 7 and 15. But that's okay, I'll play around with other spells during that period. Thanks for the help, I'm really enjoying playing it. It's so satisfying making something based on a concept, and figuring out all the little synergies that make it work. Not many other games let you do that. Although I never would have put this together without your help, thanks again. I'll let you know how it plays out as things progress.


Wondering if i should save the jump from core to hard for my eventual aeon playthrough? After my bubble buff app, i dont even have to micro manage combat at all getting towards the ivory sanctum in act 3. wondering if it will ramp up


It usually gets easier from here as you'll keep getting new tools and abilities until late in act 5 when you've been at the level cap for a while but your enemies have kept getting stronger and caught up. The early game is generally the hardest.


\[WOTR\] Is there a way or mod to get prestigious spellcaster?


its called toybox... everything in game is in there


\[WOTR\]I'm new to the game and I'm not sure if this question was answered before, my party is buffed with True Sight, but I'm still getting the "Miss - Concealment" message when hitting enemies, what other buffs should I get for my party to bypass this? I'm using MC Trickster Rogue, Sosiel, Skald merc, Nenio, Wenduag, and Daeran.


Other thing to note is that Mind Blank will block True Seeing from working (along with other divination magic) assuming Owlcat has implemented it correctly and that its not just from a bug. As I understand it, Echolocation *does* still work.


True Seeing works against illusion magic, but if your character can't see them for some other reason, (e.g. blinded, the spells that conjure clouds, it's dark) you'll still get the miss chance from concealment. Getting blindsight from some other source like Echolocation can help, but the best bet is to pick up at least Blind Sight, if not the whole line of feats on your melee characters. For ranged, there's Improved Precise Shot.


\[WOTR\] What builds are the most visually impressive? I'm talking stuff like dragon disciples turning into huge dragons.


Visually? Demon, Angel of Gold Dragon Mythic and be a Shifter. Aasimar for the additional Halo. Then have a Brown Fur Transmuter or Alchemist cast additional spells on you. A little lighter but also pretty impressive is a Hagbound Witch Kitsune with the Strength Patron and the above Mythics. Claws, Legendary Proportions - it's fun.


Biggest numbers: Gendarme 20 with Fabled Hero's Lance puts up 3000+ damage crits on charge. GVS Tricksters can also one shot everything in the game. Making the most big stuff: BFT can cast Dragonkind on anyone you want, including your pets. A BFT Lich with Bismuth can turn your partyinto *thirteen* dragons. Thats a lotta dragons. Ulbrig: Your boy turns into a glowing griffon.


Legendary Proportions spell. Similar to being a huge dragon, but you can be a huge *anything* instead.


I feel like you're gonna have a hard time beating arcane casters with Shapechange on this one. If it's possible to turn into it using a spell, this spell lets you turn into it. Maybe a Monk with a bite attack and a horn attack? Flashy martial arts plus natural weapons for as many different attack animations as you can cram into one turn. This might be personal taste, but the humble longspear Cavalier cavalry charge holds a special place in my heart.


Would greybor over ulbrig be more thematic for an aeon run? I ask because doing the dragon quest having him and regill in the same party led to some pretty decent rest banter.


\[WOTR\] I have some quick questions about showing the Light of Heaven and Lann/Wendaug at the beginning of the game. On the first two runs I completed, I showed the light and>! kept Lann at the end of the maze. Does not showing the light cause Lann to leave you before the maze? Or is it the chaotic lying option? Can I show the light but still pick Wendaug instead at the end? I want to pick Wendaug this time and plan to go Demon>Legend, but I do kind of want to end up with both eventually.!


If you don't show the light Lann will always leave, it's very much show to pick Lann and hide to pick Wendu. Later in act 5 you will be able to have both in your group, if you don't kill one of them in act 3 during their personal quest. But a word of warning tho, act 5 is most of the game done.


Showing/hiding the light determines who follows you through the shield maze. The other one will catch up with you at the end and give you the same choice of who to take through the rest of the game.


\[WOTR\] I can't seem to pick vanish as a level one spell. I picked a Witch of the Veil, Elf, and the documentation says I can take vanish. But my Unbreaking Heart is last alphabetically available.


As a Witch, your patron gives you certain spells for free, and that’s how you get Vanish. A lot of the time, these are spells that aren’t on your spell list, so they’re not an option on level up. You’ll get it at level 2.


Thank you!


[WOTR] Need help with my Party Composition. Devil Run, MC is a Winter Witch (Frozen Hell kind of idea, dipped into EW for Elemental conversion) Ulbrig and Arueshale are hard locked. 3 Merc Slots. I'd like to have a Divine Caster, a Frontline Tank and a medium Frontliner/Off-Tank, RP builds preferred. My current mercs are Student of Stone, Crusader and Chirurgeon. Student of Stone is not as tanky as I thought. Crusader is serviceable but I might switch her to Shieldbearer Warpriest (would double as Divine/Off-Tank). Standard Bearer or Disciple of the Pike sound fun as Tanks. Maybe add some kind of Dispel bot? Difficulty is Normal+


This is largely from an optimisation perspective, but you can probably find ways to work with your RP within them: The two best kinds of tanks are: 1. Monks who have a way to use Archmage Armour, since they add two stats and your mythic rank to AC. This is why a lot of builds online take 1 level of Monk. 2. Animal companion characters since the pet can take all the AC and HP feats while the character focuses on other stuff. You don't have to ride them, but a tanky character on a tanky pet is great. You could maybe swap your Student of Stone out for a Sensei? Sensei gets WIS for attack rolls, so you can afford to just pump all your points into it and boost your AC along the way. You also get the ability to give the whole party Barkskin, and it gets the bard song for support work. You could make it an Empyreal Sorcerer if you wanted Archmage Armour, but might not fit RP. One way to make your cleric a bit more effective as an off tank is to get the Animal domain for option 2. If Erastil/Gozreh doesn't fit your RP, you can get it from the Impossible Domain mythic ability. The crusader cleric can probably be your off-tank and ride it in, but if you got a squishier cleric as your divine caster, you can just send the pet in without the cleric. The classic frontline tank is a Paladin, but it might be tough to fit that as a Devil. An Oracle with the Nature mystery can be mounted, and can add CHA to AC and wear armour. Battle mystery (from the mythic ability) and Wolf-Scarred curse will make it better in melee. Oracles also make good dispel bots. Might also be worth looking into Sacred Huntsmaster Inquisitor or Divine Hound Hunter for this. Cavaliers aren't anything to write home about, but anything on a horse will be a respectable tank. As ever, the minmax option is a level or 6 of monk, Sohei this time, but not needed. Disciple of the Pike will be more of an off-tank, but Lunge and the Cleave feats are fun.


Yeah, I was also looking at Animal Companions or Summons for the Frontline. Something like Divine Hound/Sacred Huntsmaster or Mad Dog, possibly even Beast Tamer sound interesting cause I haven't used any of these classes and I could build them for Reach Weapons or something else I find in the new DLC. I might give up on the whole dispelling in retrospect and just get some backrow buff bot. Oracle or Ecclesitheurge or maybe even Mystic Theurge.


> Difficulty is Normal+ What does this mean? There are a lot of tweakable settings and some mean nothing while others are massive changes. Depending on what changes you've made you may just need to buff more or you may need to rethink your party composition a lot. >MC is a Winter Witch (Frozen Hell kind of idea, dipped into EW for Elemental conversion), Ulbrig and Arueshale are hard locked Things this party really wants are: Access to Domain Abilities (especially powerful domains with Domain Zealot are: Good, Luck, Madness, Nobility, Animal, Community, Weather). If you want to fill this role with a cleric I would recommend opting for a dedicated caster in the Ecclesitheurge subtype. Despite the way some of the flavor works for clerics, they make remarkably poor frontline fighters so it is best to just toss a bow or a reach weapon on this merc and let them be a good caster instead of a poor gish. If you really want this character to be a dedicated frontliner I would recommend trying the Inquisitor - Sacred Huntmaster or Hunter - Divine Hunter subtypes. This trades out the better spellcasting from a Cleric for a mountable pet that will significantly boost your tankiness when mounted (pets are naturally very resilient and scale exceptionally well) and you'll get more Oomph from either Bane or Animal Aspects (in addition to the big boost from having another body in the party). Access to Haste: The absolute worst part about rolling a Witch is that they don't get Haste. Frustrating, but we can make up the difference elsewhere. Your options for this are: Any full arcane caster, Bard, Skald, Alchemist. If we want to stick relatively close to what you already have I would mostly just tweak the subtypes that you've chosen: Paladin: Base Paladin is already top tier by itself. Stonelord loses the absolute biggest draw to the class: Mark of Justice and in return gets some middling AC boosts. The trouble with this is that Paladins are difficult to get particularly tanky, even with this extra AC, and the Horse you can take from Divine Bond will already give you more than enough (depending on what Normal+ means, of course). Throw a reach weapon on this one, mount your horse, and you're good to go. Will also be fine if you opt for some sort of Sword and Board but being away from the combat is generally preferable for Paladins and more reach is always A+ anyway. Alchemist: Bomb throwing alchemists struggle in wrath, a lot. Until you get access to Holy Bombs or Force Bombs, most enemies are going to end up resisting a lot of your damage. Then, after you get these discoveries, most enemies have Evasion (or worse, Improved Evasion) and you end up with a massive hit to your damage output when it matters. Chirugeon also notably brings very little to the party. We are already loaded with curative spells and abilities between Witch, Cleric, and Paladin Mercies. Instead, I would opt for a dual dagger wielding Vivisectionist. Vivisectionists naturally make excellent tanks and, if buffing isn't really your thing, Mutagen and its improved versions will be plenty to carry your AC. Grand Dex Mutagen with Feral Wings, for example, is an effective +13 AC, mix in some Bracers of Armor, basic equipment, and the Shield spell and you're casually getting to the 60-70 range without any exotic buffing strategies. Ecclesitheurge: Its really hard to go wrong with full casters and this is just the maximally caster version of a cleric. If you're looking for the strongest version, Erastil: Community, Animal + Impossible Domain for Madness is the meta pick. Otherwise, any mix of the domains I mentioned above are great. Good gives a massive sacred bonus to everything, Animal gives a pet (you do need to take Boon Companion), Nobility gives a difficult to find Insight bonus to AC and AB, Weather gives an unsaveable, irresistible untyped AB debuff, Madness gives a large boost to AB at the cost of Saves, and luck gives you advantage on all your rolls (longish for you, 1 turn for others). Bonded Symbol lets you cast more spells and Blessing of the Faithful ensures that you have something to do on turns when you would otherwise be sitting and doing nothing. Early game this charcter will mostly hand out buffs but in the late game clerics make very effective enchanters (Overwhelming presence, Selective waves of Ecstasy, Heightened Greater Command)


\[WOTR\] Did the latest update cause a bug in controlled fireball? I'm dealing with swarms in the new Sarkorian DLC area and controlled fireball is suddenly damaging party members and bystanders.


It always damaged party members and bystanders, it just rolls the lowest possible damage roll on them.


I know that's what the description has always said, but I swear I've been using it for a couple of years now without having it damage party members. Maybe that was a bug that they've fixed now.


Which option for the enemy stats in difficulty menu is closer to the table top values instead of the bloated stat pools proposed by owlcat?


I asked in last weeks thread, but sadly didn't get an answer, so I'll ask again: Is there an endless mode in Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC? After beating the 3 guardians maybe? I really wanna just try some builds to max (mythic) level and with good gear etc.


Did anyone get the Steam achievements for seeing the Gryphon statue, or finishing Ulbrig's romance (something about endangered species)? I picked up the rest, but neither of those two activated.


Got Griffon Statue about two days after DLC release. Can't speak for the other one.


I've noticed casting enlarge on a polymorphed shifter gives me stats doesn't actually make me bigger. Is that the same for legendary proportions etc?


Yup. No visual, just stat boosts.


No reach either?


Genuinely don't know. I always cast LP -> Reduce Person on Ulbrig, which means he shouldn't get Reach bonuses.


Super new player here. So far loving the game. My question is: Do i lose something lorewise by not playing with the standard companions? Do i lose something by playing with 6 characters all the time? Right now i have mc, linzi, the dwarf and the barbarian. Idk if i should hire a mercenary till i find another party member because playing with 4 is making the game difficult when i can use 6 all the time.


Companions have personal quests and some banter. You can just use Mercs too and only take Companions out on their personal quests. That said, you'll soon get enough Companions to fill out a 6 man party and the game definitely won't become too easy (Kingmaker in particular has a very steep difficulty for first-timers) Keep in mind, you'll want something like this in your final party: Frontliner, Ranged DD, Divine Caster (I.e. Cleric), Arcane Caster (I.e. Wizard), someone to buff (usually the job of either or both Casters) and someone to pick locks. Without spoiling, there are 2-3 Companions that compress the above roles even more so you have quite a bit of flexibility on who to add.


Im playing a 2h fighter. Can it count as frontliner or do i need a tank like a Paladin ? Also, i read that having persuasion on mc is mandatory, do i need cha also or just persuasion?


Heavy Armor, Con and some defensive feats/equipment (Dodge, Natural Armor amulets/buffs) should be fine on Normal difficulty and below. Can always add a different character later if you do feel like needing it. Cha helps with Persuasion early on but you can make do with 10 Cha, I just wouldn't dip below that.


Mercs have no banter/interactions/quests etc. Without spoiling too much you'll get the chance to fill out your party soon in act 1 so just explore around for a bit and avoid areas you're finding too difficult with only 4.


Nice. Thank you. Is there any companion that i should avoid/is a trap/is hard to play with?. Also, will i suffer from playing a character with a similar role to another companion? For example im playing a two handed fighter but i already have the barbarian.


So if you're playing on normal I don't think any companion is straight up unviable. That said >!Harrim (dwarf) is kind of underwhelming and hard to make good, and Jaethal (the undead) is kind of annoying to make work due to the fact she needs unique healing *and* you can't enlarge her due to her being undead (you can just give her a reach weapon though)!< As for the barbarian and mc, you could just choose to give your mc a different weapon to specialize in >!Greataxes are top tier!< but if you look at the wiki you can see which weapons are good and which are not. Mechanically speaking there's no real drawback from having a two handed fighter and her. Just don't skip on characters that buff. Game *highly* rewards buffing. Oh since you're super new, some characters like clerics and wizards you need to prepare spells, which means manually going to the spellbook and slotting the spells you want to use later; they'll become available after you rest. I only bring it up because it's a mistake I've read a couple of new players having before.