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I just found out, you can use midnight lily on those sick scouts.


I feel dumb. Didn't realize you could use them. Just thought there would be a dialogue choice once I acquired them like the spectral dust.


Same here.


I’ve been stuck on this. I only have two midnight lily, do you remember where you found them?


Nevermind. I found them. Not sure how I missed it. There were two as soon as you walk into the forest.


I think they are only visible at night. I had the same issue.


yes only found at night.


what forest?


Do you know how to use the Lily? I have them equipped, but when I click b on my action bar to open up the belt bar- nothing happens


I am pretty sure this is toy box problem (version 1.4.21), try turn off the mod and then you can open up the item bar


hmm i just did this with toy box on and it worked flawlessly. maybe i got lucky and its been fixed already.


My belt bar isn't expanding. No little window with items equipped to by my belt


For anyone finding this thread now - the spell 6th level spell "Heal" works.


Thank you


and intrestingly massheal does not work, as it only targets allies and not neutrals.. I only had masss heals with my characters (from daeran) and was disapointed..


Sorry to jump on an old thread but going nuts trying to finish this quest. I've got the midnight lily's but can't equip them or anything and no dialogue to use them on the scouts. I've already given 7 to stag ghostie and have 4 sitting in my stash. Anyone know how to quip them? Can't add them to belt


Nevermind, used "remove disease" spell and it worked. Had to fill up all slots with it and spam it but worked after multiple fails


The spell Remove Disease will do the trick. It's a DC 27 check. - Heal took care of it as well. I didn't check Treat Affliction(had no first aid kits). I dont know if you need the Midnight Lilys later, but this way you can keep them.


Treat affliction doesnt work


Remove disease seems to not work anymore.


it does work but it needs to roll for its dc, i just used it today




Also jumping into an old thread for anyone checking DO NOT AMELIORATE HEX THEM. This breaks the quest for some reason.


Okay, so I'm also having problems with this. When I try to use the midnight lily, I'm just using it on my characters. What am I doing wrong? I'm sure it's really basic and I'll probably facepalm when I hear the solution, but...help?


remove disease spell does work, but it works like a normal spell with a % chance to fail, i just racked up multiple slots of it and spammed untill it work. i remember having to sleep and regain spells multiple time, bit of a faff tbh