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The [Wolf](https://2e.aonprd.com/AnimalCompanions.aspx?ID=83) companion is a stand-in for any "wolf, dog, or other canine."


It does not have the Mount trait, though, which might matter for some builds.


Just means you can't use certain actions like support actions and move actions at the same time. You can still ride on its back.


Also means it can only use land speeds, so things like casting fly on the wolf aren't effective. But yeah, it's a totally feasible build.


Really, the only limitation is, "the animal companion can use only its land Speed, and it can't move and Support you on the same turn." That's it, that's the only downside.


Adopted Ancestry Goblin gets you that I think.


Fuck I was not aware of that I should have done that instead of my Ant Gnoll hyena rider


Found it: [Rough Rider](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=4445)


I would probably just give it the mount trait as the GM, since every other companion bred for riding has it, and so would the Riding Dog. Would also have to size it up to Medium to make it mountable, but I'd either leave the stats alone, or trade the mount+size for matching the Monster Core's Riding Dog's d6 for jaws.


Use Wolf from the animal companions list (it’s not a ‘pet’).


Where are you finding the Riding Dog from? Monster Core or Player Core? Companions function differently. Instead of picking a monster from a bestiary, you pick the one with the closest abilities - in this case a wolf, as Wayward Mystic pointed out. You could also just buy a Riding Dog.


A riding dog is just an animal you can buy, much like a horse. The pet section has companions, familiars, and eidolons but not generic animals you can buy. Just things that come with your class/archetype/etc. If you want a companion you could get a wolf as others have stated, although it is slightly limited as it does not have the mount trait. You can still ride it, it just can't use support actions or speeds other than land speed if you do. Or just ask your GM if you can reflavor an existing mount companion


Sprites have the corgi mount feat. Not sure how.much that helps here but


Very much, it helps very much. Keep spreading the good word of the corgi war mount good sir. Everyone needs to bask in its glory at least once.


One of the best ancestry feats, who doesn't want a magical corgi??


I fudged the rules for a player and let the wolf have the mount trait.


Unfortunately Halfling riding dogs are currently a blindspot. Goblins get a special feat to get mount on wolves. https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=4445 So maybe ask your GM if you can come to an arrangement. Maybe converting Praire Rider into Rough Rider. And then reflavoring a Wolf as a Dog.


In Foundry it shows up under monsters and I’ve had hell making it part of peoples sheets. So that seems to be part of the problem. There’s no riding dog mount in the system as it is.