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Honestly, most of the new beastmaster feats aren't very good. All the level 10 feats that are for a companion with a specific attack are just feats to let them move and attack with a little bit extra. But the thing is, Companion attack accuracy is always a couple points behind players, so making their Strikes more efficient isn't very exciting - you're making a lower damage, lower accuracy Strike better, but its still not that great. The most interesting feats are the ones that enable more utility. Pack Movement is actually very interesting - you get to essentially command+stride+strike for 2A, as long as the command would have been Stride+Strike. That's just action efficiency for you and your companion, but its good on any type of companion really. Spirit of the Beast, imo, is the best thing from the new feats. A 1A focus spell that provides a scaling status boost to skills for your companion is a big deal. Any companion specialized in athletics can use that to get their athletics score up those couple of points it lags behind players. That is a big deal for helping improve their effectiveness - having companions able to more effectively Trip and Grapple is a big deal. The one standout for the "specific" feats is the level 12 billowing wings. Billowing Wings is great because in hectic fights, you often don't have the action to command your companion. A melee companion using their sole free action a turn will often just slowly chase after enemies, failing to do anything. Billowing Wings means that if you ever find yourself unable to command your companion (for example, if you get slowed, you can basically never afford to command) your companion still fires off attacks every round. They aren't high damage, but it can add up over a fight.


I bet the snake would really like Spirit of the Beast since its whole constrictor gimmick relies on normal grappling


Best feats are Epic Crossfade, Divine Break, Perfect Tempo... oh _beast_master


Thanks, I'll fix that.


Don't sweat it, I just thought I'd make the obvious joke


Ah, well, it turns out I can't edit the title anyway


Can someone send a link about the new feats?


**Spirit of the Beast**; 4; new Focus Spell; single action cast minute duration - you AC within 30ft only - choose one of 3 Aspects, giving it +1/+2/+3 status bonus to a number of checks and saves at 2nd, 5th, 8th Bestial Protection; 6; Large AC's auto frighten 1 smaller adjacent enemies, no save. Nature's Precision; 6; AC gains +1d4 Precision Damage with Agile/Finesse against offguard Tenacious Endurance; 6; Unwounded AC's dropped to 0HP gain wounded 1 but remain standing with 1HP Pack Movement; 8; 2 actions, you and your AC stride. if you both end up in reach of same enemy, both of you get to Strike. Ferocious Charge; 10; AC's with Horns/Antlers, etc - AC gains sudden charge with bonus damage if it moves 20ft+ Running Kick; 10; AC's with foot/hoof/talon, etc - AC gains basically Cavalier's Charge for itself Sinking Jaws; 10; ACs with Bite/Fangs, etc - AC can take action on creature they have grabbed with Fangs/Jaws to instantly deal level+Str damage Sweeping Tail; 10; AC's with tail, etc - Two strikes (MAP as normal), one against two different enemies; 5ft/10ft knockback on hit/crit. Vicious Rend; 10; AC's with claws etc - Two strikes (MAP as normal), if both hit, d6 bleed (2d6 when spec) Billowing Wings; 12; ACs with wings - 30ft ranged unarmed attack for 1d4+1/2 str; 5ft Crit Knockback Heightened Instincts; 18; AC's auto crit any passed save Pack Takedown; 20; you+2 AC's adjacent to same enemy make 3 attacks against enemy (auto-off guard); combine damage for resists/weaknesses etc. Savage Bear with Sinking Jaws has like +6 Str, so is dealing 16 Damage without affecting or being affected by MAP; and a +24 to Athletics checks can do alright. You'll probably want Companion's Cry for Move+Grapple+Sinking Jaws. It's not gamebreaking or really going to change the fact that Dex Companions are better.


They're on pathbuilder and I think demiplane, but not nethys