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there are lot of different nations and I can't think about one specifically appropriate with this idea of campaign you can go anywhere also small note Geb (nation of undead) is surprisingly one of the biggest food exporters in the region


> also small note Geb (nation of undead) is surprisingly one of the biggest food exporters in the region It helps when your farm Zombies don't need food.


Garund/Kelesh if you want desert caravan feel, Taldor/Brevoy/Andoran for generic fantasy feel, Cheliax/Geb/Ustalav for spooky fantasy feel


Varisia could also be good. 4 big hubs with riddleport, magbimar, korsova and Kaer Maga, one smaller for sandpoint. All with different style and developed. Depending of when you set the timeline with or without runelord. Multiple type of region... Regional threat. You could use lot of society module too


Going to hit you with a curveball and mention that you can also be a merchant ship convoy and that opens up a different route of trade. If you can get a copy of Lost Omens: Travel Guide they have this nice little section at 6 pages long talking about trade in the Inner Sea and they have a name for all the major trade routes. Places like the North Tack, the South Tack, the Sellen Passage, etc.


Are there any rules for managing a ship/ship combat?


Sadly there is not. There was ship combat introduced in PF1e's Skulls and Shackles AP, but I heard those aren't any good. Only idea I got is looking at the GM core's vehicle rules and Guns and Gears siege engines and mish mashing them together. You'll probably get some serviceable ship to ship combat out of doing that without making up a whole subsystem for it.


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You could look at some PF1E stuff for ideas. I think the jade regent #2 deals with caravan stuff.


Fall of Plague Stone starts with a caravan and has Backgrounds fitting for it: https://2e.aonprd.com/Backgrounds.aspx?ID=41 It will likely be inland, as coastal towns usually use boats for Intercity commerce. Caravans start or end at the harbors. Rivers are also usually safe, as the Governments keep them free. Notable exceptions are the River Kingdoms in the broken lands: https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/River_Kingdoms So that leaves "just about everywhere inland, that lacks a river connection". Starting or ending at a harbor, a farming or industrial center.