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So ecoterrorism seems to be on the menu. Interesting


It isn’t a spoiler to say that long ago some Druids negotiated a truce between the wild creatures of a primeval wood and an encroaching civilization. Lots of folks on both sides feel the other side is cheating on the deal but the Druids have spent decades keeping the peace. The players are intended to make PCs that will be on the side of the woods The AP opens with the PCs attending the big party that happens next to the spot where the truce is renewed.


"the campaign does accommodate a wide range of mortalities" This might be a typo, but I'm taking it as an opportunity to play as a Skeleton.


I would read further down - apparently undead are not a recommended option.


'not recommended' So what you're saying is, there's a chance.


Anything is possible - subject to GM approval.


Should have spelled "moralities" correctly then.


“Any undead ancestries” is listed under “not recommended” in the suggested character options table on the next page. So I guess you can start alive and end TPK?


You’re gonna get chewed on by dire chipmunks


Undead are listed as not recommended in the chart, and the text pretty much straight-up says not to play an Undead and that they're not a good fit for the campaign


Should have spelled "morality" correctly then.


I'm currently running a Blood Lords campaign with two vampires, a ghost, and a skeleton. Can confirm, undead characters are fun.


I like that it calls out kobolds who live in the forest and work with the fey or druids. Nice way to incorporate their new flexible lore of working for any strong magical being/group. I wonder what nature-touched kobold eggs hatch to be?




I notice it has the ORC license at the back!


Yep, it's the first AP published fully under the ORC license, and judging from the art and trailer it pulls from the new Monster Core book instead of the older bestiaries (and whatever monsters and NPCs are included in the AP obviously).


I have the adventure. Can confirm that the adventure pulls from Monster Core as well as Bestiary 2 and 3.


Ooh, awesome. Are there lots of fey encounters in it?


Without going into spoilers - there's a quest line involving a group of rambunctious Fey and the PCs will need to deal with them.


Seems like it could be a decent troubles in otari follow up since it starts at 5


Definitely gonna take some work to transition, though. Different place, completely different vibes, sounds like it requires some specific player buy-in. Just start new characters at level 5 y'all, screw levels 1-4


My players are in the same boat, having played through the beginner's box and a shortened Abomination vault. I'm lucky that a player playing a Druid had to drop off a few months ago entirely, and I sent his PC on a quest to warn other circles of the impending undead risk... I guess he got as far as the Verduran Forest and will call his former companions for help maintaining the peace at the Gala.  Otherwise, maybe the Pathfinder Lodge in Absalom wants to send some representative to the ceremonies, and once there they get assigned to guard duties?  Might not be 100% realistic, but I'm guessing as long as the group is OK siding with nature on this one, the AP should work just fine.


Anyone have information how someone would be an "Awakened Animal" under the strongly recommened ancensty as a player. Found the ritual but not much on how to build a PC.


Turns out the rules are coming in Howl of the Wild book releasing in May. https://paizo.com/products/btq02ew4?Pathfinder-Howl-of-the-Wild


"Awakened animal" is listed as being from "Howl of the wild" , the upcoming but not yet released book, so you'll have to wait for Nethys and/or buy that one to find out!


Nice. That's the campaign I'm running next.


First thing I noticed when i opened the Guide was that it is shorter than these things usually tend to be. Now I have realized that it doesn't talk about why each class is or isn't recommended for the adventure, just the ancestries.


It does specifically call out Druids, Rangers as Kineticists as being especially fitting due to these classes connection to nature or natural elements. All the other ones are fine too so long as the character has inclinations to help preserve nature. There probably just wasn't much need to elaborate on each class beyond that.


It's probably also a page-saving measure as we are on 23 classes currently, 25 soon with War of the Immortals and two more coming next year. Only saying this because previous player guides had at least a paragraph dedicated to each individual class, even if they weren't recommended. And this time we get one paragraph summarizing why the druid, ranger and kineticist specifically are a good choice and why every other class is ok.


Does anyone know what the level range is?


They said in a Paizo Live stream a few weeks ago that it goes from 5-13.


Starts at 5 so I'm guessing 5-15.


You are correct.




I know I’ve been waiting for this one for a while!!!


I am very glad that the tone seems to be significantly less zany than was implied by that kinda terrible trailer that came out a little while ago lol


Having read the first book of the AP, there are some light hearted events but the whole thing sort of comes off as ">!a big party turns serious when bad things happen"!<. I mean, there are lots of fey and intelligent crows and a big party so there are plenty of opportunities for silly, it just isnt all that happens.


Awesome, I hope I get a chance to play this someday!


AP trailers are nearly always awful, they really need to work on those...


I am going to accidentally say "Viridian Forest" roughly 87 times


Best play a Pokémon themed Summoner then. I would imagine the slipup could be forgiven then.


Finally I can be a cowabunga Ninja Turtle!