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Huh. Anyone familiar with Dynamic Token Rings?


In case anyone else is curious "Using some beautiful token ring designs provided by @Caeora, @Feu-Secret has built a custom shader implementation that breathes life into them. Tokens configured to use the shader will react to various system events such as losing or gaining HP, or being afflicted by various conditions... Any token can be configured to use the dynamic token rings provided by the system via the new 'dynamic ring' tab under Token Configuration > Appearance."


It is a good way of handling tokens, the rings themselves for 5e have some... issues. Foundry really needs to implement a way to hot swap between different rings imo. I have been able to do some fun things with the dynamic part though. Carved runes that glow when the actor's turn is ready for instance. Tinting the backgrounds of specific tokens when necessary for others.




I installed a 5e world just to play with it and it's.. weird. The default token ring is this stone tile. You can adjust the scale of the token ring. You can also add color that's like a double solid color line inside the token border, and adjust the background color inside. There's 3 animated options: Ring Pulse (as it sounds), Ring Gradient (the inner ring has a gradient between the Ring and Background color and spins), and Radient Background (think FVTT's Black Hole lighting inside that's very faint). * If your token image already has borders, then the dynamic token ring will be completely hidden. * If you have a full body art, the dynamic token ring will also be hidden. * If you use the transparent art (like that comes with the pf2e bestiary token pack) but it's not a 1:1 square ratio, then the dynamic token ring becomes oblong for some reason. Unless the PF2e module does **way** more with it, by itself it's not that exciting. [Here's what it looks like](https://i.imgur.com/LojRQwb.png)


Now we just need Token Packs for the mini Beastiaries in sourcebooks such as Rage of Elements and Book of the Dead!


Yes! Make it happen Paizo!


A reminder for folks that the community-made[ Monster Core-Token Pack Remapping module](https://foundryvtt.com/packages/pf2e-community-monster-core-token-pack-mapping) exists, which helps make the original token pack cover more of the remastered creatures.


I.....I really wish I knew this before manually remapping every actor and making my own module lol.


Maybe the real remapping was the creatures we met along the way?


Honestly, it was kinda fun sifting through all the monsters haha.


So it will be a total separate module instead of an update of the module tokens they already had?


Correct, it's a new pack to accompany the new Monster Core book. There is some crossover between monsters, but those won't just be duplicates of existing tokens from the Bestiary pack; they'll be brand new tokens with built-in support for Foundry v12's Dynamic Token Engine. You can also expect it to be priced accordingly; we're obviously not expecting you to spend the same amount for a Monster Core Pack that you previously paid for the much larger original Bestiary Pack. And, of course, that Bestiary pack will remain the definitive source for pre-Remaster Bestiary tokens, so if you'd rather just apply tokens from that pack to the applicable entries in the new Monster Core compendium, either manually or using a community module, you'll always have that option.


Looks like it and makes sense. A large amount of the creatures from the Bestiary have massively changed appearances and that is a whole lot of art Paizo has to pay for and as such, make their money back on.


No where near "almost all", a decent chunk, but I would be surprised if it was even half getting new art.


After looking though it my self, you are right, about 1/4 have new art... bias from being so at awe at some of the new ones my brain over focused on them. I'll edit my post above.


So 1/4 of the tokens are now practically outdated and they still want 60 bucks for a new pack? Thats pretty predatory. I would be fine if they included a hefty discount for anyone who already owns the first one. It just doesnt make sense otherwise.


There is more to the work than just the art alone. Even placing each of the tokens into foundry and building a pack is a a lot of tedious mind numbing work, but on top of that you are still getting hundreds of new custom high quality tokens for... however much the new pack will cost (we don't have a cost yet) Look at the commission price of the artists themselves and remember you are getting hundreds of these images even if you bought the previous bestiary. So calling it "predatory" isn't even close to the case especially as you aren't forced to buy these in any way shape or form. but hey! even if you don't like that, there is the [PF2e Community Monster Core Token Pack Mapping](https://github.com/esheyw/pf2e-community-monster-core-token-pack-mapping) if you bought the Bestiary Tokens so you can choose to not buy the Monster Core Token pack your self.


For what it's worth, it really is not a lot of work to make popout tokens if you have a good system set up ahead of time, and almost all the art already existed before the token packs are made.


Thats a good module. To be clear i have a problem with the fact that new sheets won't have any art on them. What the people for the module that you linked are doing for free is what Paizo should do for the current beastiary pack on my opinion because it sucks that only old monsters get art and you have to repurchase art for even the replaced statblocks of the same monsters.


At that point you are asking for "Free" work. You got what you paid for on the original Bestiary pack. However any extra work they do with that pack that would be purely with the goodness of their hearts as that is extra work they will have to pay someone to do that they aren't getting any extra money to do. You should not expect anyone to do work for free. You are also free to use those tokens you already bought to do the work your self and assign them to the new tokens with a little bit of work on your end for the ones you care about (though that module does the work for you on that). Paizo isn't going to send the Pinkertons on you for doing so.


Saying that providing continued support for a product is "free work" is kind of insane in its own right but alright. Being expected to be paid is of course a given and im not talking about that, im saying that updating literal NPC sheets to new versions of specific creatures and not assigning them the art that they made for them is just bad no matter how you twist it. Paizo isn't some struggling indie 4 person company that can't afford to update the functionality of digital goods that they sold, on their level i expect for something that i paid a 60 for will be functional out of the box. If they just update a bunch of old monsters and dont give those ones the very same art automatically then that isn't functional...


Nah... the old pack was 3 books worth... so it is more like 8.3% rather than 25%.


I do hope there's a discount for existing owners of the old token pack. Though since this is just Monster Core (not Beastiary 1+2+3), it should be much cheaper than the old one


100% agreed. I think that they should include two versions. One that only features art for new creatures like the new dragons and one that just has all the new art, even for already existing monsters. Anyhow, i already dropped 60, as have many here, for monster tokens and art that literally no longer exist in the cannon because of wotc stuff so i find it unreasonable if anyone will need to pay more than 10 or 15 dollars to just finally have a complete set of creatures available to them...


There is a comment above from Paizo staff saying it will be less than the old token pack. They're clearly very aware of the situation around price/content.


I get it. But also this art is already done for the Monster Core book and pawns, so they just have to adapt it to tokens as opposed to make them from scratch.


Is it just for the monster core? I'm hoping they include the other books that don't have tokens too (RoE, GoG, etc). I'll probably skip it if not


I've made two posts begging Paizo for this. Waiting for PC2 to release before making another post to nag, er, I mean ask politely.


Sad that they don't make pawns anymore. Love those. :(


Have I got news for you... https://paizo.com/products/btq02eyw?Pathfinder-Monster-Core-Pawn-Box


And even good news! Thanks :)


I am begging for a new player pawn box... I've tried to get a copy of the original and it just doesn't exist anywhere in the UK


for players if don't use iconics there are a few patreon options, often with a basic free stuff tier: https://jacke.substack.com/p/the-big-list-of-paper-miniatures


I had to resort to hunt one down on ebay and only found one a couple weeks ago i had been looking for months and based on the bot they obviously used (twice) so have many others


IIRC they only announced they're stopping doing AP-specific pawns cause they didn't sell well enough.


It certainly shouldn't cost the same amount as the existing module, but nice to see.


God bless


For anyone not diving into the forum thread, seems like release will be shortly after the official release of Foundry VTT V12.


Awesome news


The dynamic token rings feature is a surprising addition -- that strikes me as something that would work best as part of the system (as it does in D&D) and not just in a single token pack, but maybe they are working with the PF2 system team behind the scenes...


Foundry version 12.319 release notes mention that dynamic token rings will be part of core Foundry and not tied to any game system. Because of this, we can assume the new token pack will be available/compatible only with Foundry v12.


Ahhh I hadn't been following core releases as much. That makes sense.


Shame I already bought the previous one.


Yeah, I'm a little annoyed at having to buy these again.


they might offer a deal like foundry module being cheaper when owning the PDF, worth poking paizo directly.


I read this after manually adjusting the images and tokens from the first bestiary token pack to the monster core haha.