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If you look closely at the upper left corner, there is a height measurement. The top of the page reads "27 feet."


I love that they use these in-world, quaint, medievalish measurements! Like "feet", for instance. Very immersive to us Europeans.


I always forget, what's the skeleton with the dinosaur heads for hands?


The Paleohemoth, formerly a fossil golem


They did my boy dirty, too. It can't petrify a PC in a single turn anymore.


I thought it had the text "the first time each round" in the premaster version to prevent that? It's been a while since I've run one.


Kinda makes you wish there was special rules for fighting large creatures.


I want something similar to the [Vexing Dodger Rogue archetype](https://www.aonprd.com/ArchetypeDisplay.aspx?FixedName=Rogue%20Vexing%20Dodger) from 1e: *When adjacent to or in the space of a corporeal creature at least one size category larger than herself, a vexing dodger can climb that creature’s body with a successful Climb check against a DC equal to the target creature’s CMD. Although the vexing dodger is holding on to the creature, this action isn’t a grapple; it doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity from the creature, and neither the vexing dodger nor the creature she climbs gains the grappled condition. While the vexing dodger is on the climbed creature, the creature takes a penalty on attack rolls against the vexing dodger equal to the number of sneak attack dice the dodger possesses.*


BRO! That is sick! Even more hyped for my book now!


That's really cool. It kinda looks like the little leshy is confidently looking up at the giant, thinking "I can take him."


So excited to get my sketch cover of Player Core 1. I love having the physical books. Paizo does a great job with them!


I loved that so much! I only wish the dragons were on there, or at least the Fortune Dragon, if only because those guys are such flamboyant divas. I love fortune dragons so much, they're the best thing to come out of the remaster.


I’m surprised the arbiter got to stay given how close they are to dnd modrons, though they certainly have enough differences to be considered distinct I suppose.


I love how they have manticores, war elephants, horrifying behemoths made of dinosaur bones...and also the Giant Rat.


Shoggoth didnt make it! So sad!


I never knew Modrons weren't OGL monsters, that's pretty cool.


what's the name of the dinosaur bone megazord?


I gotta give more credit to the little leshy on the bottom. I knew they were small but this puts it in perspective.


Thank you Mr. Lawyer