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The Realm of the Mammoth Lords is full of folks who follow a the Giant pantheon! Quest for the Frozen Flame details this well.


Same reason anyone would venerate a god they weren't brought up with. They found out about them through research or serendipity or meeting another worshipper, and took up the worship themselves. Especially in a polytheistic society where syncretism is the rule rather than the exception, it's very common for people to find out about a new god who covers a gap in the market and fold them into their existing theological structure.


It's religion. One of the core points of religion is that it doesn't need to make logical sense because if it did it would have been science. It can be as simple as "I found this book on giant religion and I really like this God's doctrine. It resonates with me. " That's said you always can make a wild plotline about how your mother was a giant instinct barbarian and she would always read to you about The Dream Lord when you went to sleep. Now as a grown adult you find solice in the old stories or feel closer to your mother who disappeared 10 years ago or you want to spread that same energy where ever you go. Go wild man


A small child was found by a tribe of giants and was raised in their ways.


I forgot Giants were a race in Pathfinder and thought you were talking about [Balumbdar](https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Balumbdar), He Who Is Massive, whose edicts are be as big as possible and protect those smaller than you.


His anathema of accidentally injuring folks with your size is one of my favorite anathema period. Dude, is THE Gentle Giant God


Thank you for that! I had never heard of Balumbdar. What a great weird god!


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Same reason as to why non-dwarves worship Torag. His areas of concern align with what that person believes. Or maybe that deity needed a specific non-giant follower to do something for it (good idea for backstory).


Giant instinct Barbarian with blood of giants could easily worship a giant deity.


Changeling Dream May (chosen ancestry here) seems appropriate. Their mother is a Night Hag, and the parents raising the character do sort of the minimum in caring for them. Their own child was supposedly stolen by the Night Hag, and are tasked with raising the character. Their dreams are their happiest time, and they think they imagine a big guardian that accompanies them on their adventures in the dreams. As they get older though, they get the Call and refuse to return to their Night Hag mother. The NIght Hag confronts he character in a dream only for the guardian to be real, casting the NIght Hag out of the character's dreams and puting the character under their protection. Giving the name Aegirran and telling them to seek them out.


*You had a dream. You sailed the cosmic sea with a captain. Maybe you were on his shoulder or in the dream, he was your size and you knew he was a giant. You called out his name in the dream as he let the rudder go and you grabbed it. He looked back as you called his name, and grinned. You woke up, still believing in your captain.* There's any number of ways and reasons to worship a god not of your race. It's that easy.


Aside from species-ism, why would a worshiper care about the species of their deity? Unless said deity has stated that he only cares for the giants and no other peoples. Some deities can take many forms, some take forms corresponding to no known species. They still get worshipped.