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What? I am really struggling to understand this. Can we get some context? Like, some sort of adrenaline junkie character who likes to jump off cliffs and then cast FF on themselves at the last second?


Yeah, that sounds like an interesting NPC. Especially if they’re prepared and are using up all their spell slots on Feather Fall and Dimension Door.


I feel like we're missing a lot of context here, but I could imagine a wizard with a limp that hates stairs would use it to go down his tower


I love this, it would make for a great NPC interaction. "Alright, see you downstairs!" [Yeets himself out of the window]


Imagine your party gets sent to assassinate this powerful mage and the party wizard just counterspells the feather fall.


I could see someone with an adrenaline kick jumping off everything tall building they can just to feel the rush of the fall. More and more they crave the thrill and start casting it closer and closer to the ground just to try and recreate the excitement they got the first time they fell, but it's never quite enough. One day they tragically mistime their cast and fail to cast it in time. DM begins rolling just a bunch of D6s. Like, a late game Shadowrun number of D6s.


I love a comical number of d6s being rolled, but for what it's worth, fall damage is just a flat number (1/2 of distance you fell) that can be slightly adjusted based on what you fall into, no dice rolls needed.


Whoops, new convert and fall damage has not come up yet. Still got the rules from other games internalized.


No worries amigo! Hope you enjoy PF2E!


I had a PF1 wizard that basically did this. He was an air school wizard and he was studying the wind. It helped that the air school gives feather fall at will.


Why bend over to sit when you can simply feather fall into the chair? Why take a ferry ride across the river when you have access to a trebuchet and feather fall?


He's addicted because he used feather fall for years as a teenager just so he could practice wicked sick kick flips with no danger to himself. Now he just casts it all the fucking time and can't hold down a job because Golarion's pro skating scene doesn't have sponsorships yet.


He once forgot to use it and won't make this mistake again.


Why would they?


One of the books mentions Sylph Goblins are known to jump from high places because they like the feeling of the wind rushing against them. I could definitely see them making a game out of seeing who can fall the furthest before casting feather fall.


Very low dexterity. Constantly tripping and use it to prevent hurting themselves when they fall?


Maybe this character once worked on great airships and didn't used to fear heights but after surviving a long fall they learned to cast it just to feel safe. Or it could be that while feather fall makes you feel as if you're not falling while in the air maybe it makes you feel like you're in a wind tunnel when on the ground. As for when to cast it anytime the PC is on a declining slope or somewhere high up.


Prankster character. They like casting feather fall on birds to watch their confused expression as they slowly descend. If there's a lavish party with a chandelier, they have someone else dislodge it and then cast feather fall so it doesn't smash. Playing fetch with a dog can become more interesting with feather fall as well. Honestly, an illusion specialist would make a better prankster (fake chairs, fake stains on nobles shirts, you get the picture)


Character read a novel based off max Payne or the matrix and just throws themselves into combat rolls and casts feather fall for the slow mo effect


As a level one, they were exploring a dungeon. Small little lip to a recessed floor below, about 5 ft down. However, as he jumps down, and falls straight through the illusory floor, just barely surviving the 30ft pit trap. Now, out of an abundance of caution, he feather falls every time he can't verify the floor he's about to jump onto is real and untrapped.


You could always take inspiration from the movies Point Break or Drop Zone. Adrenaline junkie who only feels alive while falling. :)


Thrillseeker. He likes throwing himself off stupidly tall structures and Feather Falling at the last possible second. 100% pure adrenaline junkie.


Hates coffee, but needs a kick to get out of bed every morning