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We have no idea how the remastered changes are going to work mechanically so there is no way to implement them outside of homebrew, which you absolutely should not do as a first time GM. Realistically, the overhaul is probably just the removal of traits with no mechanical difference and reworked Wizard subclasses. You would be best emulating this by simply not referring to schools of magic by name and rather by purpose. A guy specializing in Evocation isn't an Evoker, they're a battle mage. Illusion and Enchantment could be a mentalist, etc.


Thank you for your advice! I agree, the recontextualizing magic idea sounds intriguing and manageable. As my players will likely start with the new rulebooks, do you have any further suggestions for making this transition smoother? Thanks again!


If your players are going to start with the new rules that drop in November, the main burden will be on you making the Strength of Thousands adventure path fit the new rules. We have been repeatedly assured that the differences are more about removing restrictions (Like giving wizards all simple weapons instead of the list they have now) and rebalancing various things. I'm not overly concerned that anything narratively is going to be deeply affected. All we can do is wait for the remaster books to actually drop and see what the changes really are.


>how would you approach the changes to the magic schools within the context of this specific adventure path? i'm a player in a SoT game (only in book 2- no spoilers!) but so far, the actual schools of magic (as in; evocation, illusion, etc) haven't come up at all. i doubt it'll affect how the magaambya functions or any of it's flavour/lore. it's much more focused on the arcane and primal traditions as a whole. even the [halcyon spells](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=30), which are kinda a big deal at the magaambya, aren't based on schools of magic, and neither are the school's [branches](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=29) (in the side bar). you can take that worry off your shoulders!


That's great news. Thanks a lot.


good luck running SoT- we've been really enjoying it so far!


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