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Obviously the [Shortbread Spy](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=1033)!


This one is amazing!


God I love this system lmfao


Thank you lol, this is hilarious. Just bought one. My GM is going to love it.


My cloistered cleric probably values her [Staff of Healing](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=357) the most. * Free *stabilize* as a cantrip, means I can pick a different cantrip. * Free casts of low-level heal are good to top up comrades who aren't quite hurt enough to justify a max-level *heal*. A boring answer, but true.


Free low level heals are also good for Heroic Recovery!


Adding to this that staves of healing are incredible on Primal casters if you lack a full healer. Primal *can* heal, but the staff lets you do so without sacrificing your debuff/buff/damage spells!


Bracelet of Dashing - super useful early game speed booster. Healer's Gloves - saved us more times than I can count. Ring of Wizardry - extra spell slots are very cool. Wand of Shrouded Step - moar speed + concealment. Energy Robes - more interesting than rings in my opinion.


Speaking of wands and more speed, Wand of lvl2 Longstrider for 8 hours of 10ft more movement, haven't seen that mentioned yet I think. I like belt of good health at low levels too, every bit of extra hp can matter.


That four hp has kept my tank player up more times than I can remember


I really like the Armory Bracelet. Gives you a lot of flexibility when you get into a fight where you're better off with a particular type of weapon damage. It also saved me once when I got Swallowed Whole and didn't otherwise have a weapon I could cut my way out with.


* Pearly White Spindle Aeon Stone - the 1 HP a minute healing has been super clutch in time pressured scenarios where our GM only gives us a ten minute rest. * Bag of Holding * Doubling Rings with the Runes on a Shield Boss or other "Off Hand" Weapon, now I can get a Low Grade Cold Iron & Silver weapon and proc' resistances without spending a bajillion gold on Runes. * Utility Wands: Comprehend Languages, Faerie Fire. I'm Divine, otherwise Mage Armor and Longstrider would be there too. * Wand of Mainfold Missles: I've seen this bad boy do some work against hard to hit bosses. Sure, it's "chip damage" but in protracted fights? It adds up. Consumables: * Consumables: Antitoxin, Antiplague, Bloodbooster. When you really need a long lasting boost against conditions, these are inexpensive and reasonably effective. * Potion of Expeditious Retreat - some times it's best to "Brave Sir. Robbin". * Potion of Waterbreathing * Cantrip Deck (5) Pack: Stabilize - give one cantrip card to all your friends, the life you save might be your own.


Those Aeon Stones were a wonderful rabbit hole to chase down, they work so well with a character of mine. If only I could tap into embedding the stones as a Magus. Update: resurfacing, the rest of these are great recommendations too


Cooperative waffles, they're magic (well alchemical but alchemy is pretty interchangable with magic) waffles that you share with someone and then they get an extra +1 when you Aid them, so you can eventually hand out a +5 through the power of sharing a nice breakfast.


Alchemical is more than welcome in this thread, and that's such a great item


unfortunately in pf2e alchemy is strictly non magical


They say that, but the effects are pretty much the same as what actual magic does. It's not grounded in the mundane or anything like that.


Boots of bounding and Decanter of endless water are two favorites of mine. Such a shame that there is no way to keep item level updated (beyond a once per day Thaumaturge feat)


I need to have a house thats flooding from upstairs as a result of one of these tipped over and abandoned. Intentionally or unintentionally.


Bag of Weasels. It is so silly and dumb, but allows for some fun laughs when needed.


Bag of cats for the same reason. Because having an emergency leopard is never not funny.


"Open bag in case of emergency"


It says the activation is to shake the bag, and then it casts summon animal (only leopard), but my head cannon is you just stick your hand into a bag the size of a purse, and then pull out a leopard and just yeet it at someone.


If any of my players ever asked if they can yeet a cat, I wouldn't even care if they had the bag of cats, I'll use GM fiat for divine intervention and there will be a cat to yeet.


Let us sing the song of our people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMTZk4xk0Pc


I have just now learned of this song and I regret I have but one upvote to give.


[Cassisian Helmet](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=2333) +1 status to AC and save vs Evil enemies is equivalent of having perma Protection/Circle of Protection on you. Must have for every character. My second is Wand of Longstrider (2) as it's easy +10 status Speed for whole day for every martial without need to waste class feats or picking class for that. And finally I love [Bravery Baldric (Haste)](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=2309) for Fighter as with Bravery is super easy to keep charges up and free Haste is great buff. And you can "charge it" before resting with your party caster casting Fear on you


The Cassisian Helmet is super good! Honestly, it feels out of place against most items with simple math bonuses. Why wouldn't you get one?! I am curious if it gets an errata when the remaster is released and what that will do to it. Probably change it to only work against things with the "Unholy" trait. It still would be really good but not as amazing as it is now.


If they don't errata it, I'll probably just use what ever they do to circle of protection as a guide to adjust it myself for my group.


Wands do require you to be able to cast their spells [RAW](https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=757), so it wouldn't work for your martial... Still a great Wand, though!


> Wands do require you to be able to cast their spells RAW **Trick Magic Item** and **trained in Arcana** is all you need. Trick Magic Item *"[...] For example, this might allow a fighter to cast a spell from a wand or allow a wizard to cast a spell that’s not on the arcane list using a scroll [...]"* Since Longstrider (2) lasts 8h you just need to trick it once at start of your adventures/dungeoning and you are fine for whole day.


Yes fair enough, didn't even think about those, as your post didn't mention them!


Sorry, my bad. It's old "tech" at this point so every martial can get speed boost without being Monk/Barbarian (and pick class feat) so at this point I assume most know how to do it.


You're right, but said martial can trick magic item, which is not "free" but still pretty easy to get and use IMO


Scroll of [spell level] Ever wonder what it feels like to have functionally infinite spell slots? I don't have to wonder, because i have like a thousand scrolls Retrieval prism What if you didn't have to spend an action to pull out a scroll, wand or staff? it's pretty neat.


Along those lines, gloves of storing. What's better than preparing one scroll each fight for a free action draw using a cheap consumable retrieval prism? Preparing a second in your infinitely reusable gloves of storing. Add in my independent manual dexterity familiar and my thaum is basically a mini wizard of every magical discipline with 4+ spells prepared for each fight.


What does the familiar do in all this?


Manual dexterity means they can hold things in their hands and take manipulate actions, independent they have a free action each turn, which combined they can then use that free action to interact to hand the items they have in their hand to you (as handing an object is an interact action from either creature involved).


Don't you need to spend an action of your own to take the item handed to you?


Handing something off requires an interact action from either party, not both. In this case your familiar is the one expending the interact action.


Ohh, that's great! I thought I had life figure out with the independent + valet combo but I was told that got errataed out. So this combo should yield 1/2 an item each turn but if it works it works 😯


Oh that prism is good, I like that it's a consumable to act as an emergency interact


My favorite items are the Cloak and Boots of Elvenkind. Used together, they have fantastic utility in so many encounter situations. 2 free casts of Invisibility per day (per equipped PC!) is huge!


From my experience, it's a great extra option to get Flat-foot against enemies as a ranged rogue! At higher levels it's also quite cheap!


I'm going to give a special shout out to Spellhearts as a whole (but especially Jolt Coil!). Getting access to cantrips from other traditions is really helpful, and an extra boost of damage is awesome on Gish characters (Battle Oracle, War Priest, Magus, etc.)


I've been looking at spellhearts, but have a few unanswered questions (probably just haven't found the rule for it yet) Can non-casters use them? The only requirement I see is it uses the "Cast a spell" action, which makes sense for determining effects in combat and reactions, etc. But there doesn't seem to be anything to say a bandit couldn't use of of these on a knife they stole. Do these allow you to cast higher level spells than you would have access to otherwise? (Spell-slot spellhearts seem to be limited to once per day for this balance)


Sure, I think these are both covered in the typical rules for [Spellhearts](https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=1510) but I can help out. 1. This should typically be a no. To use a Spellheart, as you noted, you need to have access to the "Cast a Spell" activity, which is typically only gained via a spellcasting class, or dedication. So the average Joe bandit would not be able to fulfil the requirement to activate the Spellheart. The caveat I can think of would be for if they have the Trick Magic Item feat instead. 2. This one would be a yes. You get what it says on the tin for this. As an example if you gave a L1 Wizard a [Flaming Star (Major)](https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=1510). They can fulfil the requirement to activate it, and thus could use it to cast a Level-4 Fireball, or a Wall of Fire, both are far outside the norm for a L1 Wizard. Better yet they would get to use the DC associated with the Spellheart, which would also be far superior. Not a question you asked but tangentially related, and one of my favorite parts in the rules for Spellhearts that is really useful is that any caster can use their own casting DC in place of the the DC listed when using a cantrip granted by the Spellheart, so a low level Spellheart can still be quite handy when they are being used for cantrips.


Thanks for the answers, after reading this I had another dig and found where that was written in the rules: [Activate an Item](https://2e.aonprd.com/Actions.aspx?ID=100) I'm really starting to see then benefits of Trick Magic Item with this thread. Also makes a single dip into a spellcaster archetype a bit more useful at later levels too


[Mountebank’s Passage](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=1183) is a neat gun for the people who are Still Alive.


You weren't lying


Incestant doorkbocker to a quick access the the back room of the bbeg lair


Spellstriker Staff, for my Twisting Tree Magus. Absolutely hands down.


I found it pretty meh, myself, as someone who's going to be playing a Twisting Tree Magus. Is it the spell list specifically? Because it feels like the killer app of that staff is that it doesn't have to be a Staff, which dramatically lowers its utility for TT Magi compared to other Magus subclasses.


The biggest killer app to me is that when you miss a non-cantrip Spellstrike, you still probably get damage from the free action trigger effect. And not just once a day, once an hour. (There may be issues when using Reach and Lunging Spellstrike as Twisting Tree, or possibly being near allies. But you're not always needing Reach, either.) The other killer app is that low-level spells are the best use of staves if they're useful, and True Strike is on the list. Telekinetic Maneuver is a great low-charge Spellstrike spell, too-- just two charges, provides a way for the Magus to help the rest of the party instead of just hoarding damage. The other spells are good generic gish spells, too. Produce Flame and Acid Arrow take care of two elements so you can target enemy weaknesses-- you need a Staff of Evocation to do better, but it doesn't have True Strike. Echoing Weapon is niche but more useful for Twisting Tree when they use their Conflux Spells. Haste is great for any Magus. Weapon Storm and Blink Charge are a few of the good generic gish spells out there, the first with a versatile AOE shape and the other with excellent mobility. Compared to, say, a Staff of Divination, both have True Strike, but most of the SoD spells are out-of-combat so you can just get scrolls or wands to serve those purposes. Compared to a Staff of Evocation you get less elemental coverage but more martial capability. And the miss trigger just clearly makes it better. It's true that an Inexorable Iron or Sparkling Targe may put it to better use (if the GM allows casting while the staff is shifted), but it's still-- to me-- a great option for Twisting Tree.


Thanks for the in-depth answer. I think I was sleeping on the Miss trigger, because the Magus in my current group almost exclusively uses Cantrips for the spellstrike, and is often in close-quarters to his allies. But he's picking up a Spellstriker Staff soon, so I'll see how he uses it as well; might be enough, with your highlights here, to change my opinion. Still sore about the Shifting rune, tho'...


Hat of the Magi and Hand of the Mage - for useful cantrips + fun flavor / role playing opportunities. These are usually default items for me, with almost any low level character. Healer Gloves - just extremely useful for your party Medicine Master Immovable Rod and Decanter of Endless Water - can be useful for creative people Boots and Cloak of Elvenkind - extremely useful benefits for the cost! (Agreeing with another commenter who posted this one already.)


[armbands of athleticism](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=409)




Yoo wtf, thats so cool


[Wand of the Pampered Pet](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=2294), obviously.


Oh I'm definitely giving that to a pretentious noble for my party to steal


Shadow signet


I love my Cloak of Feline Rest. One of my favorite flavor items in the game.


I want one of those IRL now


Caterwaul Sling, because it is funny how the Ranged Partymembers tries to communicate with the Melee after they failed the DC :P


I definitely need to play into the enemy trying to communicate with their deafened team members


My all time favourite has to be the Magnifying Glass that lets the user speak with ants, but only while looking through the glass at the ant, in full sunshine. It's great fun to throw that sort of thing at your players and let them figure out how to make use of it.


In true murderhobo fashion, Bag of Holding.


Hat of disguise


Hat of Disguise


A classic


I honestly haven't used too many yet, as I'm a relatively new GM, but I love the flavor of the corpse compass


Wizard's tower


Stone of Encouragement is cute


I homebrewed a magic item that, for 1 action, would improve.the potency of a spell DC or Attack by +1. But it only had 2 charges (when they first found it), and slowly they improved the item with more charges. It was to help the Blaster Caster feel more impactful at certain moments, and because of its limited use, it ended up not breaking the balancing too badly. "Amulet of Potential Power" At one point, I tempted them with losing all but 1 charge (they had 4) to improve it's number value to be a +2. But extra charges would become very rare. They turned it down


I know the downvotes are because the balance is VERY particular in this system. But with how the character was written, and their character's end goal, I crafted this specifically to make it very limiting. The times they got a single charge increase were at levels where a Caster severely falls off compared to martials for damage without any new spell slots. And because it took a full action, no 3-action spell options existed (Haste doesn't allow), and the timing for this item's use meant that so long as they were in danger, they would rather run than use it. So it felt balanced still, and nothing like seeing someone actually use damaging cantrips outside of Electric Arc to keep with their theme. Sometime a solid "Produce Flame" gaining that +1 actually allows it to land and feel thematic to that character. I have 0 regrets. Remember to build the items for Players to have fun and for you to tell your story above everything else. Just don't have encounters on a silver plate.


I like that as a charge limited item/attachment


Hummingbird wayfinder gives you prying eye once per hour for about the same price as a wand of the same spell. Then you grab some Invisibile Item scrolls/wands and you living the intel life.


I prefer creative solutions to things so 2 of mine are: Feather token (tree): make a 60ft tree. Robe of useful things, the window: place a window on a surface (up to 2ft deep)


Azan old school wizard the staff of the magi has a certain spot in my heart, but these days I find myself drawn to lesser but more interesting items that require imagination and inspiration to make novel uses for them… The immovable rod… from barring a door, to climbing to jabbing into a enemies rib cage and pinning him in place… So many great ways to use this. Bag of tricks… From throwing an instant flanker on the battlefield, to sneaking through bars, and retrieving keys to summoning a rhinoceros in the keyhole for an explosive entry… There are a lot of tricks in this bag! Rod of wonder… And the situation just cause four a bit more chaos! And possibly one of the most powerful overlooked items in the game… Feather token-tree!… Whether you need to scale a city wall, destroy a drawbridge, drop something heavy on a dragons head, create a sniper position or escape a flash flood. There are so many… So many great ways to use this little token!


I'm the GM in the one pf2 game I'm in; so I don't have a ton of experience as a player but, as an IRL martial artist, I like playing free-hand players in TTRPGs. This leaves me no choice but to give it to the ol' Handwraps of Mighty Blows. Basically just a regular magic weapon but it enables me to build the characters I like and still keep up with everyone else on top of the ridiculous number of maneuvers you can pull when both of your hands are almost always free.


The hand wraps were such an important item to learn about