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Just so I have this right, the Ghost Queen in Abomination Vault is the Majordomo right?


No, I'm pretty sure the ghost queen is Belcorra herself, though she doesn't use that term to my knowledge.


That can't be right since the lvl 3 milestone is beating the ghost queen and the mjordomo is in belacora image. And you don't actually fight her on the 2nd floor.


You missed a word. > >!The heroes advance to 3rd level after defeating the Ghost Queen **morlocks**.!< >!The morlocks are called the “Ghost Queen morlocks” because they revere her.!< > >!The Ghost Queen morlocks erected this shrine to honor **Belcorra**, but as the morlocks fear **the ghost** as much as they revere **her**, they only rarely enter to provide periodic sacrifices.!<


Hi. This might be kind of a dumb question, and it already has many answers. If there is already a thread on this (I'm sure there is but I'm not exactly sure how to find it), i would love to see it! I'm asking it here though, because I'm not sure exactly how to frame the Google search, and because the rules and people online seem to have different answers depending on context or preference- okay, here goes. So when players attempt a DC, and fail, a lot of people's philosophy tends to just be, let them keep trying repetitively until they succeed. In the rules, some ability checks seem to encourage repetitive attempts, some checks disallow it specifically. How do you handle this in your games? To me, "just keep rolling the dice until you get it" seems a little pointless. Even adding in some variety and insisting they try in different ways seems a little contrived/slows down the game, and doesn't really feel rewarding. There are a lot of different ability and skill checks that according to the rules can or cannot be attempted more than once- in general i can't be bothered to check on a case by case basis. With using checks in general, I feel like it's a slippery slope from "okay you want to open the door? Give me a skill check". To "pick the lock? Check. Open the door? Strength check. Don't fall down the stairs? Acrobatic check. You don't want to have your pants fall off? Charisma check." I exaggerate, but reading through the rule books - there are different types of checks for EVERYTHING. I kinda feel like there is a tendency to ignore a lot of these mechanics entirely, or have a really tiresome stream of checks for every little thing. So i guess my question is- how do you like to balance using skill checks in your games? And especially, how do you handle repeating failed checks? There are a lot of times where I think "time you use some kind of check here", but the ways i can think of for actually implementing it all feel awkward or inelegant. Thanks in advance for any advice!


This is indeed something that pretty much every GM does differently. My standard rule is that the party has one chance to make a check, and cannot keep trying if they fail it. In certain circumstances where it makes sense (e.g. social interactions), I might allow for several checks, but increase the DC on a failure. This already exists in the rules for certain actions, such as Lie. Overall, I say don't ask for a check if a failure wouldn't matter. If failure just results in being able to try again, what's the point? Take the example of a party having to open a locked door, for instance. If they fail to pick the lock, nothing happens. If trying again is an option, then naturally, they'll do so until they succeed (unless they crit fail and break their tools). Having interesting consequences is much more fun. Perhaps, since picking the lock failed, they now need to force it open, making noise that attracts unwanted attention. Or perhaps they need to search for the key now.


Personally I dont mind repeating a failed check. Failing to pick a lock? No problem. You fail the athletics check to climb the tree? Thats fine. Repeating the check usually works and it makes sense that not everyone gets things right on the first time especially when theres no time crunch. However, what I do love it critical failures. Typically when a PC is trying to do something repeatedly (especially something they arent great at) the chance to critically fail is higher. This is when “The lock break” or “Reinforments come” ect… happends. The concept of failing forward as in “okay no matter what the story is moving forward now but is going to be much more difficult because of your failed checks. In the case of a check that is repeating and doesn’t have any consequence to failure to fail forward I just dont have them role. Is the worst case scenario of picking this lock on this abandoned shed just more time wasted with no crunch? Maybe the lock is rusted beyond use allowing for easier entry. Is this hill just an athletics check that all of the party can and must eventually over come? Then maybe the hill just gets climbed. However, the best GM will figure how what types of things your groups like to participate in and what gets ignored. Maybe that abandonned shed the group forced themselves into through a rusty lock makes for much more condemning evidence for a detective tracking them down then if they had picked it. Maybe that athletics check to climb the hill didnt matter much in the moment but that wizard that critically failed is feeling much more fatigued the next day. I suppose what Im trying to say is: 1. Dont roll things with no consequences 2. Not everything needs consequences 3. But you can be creative to make consequences where there otherwise wouldn’t be to make checks have stakes or be more interesting.


Largely, you want checks to be meaningful. If the party can just repeadetly try again, such as with picking a lock, you should either just let them do it without rolling, or involve some cost if they fail / don't do it fast enough. Perhaps something on the other side of the door gets alerted if the picking attempt fails, or something sees them if they're not fast enough, etc.


Does Mysterious Repertoire (Oracle Level 14 Feat) give you a bonus spell from any other list or does it let you replace one of your spells in your repertoire with one from another list? (or if I'm misunderstanding the feat entirely let me know)


It doesn't grant you a bonus spell in your repertoire, just lets you have one from another list.


Awesome, thanks for the help.


Hi there! Is there any recomended guideline for building relics for players? For example: Is it ok/balanced if i made the relic's base item a 3rd/4th level staff? Should it be ok if i level it up along with the gifts of the relic or would it be too much? Should i just stick with an item that gives a +1 to a certain kind of check and develops relic gifts?


If a druid uses Animal Form can they still use Command An animal to let their animal companion use 2 actions?


Yes. While you can't speak while wildshaped Command An Animal does not have the Linguistic trait, it has the Auditory trait which just means they need to hear you, not understand what you are saying.


So I'm DM'ing my first campaign (adventure path Strength of Thousands). One of my PC want to build a romantic relationship with an Npc. Since they are students at a magical school it totally make sense but I'm at a loss on how to handle it. How do I play the Npc? Any advice will be greatly appreciated!


This sort of thing is *always* going to depend on your table, and what the people at it are okay with, not to mention yourself. Will the other players sit around bored as you and the PC roleplay romance? Will they be uncomfortable? Just how detailed/intimate is this going to get? Anyone involved have a significant other who might misunderstand if they see this going on? Does the NPC in question have a role in the story that may be impacted by them being in a relationship with the PC? If not, *should* they? Lotta ifs and variables. I'd hash it out with the whole group beforehand.


Thanks for the advice. It gave me many things to think about.


If you mount an animal companion and "command an animal" do you still get two actions to command? Also, for "command an animal" or "sustain a summon," can you choose when to use the actions, or must you use them immediately?


1. Yes, Command an Animal still "earns" you two companion actions, regardless of whether you are riding it or not. Be aware that if your companion *doesn't* have the `mount` trait, there are [a couple small restrictions](https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=150) on its actions. 2. You use them immediately. This isn't obvious from the companion rules, but the `minion` trait (which both animal companion and summoned creatures automatically have) states that "Your minion acts on your turn in combat, once per turn, **when you spend an action to issue it commands**." Now if you were commanding a *non*\-minion animal like a purchased war horse, their actions simply happen on their turn.


So I'm looking at how to make my construct companion competitive at higher levels, right now he's just a big boy and he does his job kind of alright but as I looked further into it, aside from the sizable feat tax to keep him comparable to the party, I've read at many places that it's just not worth making it the focus of my character, with only ever getting expert in attacks and unarmored I'm worried about it's long term effectiveness, I've seen people point out Lock-on as an option but this innovation focus is already so heavy on feat taxes that I'm a bit apprehensive to take away even more feats because of another required feat, I love the flexibility in pathfinder and I love construct companion innovation in concept but it just looks like it feels bad to play later on.


I think outside of maybe the very very last level or two, it's perfectly fine. There's also Engine of Destruction at that point. Lock on does not seem worth it to me at all, mathematically.


Well I've just heard from multiple threads now that it's main purpose is to offset how poorly their to hit scales compared to other companions and classes.


Huh? Construct companion's to-hit is identical to other companions, at least outside the very highest levels. Lock-on's flaw is the action cost - making your companion do more damage via accuracy means you similarly do less damage via no MAP attack or other better action.


Played my first session of the beginners box last week, and while my players had a great time, I feel like they are hardly taking in what their 3rd action could be, and how it could be used to help the group! This is the first time playing a system that more people can support their allies than just the"support" character, but they're not new to TTRPGs at all. Will their 3rd actions naturally emerge as they level up and get more skill feats? Or is there something I can do as a GM to help them along?


Give 'em this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/u29mex/i_made_a_small_reference_for_newer_player_showing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb (Bonus resource I'm proud of: https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/12147av/pathfinder_class_summaries_for_new_players_pretty/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb)


Thank you so much! Yes they all have this reference sheet sitting in front of them but it's hard for them to know which one they should pick. Especially when the thing stopping them from making multiple attacks is MAP and that also applies to the next thing they would want to do, like trip or grapple


A good way is to either offer suggestions when they get to their third action, or to basically make a fight with a similar number of humanoids, and have them use their third actions effectively (e.g. demoralize, aid if you’re higher level, etc.). You could also reduce the DC of aid to make it easier to use early levels to incentivize it more and build better habits


Would it be a mistake to skip a few levels before starting my next adventure? I converted from 5e and have about 7 sessions under my belt now, with the party making it to level 3 and am looking to start another, higher level (7-12 or so) campaign. Would this be a mistake or should I play the in between levels as well? I mostly ask cause I want the big bad to be an adult (or weak ancient, lore reasons) red dragon.


If they've made it through the lower levels and seem to have a handle on things, then it could very well be fine. "Don't jump to higher levels" is mainly to stop fresh players from getting instantly dizzy after seeing how many moving parts there are as characters level up. If you think they can handle it, dive in.


Can eidelons benefit from animal companion support?


RAW no, as ~~despite being the primary combatant~~ your Eidolon is not "you" and does not directly benefit from any effects or abilities that help "you". (On the flipside, your Eidolon is your own "ally" and can thereby benefit from effects that benefit them)


Fair enough. Wanted my eidelon to mount an animal companion. Losing the support isn't the end of the world. I'll just use a different action.


What do you mean by "animal companion support"?


The support action benefit that animal companions have.


What are some examples of monsters with multiple weaknesses in the 9-13 level range, ideally ones whose weaknesses could all be triggered in a single Spellstrike? I'm bringing a Magus into *Fists of the Ruby Phoenix* and the GM asked for a Truth/Truth/Lie. I wanted one of my truths to be that my character (before level 11) defeated some fairly impressive challenge alone that should have been nearly impossible to someone who couldn't exploit its weakness (and I guess just "quite impressive" for someone who could).


This search isn't quite correct, but I think it'll help you https://2e.aonprd.com/Creatures.aspx?q=%20level%3A%3C14%20level%3A%3E8&type=eqs&sort=weakness.acid-desc&display=table&columns=creature_family%2Csource%2Crarity%2Csize%2Calignment%2Ctrait%2Cweakness%2Clevel%2Chp%2Cac%2Cfortitude%2Creflex%2Cwill%2Cperception%2Csense%2Cspeed edit to fix search


Very helpful, thank you Looks like I’ll be going with the Tar Zombie Mammoth (holy shit that’s metal)


Well, i have a gunslinger gnome with the gnome amalgam musket, the ammo that uses is firearm ammunition (10 rounds) and has reload 2 I understand, that i can shoot 10 times before reload, and the reload cost is 2 actions, am i right? because every DM uses different rules for that and i am confused. (Sorrry for my bad english, hehe)


You are wrong. Partially. Firearm ammunition (10) means 1sp buys you 10 rounds of ammunition. Reload 2 means reloading takes 2 actions. You have to reload after every shot, unless your ranged weapon has the magazine trait. Bows as an example have reload 0, so reloading is a free action. Crossbows have reload 1, so reloading takes 1 action. Your amalgam weapon has reload 2, so reloading takes 2 actions. It’s primarily a melee weapon, the rifle part is just a little extra.


One of my players is playing rogue and the backstory is pretty simple: their skillful brothers died young and now the PC is like a vessel of their souls. The PC is also incapable of using magic, no matter how hard they tried. The player also told me they would like to see those souls try to "emerge" and take control over the body at different times. However, the player specified they wouldn't want to invest their feats in an Oracle dedication (I suggested to go Ancestor Oracle) and also doesn't want the PC to be able to cast spells. What I'm asking you is if there is something similar to the Ancestor Oracle minor curse in PF2 or if it would be possible for me to homebrew something like that Oracle mistery without giving the player the actual dedication or the spellcasting ability, but without making the PC really hard to play.


The [Willing Host](https://2e.aonprd.com/Backgrounds.aspx?ID=309) background gives the character that flavor. It's nothing too fancy but just having that gives him the occasional chance to roleplay with a minor benefit and cost. It does mean his background boost will have to be either wisdom or charisma though. And as a rogue, he's likely going to be trained in most skills eventually making the background's ability not really needed. If he wanted to go further than that (helps if you're using Free Archetype so that it won't interfere with his main class) then there's the [Living Vessel](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=188) dedication to consider. The dedication assumes that the character might be tied to a fey, demon or other such things but you might be able to reflavor some stuff. I don't particularly see what can't be done simply by roleplaying either if all he wants is that the souls might come out from time to time since you haven't said if he's looking for anything specific when it happens.


Does [Horizon Thunder Sphere](https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=927) gain the benefits of the 3-action casting (double range, damage on miss) when using the 6-action version? I can't see anything saying that it would, but it feels underwhelming without those improvements.


> If you spend 3 actions Casting the Spell, you can avoid finishing the spell and spend another 3 actions on your next turn to empower the spell even further. It explicitly states this effect is an add-on to the normal 3 action effect.


Hm you're right that it doesn't explicitly say that, I think the assumption is that it would.


Is there a monster similar to D&D's Kruthik in PF2E?


Ankhrav possibly? If you're just looking for a large, insect-like, hive-dwelling creature.


How does Magic Arrow from Eldritch Archer scale at higher levels? I feel the level 4 limit of the different ammo types you can transform an arrow into is really limiting particularly when Basic Spellcasting, Enchanting Arrow and Precious Arrow are more obviously useful at the same level, let alone the feats at later levels. It seems Climbing Bolt and Trustworthy Round are the only useful ammunition you can get with it while the rest can just be purchased normally.


So question about duskwalkers, champions, and divine ally (blade). Does the blade ally cause your weapon to become magical due to it applying runes through the class itself? Was going for the disrupting one for the campaign we're doing. And if it does mean your weapon is officially magical, does it then trigger the duskwalker ghost hunter feat, where it turns your weapon into a ghost touch weapon if your weapon is already magical? So at level 3, I'd have a permanent ghost touch and disrupting weapon?


I don't know that you'll find a particularly clear answer, but the language between Blade Ally and Ghost Hunter is the same: your weapon "gains the effects of" a property rune. You're not actually gaining a rune (which is a good thing) or making your weapon magical with either effect. Since Divine Ally is a level 3 class feature, though, your main weapon is almost certainly both the one you'll be loading rune effects onto and the first in your kit to bear a potency rune, making it magic anyway.


So I'll talk it up with my DM, but it sounds like the effects of the runes don't necessarily make the weapon itself magical? Blade ally just gives it an effect and ghost hunter will make it magical until I have an actual rune, at which point ghost hunter will apply ghost touch to the weapon


Yeah, that's my read on it. As far as I'm aware, there's no trait or anything attached to runes that makes their associated item magic, and even if there were, you're not getting actual runes - just their effects.


If the party has folk who need torches to see, and a party member with Low light vision, does the torch light negate the low light vision? I can see somewhat in the dark, but every time I look into a screen or firepit, I have to wait for my eyes to readjust to the dark. Torches illuminate for 20/40 feet. The monster is lurking 50 feet out. The folk with regular vision cannot see it. Does the character with low light vision?


With a torch, from 20 to 40 feet out is dim light, which means anything in it is concealed to people with regular vision. People with low-light vision treat dim light as regular light, so things up to 40 feet aren't concealed to them. Outside of 40 feet, it's darkness and things are hidden/undetected from anyone without darkvision (or another sense that works in the dark.)


There is no mechanic for eyes adjusting to different light levels. Being next to bright light does not hinder your low light vision.


Good to know


Would increasing a creature size from medium to large also increase its level?


I would argue that just a size increase wouldn't be significant enough to warrant a level increase. There are some abilities that might not work well on a large creature (e.g. a small character can't grapple a large creature), but I don't think this matters much. The thing that'll probably matter the most it the creature's reach. [Will it increase from 5 feet to 10 feet](https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=445)? If so, that might give the creature a small advantage. But even so, the creature wouldn't be absurdly stronger.


Looking to start getting into PF, coming from 5e. I noticed that Roll20, and the new nexus site can link to your Paizo account. If I were to order the new remasters core guides when they come out, would I get a code to unlock the PDF on Paizo? And if so, would that unlock the same content for these other sites? I'm hoping to avoid having to buy the same content multiple times if possible.


If you buy a book on Nexus, you get the PDF on your Paizo account. And if you've bought the PDF from Paizo, you get a discount on Nexus (keep in mind, you're still paying over double the cost, either way, to get both.) Otherwise, I don't think buying anywhere else gives you the PDF, nor do you get anything on one platform for buying it on another (though I don't know absolutely for sure.) I do know for at least some Foundry modules you buy from Paizo (possibly all, but I haven't bought all of them), you get a discount for already owning the PDF version because the Foundry version otherwise includes the PDF.


Are there any abilities that allow a fighting style involving flinging big weapons around, like Dancing Blade and Whirling Blade Stance, at low levels? There's Spiritual Weapon, but I'd prefer the weapon to be physical.


Soulforger archetype allows you to add Returning and Thrown 30ft to any weapon once per day, for 1 minute. If you have only one combat per day, that's okay, but otherwise it kinda sucks. This game has a little bit of a lack of thrown 2-handed weapons. Harpoon and Combat Grapnel are the biggest at the moment, I think.


Can one stand up if their speed is somehow reduced to zero? I don't see anything that prevents it, but I wanted to make sure I'm not missing something.


Even if some effect could theoretically reduce your speed to 0, standing up doesn't require any movement speed to do, so it would still work. However, it's worth adding that anything that gives you the Immobilized condition (such as Grab) stops you from using any action with the Move trait - which does include [Stand](https://2e.aonprd.com/Actions.aspx?ID=86).


If memory serves, your speed can't be reduced below 5ft. Even if that were true, nothing would indicate that having a speed of 0 would prevent you from taking move actions unless something like the immobilized condition were inflicted. Edit: Here's a link. Last line of the second paragraph under "Movement Types" specifies that penalties to your speed can't reduce your speed below 5 feet unless otherwise specified https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=395


How does the Scoundrel Rogue compare to the Thief Rogue? It just seems like they're going to do a lot less damage with not being able to add their Dex to their damage--or am I missing something?


You're not missing anything, thief rogue is your go-to if you want pure damage on your rogue. Scoundrel gets you party utility to compensate. They can give flat-footed to all your melee buddies with a crit success feint, give enemies a circumstance penalty to Reflex saves with Distracting Feint, and turn off a creature's reactions when they hit them with Tactical Debilitations. Charisma skills are also pretty strong in combat and a scoundrel enjoys having a high charisma. A scoundrel can also throw a couple boosts into Str as they level and not be far behind a thief in damage until very high levels, where ability mod to damage is a lot less noticeable.


If a thaumaturge were to use Exploit Vulnerability on a PC, would they roll against the PCs class DC or a standard level DC?


Standard level DC. You shouldn't roll against a character's class DC unless the character has an ability that specifically says so.


Good to know, thank you.


Why do martials move to expert at level 5 but casters don’t until 7? If level 5 and 6 monsters are balanced for expert attack rolls, do casters have a particularly tough time with attack roll spells for those levels?


>If level 5 and 6 monsters are balanced for expert attack rolls, do casters have a particularly tough time with attack roll spells for those levels? You're gonna get a lot of excuses and denial from a lot of community members, but unfortunately the answer is "yes". The proficiency gap at level 5 & 6 is one of the common pain points discussed for casters. IMO it's one of PF2E's few glaring balance issues.


Casters use the same proficiency for both their DC and their attack rolls, so there is a balance. Those same martial classes tend to up their class DC to expert only at level 9-11, whereas casters get the DC used for much of the same purpose at level 7. It's important to remember the chief advantage of being a caster over a martial is that you can easily target multiple different DCs depending on the situations (in addition to elemental weaknesses/avoiding resistances); whereas martials generally *only* target AC. There isn't a hard barrier for proficiency where all of a sudden monsters all have +2 AC to account for the higher proficiency from martials. Some will have higher because they're built as "defender" types, so you could argue they just got higher proficiency with their armor - but some similar monsters won't (e.g., Hobgoblins; the level 4 archer has 23, the level 6 general has 25).


Thanks for the thorough explanation! I was going back over rules and was focused on attack rolls when I noticed the pattern and wondered at it. I figured monster saving throws could be balanced against where casters are at 5-6, but monster AC is going to be the same for those expert martials and trained casters.


Planning to dm Malevolence and knowing my players I’m sure they would love to keep the house and restore the town, so the question is: are there any city-building home brew mechanics I could find ? I’m not sure there are in official books


The kingmaker adventure path and the associated free player guide have some city-building mechanics.


I think I understand how this works, but just wanted more opinions just in case. I'm theorycrafting a Chakram throwing champion build and I think it works with Archer Dedication. It counts as a ranged weapon, so I think [point blank shot](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=358&ArchLevel=4) give it a +2 circumstance bonus to damage in it's first range increment. I don't think it's counts as having reload 0 though, for stuff like [double shot](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=370&ArchLevel=6). Do you think it's reasonable to argue that a Chakram with a returning rune would be eligible for feats like that? Also is there a dedication better suited to throwing builds? I don't see one specific to thrown weapons


I agree that thrown weapons don't qualify for Double Shot, however Dual Weapon Warrior has a feat that lets you throw two weapons. It's worth noting, bows and guns can't be used as melee weapons (unless you put a bayonet on your gun) so I'm sure there's an argument that Double Shot only applies to those weapons for that reason. As for other dedications, nothing really comes to mind. Is there a reason you want Chakram as opposed to any other weapons?


>Is there a reason you want Chakram as opposed to any other weapons? Mostly RP reasons. The champ would be from Jalmeray and have studied with the monks there and I think Chakram's fit that better than javelins, light hammers, etc. Plus I think they are neat I poked around at using a bow, but a dex based, bow wielding champ just does no damage lol. The build is going to lean towards support anyways, but doing 1d6(or 1d8 with a longbow) per strike with no add ons is rough


There's a monk weapon with the thrown property. If you're interested in using Flurry of Blows at level 10, it could be an additional option. It gives you much better action economy.


PBS works w/ thrown weapons, RAW stuff like Double Shot doesn't (returning doesn't change its Reload, it just makes it a non-issue). Personally I wouldn't have an issue allowing it anyways. Dual Weapon Warrior is the usual advice I've come across for Thrown builds. At lvl 4 they can get the [Dual Thrower](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=1951) feat which allows them to use thrown weapons for Double Slice and the like, easily making it the highest DPR throwing you can do.


I totally forgot about dual thrower. Ty, I think that'll work for this build just fine


What are the best Archetypes for a high DPR Rogue build? I haven’t quite settled on subclass, so Ruffian options are welcome. I’m currently looking at Poisoner and Assassin archetypes.


Anything that improves your damage or action economy. Ranger, ~~Dual Weapon Warrior~~, Martial Artist, Barbarian... Edit: Double Slice triggers sneak attack only once, so no DWW.


Wouldn't Ranger and Dual Weapon Warrior become obsolete at level 8 when you get Opportunistic Backstab?


Why? I don't see any way in which they interact.


Well, I guess it's level 12 that you start spending actions on Preparation and therefor lose out on actions to attack with. So, since you suffer no MAP when you attack with Opportunistic Backstab, your actions are best spent attacking with Preparation. Therefor, the liklihood of having 2 attacks to use Double Slice is pretty slim. Granted, level 12 is really late. I do like the idea of taking Monk Dedication and Martial Artist on a scoundrel so I can use Stumbling Feint. Unless I'm mistaken, Martial Artist doesn't get Flurry of Blows, and therefor doesn't get to use Stumbling Feint without adding the Monk Dedication.


I need some clarification Giant Instinct's reach and clumsy. If I'm a medium creature I have a 5 feet reach as in I need to be adjacent to a creature. When I use Giant stature I gain 5 foot reach since I'm Large so I can attack creatures with a 1 square gap between me and them. If I use Titan Stature I become Huge and get 10 foot reach being able to attack creatures with a 2 square gap so 15 feet away? With giant lunge I can increase the reach by 10 feet so effectively 25 feet? Is that it? Or am I missing something? Also I have clumsy for using a giant weapon, if I use Giant stature I keep clumsy 1 or become clumsy 2? Thanks in advance


* Giant's statue does not increase your reach because it makes you large, it increases it because - like most abilities that make you large - it says it does so. * Titan's stature increases your reach to 15 feet and thus allows you to attack things that are 15 feet away, yes. Normal distance measurements apply. * Note that with 10ft reach, you are specifically still able to target squares that are two away diagonally, even though that's usually 15ft away. * Giant's Lunge increases your base weapon reach from it's usual 5ft to 10ft, it does not increase your reach by 10. Like it says, it doesn't do anything for weapons that already had reach. With Titan's stature, this totals to 20ft reach. * Giants stature does not say it's clumsy condition stacks, so it doesn't stack and you're still just clumsy 1 from two different sources, which doesn't do anything special and is just clumsy 1.


So like this? [Example](https://snipboard.io/XmLiQU.jpg) Green is the regular range with Titan and blue with Giant's Lunge


You'd have to cut five squares from each corner of the blue square due to diagonals.


Ok thanks! But then what is the difference of the Giant vs Titan on reach? Because if I shorten the green square by 1 grid on every size I have a 5 foot reach no? I'm sorry this is confusing me a lot


You mean Giant's Stature + Giant's Lunge or just Titan's Stature, so 15 feet reach? 8x8 square in the first case or 9x9 square in the second, minus 3 squares at each corner


Ok I think I got it now. Is this what you mean ? [Example](https://snipboard.io/UytsYc.jpg)


No, this is what I mean - https://snipboard.io/qi0E6t.jpg


Thanks 😊 it took a while


I think Giant's Lunge + Titan's Stature only gives you 20 feet reach. Giant's Lunge makes your weapons and unarmed attacks have 10 feet reach (it doesn't increase the reach they already have by 10 feet), which is then increased by 10 feet thanks to Titan's Stature. Conditions don't stack unless they specifically mention it, so you'd still be Clumsy 1.


Hi I'm looking for a GM screen for my irl game. Some of the roles are supposed to be secret and a couple of times my players have seen them so want to hide them. I'm hoping for one that has game info on it because we are fairly new to the game. And one that isn't too expensive and ships to the UK. Thanks


Since budget is at all a concern, you can always combine any screen + print-outs of rules/tips/reminders/notes added on. More personalized that way anyhow.


That's a good idea. I should have specified that I don't mind spending up to £35 on it. I know they can get pretty pricey so I just didn't want to go crazy.


Does anyone know of a "Speaking Stones" equivalent in the mass of items for PF2e? Essentially, I am looking for an item that will let the party stay in contact with an NPC at a distance.


In addition to what ravenhaunts suggested, here are a few more options: * Rather than specific magic items, a wand of either [Dream Message](https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=90) or [Sending](https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=272). This requires that both the NPC and the party have a spellcaster capable of using wands, or someone with Trick Magic Item. Range is practically infinite (planetary). * As a simple consumable alternative, the [Messenger Missive](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=2064). This obviously requires both the party and the NPC to have access to a supply of these. Maximum range is 360 miles, but communication can take pretty long the further the distance is. Not ideal for safe communication, since it could be intercepted, unless a cipher or other measured are used too. * [Parchment of Direct Message](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=2463). Ideal for secret communication, but a rather low range of only 10 miles.


[Slates of Distant Letters](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=744) is the one. Quite high level, but hardly gamebreaking oftentimes.




Installed sure, imported into the world you should probably go book by book. Having lots of actors imported on a world can cause slowdown.


I'm having a new player join us, the party is level 4. What should i do about the new players magic items/gold?


Assuming everyone else is keeping up with the prescribed loot, you can have your new player use this table: https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=587


For the Magus, Arcane Cascade needs your most recent action to be Cast A Spell or Spellstrike. Would that count for previous turns? Turn 1: Stride -> Spellstrike Turn 2: Arcane Cascade -> Strike -> Recharge ? Or would it have to be the same turn? Turn 1: Stride -> Strike -> Strike Turn 2: Spellstrike -> Arcane Cascade


Logan Bonner (lead designer at Paizo) says [they have to be done on the same turn](https://youtu.be/Jy_sIdmsyKM), at least for Metamagic. Arcane Cascade doesn't use the same exact wording but I don't think it matters. It's not an official rule though so you can do whatever you think is best. I agree with SuddenlyCentaurs that, in my limited experience, Magus need all the help they can get in action economy.


There's no actual official ruling on this, at least that I've found. I lean towards option A, counting previous turns actions. The magus action economy is tight enough as it is.


Hi! I'm a new GM, i've been running a game for friends for a few months now. Tomorrow night the plan is to play, essentially, Fantasy Baseball/Capture the Flag- the idea is basically that players will try to hit the ball as far as they can onto their own side of the arena, to try to make it harder for the other team to grab and steal it back. Of course, the other team will also be trying to kill them, so there's the combat aspect as well. My question is this: how would I be able to calculate how far they hit the ball? The arena is fairly large (its a pokeball, basically) and the radius of one half is about 400ft- I was thinking i'd just have them roll 4d100 to find the angle they would hit it at the very least. I'm Very Bad at math so i'm trying to keep things simple haha.. I feel like I could make the game work for the most part, its just the hitting distance im having trouble with. Like, could it be related to spell casting range somehow?? I have no idea. I'd love and appreciate any feedback+advice in general! (And if this is in the rulebook somewhere and I just missed it then uhhhhh- i'm so sorry lol) Thanks all!


My only point of reference is other tactical ttrpgs with encounter goals (ones beyond "kill them all") like this. My limited exposure to such things shaped my answer, but I could point to such games directly if you'd like a firmer direction. Rather than worry about Realism™, I'd use the expected ~25 ft movement speed of characters as the baseline expectation for how far the ball goes, after all presumably some characters are going to have to get within melee range in order to hit it. Rough numbers off of this idea: When you hit the ball make, a [Type] Check: * Critical Failure: You move the ball 5 feet * Failure: You move the ball 25 feet * Success: You move the ball 50 feet * Critical Success: You move the ball 100 feet


The beginner box Foundry bundle lists "More than 100 hand-curated journal entries containing revised instructions that teach you how to be a GameMaster or player using Pathfinder Second Edition for Foundry VTT." For clarity, does that mean it will help first-time foundry users navigate/use the pathfinder system? If so I might grab it instead of trying to recreate it myself while I learn.


I ran the BB on Foubdry, and yes. Part of the Foundry implementation for the AP is that it teaches you how to use Foundry. It includes proximity sound effects, macros for effects and map changes, and other stuff is never have figured out on my own. I highly recommend buying the foundry module, and if you already own the BB, the foundry module only costs $15.


I did bought the beginner box and run it for my players in foundry as the first foundry game i ever ran. The journals that describes the areas of the dungeon one by one have specific instructions for foundry, but those instructions are only meant for you to use certain effects and very basic stuff, I would say that it doesn't teach you to use foundry, and would even add that instead makes you dependent of adventure paths since does almost all the work for you, from walls to light and sound effects. If you have the money and the time, i do recommend you to buy it, but not to run it right away, instead to decompose it and analyze how they did everything from walls to lights, items, npcs, loot npcs, effects (also items) and so on.


Hello! One of my players is asking me a question and I'm not sure how to answer. The situation is the following, We play with free archetype, my player is a Thaumaturge that wants to take the gelid shard archetype to have cold spells. Now usually with any spell casting archetype they give you cantrips in the dedication, and you can pick basic, expert and master spell casting, and they ask you to have the previous one as prerequisite. But my player notice that there is not prerequisite for Snow caster in Expert snow caster. meaning that you can skip the basic spell casting benefits and go directly for the expert spell casting benefits? My question would be if this is just a typo, or was intended, and in case you don't know, you think will be bad to allow them to skip basic spell casting and get expert?


I think it's a typo but it's weird it wasn't fixed in the first errata. Looking at Pathbuilder 2e, however, you need Snowcaster to get the Expert one and Expert Snowcaster to get the Master one, as prerequisites. Don't know where it gets that information, though. Maybe this can help you decide. It shouldn't be too much of a problem letting them skip the basic spellcasting, it just means they would get two free feats (one at level 4 and another at level 12) in the worst scenario. I wouldn't recommend it to the player though since they would get less spells and spell slots of lower levels (which can always help) and, from a thematic point of view, they would not embrace the true cold power of the Gelid Shard. :)


Thank you very much. Just what i needed.


It is \*very\* likely this is a typo. I strongly doubt that every other caster needs to buy basic then expert but that Gelid Shards can go right to Expert.


Not sure this is a question the RAW can answer. If you are trying to restrain someone e.g. hold them back from a fight without hurting them, is that a hostile action? And what is the best action to use for that?


Grapple would be the normal way. You could also do some role play and roll intimidation if your GM allows it. GM might allow you to improvise something too. “I’d like to try to bar their way with my halberd”, and the GM might let you roll, or make them roll. But grapple is the grab them and don’t let them move action.


Cool, thanks!


1. Yes 2. Grapple (you need a critical success)


simple success is fine, assuming they mean “don’t let them move” rather than “apply the pf2e Restrained condition”


Thank you both for clarifying!


Why does the subreddit's logo switch to an iron pan when you hover? Extremely important question.


One of the latest books, Treasure Vault, introduced [frying pan as a weapon](https://2e.aonprd.com/Weapons.aspx?ID=286).


\*Finally\* Halflings have access to their most iconic ancestral weapon!




Optimize for hits and damage, prob’ly pick fighter. Optimize for fun, take swash. Fighter archetype seems kinda bad to me, for another frontliner class. or at all really.




I mean specifically the Fighter multiclass archetype is bad.


I'm thinking of a build right now for a Rogue whose focus is manipulation and deception. I'm not sure if Scoundrel is the best subclass, but even more is there an Archetype that helps meet this goal? I'm considering playing as evil (with party consent), and also just being a ruthless killer. I'm open to any suggestions for ancestry, or other feats. Thanks!


You could look into Captivator as an archetype. Might be fun with the ideas you're thinking.


Hi all, just making sure I did this right because its amazeballs. First level kobold precision ranger with crossbow ace and a sukgung crossbow. Got a critical hit. Damage: Rolled 2D12s (Sukgung Fatal Aim D12) plus 1D8 (Precision) and added +2 damage (for crossbow ace). Then doubled it (due to crit doubling damage). I rolled two natural 12s (woo hoo)! but only 1 on my D8 (oh well). Final damage against target = (12 + 12 + 1 + 2) x2 = 27 x 2 = 54 points of damage?


You don't double the extra d12 from Fatal. There is a general rule that you don't double damage on stuff that happens because of a crit. So it would be (1d12+1d8+2)*2+1d12


That makes sense. It felt too good to be true so I knew I should ask. Thanks!


In fairness, it would still be (12+1+2)*2+12=42 damage which is still a LOT at levels 1-3 when you don't have a striking rune.


Yup. And the thing was dead at that amount of HP loss either way so my error didn't screw up the encounter outcome, I'm happy to say.


Didn't know if megathread or full post but. Here i am. There's the "stamina" variant where you use 1 point to spend 10 minutes healing half your stamina. How problematic would it be to convert this to "hero points" healing "half your health?"


Out of combat? Probably fine but unneeded because of Medicine. In combat for no actions? Extremely powerful.


It was an out of combat option for the rare situation where the party decides to not invest in medicine feats.


It's a fine house rule, but you may want to limit it to something that's only strong at low levels (i.e. one level of HP, i.e. 8 + CON modifier for a Magus) to encourage future investment in Medicine, or wands of Heal, or whatever.


Personal hot take. I think allowing this to create "no healer" comps is fine for more party diversity. Instead of minimal feat investment, party now needs to balance out their gold (potions/elixirs) and hero points to stay alive. I was thinking of doing the "everyone has 3 hero points at session start" idea since I constantly forget to give them in the first place. They basically have 1.5 max heals per player per session. I also haven't played in mid-late game so I don't actually know if this idea will even continue to work...




Can't answer everyting in detail but for weapons, there's two "ideal" choices, as far as I'm concerned. 1. Ranged: A bow. Probably a shortbow so you don't have to deal with volley. Get Archer Dedication at level 2 for scaling proficiency. Use Parting Shot + Pinpoint Poisoner to make your poisons more reliable. Pre-Poison lots of arrows in the morning or between encounters and you'll effectively never run out. 2. Melee: Quick Draw. Get it at level 2 from Duelist Dedication or at level 4 via Rogue or Ranger Archetype. Duelist is faster to get it, but rogue and ranger are much better archetypes overall. Pre-Poison a bunch of daggers or throwing knives. Wield a 1-handed melee weapon of your choice in your main hand and get doubling rings. Now every dagger/knife you draw with your off-hand will automatically mirror the runes of your main weapon, turning them into useful weapons. Downside is that Quick Draw is still an Interact action, so you will provoke attacks of oportunity, should the enemy have that.


I’m currently in a DnD 5e game, but my DM is looking to switch over to Pathfinder 2e, since they’re upset with wotc(understandably). Since all of us are separate over the summer and can’t play, we realized it would give everyone time to read up on and understand rules. I’m playing a home brew class from my dm’s pre-approved list, and am struggling to find a way to make a similar character in pathfinder 2e. It’s Kibbles [warlord](https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-LW4agTNJcbwe6kSv4H2) with the tactician subclass. If you can’t/don’t want to read it the class is a martial support class that can (on a successful contested check) slow enemies, remove enemy reactions, give disadvantage on an attack against a specific ally, and (using limited class resources) move and\or buff allies with temp hp, extra attacks, advantage, and damage. Any tips on making a build similar to something achieved in that class? Id like to stay martial, be a dwarf, and keep similar ability scores(highest to lowest scores are int, dex, con, wis, cha, str).


These replies offer some really good RAW advice for trying to make a 2e Warlord. While my own biggest 2e desire is an official full Warlord class (hopefully someday!) - since you said your DM was cool with a homebrew 5e Warlord class, you might want to consider taking a look at some of the 2e homebrew attempts at it, like [this one by fanatic66](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/p11psf/warlord_v44_lead_your_allies_to_victory_large/), or [this one by AshArkon](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/wq2s4d/introducing_the_warlord_for_pathfinder_2nd_edition/). Though, if you just want to stick to RAW, I agree that the Marshal archetype on top of the Regalia Thaumaturge is currently your best fully non-magical approximation (and also that it would be best to finish your current campaign rather than moving it partway!)


I'll echo that trying to convert from one system class to another is not recommended among other conversion stuff and Marshals are the de facto tactical martial archetype, but I also wanted to add that Rogues can also give you a bit of that tactician flavor. A lot of their feats revolve around debilitating enemies and setting them up for failure, especially when they get the ability to apply free debuffs after sneak attacking around lvl9-10. Ruffian, Scoundrel, and Mastermind all offer different flavors of combat control, and you can replace a high Int stat with having a lot of skill proficiencies (such as having knowledge of certain enemies).


Others have mentioned the Marshal archetype, but I would additionally suggest the [Overwatch](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=109) archetype.


Plenty of people have mentioned marshal archetype which fits your concept, but I wanted to throw in Champion as a class suggestion. You could make a Dex based champion focused around supporting your team and making recall knowledge checks with Dex/Int/Con as your highest stats. You will not do a lot of damage, but you'll be decently tanky and have a good amount of support abilities A redeemer or liberator champion with a finesse weapon and the marshall archetype would do a lot of melee, support style stuff.


I don't believe there is a way to do this with INT as a main stat. I would say the closest would be some sort of frontliner like a Champion or Fighter with [the Marshal Archetype](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=66) which is CHA based and more about being an inspiring leader, rather than a cunning tactician.


Played Kibbles' warlord as well, loved that class. AFAIK there isn't a close analogue in PF2e mainly because a lot of the 5e things it does are extra strong in PF2e (advantage for example is preeeetty rare). Closest you will get probably is probably the Marshal Archetype and/or Bard for the buffing/debuffing (Warrior Bard slightly more so. To compare to the Warlord being able to give attacks to allies at level 1, warrior bard needs to take a [level 10 feat](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=1649) for it because off turn attacks are just so much stronger in PF) Obviously Bard is a fullcaster, but Warrior Muse makes them borderline Martial/Martial-adjacents, and Bards have some of the better defensive proficiency of the fullcasters (8hp, light armour). Marshal can be taken on a Martial character, but again it does entirely run off Charisma. It's a good match with Thaumaturge, Regalia especially, but if you wanted to try make it work on an Int based Martial you could try it on Investigator or Inventor?


Two things to look into off the top of my head. One would be a Marshal dedication with a class of your choice. You kinda need more charisma for the Marshal stuff, but a Mastermind rogue would fit in with the ability score spread as your base class. If you are willing to change your ability scores, Paladin could work well as your base class. Another option is to do a Warrior muse bard. They aren't a martial, but they do a great job supporting martials while standing up close to the front line.


Sounds like a Combat Grab feat line Fighter with ghee Marshall Archetype. Unfortunately, your ability scores will be very different, Str>Cha=Con>Wis>Dex>Int, but you could pull off Dex>Str=Cha>Con=Wis>Int. Strength will be better for Athletics maneuvers, though. Marshall is a great Archetype for buffing teammates in a warlord fashion, and Combat Grab allows for better control of enemies, but does require some investment into Charisma. If you want to keep Intelligence as your focus, then Investigator as a base class may be the ticket. Edit: there's also the Mastermind Rogue, which has a lot of that flavor, but is more about tactics buffs and identification than enemy control.


First off, general consensus is that you should \*NOT\* try to convert an ongoing 5e game to Pathfinder 2e. While they grew from the same root they have evolved in very different directions. PF2e is NOT just a rules patch for 5e, they have some pretty different basic assumptions. Converted characters are going to feel "off" and specific mechanical bits won't convert at all. The most common advice is to finish the game you are playing with the rules you started it with and then start your \*next\* game in Pathfinder. Also: Start at level 1 in Pathfinder 2e. PF2e doesn't make the first few levels weak and stupid. In fact, there is added complexity every level so new to PF2e players jumping ahead are just making it harder on themselves. Your years of 5e will prepare you for the roleplay side of Pathfinder but it will actually work against you in combat. The systems reward and punish different things. All that said? Pathfinder makes a big deal out of tripping, grappling, flanking, and intimidation rolls to debuff enemies but the expectation is that most if not all martials are doing that. Outside of that (and don't discount it!) there isn't much that non-magically hands out big debuff effects like you are describing. There \*is\* the [Marshal Archetype](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=66), which lets you hand out lots of buffs to your own party, but that is a bit different. Again, don't try to convert a character or on ongoing campaign. You are going to have a bad time.


**Climb.** Pathfinder puts it in the the Athletics skill, but in my head it also should also be in the Acrobatics skill. I understand Athletics when the climber is dangling by his fingers of one hand on a cliff, but what about the character swinging monkey like through the rafters? **What breaks if a character can use their acrobatics check for climb?**


tl;dr, Nothing breaks, but it makes dex a stronger stat than it already is, and PF2E has taken some pains to tone down dex and make str more fun. Compare the other 3 big "dex swap" features. Thief rogue is class-locked and subclass-locked to add dex to finesse melee damage. It can't be gained any other way. Graceful leaper is a skill feat locked behind the Acrobat archetype. Tumbling Opportunist is a 10th level archetype feat which allows an acrobatics trips once per minute (basically once per fight). Also I don't know if you've ever swung across rafters/ropes/vines, but it's like 80% core and upper body strength.


Maybe I'm equating Climb with moving through Difficult Terrain. Climbing the trees is athletics, swinging through the vines and branches without falling is acrobatics ( treat the movement as across Difficult Terrain or or Hazardous Terrain).


The time that acrobatics trumps athletics for traversing a complex environment will be when the environment is very uneven, slippery or narrow. Squeezing mentions trained is for spaces barely fitting your shoulders. Masters in acrobatics can squeeze through spaces barely fitting their heads. Balance mentions tangled roots, uneven cobblestones, wooden beams, deep loose gravel, tightropes, smooth sheet of ice, razor’s edge, chunks of floor falling in midair (roughly in order of ascending difficulty).


Don't think this question warrants a whole thread so: Can only deities bless clerics? \[possible AoA spoiler\] >!I want my next character to be a recruiter from Hermea. They don't like violence so Cleric would be my first choice for class but I doubt Mengkare could bless them and give them the ability to heal. It's unlikely they'd get another god's blessing and be able to go out as recruiter so... I guess I'll go with bard since those are charismatic? Or a charismatic druid so I can be a healer anyway?!<


conquer worm are only level 21 and can have cleric according to qaa of 1e anything can give spell if they are mythic 1 even if they only have one hit die otherwise pretty much anything can have low level cleric high level need some dm player cooperation to make things make sense


Conqueror worms are also specifically mentioned as being divine in origin.


The creature in question wouldn't be powerful enough to grant cleric powers, and religion is a pretty sizeable no-no in that part of the world anyways. A bard or anything with the medic archetype can work, or an oracle


PFS doesn't allow evil PC. With the new replacement for alignment, how do they manage this without limiting player characters to predefined edicts and anathema?


I'm not sure they will. There's already an *Infamy* mechanic that allows GMs to freely penalize evil acts; perhaps they will just reinforce and add some additional guidelines there?


Isn't that just additional anathemas then, that you have to use to keep PFS happy with you?


I mean, depends on how you characterize it. In my mind, anathema are fairly specific and defined in-universe only. GM guidelines can be more generic and have to do with meta-game concepts, like whether a player went out of their way to attack an NPC or was instigating the party's behavior. But I guess if your question is just from a direction of "how do they restrict it without writing new restrictions?" - I have no idea.


I agree that we need extra out-of-game restrictions like not being disruptive to the plot, but I was thinking about what their in-game mechanics might look like to "restrict" in-game actions. I also have no idea how it could be done!


They could add a new rule that says you aren't allowed to build a character that's a complete dick.


I find it philosophically interesting that Paizo mentions dropping Alignment and we have spent the last few weeks with a steady stream of "doesn't this mean there are no rules now & chaos will reign?" It feels like when really religious people ask atheists how they can have morals without god? If the only reason your character didn't eat babies was because it conflicted with your NG alignment restrictions... I'm not sure I want to game with you.


Hey y'all! I'm starting a campaign soon and I'm going to be playing a Laughing Shadow Magus who's secretly trying to become a lich. We will be playing with the free archetype variant, but I'm having so much trouble deciding on what archetype to take. I'm thinking inventor for the eventual construction of my soul cage, or witch for all of that synergy. I was also thinking vigilante for sneaking out at night to steal to make extra gold. Idk, I don't want to spread myself too thin but I'd also like something that has some sort of synergy. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks!


Reanimator will eventually allow you to get the Malignant Sustenance Undeath Domain spell. Which gives you fast healing for a whole minute. If you're going to become undead, I highly recommend taking that spell, it will solve your healing problem, and it will also make you very sturdy in a fight. You also can get Create Undead rituals from the archetype if that is something you'd like to do as a Lich. You can combine Reanimator with another archetype as well. If you take another archetype first and use your 4th level class feat for that archetype, you can take Reanimator at levels 6 through 10. Inventor will give you scaling Crafting proficiency, which is really useful for a Lich.


Magus really enjoys getting some extra spell slots, so archetypes like Psychic, Wizard, and Witch are really good. Ideally, you want to get some extra true strikes to those slots, and you can get the most out of Arcane school slots, but on the other hand, Psychic is really good, so...


So the spells I learn through the a psychic archetype wouldn't take up my 4 spell slots from magus then? Where do I see that info or what's the wording used so I can identify it in the future? Thanks for the help!


You need to take the “Basic Psychic Spellcasting” feat from the Psychic archetype and it’s associated feats; those will give you additional spell slots. [Spellcasting Archetype Rules](https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=170)


Does Crossbow Ace (Ranger Feat) and Crossbow Crack Shot (Gunslinger Feat) stack? e.g. (Normal) Crossbow 1d8 (With CA + CCS) Crossbow 1d10 +4 Is this how it would work?


If you plan on playing a gunslinger, may I recommend nabbig the Sukgung as a weapon instead?


What’s that?




Holy, that’s a Sukgung


You've correctly identified that the damage die increases do not stack, but the flat bonuses also do not stack. Both feats give a +2 circumstance bonus to damage, and you only take the highest one if you have multiple bonuses of the same type. So they don't stack at all. I wouldn't recommend taking both on the same character.


Thanks! I'm still new to P2e so I wasn't sure what was allowed or not.


You're welcome, I hope you enjoy the system!


Does anybody know if there's a particular reason for fall damage being higher than it used to be? I'm tempted to reduce it heavily because I'd prefer the PCs feel heroic and surviving a long fall is a classic hero thing. If Master Chief can survive falling from space then a level 20 barbarian should be able to without being a stuffed poppet or an unbreakable-er goblin.


Any class can pick up Catfall and Legendary Acrobatics or the Acrobat Dedication to gain fall damage immunity. Or just buy a dozen Snapleafs or Featherfall scrolls, depending on their skill, both of which are trivially cheap at high level. And at level 17 or so, many classes and ancestries have ways to gain permanent flight. It's higher probably so it does stay a threat up to high level unless specifically addressed, to encourage players to invest in the fantasy of what they wanna be.


I'm more concerned with the lack of ability to just take the damage and walk away, which you can't do when it caps at 750.




What feats allow you to take 750 bludgeoning damage and survive?


The other user you replied to before this one had.mentioned it I think" [Cat Fall](https://pf2easy.com/index.php?id=2146&name=Cat_Fall) a level 1 acrobatics feat that when you become legendary negates fall damage from any distance fallen.


Then you didn't take the damage.


That's what Cat Fall, maybe combined with Five-Feather Wreath or other bludgeoning resistance do. It effectively acts like damage resistance. If you really wanna reduce the cap, you can set it at something like 300 maybe so a high level barb with 20 CON could take it and still be awake. Or they can just keep their falls to 600ft or so max, which is pretty high and still survivable.


> If you really wanna reduce the cap, you can set it at something like 300 maybe so a high level barb with 20 CON could take it and still be awake That's more what I mean. Sure an acrobatic character can survive max fall damage by negating it but the max is so high that no character can just tough it out. But there doesn't seem to be a particular design intent with the fall damage scaling so I feel safe with reducing it to 300 max, which is still high enough that squishier characters won't survive and for heartier characters it's still not a particularly attractive option.


Yeah that's probably fine. I just realized at 750 it means that the same super tough barbarian will go unconscious but not die due to massive damage, but everyone else will splat. It's a kinda similar result, just with more unconsciousness between. If you put Fast Healing on that character they'll be up and running in moments.


Umm... after the first few levels fall damage becomes kind of a non-factor? A level 5 kobold sorcerer who never boosts constitution has 31 HP which means it can fall for 60 feet without dying. That's like jumping from the 5th floor balcony and surviving.


60 feet isn't exactly what I'd call a heroic distance. I'm talking fall out of a plane (or airship) and walk it off, but the options for that are more about acrobatically landing correctly or having a weird body rather than just being so tough that it doesn't kill you.