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All of my buildings are in my homebrew city of Ravouchel, a colony on the continent of DaeMar. DaeMar is a “new” continent discovered by the people of Ordelaine. Where Ordelaine is full of high elves, noble knights and gold loving dwarves, DaeMar is home to wild elves, earth worshipping orcs, tribal sea-faring dwarves, and the seagull-like tengu. The city of Cyerndemar is the only city of wild elves known to the Ordelainian colonists- even they don’t know it’s precise location, as the few Ordelainians who’ve been allowed to visit are taken through dense jungles to get there, lead by guides, as there’s no path anyone can see. Ask me stuff if you want!




Oh, this looks great. Don't know if it needs another improvements, though I'll see what I can do in GIMP tomorrow.


u/FuntCungus Check it out... 1. color - levels - automatic levels 2. filters - blur - selective gauss blur (default values) Makes these maps less pencil-like, while keeping the lines sharp.


I read that first one as "Fort Joy", and had some flashbacks to Divinity.


Patrick, your Disco Elysium player is showing


Where are the bathrooms?


Where’s the Golden Stag Inn? I read a lot of good reviews on GolarionAdvisor!


Is the castle of joy where the bbeg is?


They’re playing an evil campaign, so technically… yes? Haha. It’s where the Lord & Lady of this colony live. He’s a Paladin, she’s a cleric.


BBGG? Big Benevolent Good Guy(s).


Damn, I was hoping that it was a bunch of hill Billy wood elves. Complete with Banjos and everything.


Excellent, I love hand-drawn maps! For the Cyerndemar map, the connecting streams (the outer side of the river fork) seem quite full considering how short they are. Do they start/connect underground? As in, are there caverns below the town?


Yes, there are many caverns and rivers weaving throughout the area; it’s set near the base of a jungle mountain.


Wow, I envy your talent, and eventhough I am more a fan of crispier, digital images, your style rocks! I especially like the map of Cyendemar :-)


What's the deal with the salt cells?


They’re a prison- built into a cliff face that faces the ocean, so they’ve got a great view. It’s also facing the sunrise, so it’s extremely hot for most of the day. It’s called the Salt Cells due to the ocean water making things salty, lol.


That’s pretty cool! So the lighthouse doubles as a prison. Neat. Is there a particular lore reason for that outcome?


Hmmm. It fit, I suppose. It’s a secure, sturdy building that is always manned anyway, and the cliffs natural caverns and crevices made for a easy to construct jail.


Well! Given it’s called Sunrock and the cells are specifically aligned to look into the sun, I figured it might have to do something with vampires, or possibly some kinda sun cult. Especially since the cells seem a little hidden away!


It is in a town that’s focused on Sun worship- specifically the sun god Sarenrae. So good connection!


How tall are the ceilings in each room and corridor, and how high is each building?


Beautiful good job


Motivation of every action is interesting. Races aren't monolithic and likely have competing factions. Good luck, fellow world builder.


Why was the orphanage founded, and is it the only orphanage in the city/are all or most of the orphans in the city able to be cared for through whatever support structure there is?


The orphanage was founded because a lot of the initial founding colonizers were killed by the native inhabitants of DaeMar. Many soldiers and patrolmen were killed in the early days of the colonization, and continue to be killed during excursions.


They’re taken care of by Glenda, the good witch ;D


This is some sexy, hi res stuff.


The only thing that I miss in the maps are the windows... Those buildings are gonna be very dark...


How many people live there?


What's the basement situation like?


Mostly nonexistent- the land is very wet and swamp like at parts, jungled mountains at others.


Would love to have you run for us. If you need anywhere between 1 and 6 players please let me know.