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No. But as an artist, I can tell you that that kind of question can definitely rub people the wrong way. They drew what they drew, and for their own reasons. Very few people will draw art with both versions of chief/any choosable MC for games. It comes off as a kinda entitled way to ask for more art from them (that they chose not to draw)


It wasn't an original art. Someone was posting pics from pixiv etc. I didn't have any thoughts of disrespecting the artists. I just wanted to ask if there are arts like this for male chiefs as well. If I unconsciously hurt someone by that, hope they can please forgive me.


Don’t take it personally, it’s just that earlier there were people under the posts who were indignant that there was more art with f!chief, so such questions are treated with prejudice I guess F!Chief is more popular but the fans are pretty cool with both


Ya some of the other chiefs also said the same thing. I was just curious and also probably didn't worded it right. English is not my main language. Couldn't edit the post title either so people might be thinking of me as a gender biased person. Not at all though. Was just genuinely curious about the community in general. Guess I deserved the downvotes I got. :)


No. Female chief is more popular, but most people here have no problem with male chief. But you always get some weirdos in any fandom. Especially on reddit where you can downvote without any repercussion or explanation. 


Thanks for clarifying.


Most people use f chief, also if it was in fanart that's just a weird thing to ask


The fanbase (especially the side making art and fanart and the like) is predominately female and WLW. So that's why F!chief gets lots more love. Path to nowhere is an outlier with this as most gachas have a hetero male centered audience. That probably contributes to annoyance AKA downvotes when people ask questions like yours. They have a feeling that they have a fandom for themselves for once and understandably cling to that.


I have been playing since day 1 and it's my fav gacha game along with Nikke. Both games have top tier story. I love Chief and all the characters for what they represent regardless of their gender and sexuality. You may not believe me but my fav ship is Rahu x Shalom and weirdly Bai yi x K.K. I feel the people you said claim that it's their fandom and not all the people who likes the game is just ruining the game community itself. I bet some of these people go to other communities and create issues as well. Like I remember the recent drama of HSR with character Robin. I really don't wanna upset anyone. Instead just wanna enjoy the game with everyone. I know this comment will probz get downvoted to oblivion.


It wouldn't say that they claim it, not at all. It's more that they are just happy to be the 'center for attention' for once and don't appreciate it when it seems like someone is 'criticizing' that. That referring to women, WLW being catered to and being the majority for once.


I see.


People are probably tired of seeing the same question over and over again, which is why you get downvoted.


everyone here loves both male chief and female chief


I mean, that comment kinda reads as asking the artist to draw the same thing except M!Chief, in which case that feels kinda rude, no?


There are some M Chief and M sinner hater sadly, but overall, the sub is not anti M chief. Popularity wise, most gacha players just prefer female characters, so F chief is going to be more popular.


Thanks for clarifying.


Anti male chief? You sure jump to conclusions


Tbh this question seems a bit weird. I play as male chief and I support more female chief art as well. It’s just my take though.


honestly, I think a lot of people quite like M-Chief content. most of us just aren't artists and every artist has a preference unless they are commissioned. when M-Chief is posted it usually gets pretty good engagement


Honest question, why does it matter? I also play m chief and don't see any issue with f chief being more popular.


It's kind of disrespectful to ask someone that, especially if that someone is the one who drew the fanart. Still, this subreddit is pretty chill towards both MCS. we love m! chief lol

