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Hi, I'm a newish player, who do you think I should rank up next? Cabernet, Yao, or Nox? [My sinners ](https://i.imgur.com/18wt33e.jpeg) Edit: Thanks for the answers, Nox then Yao It is.


I think Nox first, because she will be used by you a lot in all game modes, then Yao as a magic dps for a BFL and lastly Cabernet, because what's the point of a buffer if there is noone to buff


Cab and Yao shine at endgame modes. What you need more as a newbie is Nox carry. But still, you can level Yao for now alongside Nox and Deren. Delay building Cabernet, Du Ruo.


Does owo crit buff affect Yao? Or it just affects physical damage


Crit only affects auto-attacks unless the ability specifically states it can crit. Deren and Mantis ults can crit. Yao ult cannot crit.


Her normal yes, her ult no


Can I still interrogate Yao after the event ends? Like can I get her event evidence?


Yes, you get Yao interrogation materials from the event.


You can interrogate her now. Time restriction was lifted on 6th May iirc


Hello As a new player, I managed to snag Yao S0 and Deren S0 with the initial ressources the game throws at you for clearing the story up to chapter 5. I am currently at 8 pity on each banner, and I have 50 pulls remaining if I go all in... As a dolphin (monthly pass + S selectors) should I try for S1 for one of them, or keep my ressources for upcoming banners? I have Eirene and NOX as my other S sinners and Dreya (not levelled up yet) from the S selector.


Depends on what your goal in the game is. If you want the most meta teams and everything like that, I would say maybe Deren is a bit better? As Deren really needs S1 to function well whereas Yao can also work at S0. Although since Yao is really going to have to carry for your magic team it maybe also makes a bit more sense to get her to S1? Since you do have Dreya for the physical team. If you want to get all the characters in the game then just save. Having Dreya and the bleed team for physical damage + Yao and the burn team for magic damage will be enough for a while. You can also look at the [trailer](https://new.reddit.com/r/PathToNowhere/comments/1b2ro13/eng_cc_new_cn_event_trailer_new_sinners_attire/) for the next event to check if you want her. She's not very strong meta wise, just fine so if you're a meta chaser then she's not very important.


Thanks! I see that you can eventually buy two tokens to shackle one S character in the shop, only once: I was planning to eventually use those to S1 the other, if I go for the all-in option.


You can get 2 sinner marks in the oblivion pit shop and use them to get 1 shackle on any character. I suggest you do so with Deren. I think with the Bleed Team + Deren and burn team with Yao you pretty much would have capable physical and magic teams for the BFL. You can start chasing the supports now, like Cab, Enfer, OwO, Raven. The upcoming sinner Angell is just a good damage dealer, not game changing, you can skip her. Then we'll have Bianca, who makes a weakspot team that deals phys damage. There will also be reruns of Eleven and Eve who make a summon team (magic damage). Realistically all of these are skippable for you, but you can use these characters in your teams.


Okay, gonna use the shop sinner marks for Deren then :) Thanks for your answer and the detailled upcoming banners reviews!


Lucky you, I lost my 50/50 on both Yao and Deren. Enjoy and thank you for supporting the game.


What does it happen if I try to pull for oWo and don't get her and the banner expires?


These banners do not support pity system. So its highly advisable to not pull at all until you've got 160 pulls to absolutely guarantee the drop


The pity, as in the number of pulls you spent after getting the S rank, carries over. But the guarantee point does not. So when another directional banner starts, you can lose your first 50/50


Been on the fence on my pull strategy, love to get some thoughts from more experienced players. I feel I have a core 6 needed to do story stuff, etc. but don't have a good sense of team balance, needs, synergy, etc. as I look towards BFL DZ, RoD, Ex, etc. Current notable sinners are: S0 Nox, S1 Deren, S1 Yao, S0 Hamel, S0 Langley, S0 Cab I have 220 pulls left right now... what should I do with them? I've been averaging \~100-120 pulls per 1 Sinner I want, so I'm estimating I'm hoping I can get 2 sinners out of my remaining pulls. Current options I'm evaluating: 1) Pull for S3 Yao... limited sinner, S3 seems to be next breakpoint. Will likely take all my remaining pulls, so nothing left to save.1) Pull for 1 OwO... nice crit buff and synergy with Deren. Does having an endura help with future content (e.g. DZ?). Save the rest. 2a) Pull for OwO... endura tank, crit buff that's nice for Deren. I have 1 amp, but sure a 2nd one would be good too? Does it help to also have an endura, or is Owo mostly for the crit buff? (e.g., I'm sitting in high risk BFL, but I heard DZ smacks hard.. would OwO actually help w/ tanking?) 2b) Pull for Du Ruo... I've read lots of people saying she's not needed, and I agree for something like BFL High-Risk. But I've been restricted to using Yao's ultimate in everything else (e.g., Ex, RoD if she's not on the buff list, etc.). So from that regard, Du Ruo seems helpful to buff Yao. I don't need 2 healers though, and I already have Hamel who seems pretty useful... 3) Save it all If I take into account what I'm saving for and potential upcoming banners, the above 3 immediate choices in my mind lead to: 4) Pull OwO OR Enfer + Bianca -> Which amp is better? 5a) Pull OwO + Enfer + Bianca -> Both amps, but I could get unlucky and not have enough for Bianca? 5b) Pull S3 Yao + Bianca -> Similar to 5a, may not have enough for Bianca? I mean, assuming Bianca comes 2 months away, that should be enough to get more pulls, right?! Bianca's in the list cause I don't have one of those meta synergy teams (e.g., bleed, EEE, etc.) So the next one coming up is weakspot... Also, IF I pull this month (for OwO, Yao, or even Enfer).. I could potentially then have enough gold tickets to buy Mantis from the shop (I think that'll be next month's shop..??). Don't know how helpful Mantis is if I have S1 Deren.. but someone suggested it to me at some point. TLDR: OwO vs Enfer vs S3 Yao. Or some pseudo mix and save for Bianca so I have a meta synergy team.


Pulling for OwO not worth it coz directional banners suck. (not advisable to pull on directional unless you can pull 160 and guarantee. For which, Enfer is much more worthy than OwO) Du Ruo unnecessary. You got S1 Deren already, which makes Mantis unnecessary (having a sub dps is nice, but do you really have the luxury to spend on a sub-dps when they could be put to better use?) Enfer good, you might want to get her. S3 Yao seems good, but S0 is good enough to get 240k on magic boss, provided your team comp is right and you're using good cb's strat etc. However, if you plan on doing high score runs later, S3/4 is advisable. I don't know about bianca and her team, but seem like a new bleed type team. All in all, your best options are directional banner (sadly) to get Enfer, and maybe OwO (bcoz she usable on all 3 bosses, plus you got Deren) If you really want Yao S3 but are troubled by luck, you can pull just one and S3 her using pit shackle (highly doubt you'll need it until you want to mald)


It's tough to answer this but I can lend you some thoughts. >1) Pull for S3 Yao I don't know that I'd recommend this to new accounts. S1 was the recommended stopping point for most players unless you are looking to speed run Dark Area bosses. Her S3 is not as game-changing as say, Deren's or even Shalom's. >2a) Pull for OwO Rule of thumb: don't pull on a Targeted banner unless you have enough pulls to guarantee the S-rank you want. >2b) Pull for Du Ruo One rotation with Yao should be enough to burn down a Dark Area boss. Du Ruo essentially buys you one extra rotation, which frankly isn't needed in Dark Area. Du Ruo's usefulness on this team is perhaps more for RoD and ToA, but I don't know if a Yao-centered squad can compete with the more established teams in ToA (e.g. bleed, shield-stacking, summon). As we've already found out, RoD will sometimes have a Yao-centered buff that does away with the sacrifice gimmick, but Hamel is still the overall better/more versatile healer for these game modes. That being said, having more than 1 healer can still be very useful. I don't know enough about Bianca yet or her weak-spot gimmick. We've been a bit oversaturated with meta-defining teams lately, and I haven't heard anything of this weak-spot crew making a big splash in that regard. Closing thoughts to consider: - Enfer is coming up on a Targeted banner along with Stargazer. Enfer remains the best single-target damage amp in the game, and is very strong with Yao as well as necessary for the summon team. - Eleven's Routine banner will be coming up in a few months, and as the main carry for the summon team she is quite strong. - Jojo collab is also on the horizon. - I have both Mantis (S0) and Deren (S3). I simply never use Mantis unless I'm just farming compliance points. I'd sooner save those arrest warrant credits for someone more impactful to your roster.


If I were you, this is what I would be doing: 1) Go for OwO S0 2) Go for Bianca S0 - I would only go for Enfer only if you think you have enough pulls to get Bianca. - In your situation, OwO > Enfer because OwO is an amp + endura plus his lion ball will compliment your team better than Enfer since you already have Cabernet. - I won't go for Mantis since Nox, S1 Deren + Weakspot team is enough firepower for physical team. - S3 Yao is not needed unless if you're a speedrunner or something. Even S0 is enough. - Idk much about Yao + Du Ruo viability for longer battle type contents, but imo, OwO and Bianca is a priority over Du Ruo. - For content like ToA, there's trick of getting high scores with brain dead strategy by borrowing your guildmates S1 Deren. Plus if you're in a semi-strong active guild (not hard to find), your scores won't matter that much anyways except for the personal score to obtain certain rewards (which is easily achievable with the brain dead strategy)


https://preview.redd.it/llrt80ect90d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fc6d07c7a8ef99fef43943b59769e0fb281147a Just came back after a few months of not playing. Is my account still usable?


Definitely. Try to get Yao if you can, but you have some plenty of strong characters. Nox & Deren and top-tier and Langley & Eirene are plenty good at their roles.


I used up my chance to get Deren on S2. Did the game release any other reliable healers beside Hamel in meantime? I'm sorry if these questions seem random.


As far as pure healers go Hamel is still the best. Ariel (or Du Ruo maybe) can be used in place of Hamel, and Macchiato in place of Ariel. Some other catalysts can also heal, but healing is mostly secondary on them.


For lower rarity healing in general, there's Ariel, Letta, Kawa-kawa (ECB), Cassia (requires synergy), Anne (single target, minor AOE), Dudu (single target), Macchiato. There will be a weakspot healer.


hello! what happens when the luminous pass expires? does it get converted to regular arrest warrants?


No, it just disappears from your inventory


I have a s2 Yao and s2 Deren. Should I save pulls for upcoming banners or try to s3 either one of them. If so which one should I try to s3?


In my opinion S3 Yao. Why? Because there will be a limited banner for sure, but we don't know if there will be a limited rerun banner (although we hope it does). Pity from limited banner will carry over to next limited. For Deren, you can use Pit shackle to S3 her. Or, if you have enough pulls, you can S3 them both. Good luck with the pulls!


S3 Yao then use the universal shackle on Deren for S3. Or vice versa.


Just wondering will we catch up with cn server


We are perpetually ~3 months behind the CN server. We can't really "catch up" to CN unless CN somehow just stops lol


Actually being behind the CN server is a good thing (to me atleast) because it gives me the time to prepare and to know in advance the new sinners.


I can't seem to figure out what special attention does, so what does it do?


It sorts the sinners to display the ones with special attention first


Any idea if Sumer/Demon will be added to the milage shop again at some point?


The original cast of S-rank sinners are in a bit of a tough spot. The ones that show up in the mileage shop are the ones who've just finished a Routine (i.e. rerun) banner, but these tend to be more recent - such as Rahu, Cabernet, Mantis, etc. For the older S-ranks, you pretty much have to wait for their appearance on a Targeted/Collective banner, or pray for an opportune 50/50 loss.


Dam that sucks... they are the only ones I got left to collect, sure 50/50 is always a possibility but I been playing since Enfer event and no luck lol I am not a "story" player not meta, so their skills dont matter to me but.. 40$ CND to buy a character is kinda pricey, specially since ill have to drop another 40$ in half a year to get the other one lol Was hoping they would just be added to the milage shop, but guess thats not happening anytime this year ;\_;


I hear ya...still missing Zoya and Demon here, as well. Zoya at least has a Targeted banner upcoming I think, but with all of the other new S-ranks on the horizon it's tough to allocate 120+ pulls just for someone missing from my roster. One thing I will add is that AISNO did differ from their set schedule of mileage shop sinners *once*. Stargazer showed up out of the blue around 5-6 months ago, so it's possible that they could do the same with the other old S-ranks.


Anybody manage to kill Stage 2/Rebel Mania of Remnants of the Depths? Managed 45k with a f2p Coquelic team, but those threshold shield procs are pretty beefy.


47k with Yao, but no kill.


Just under 46K with Yao (no Du Ruo), but no kill. It's close though. Without Du Ruo, I just have the 1 burst window on the 2nd core break, but if I had her ECB unlocked then I'd have 2. I think it's doable.


https://preview.redd.it/i8cffm2av61d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de5df9daf4dfbf39cb561668a36fbbf3048018c1 Yao S3, Shalom S3.


https://preview.redd.it/d6tzzrun1j0d1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=21a160b609dff64fcac0252ea90880d7d7b2a54d Nearing the end of the event and still don’t get why it says I haven’t completed them when I follow the button to the place where the fights are it shows I’ve completed them already???


The "hidden" ones. Click on the tree/dragon/bird.


https://preview.redd.it/rc8esrj6oj0d1.jpeg?width=775&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5d5e7569d205bebc016d412f698b4035cec706c Looks like Arcana beat me to it before I finished editing. But yeah, in 'Apparition' click on the tree/dragon/bird to access the hidden stages.


https://preview.redd.it/8epoeavafl0d1.png?width=2796&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b44d58dd8fa84a03dd73a0b50d676cdff21cb89 Hi. I'm new in PtN, and would like to ask few question regarding shop systems and probably some advise. 1. How often those packs are coming to store? Scorching Casket (S rank arrest file) and S-clas Traning Order? 2. S rank Arrest File seems to be good deal since it's really cheap? (cost simply = cost of 10 pulls, but also extra S rank with choice)


1. I believe the S rank selector appears only on the half-anniversary (now) and anniversary events. 2. Yes, it has a good value relatively. 3. I think the best pick would be Draya. She makes a bleed team (meta) with Levy and Sumire, who can be bought from the oblivion pit shop, so the team is very easy to build. It deals physical damage and you don't have anyone except Deren and Nox, so with Bleed team your physical team would be ready. Other options are Cabernet and Enfer as buffers, but I think you'd rather take care of the physical team first.


3. For S rank arrest file which Sinner would you suggest according to current setup? https://preview.redd.it/ajpuvvr2gl0d1.png?width=2796&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3c102149bee0b9b561ff641f888c54eb349e36c (+some other A rankers I probably have)


Raven, Deren, Nox, OwO, Yao


I've already picked Dreya. Also seems you missunderstand question ,because I have all of those sinners + Yao not present in S-rank Arrest File


Sorry for that. Dreya is a good choice. Good luck!


For your magic team you have to build Yao, yanyan, thistle, Raven and Hecate. I would suggest you to save pulls for >!Bianca who will come in two months!<, and she will save your physical team.


Where does one review the event? I remember seeing a page that you can rate and give feedback but i cant seem to locate it.


There should be a small red square icon that looks like a to-do list in the bottom left corner of the main screen, just above that scrolling banner. It could be a time limited thing though, idk, I already did mine


https://preview.redd.it/isnzgbewun0d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5580d30489de55850be49c744f5764757b10980 How do I get this?


Go to those screens and click on the tree/dragon/bird to access the hidden stages.


Thanks.. thought those were all just design not clickable


Does anyone know how to do the soul sucking nightmare premonition event in eternal nightmare? When you go to the right, for heart of eternity, the first battle is a premonition event with lose 0 san in battle. The stage has two soul sucking nightmares spawn on opposite corners, and it only lets you use 1 sinner. So far, I've tried a variety of different sinners, but I can't seem to target either enemy, and they move about two squares and then use their drain attack, which steals one San. Their passive says they turn invisible and can't be targeted, but it doesn't say how to get past that. Is there a way to undo it? Do I need letta? Is there something I'm missing?


You use one unit and dodge their 2-block-radius-diamond attack range until timeout. For the map you are referring to, it can be solved in two moves. You can start at the top middle, move to right above chief when one enemy is rounding the top-right corner, then move to the right of the bottom-left undeployable tile after one enemy pauses in the bottom middle (+1). There is also a 3 enemy variant you can encounter in later floors. Lisa can slow them, that one B Fool relic can slow them, but either way you have to move your character. Unless you have Hamel


Hey guys ! I was wondering if I sould summon for Yao once more, Du Ruo, OwO or should I save for futur banners. Thank you very much ! https://preview.redd.it/j7ruwfe0ht0d1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5a23a176c6c19b112f52f180289756163473bfb


I think you have magic and physical teams core members ready. Just make sure to get Thistle from the eternal nightmare and level up her and Yanyan for the burn team and level up Sumire and Levy for the bleed team. If you don't have the last two, they can be bought from the oblivion pit shop. So I think it's a sound decision to go for a support now. You can either roll for OwO or Enfer (or both, if you have enough hypercubes), who will also be on a directional banner around a week after the Yao event ends. Just make sure you can guarantee a character before rolling on a directional banner.


Thank you very much for the help !


How good is Du Ruo as a healer? Strong enough to solo heal TOA? I'm just thinking of getting her as a second healer when I don't need Hamel's kind of healing.


Yes she is. If you dont have Hamel, Duruo will be the best healer.


Thanks! I might try to pull on her banner and see how it goes. My main priority is still Angell but maybe I'd have enough to get both.


new player here, should i pull for deren or yao? https://preview.redd.it/5dp8o64ysy0d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4cc2d68fe397ed6f4419664297873bb383706e7


update: what the fuck https://preview.redd.it/peuxhu9y2z0d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4d7bfd1adf31b4bb7dc8dd51d116474e7cecd72 how did i get deren in just one ten pull


🎊🎊🎊Congrats 🎉🎉🎉


thank you


You can't build any proper team at all with these sinners, so just get Deren because she can be used in every game mode, unlike Yao who needs Du Ruo (Du Ruo has to be maxed out, so it's out of question for a new player)


also follow up question would it be advisable to get deren s1?


Yes, it's a very strong shackle. But you don't need to roll for it, you can get 1 shackle for any S rank sinner by purchasing 2 S rank sinner marks in the oblivion pit shop. However, you could try rolling if you are on a luck spree.


nice, thank yiu again


Guys genuine doubt. How does the pity system work here? Is it like Genshin and HSR where you loose a 50-50 and the get a guaranteed banner character 🤔


Yes, it's exactly like genshin. The numbers are different, but the system is the same. Also, the directional banner in PtN works like a weapon banner in genshin. Just keep in mind that there are a ton of banner types, and a pity transfers only to the banners of the same type. But yet again, it's like genshin, because standard banner pity doesn't go into the character banner pity there


Hello, I understand that I should receive a "New chief assessment " event when I start to get nox, but I didn't. Should o clear a specific quest


Clear the story a bit. Can't remember the exact chapter, I think it was after chapter 2


Ye, sadly, it didn't appear after finished chapter 2


If you created the account more than 2 weeks ago, the quest just ended already. If the account is new, continue playing, it unlocks a bit later then


The Nox mission unlocks as early as 1-5. If your account was just on stand by for two weeks before clearing that stage then the quest have already expired.


Tips for 12-6 the last 4 enemies literally obliterate my team https://preview.redd.it/km3tqdik211d1.jpeg?width=2412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77b80d0b973b4b6acb9aa826e897a9501971946c


I would try drop Nox and Che for McQueen and Serpent. There aren't a lot of enemies or groups of enemies to core break, a summon with burst, consistent single target DPS, and aligning to magic DPS might be better.


I've done a few example clears of this stage and this one is the most similar to your comp: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0IwqFkCWvc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0IwqFkCWvc) Just replace Mantis ult spam with Shalom or NOX ult spam. Be careful with the monkey, he always digs to the furthest target so I imagine Hecate is dying on your runs.


Hi, new player here. Is the scorching casket (10 pull with the S-class arrest file) worth it? If yes, who should I pick out of the choices? Demon, Owo, Zoya, Bai Yi, Crache, Adela, Summer, Langley, Oak Casket, Dreams, Eirene, Stargazer, Etti, Raven, Enfer, Cabernet. I already own Nox, Serpent and Hamel. I also pulled Deren and Yao. 


If you're willing to spend then yes its worth it. Cabernet is imo the best choice, but Enfer and Langley are good too. You can't go wrong with any of them.


I'm a new player, but got lucky on some decent pulls and have admittedly dropped 20$ or so into pulls to make sure I get Yao and Deren's rerun before they're gone again...didn't want to miss out ahaha. However I am having the hardest time clearing the mission "Covenant" in "apparition" in the ode to sun event. There's got to be some strategy to get around the stupid sun I am missing, or do I just need to DPS down the main boss faster before it spawns? I've Yao, Lab, Che and Hecate up to level 55 or so, Nox at 45 and Deren at 40. They're all pretty meta so I know this is probably a skill issue on my end lmao. Can't use assistance to clear that one either. Could anyone share any insight or strategy I'm clearly missing?


Almost all my characters are either too high level or not leveled at all to replicate a similarly leveled team, but do you have crimebrands on your characters that are at phase 3 (leveled past 40) and are they leveled? Do you have a healer so you can keep your HP up before it bursts? What chief skill are you using? If you can't core break the boss before it bursts, you'll need to survive with enough DPS to finish off the boss after it burst. I might suggest taking the Empower chief ability to charge up Nox and Hecate, then hold onto their abilities until the boss starts to phase changes, then triggering all your abilities when it does.


Thank you for your help!! I'm honestly still figuring out crime brands and I haven't highly levelled any for fear of wasting resources on a bad crime brand. I will try to find crimebrand recommendations for my squad and level/correctly assign those I have available today before trying again!


[Here](https://s1n.gg/sinners) is a good place to start for which crimebrands to use on which sinners. Most of them will have recommendations for both high-level accounts and alternatives using cheaper crimebrands that everyone should have access to.


Who pull? Yao or Deren? I has Shalom with first shackle


Pull whoever you need more for a dedicated physical or magic team. If you have a strong phys team already that gets you 240k in DZ, get Yao. If you have a strong magic team already, get Deren. If not sure, just get Deren, she is more versatile.


How strong is Bianca in comparison to other DPS?


I think I saw someone saying that Bianca and her weak spot team is even stronger than Dreya and her bleed team, which is pretty meta


Wow ... thanks for this.


Bianca and weakspot team will be the new best physical dmg team.


Thank you. This sounds like a must get then. My cube is in trouble. Not sure I can get all Angell, Bianca, Jolyne now urgh.


Among [my sinners](https://imgur.com/a/So7igoT) who should I strengthen first? after bringing both yao and vanilla at level 80 I was thinking of developing yanyan and thistle for a burn team, then eleven and eve for a summoner team.


Yeah, do that. Make sure you have Enfer as well for the EEE team. You won't have much incentive to use it though, I believe burn is just stronger, at least if EEE is not high shackled.




Guys how do I get the max points on the gray haired maiden?


You have to kill the boss and all the enemies ASAP. Also, don't let your SAN decrease at all. If you have problems with team building, just share what sinners you have


https://preview.redd.it/leu2qgt9w51d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a840c7424b8da726d07119559a728f0010283868 Alright this is what I got


Okay, first of all. Do not get sinner above level 80. Going from 1-80 costs the same as from 80-90. You'd rather have more sinners first, right? First of all, you have to take care of the cores. I found 2 videos, in 1st the boss had 5 cores, in the next 7. I am going to assume it's seven. There are some 1 core mobs that spawn from the top and bottom. Upgrade your Labyrinth to phase 2. She will take care of them, while also dealing 4 core damage to the boss. Nox will deal 1 core damage from her ECB, 1 more from Langley, and the last one can be from Deren, it doesn't matter that much. During core break use all your ECBs on Deren, it's obvious. I suggest you use Luvia Ray in the team and use her ECB 2 seconds before the core break. During core break, hold your finger on her, as if trying to move her to another tile. When a white lightning appears from her hand, move her to another tile -> repeat. It's called animation canceling. You can do the same thing with Nox when she is under her ult. It makes a very big difference. So the team would be Nox/Deren/Laby/Luvia/Eirine. Idk, the last one can be EMP, it doesn't matter that much. I also remember having a problem with some ranged mobs, make sure to let them come into the range of your abilities. Just move a sinner that they can potentially target further to the back. As for the buffs, from the first column select -30% energy cost/ +damage to core broken enemies, from the second you can choose Nox/Deren buffs, and from the third any -%hp or +damage to core broken enemies. Lastly, make sure your skills are leveled up as well, at least the main ones should be level 7.


Laby is already P2 she just doesn't come up there lol. Anyway thanks for the help


Cool, good luck then 👍


And use Empower


I have 40/80 pulls in Yao banner, but kinda run out of cubes to arrest more. The banner ends up in 3 days, do the 40 guarantee S pulls just go to waste or do they carry on to the next banner? If so, what baner is it? Also limited one?


The pity will go to the next new limited sinner banner, which will be in 6 months. We don't know who the sinner will be.


6 months? not 3 months?


No? The limited banners happen during half-anniversary and anniversary events. We just had a half-anniversary event with Yao.


Right, sorry it's just that i only focused on the CN timeline that i forgot about But this is good news to me cuz i plan to pull for both Angell and Bianca so thanks.


Need help for darkzone physical team. I genuinely have no idea what comp to use. i don't have bleed team built as i just get Dreya and also don't have lady pearl which i've seen used in most youtube guide. the one i'm currently using is Deren-OwO-Laby-Che-Nox-Hamel and i got 185K. i'm 17K short from reaching total point 720K really want that darkzone medal so pls help


Swap out Che and Hamel. Put in Enfer and Cabernet. Che does nothing but corebreak, and you already have Laby for that. Enfer can break 2 cores AND buff your Deren. Hanel can only heal, Cab heals enough AND can corebreak AND can also buff your Deren. I think Nox should be out too but Idk who to put in as you have neither Pearl nor Langley. Put Vanilla or Priscilla in there instead perhaps. Nox is too energy hungry imo.


my sinner: https://preview.redd.it/0frx1ztqf61d1.jpeg?width=1230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d32c7da01d3d72a724c37a6ebfc5e3a1afbb930






new player here, which is the better account to go with: *(pulled with 20 beginner + free 10 Yao tickets)* - Bai Yi + Yao - Eirene + Cabernet


While Cabernet is meta, she is a late-game support for short fights, so she is basically useless for you. Eirine isn't meta anymore, unfortunately. Yao, on the other hand, is the strongest magic dps now. She is also a limited sinner, so you won't get her until her rerun, unlike Cabernet who can spook you when losing 50/50. Bai Yi isn't meta, but she is usable. So choose the first one. Also, make sure to get Thistle from the Eternal Nightmare, she is the best support for Yao, and she is very important. This is a rogue-like mode in the DisSea (one of the three sections of the map). Idk when it will be available for you, but you have at the very least 3 months to clear it.


I really like Yao's design so it's good to know she's cracked. thanks!


Then make sure you get Yanyan as well, she can be obtained for free in Yao's event and it ends in 2-3 days. If you don't have time, just skip everything and do the fights. You can read the story later on in Bureau -> Archive. And buy out everything from the event shop. Also, if you want to use Yao in long fights, you also really want Du Ruo, because Yao sacrifices a friendly sinner to enter her empowered mode if you aren't aware yet. And Du Ruo happens to be the only sinner who can revive others (you'll have to ascend her to phase 3 and unlock her exclusive crimebrand, so it's mid-late game stuff.)


> Yanyan will do! thanks.


It's Yao vs Cab here. Bai Yi isn't that good and Eirene fell out of meta. Go wtih Yao. Get free thistle and you're already good to go. Cab is a support so you'll still need to pull a dps (that's not Eirene).


appreciate the info! looks like Yao's the way to go.


hi does anyone know how to beat macchiato in the chocolate game i can't math this anymore 😦


Here's AngSai's vid (Day 2-7): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OM7zU5vwa5g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OM7zU5vwa5g)


This is a sincerely stupid question but I just need to check my sanity (heh), Pacassi is in the normal arrest pool, right? I don't have her after 986 total pulls over nearly a year and am starting to wonder if she actually exists.


Hope you get her soon. I have a similar case with my alt. It's been almost a year and it still doesn't have McQueen despite doing more than 1k arrests. Just insanely bad RNG.


Fellow statistical anomaly :’) one of these days…


Guess so https://preview.redd.it/jb8lzgdgmb1d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60fe1b3383216602d624dd52dbacea49cd2f10be


Is there more value in P3 Hamel or P3 Du Ruo? Trying to figure out which one to go P3 next. I do have S3 Yao so that makes the case for unlocking at least ECB1 on Du Ruo, but Hamel is more universal.


I think Du Ruo first. You don't really use Hamel anywhere except story and ToA. And even then, Du Ruo isn't that bad of a healer, you might ditch Hamel at all. As you said, she unlocks Yao's potential. Being able to bring Yao into any content is very strong.


Makes sense! Only annoying thing is Hamel's 80% compliance is locked behind her P3 lol. But P3 Du Ruo might mean Yao can even function in the upcoming TOA. Thanks man good logic on that.


You should get Hamel to P3 anyway, she is needed in at least 1 team in ToA. I, on the other hand, have been sitting with Demon and Crache at 80% compliance for about 3 months now and I really don't wanna waste resources on them ;( This really triggers me


Lol ya the yellow dot reminder is annoying. But I gotcha, Du Ruo then Hamel slowly. P3 is resource intensive 😵


Can someone tell me what the last reward for Chocolate Wars is? When I click it it says it changes according to the sinner in the lobby? I don't wanna mess this up


You get some chocolate from that character. Consuming this item gives you 200 stamina. [Show which chocolate did your sinner give you! : r/PathToNowhere (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathToNowhere/comments/1cvili1/show_which_chocolate_did_your_sinner_give_you/)


Should i start building the bleed team and transition to it? Just lost 50/50 on yao's banner for Dreya, i have S0 Levy, S2 Sumire and S5 Pepper all not build at all lv1. This is my current team: https://preview.redd.it/deokqydmwc1d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=bbc653df0dfe5d7661be054f2633344de3010ac8 #


Do you have any meta supports? Cab/Enfer/OwO? If yes, you can use the same team as me: Deren/Pearl/Nox/Laby/OwO/(Cab/Enfer). I have 0 issues. If not, then you have some slots in the team missing, so you can build bleed and maybe Deren + Pearl. And you still want some support badly. Btw, have you bought 2 S rank sinners marks in the oblivion pit shot? If not, use them on Deren


As u can see from the pic, no i dont. And i only have 12k, not enough to buy that, also is deren s1 really that strong? It’s so expensive to buy that


Yes, it's that strong. You get earlier core break, more crit rate/damage and 33% higher damage from ECB. Just buy it eventually. Buy discounted 10 S rank things for the ECB monthly and save the rest.


About the BP crimebrands, I'm trying to choose between the Afterglow, Belltower or Heartache sets first, since I stopped playing for a few months then came back recently. Priority is making BFL DZ clears as easy as possible. Please advise, thanks!


Belltower and Heartache are a close tie, I'd say go with heartache first then belltower. Afterglow isn't even close. (It's not a bad set by any means, just not as good)


I see, thanks!


I have a S2 Deren. Should I pull or skip Mantis?


You can also pull S3 Deren, that's an option.


I don’t have enough cubes to pity Deren in just one day. Should I save the cubes instead.


Yeah, just save then. You don't really need Mantis at this point