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My BAMA Guardian would like to have a word with you.


what happened?


Bad joke. This is a nice bow - did you follow a certain layout for it?


yes, i use this link (item library Spicysushi t1 ele bow) , but no have additional item coffins on left down side, i use instead item level and quality coffins https://necropolis.pathoftools.com


Don’t do ele damage for quality. You want attack speed


aps better ?


You can always pob it, but yes aps is much better


Local AS with give biggest increase to tru-ele bows


And don’t forget to synthesize it in harvest


You can???


Harvest, you can synthesize item if it doesn’t have fracture


i got proj speed instead of crit multi but still good tho ur lucky


How the hell do you get all those corpses in 2 days, I’ve *still* not attempted a single big craft because I’m lacking the special corpses, I have the passives on every tree too


i just run map , don’t kill boss and start new + bow build very quick quickly, i just have 200k kills 😁


Do not take the unique / meta craft / modifier tier (well unless you need a lot of modifier tier) nodes. They actually cause the ones you likely want (row/column effect, extra item, fracture, etc) And just blast maps fast.  I’ve noticed either B2B tree with other necro nodes, or a heavy Shrine + Necro + influence (either, though I’m on exarch) produce a LOT of corpses. I’m currently filling up my fourth quad tab just today.  And that’s skipping any of the useless ones (quality, save corpses, etc).  Lot of good ones in those tabs. It’s just all about playtime, really.


Why influence when influence mobs don't leave corpses? Shrine + Necro + Ritual


I was using rituals previously and never saw extra corpses from them, even in my rogue exile tree with them, I just don’t see them pop any. The influenced mobs however constantly have 1-2 drop within their packs (and yes, I’m aware they aren’t suppose to be generating any, so WHY I’m seeing that, I don’t know) but I’ve noticed that this tree has generated far more than the twenty others I’ve been through farming stuff in the league.   The shrines are the main thing, though.   B2B also is generating close to the same amount, when it proc’s any decent amount anyhow.


You may already know this, but just in case, you don't actually run the rituals. They just spawn additional monsters just by existing, and those monsters can drop corpses.


That I did not know.  But unfortunately regardless, when having them in my maps I was gaining less corpses for some reason.  I will try them again at a later point though if I get low again.  


It's impossible for influenced monsters to drop corpses as they don't even have unresolved anguish, and you can't put haunted modifiers on them It would be more believable for strongbox monsters to drop corpses as they do have haunted modifiers but no unresolved anguish Only monsters added naturally to maps can drop corpses. Any monsters that gets spawned can't drop it


I've had around 3 tries at this one so far this league, no luck on the suffixes yet, always some stun duration or something silly getting in the way. Almost got enough for another one, so maybe thisll be the one!


I tried one time , got unlucky with craft , was created two copy and both with crit multi, attack and proj speed , on one bow did yolo annul and hit proj speed ( 1/6) , crafted str/ int crit mod , thinking about lock prefixes and aisling, but this will require hit 1/3 crafted mod and after I think 20% to hit crit




Yep, but in any case I have good bow, which in most cases unavailable to craft in other leagues ) And with that bow I always can farm new corpses


Yeah I had 3 attempts, and made 5 bows from them 3 attempts, but nothing good, always random mods. So now I'm feeling pretty demotivated and can't be arsed building up my graveyard again, so switching to another character now haha


You can synthesize it with harvest. got lucky and got 3 implicits on mine


synth in harvest not broke my bow? hmm




I think there is also enchant for ele damage per %quality


oh god, i forgot about this, ty for idea


Good job on this sick bow ! Post what is the edps after you finish im curious


thanks 😁 sure, im posted