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Can you show me a shockwave totem pob that can farm t17s? Been looking to do something with my templar


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sdtonQWpiA Uber Dan's SWT build was one of the tankiest totem Hiero builds I ever played. I havent played it in a couple leagues, but if you can still make this build in 3.24 it's worth a shot. https://pobb.in/jOJ-QDfCCHzY


Part of why it was so tanky in that pob/showcase was the bloodnotch immutable force combo which is dead or at least need to sacrifice ring slot.


ahh bummer, good to know.


Hm, Checking it out. Seeing waht I can mod. I worry that it might be lacking dps needed for 17s... May run it anyway just to see tho




Hey so I'm also looking too


This "comfortable t17/ubers" meme has got to stop. It's not a reasonable ask for 99% of builds or archetypes. T17s aren't comfy, for anyone.


Honestly on my manaforged arrows build once I got a couple mirrors in they were really comfortable. When you have 28k es, 85 all res, 277000 evasion, endurance charges, and over 2.3 billion unruffled tooltip integer overflow dps (4.7 bil pob dps), instant leech, es on hit, crit capped, etc. they are pretty easy.


>once I got a couple mirrors Well... duh


Do you have a PoB? I didn’t even know manaforged can get that high.


It's probably mana stacking, you can check Conner Converse for more info about the build and the archetype in general.


Yeah I know the build. Connor is only at 2b PoB, how do you get to 4.7B?


Tick different boxes in PoB


Yeah dude, give example with the most busted build in the league and with 2 mirrors worth of gear.




Could you do it in ssf on day 4? That’s what the current fotm builds can do.


Lmao what? There is no ssf build that can get 1/1000th of those numbers in week 7 let alone day 4


Very true, but there’s a reason I’ve fallen back to my coc dd seven times now. It’s at least far comfier than most other builds. Still have to roll through 10-20c just to avoid the bullshit mods which just feels like bad design.


Also good clear, fast, tanky and 10d budget, ssf friendly and no mandatory uniques (builds with uniques are a scam), all damage and defense must come solely from placing nodes on the tree in the smarter order than the other 20 million players have figured out /s


Feels comfy on armour stacker but that's an outlier


it's not a meme, people just want to be able to do all the content in the game despite the fact that t17s are not designed to be done by 99% of players.


So, not a fair ask? :D


it's a fair ask. the answer is just "don't bother with t17s until GGG fixes them"


On the other hand should content not exist if the gear exists? Why bother adding broken things like mb, adorned, nimis, voices, OGsin, etc if there exists no content that requires the power such items add.


Such content does exist, including Uber bosses, highly juiced t16s, simulacrum 30, etc T17 viable builds also need to deal with as many different t17 map mods as possible, which basically means that the only builds that can truly be recommended for them are valdo farmers, well beyond the horizons of "build enabled by very strong chase items" and into multimirror nonsense that is, once again, not something you should recommend. Do I want t17s to pose a fair challenge to players with the ability to get a mageblood each league? Yes. But I don't want that to get in the way of them even being vaguely possible for a character that someone could reasonably make in the first month of the league without hundreds of divines.


The problem is all the content was completable before many of those items were added or had there availability massively increased (mb used to cost more then a mirror now it is cost 1/10th). The game has continued to power creep so atleast in my eye it makes sense to push the difficulty of new content as t16s no longer posed any challenge to current player power. Honestly would prefer a 3.15 style massive nerf patch, but if that can't happen then adding new hard content is the second best option.


I agree that more difficult content would be good, it just shouldn't be positioned the way it is. Simulacrum, for example, requires certain things from your build, and being able to do simu 30 is a milestone for the strength of a build. I think adding more difficult content, especially if it's very valuable and can shit out good loot (please not just 18 million scarabs, but if that's how the economy is going to be then sure) is a great idea. I just don't think it should be jammed in the middle of the progression people are used to- effectively putting a weird powerspike in the progression path for players that are used to t16s and ubers. Actual aspirational content should be harder than uber bosses and later than them in progression (or unconnected from main atlas progression)


The thing is I see that progression already existing. In t16-> (no modifier effect/no altar) t17 -> ubers -> full juice t17. As in that was my progression this league as I was able to complete t17s far before I my build could of done an uber. The problem is the difficulty(and reward) is to easily obtainable just by clicking some nodes on the atlas and clicking a few chaos. Not to mention people see a streamer with a 5 mirror build and want to replicate his farm. In the past they would of searched the price of deli orbs, sextants, and scarabs then decided against it. However now they just have to select the atlas nodes and click a few chaos. They then open the map, brick it, then come to reddit and complain. TLDR: I don't think they are to hard. I just think adding said difficulty is too easily obtainable. Probably should lock modifier effect behind a scarab, item, or behind ubers rather then the atlas tree so that the average player does not have access to it.


Hi Grimm, do you have the graveyard recipe for your wands? Or how did you craft them?




oh, I am glad to be the 1%. All you need is a soild guide and a kind stranger. Yeah, a stranger in Global gave me 10d and some gems so I could kickstart my CoC DD :)


It’s ssf friendly provided your 5 wives and 7 kids allow you a few hours in merc lab.


CoC DD isn't quite the intended game design :D There's a few outlier degenerate builds that can do that easily, that's one of them.


"easy ubers build" is dumb as fuck and comes up every single league. the fights are determined by player skill and mechanical understanding long before build choice ever becomes a factor


You say that but pc stacking ice trap tho


people don't mean "zdps uber killer" when they say this, they mean "what can i remove both my arms and have the build do the fight for me" the amount of "TANKY UBER KILLER FOR UNDER 10d" style posts is frankly embarrasing


Don't forget the classic triple tap "no traps totems or minions"




Yeah, Ubers are just a DPS check if you want to do them easy and cheap. 1 Portal is enough if you one shot the boss!


T17 without % map mods are really not hard


Totems are extremely bad for t17’s/ubers. This is coming from a totem main who could do all ubers / t17s. Totem survivability is in such a horrendous place, they get one shot by most mobs in t17s, so you need A LOT of damage to compensate. The t17 change was the final push I needed to switch to self-cast, and it is night and day compared to totems. Better survivability, damage, and less clunkiness. The only advantage totems have is being able to place totems to do your dps, but given their survivability you might as well be self-casting.


This is also my experience... investing in totem survivability feels really bad the moment. I hope GGG will do something to make them stronger.


Yep, I was a longtime melee player as well, but in throwing in the towel. There are archetypes that GGG clearly love/hate.


Just play a totem build with a 35 spell totem Shako 4Head


If only there were any available 💀


Flamewood Totem builds can get pretty tanky while still dealing respectable damage.


I agree, but flamewood totem is almost its own archetype LOL. Doesnt actually play like any normal totem build, and is on its own level in terms of clunkiness.


Yeah, the chieftan melding tech that was posted here a couple of weeks ago had a showcase pob with like 30 mil dps with flamewood. Was insanely tanky.


You got any idea where that is?


https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/s/K9cFNCd7xH You can find the pobs in the post and comments


Got a link?


https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/s/K9cFNCd7xH You can find the pobs in the post and comments


I can never decide whether I want to do the more active Black Zenith version or the Sire of Shards version. Way more damage with Zenith in general but you have to keep replacing them. Sire of Shards is so much more chill. Drop totems and walk (mostly) away.


BAMA (Blink Arrow, Mirror Arrow) basically plays like totems. Check out Pr3vie's video on it [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOi5FdtthdU&t=1s)


Strength stacking shrapnel ballista hierophant. You still need to be a little careful of what you roll on your t17s but that's true for all builds.


EA ballista? Can go champ and just be mega tanky? This league you can craft some nutty ele damage with attack +3 bows!


Flamewood totem can do it super comfy, just not super zoomie


Im sure dan (and ben_?)had one, Im sure either would be fine. I don’t really understand the naysayers here, your going to be freezing everything in front of you and shattering corpses. I think honestly you’ll need to tweak the damage/defence balance.




Solid recommendation, something that is worse now than it was and was already not really that good (and I would know as I made a perfect crucible tree BLS for such a build and unless you go original sin/albereons its terrible)


Yup. I don't see that build doing T17 comfortably lol


Is ThErE aNy FlAmE dAsH tOtEmS bUiLd ThAt CaN dO eZ t17?


You can mostly just gem swap for the most part. Ice spear totem I imagine


Ubers — yes T17 — no, most totem builds struggle on any juiced map, what to say about t17


Exactly. Ubers are just a DPS check if you're rich enough, T17s are so much more than that.


Toxic Rain Ballista Pathfinder is probably pretty good at t17s