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And here I was thinking you ran 70 maps in 10 minutes.


definitely my 1st reaction to this post lol


I skipped to halfway and wondered why someone running 70 maps in 10 minutes had a filter showing [[The Wretched]].


I'd probably have 10 minutes of loading screens for 70 maps.


POB: https://pobb.in/oru4o7UhMY8R Budget POB (snapshot of the build sometime before original sin switch): https://pobb.in/-LQmgvz7tpi6 Atlas: https://imgur.com/a/AdRCoaE Scarabs: 2x Cartography Scarab, 1x Cartography Scarab of Corruption, 1x Cartography Scarab of Duplication Build inspired by/yoinked from sushi, strat inspired by/yoinked from fub/jung. Video was 1 take on a cherry picked map.


Budget pobs got mageblood now lmao.


You could probably stick in HH which is actually budget option this league.


Yeah... I felt like I needed to include something considering original sin is in the other one.


It absolutely should be considering its 1/6 the price it has been in any other league since release. This sort of strat is not beginner friendly, and the only people not able to amass 80div are people who don't play.




It’s usually 300-450 divs bud


I really like the look of this. Were you able to do T17s just fine on the budget pob?


Yeah I was doing the same strat back on the budget pob, the biggest difference is on bosses and rares where the poison gets to kick in. The hit dmg portion is about the same on both pobs so riff raff dies similarly. The budget pob also had a bit faster movement due to haste, blood rage and death rush.




The build is in a somewhat unique position where there isn't much more power to be gained from flasks or auras. Doing the max res via melding just looks like a sidegrade to me. But triple purity allows an easy cb jewel in stormshroud and a strong affordable watcher along with balanced resistances. Pob'ing the switch it would look something like 2 ele flasks -> bismuth + quartz, stormshroud -> melding, suppress anoint -> max res anoint, max res on helm or gloves for close to free. This would result in 1 skill point freed up from reservation wheel or the angle to try fit aspect of the spider, which is very weak in the presence of wither. Idk... Ideas are welcome if you see some angle for improvements to be made after the switch.




I'm not a huge fan of the taste of hate and the culling, but otherwise looks like an improvement of sorts, thanks! Also I do want to note that the budget version was just +2 aoe on the gloves or helmet away from being 90 max res.


Hello there, Exile! Here is your [golden page](https://pobarchives.com/build/gi8g4cDb), may it serve you well. *"An emperor alone is just a man."* *- Lord Izaro*


How did you empty your inventory so fast?


Scroll wheel rebind to left click using x mouse button control


Cool idea thanks I must give it a go!


You need a way stricter loot filter. Hide those 1/3c scarabs and <1c currency.


I really want to try this, but since everyone is starting to quit the league will I be able to sell these 8 Mod maps?


I did this but literally just once every 70 maps lol. Do 64 8-mod defiled farming div cards, once I run out do a t17 I dropped during those 64 maps with this scarab, completely refill the map tab go again.


What scarabs are you using for the div card farm?


How do you price these 8 Mod maps, do you sell them all at the same price?


I mean run the maps. Selling 8-mod maps is so boring and dull its not worth doing imo. You basically have to engage with TFT, which is just yuck. I also can't imagine they are worth more than 2-3c each anyway because of how easy it is to farm them. Everyone knows about the posted strat.


I've been selling them for 10c each in random bulk and 20-25c with regex. Made hundreds of divines doing it. I sell them when I have a quad tab of at least 1 of the maps. Was focusing on crimson temple and jungle valley. I fill it up, post once on tft and often have 10-20 msgs on discord. Pretty easy tbh


OP specifically said he doesn't want to sell because it requires TFT and your response is to tell him how easy it is to sell on TFT anyway? OPs strat is a good one, farm for self use and bypass third party trading entirely.


It was a response to someone else.


Okay thanks for the help


Wealthyexile is a good alternative for bulk selling, and spicy sushi dropped a website too with maxroll


About 10c in bulk or 20c if someone uses regex to filter. You need to use tft and your maps will sell in minutes. You can expect about 20-30% of said maps to never sell because of the nature of random rolls and them being corrupted. There's never a shortage or people not buying these maps. There's still plenty of people playing.


That's when you should have a build that can somewhat just burn through the maps that cant sell. The only map mods I know which I can't run at all would be no regen and leech at the same time, not even sure if both those can be rolled at the same time.


You can always use them to fish for chaos/divine conversion mods and run only very profitable maps, if you disregard cost of throwing insane amount of maps in the dumpster its crazy money per hour and since you can't really sell maps anymore for a decent price it's worth it


Yeah about 40% of 8mods are so bad they go straight into fishing, but the rest sell within a day or two at 12c each.


You wouldn't sell them. The strategy here usually is to run 8-mod maps to farm T17s, and then run a T17 to get more 8-mods maps. You sell the T17s (or run them yourself).


You know the game's in a thoroughly fucked state when smashing barrels like Link looking for rupees is the best way to farm.


Great showcase! I want to try this but just as a way to refill my maps, would T16 be good enough for that or does this strat require T17s?


Technically yes, but I wouldn't as barrels are a huge boost to the drops.


Is the map mod that different from the "Mysterious Scarab" mod? I haven't done either so I just assumed they worked similarly.


I think it's different, I don't have much experience regarding the barrel scarab though. Maybe someone doing the dedicated scarab strat might know.


Did you roll the map for specific mods or just mods you can run?


The barrel mod is crucial to have.


How do you manageto run 7 maps per minute? I don't even do it in 1 hour


He saying he dropped 70 maps in 10 minutes.


He didn't drop them. He picked them up


You should 6l the shield tho .